Archive of Iona Miller's Writing, Art & Research Projects 2000-2007
"we are compelled by the quantity of available social and political facts to learn a new visual language for mastering the inner dynamics by the outer" (McLuhan, New Media as Political Forms 2-3).
2000-2007 is here
EDGEWORKS: The transformative worldview that we are all in it together is the only foundation for mutually assured survival rather than the deadly alternative. EDGEHUNT means expressing something relevant we haven't seen in the mashup before so it can be addressed through sacred activism, personal and collective. Be an advocate for the future.
--Iona Miller, The Spy in the Triangle
"The creative action is always at the boundary or leading edge of any field."
Iona Miller, consultant and transdisciplinarian, is a nonfiction writer for both the academic and popular press, hypnotherapist (ACHE) and multimedia artist. Her work is an omnisensory fusion of sacred activism, intelligence, science-art, chaos theory, plenum physics, and emergent paradigm shift melding experiential psychotherapy, new physics, biophysics, philosophy, cosmology, healing, creativity, qabalah, magick, metaphysics, and society. Rather than having an interest in specific doctrines, she is interested in the EFFECTS of doctrines from religion, science, psychology, and the arts. Our beliefs are the moldable raw material of the psyche, manipulated by governments, media and culture. How do we become what we are and how is that process changing in the near future?
Performance artist and spywhisperer, Ms. Miller writes for the international academic and popular press and is published by Phanes Press, Destiny Books (Inner Traditions), Autonomedia, Nexus Magazine, Dream Network, PM&E, Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions (JNLRMI), Chaosophy Journal, OAK, DNA Monthly, Pop Occulture, Schiffer, Bolero, Science-Art Research Centre, and more. She serves on the Boards of, and The Wisdom Center, nonprofit organizations. Recent contributions include print articles in Der Golem (Germany), Paranoia zine #44, #46 (USA), JNLRMI (Russia), Antibiothis (Portugal), The Art of Fetish (Miami), and Journal of Interdisciplinary Crossroads (India). Her artwork has shown in Miami, Phoenix, New York, and more. She has appeared in 21st Century Radio, Untamed Dimensions, Reality Portal, Digital Long Island, etc.
See annual CHAOSOPHY JOURNAL at homepage and subject portal at
“The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.” ~Francis Bacon
Your Zero Point
PHYSICS: Your Zero Point. Physics has broken our entropic chains with negentropic models of Zero Point Energy, the Plenum of subspace. Negentropy is the generative force of the universe. Syntropy is an even better name for it. We have a direct connection with creative Source; we are That. The basis of our technology is moving from a mechanistic to a negentropic paradigm. The most important thing happening today is a metamorphosis of human life: hyperchange, the cybernetic revolution, the biotech revolution.
http://myzeropoint.50megs.comSMART TECH: Business as usual is nonsustainable and cannot continue unchecked. We need a Plan B for human survival. Negentropy is arguably our greatest hope for a sustainable future rooted in HUMAN SURVIVAL TECHNOLOGIES, which doesn't mean that "technology will save us". It both creates and solves problems. Unique physics governs matter at the nanoscale. Soon "reality chips" will put themselves and us together and culture will be revolutionized. Bioart, tweeking genetics and physical structure, is the medium of the 21st century -- 3-dimensional designing and engineering of new bodies and environments. Probably more than a million people living today were conceived in petri dishes. Bioart is an aesthetic response to biotechnology (meta-biology). We are in a transhuman transition era we call the Information Age. Direct Brain Interface is coming soon. Quantum dots can already merge with nerves. Information is more fundamental than matter, controlling and patterning randomness; it makes matter matter.
CULTURE: We are heading toward an Age of Wonder, including synthetic or virtual worlds which will supercede the real world in many ways. Synthetic reality will compete for our attention. Supertrends shape the future: technological progress, economic growth, improving health, increasing mobility, environmental decline and global warming, and increasing culture shock. Physics has jumped its classical boundaries, making a quantum leap from the domain of matter/energy to the more fundamental scale of the vacuum potential underlying field phenomena. We now consider our fundamental nature not only through biochemistry but through our energy body, living our wave-nature as well as particle-nature. The biophysical role of underlying EM fields can be demonstrated in energy medicine, quantum mechanics and field theory. The energy body is our fundamental nature. Our consciousness has jumped out of our meatbody through technological extension; we've gone global. An analogous creative current informs ART that jumps the canvas into digital multimedia, including webart. HEALING has jumped the consulting room into nonlocality and virtuality as global distance becomes a less and less meaningful barrier.
FUTURESHOCK: The next technologies are those of the infinitely small: nanotech, photonics, smart technology, and cold fusion. Psionics will revolutionize culture with both new means of mind control and self-regulation: Electromagic, Yogatronics. Currently, we access computers manually, but soon we will have direct neural interface which will create a form of synethetic telepathy among those with the hook up. Eventually, our machines will share our organic substance and nature. DNA is a versatile component for nano devices and and structures. There are non-biological uses for DNA such as computing devices. DNA is an ideal molecule for building nano-structures that hold molecule-sized electronic devices or hosting crystalline molecules. We will move from silicon circuits toward organic biochips. We are already fusing with our technology as it moves into our bodies. We are becoming cyborgs as tech moves into our bodies for support, repair and enhancement.
CULTURAL ENGINEERING: We will morph from Cyber-culture to PSI-ber Culture, with challenges humanity has never faced. We may not even be "humanity," but trans-human moving toward a post-human hybrid of high tech and tissue as communication and computing technologies amplify. We already have voluntary and synthetic telepathy. The advent of the cellular camera/phone means we are never alone, and always accountable, and surveilled on GPS. Now cellular is beginning to provide mindless entertainment on tiny TV with expanded content. In the global era, there is no more first-person singular. "They" are inside your head and potentially watching and conditioning your every move.
SELF-REGULATION: Our lives are allegedly getting better, but often we feel worse. Chaos is palpable; stress the universal constant. The antidote to futuresock, groupthink, to political and media mind control is self-regulation. Madison Ave. developed semantic infiltration to manipulate our tastes, desires and fear through market research. We have to overcome our personal traps and organizational or cultural traps, to see the Big Picture. Only once we "spring the trap" can we use metaphors to free our minds. Creative physics leads to a new paradigm for human survival technology, beyond our wornout mechanistic worldview. New media creates the environments of the future, the cultural ground. The "doors of perception" between Reality and the Imaginal are sprung wide open. Immersive Virtualities will soon make "real fantasy" possible.
PARAPHYSICS: Next-generation technologies that make reading DNA fast, cheap and widely accessible are coming in less than a decade. Quantum wave genetics will soon after manipulate the root of our being with acoustic holography, a form of cymatics creating morphogenetic formative change with light and sound, holographic projection. Rooted in the quantum nature of Cosmos, we are Photonic Humans: Homo Lumen, holistically aware of and cultivating our energy and Light Bodies. Art is Magic and Magic is Art. At the creative edge of chaos, it is we ourselves who are living embodiments of negentropic flow, if we live from that connective Source, from that Essence. This is the true nature of Manifestation.
QUANTUM BONDAGE: According to quantum mechanics and consciousness studies, we are essentially "embodied, embedded, entangled and bound." Consciousness studies are concerned with the "hard problem" and "binding problem". How can we create an objective science with a purely subjective consciousness? How does a unified consciousness arise from from the distributed activity of quanta, neurons, brain and CNS? How do perceptions and pure awareness combine into unified experience? It sounds like Quantum Bondage!
SPIRITUALITY: Qabalah is the art of becoming more fully human. Kabbalah presents spiritual correlates for emanation and material bondage of light and the soul with a spiritual technology for reconnecting to Source: "one magical movement, from Kether to Malkuth". The word "religion" comes from "religio", meaning to bind back in a sort of recursive manner. What ties our spirit to our body? What binds our consciousness to the fabric of reality? The knower and the known are mutually entangled. The Tree of Life is a map of consciousness.
MEDITATION MEDICINE: In the age of anxiety, we can all benefit by implimenting self-care and self-regulation into our lives. Meditation is proven non-toxic method of creating profound relaxation and healing benefits. Toxic birth practices are robbing human evolution of the paranormal aspects of the birth and parenting process. I am not a childbirth expert, but I am a rebirth expert, and virtually everyone I've seen in my practice of experiential therapy immediately gravitates to trying to heal the wound of their conception, peri- and postnatal traumas. They run like a faultline through the character as an unhealing wound. If they can be minimized at the point of origin and healed by healthful resonance before they create a groove in the mind decade after decade, we might find the harm reduction resulting in lower numbers of autism, ADHD, bonding and attachment disorders.
PSIENCE: Can we find radical empirical confirmation of Mystery? Perhaps not, but we can still seek integration, contemporize our metaphors and liberate knowledge from the branding of religions and corporations. The human genome is in private corporate ownership; our minds are massaged by corporate media propaganda.
CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION: Evil has been defined as misapplied force and form. Religions have been used to justify personal and cultural agendas, honoring some beliefs over others. What is the nature of evolving spirituality or meta-spirituality that might resolve this global issue? Conscious Evolution means becoming more fully human, participating in an integrative way with [higher] Self, others and world. We all participate in the evolution of consciousness, whether our transformations are conscious or unconscious. Conscious Evolution is the ethical, philosophical, intentional governance of human change and cultural engineering. We can each conduct ourselves compassionately with creative intent and spiritual responsibility for the health and unfolding of human progress and survival technology. The post-metaphysical desire is to contribute to the spiritual fulfillment of all people. The needs of the many resonate with the needs of the one. The revelation will not be televised, but it might come to youtube.
ART AS META-SYN: Art can be therapeutic, both in the process of creation and for the viewer who reacts from personal associations. Art bares the soul, and provides a container for unbridled self-expression. High synergy is a differentiating characteristic of the nonagressive and secure. Beyond synergy is negentropy, the flow of creative connection with Source. Symbolic art has both an emotional and cognitive content. Metaphysical art draws on the multicultural iconography, not only of the globe, but of the Beyond. At its best it embodies and reveal the indomitable human Spirit. Any therapist knows that the stories they hear from most of their clients fall into very few, quite typical tales. What we need are bigger stories to guide us in our complex world. We can enlarge our perspective from the individual to the global through “bigger stories”, such as those from our wisdom traditions. Mythopoesis means l iterally, "myth-making," the natural expression of the visionary wisdom inborn to the human species (Lash, et al).It is a creative act of story-telling or narration, by which human beings "track" their experience and orient themselves to the cosmos at large. Metahistory is a guiding narrative for human potential, rather than an interpretation of events. The cross-cultural metastory of the human species is an overarching view of past, present, and future. It opens a path toward participation in a story that leads beyond history, a mythos to guide the species. ACTIVISM: Our true work remains to know ourselves and express that from the deepest levels outward in pratice and compassionate service.We can identify, analyze and neutralize adversarial energies with reclaimed courageous voices. If we see the Big Picture, we can link information to action, like 2020 Vision. We must draw the line at our hearts, bending back toward soul and spirit, becoming more fully human. Self-defeating and self-fulfilling prophecies can shape the future or prevent it from happening. We have to claim our future and humanity by developing and consolidating (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) human survival technologies, by romancing the Philosopher's Stone. Sacred Activism is service in motion. If you have a value, stand up for it. Let's build better humans from the primordial field upwards. There is only one race, and it's the human race and we are losing it. For sustainability, we have to begin at the primal foundation of our Being, creating and allowing more compassionate human beings who recognize that the only sustainability possible for ourselves is to realize at the deepest level that WE ARE ALL IN IT TOGETHER. And any hallucination that creates separation, including prejudice and degradation, manifests loss of opportunities for us all to realize our spiritual genius. This has been the stumbling block for the race of mankind as a dynamic whole. We are indeed, ONE.
2000-2007 Content
Iona Miller MENU ESP(iona)ge 007
About Iona
Presto Manifesto
ICON 10-06
Reality Portal
St. Germain Code
Virtual Physics
Paranoia DMT
Contact Iona
Photo Page
Kahlo Homage
Dark Angels
Conscious Alchemy
Conscious Evolution
DIY Mind Control
Downloadable Human
Watercolors 10-06
Aborigine Activism
007 Manifesto
Intelligence 007
Iona's Links 08
Manifesto 2008
SAGI Guild
About Iona
Presto Manifesto
ICON 10-06
Reality Portal
St. Germain Code
Virtual Physics
Paranoia DMT
Contact Iona
Photo Page
Kahlo Homage
Dark Angels
Conscious Alchemy
Conscious Evolution
DIY Mind Control
Downloadable Human
Watercolors 10-06
Aborigine Activism
007 Manifesto
Intelligence 007
Iona's Links 08
Manifesto 2008
SAGI Guild
Iona Miller Web Presence 2006~2007.
by Iona Miller and Merlyn Morgan
Qabalah is the ART of being fully human. It is a technology for the embodiment of spirituality. The paths of the Tree of Life exemplify templates for all ways of being and becoming. VIRTUAL QABALAH is a first of its kind animated multimedia guided tour of the initiatory mindscapes of Tarot and Qabalah. Much like science, deep mysticism goes beyond beliefs to present direct experience. The whole system incorporates not only the brain and body, but most importantly the outside world too. This view is essentially circular and dynamic, not linear and fixed. Consciousness is access to a sensorium and/or informational input. We are modified by both incoming and self-generated sensory data...a cosmic feedback device.
FUTURE HERITAGE: The Qabalistic worldview is a dynamic system, a Whole which differentates itself into parts which then integate back into resonant wholes. The Tree is a general pattern of activity in an endlessly flowing substrate. It's a process, not a thing. Using visionary art and pathworking symbolism, the viewer witnesses the Qabalistic Creation story: emanation of the Spheres of the Tree of Life. Next, through a series of multisensory guided visualizations, he or she finds personal meaning by "climbing” the Tree, in an exaltation of soul and spirit.
HIGH TECH HYPNOSIS: Using congruent yet amorphous imagery at some points provides generic metaphors of transformation as templates or blank canvas for the subjective projections of each viewer, allowing them to identify with the generic aspirant in a personalistic, yet undefined, way. Ultimately, it is our sense organs which help us interpret the world and our experience through our perceptions. They help us make a distinction between what is "real" and "unreal." The emotional part of the brain, (the right, spatial lobe), cannot analytically distinguish a symbol from a symbolic representation.
CONNECTING TO SOURCE: In imagination or virtual reality it becomes a moot point. Fantasy, in fact, animates both our inner and outer worlds, and creates meaning. The on-going imaginative process of the psyche is the ground of being. Jung spoke of the psychoid aspect of psyche as the vast non-human action of the universal forces. Aesthetic flow and harmony appeals to the emotional brain, while systematic orderliness appeals to the cognitive nature, creating holistic congruence in the viewing experience.
PSYCHOTRONICS: This video DOES things to you: it resonates with and awakens deep layers of the psyche, “rototills” your subconscious mind in an organic way, planting the seeds of transformation, Cosmosis. Self-Regulation is the antidote to Corporate and Political Mind Control.
by Iona Miller and Merlyn Morgan
Qabalah is the ART of being fully human. It is a technology for the embodiment of spirituality. The paths of the Tree of Life exemplify templates for all ways of being and becoming. VIRTUAL QABALAH is a first of its kind animated multimedia guided tour of the initiatory mindscapes of Tarot and Qabalah. Much like science, deep mysticism goes beyond beliefs to present direct experience. The whole system incorporates not only the brain and body, but most importantly the outside world too. This view is essentially circular and dynamic, not linear and fixed. Consciousness is access to a sensorium and/or informational input. We are modified by both incoming and self-generated sensory data...a cosmic feedback device.
FUTURE HERITAGE: The Qabalistic worldview is a dynamic system, a Whole which differentates itself into parts which then integate back into resonant wholes. The Tree is a general pattern of activity in an endlessly flowing substrate. It's a process, not a thing. Using visionary art and pathworking symbolism, the viewer witnesses the Qabalistic Creation story: emanation of the Spheres of the Tree of Life. Next, through a series of multisensory guided visualizations, he or she finds personal meaning by "climbing” the Tree, in an exaltation of soul and spirit.
HIGH TECH HYPNOSIS: Using congruent yet amorphous imagery at some points provides generic metaphors of transformation as templates or blank canvas for the subjective projections of each viewer, allowing them to identify with the generic aspirant in a personalistic, yet undefined, way. Ultimately, it is our sense organs which help us interpret the world and our experience through our perceptions. They help us make a distinction between what is "real" and "unreal." The emotional part of the brain, (the right, spatial lobe), cannot analytically distinguish a symbol from a symbolic representation.
CONNECTING TO SOURCE: In imagination or virtual reality it becomes a moot point. Fantasy, in fact, animates both our inner and outer worlds, and creates meaning. The on-going imaginative process of the psyche is the ground of being. Jung spoke of the psychoid aspect of psyche as the vast non-human action of the universal forces. Aesthetic flow and harmony appeals to the emotional brain, while systematic orderliness appeals to the cognitive nature, creating holistic congruence in the viewing experience.
PSYCHOTRONICS: This video DOES things to you: it resonates with and awakens deep layers of the psyche, “rototills” your subconscious mind in an organic way, planting the seeds of transformation, Cosmosis. Self-Regulation is the antidote to Corporate and Political Mind Control.