21st Century Renaissance
Ethos & Cultural Survival
Iona Miller, Science-Art-USA & 2015 Cockburn Memorial Medal Laureate
21st Century Renaissance
Ethos & Cultural Survival
Iona Miller, Science-Art-USA & 2015 Cockburn Memorial Medal Laureate
"Not only is your 'linguistic' talent expressing evolutionary new Renaissance ideas but some of your paintings contain crucial relevant hidden stereoscopic images that become visible when viewed though electromagnetic asymmetrical lensing, predicted by Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas linked to aesthetic and ethics developed during the Golden Age of Danish Science." --Robert Pope
also see:
also see:
The da VINCI Codes:
POWERS OF PHI: Organic forms exhibit an aesthetic proportion known as the 'GOLDEN MEAN' OR PHI RATIO, mathematically expressed as 1.618 which is integral to all modern fractal or nonlinear mathematics. The use of this proportion in the high art and architecture of classical times corresponded with the philosophical concept of 'Wisdom through Beauty' upon which the Greek 'science' for ethical ends' was structured. For Plato the Phi Ratio was 'THE KEY TO THE PHYSICS OF THE COSMOS'. Philosophy, art and science were thus in synergy --
a treasure lost to modern fragmentation and scientific reductionism.
POWERS OF PHI: Organic forms exhibit an aesthetic proportion known as the 'GOLDEN MEAN' OR PHI RATIO, mathematically expressed as 1.618 which is integral to all modern fractal or nonlinear mathematics. The use of this proportion in the high art and architecture of classical times corresponded with the philosophical concept of 'Wisdom through Beauty' upon which the Greek 'science' for ethical ends' was structured. For Plato the Phi Ratio was 'THE KEY TO THE PHYSICS OF THE COSMOS'. Philosophy, art and science were thus in synergy --
a treasure lost to modern fragmentation and scientific reductionism.
The True Meaning of the da Vinci Code, Pope (2005) Science-Art (Australia); Diamond Body, Iona Miller, 1981, Acrylic 36x36
McLuhan was a hopeful man and a strong believer in "rebirth," and he made it clear from the introduction to "The Classical Trivium" that he believed multiple "renaissances" were to be expected. (6) ... Indeed, it could be fairly said that McLuhan was a leading renaissances (plural) scholar. In 1959, C. E Snow published his famous essay "The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution." Snow, who had been a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain and a key official organizing scientific personnel for the British in World War II, made a compact argument and attracted considerable debate. He argued that since the "Scientific Revolution," Western culture had divided into two "cultures"--artists and scientists. He further argued that this division was damaging to "progress" and that something had to be done about it. He proposed that since poets couldn't be trusted with society, the solution would be to teach poetry to physicists, who would then embody all that was needed for the proper management of society and its culture. -Stahlman
McLuhan was a hopeful man and a strong believer in "rebirth," and he made it clear from the introduction to "The Classical Trivium" that he believed multiple "renaissances" were to be expected. (6) ... Indeed, it could be fairly said that McLuhan was a leading renaissances (plural) scholar. In 1959, C. E Snow published his famous essay "The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution." Snow, who had been a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain and a key official organizing scientific personnel for the British in World War II, made a compact argument and attracted considerable debate. He argued that since the "Scientific Revolution," Western culture had divided into two "cultures"--artists and scientists. He further argued that this division was damaging to "progress" and that something had to be done about it. He proposed that since poets couldn't be trusted with society, the solution would be to teach poetry to physicists, who would then embody all that was needed for the proper management of society and its culture. -Stahlman
Even if humanity isn't necessary for fulfillment of the cosmic purpose,
cosmic purpose is essential to the fulfillment of humanity.
The 'New Renaissance' paradigm recognizes an urgent need for change and renewal in a period of crisis for philosophy, the arts, science and society. The Florentine Renaissance, some six hundred years ago, was a huge leap forward into realism, rationality and self-awareness. It was born out of the waning authority of medieval institutions and beliefs. We stand now at a similar junction in history. It is apparent to many that reductionist science with its materialist values - the worldview that has driven modern culture for the last two centuries - is losing credibility. Its objectives of growth and acquisition, and its guiding principles asserting that there is no intrinsic meaning to life or purpose in the cosmos are now widely seen as creating an unsustainable world.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia Inc, based in Uki, northern New South Wales, is responsible for the discovery of Creative Physics, a new science of "fundamental physics principles" developed from the "Classical Epicurean Science for ethical ends", which acts to balance Newtonian physics. Remarkably, this balancing of physical sciences is achieved without any recourse to the major discoveries of the past 100 years, and exists without the need to account for the theories of relativity or quantum mechanics.
Creative Physics is rooted in the conviction that the two cultures of art and science must be reunited, after centuries of being artificially separated by the teachings of the Christian church. In its present state, modern physics is a flawed and incomplete system because it fails to incorporate human emotion and creativity. Similarly, life science is incompatible with the linear geometry of most modern technology. On the other hand, a new discovery such as fractal geometry "represents the expression of the life force in our world."
The Centre seeks to promote the development of these "ethical geometries". In ancient Greece these geometries were embodied in formulations such as the golden mean, which could explain internal and external worlds alike. As the Centre explains it: "The geometries of musical harmonics were used to explain how atomic movement generated feelings of creative thought whilst other geometries were used to explain that the properties of the material atom could destroy civilization." Through these means Creative Physics seeks to identify the physical laws that govern universal creativity.
It is the aim of the Centre to demonstrate how Creative Physics forms the fundamental principles that underlie and unite fields of research as diverse as life sciences, physics, the science-art synergy, ethical legal science, ethical economic development and community design. In 1995 the Science-Art Research Centre was awarded the status of an Approved Research Institute by the Australian government.
The Centre's founder is the artist Robert Pope, who has a background in oil and mineral exploration in outback Australia in the 1960s. For over thirty years he has worked to develop the tenets of ancient Greek art philosophy into a framework for a discipline of science that allows for human creativity, and to convey scientific principles through art.
The Science - Art Research Centre of Australia Inc has been awarded the status of an Approved Research Institute by the Commonwealth Government of Australia, 1995.
The Centre has published new fundamental physics principles based on the ancient Greek Science for Ethical Ends to balance the fundamental physics principles of Sir Isaac Newton's mechanical description of the Universe. This balancing science is called CREATIVE PHYSICS.
To continue the development of the Classical Epicurean Science for Ethical ends towards a Creative Physics for the survival and betterment of the human condition and universal life.
A To demonstrate that such new Creative Physics provides the rigorous
foundation for new science including the areas of :
1. Life Sciences
2. Optimum Ethical Economic Development
3. Science<->Art synergy
4. Ethical Legal Science
5. Experimental Physics
6. Community Design
7. Futures Studies.
B. To facilitate the opportunity for Australian participation in the management and growth of the emerging Creative Physics technology.
C. To present the world with tangible evidence that Australian multi-cultural society is able to contribute to the developement of reliable scientific guidance for human survival and future world betterment, action learning and technology.
Even if humanity isn't necessary for fulfillment of the cosmic purpose,
cosmic purpose is essential to the fulfillment of humanity.
- A holistic interdisciplinary approach linking science, the arts, ethics and spirituality.
- A continuing dialogue on science, the arts, community, spirituality, education,
- medicine, economics, business, meaning and values.
- Cultural Response to the Failing of the Materialistic Worldview.
- Recapturing Personal Depth, Meaning & Connection to Cosmos.
The 'New Renaissance' paradigm recognizes an urgent need for change and renewal in a period of crisis for philosophy, the arts, science and society. The Florentine Renaissance, some six hundred years ago, was a huge leap forward into realism, rationality and self-awareness. It was born out of the waning authority of medieval institutions and beliefs. We stand now at a similar junction in history. It is apparent to many that reductionist science with its materialist values - the worldview that has driven modern culture for the last two centuries - is losing credibility. Its objectives of growth and acquisition, and its guiding principles asserting that there is no intrinsic meaning to life or purpose in the cosmos are now widely seen as creating an unsustainable world.
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia Inc, based in Uki, northern New South Wales, is responsible for the discovery of Creative Physics, a new science of "fundamental physics principles" developed from the "Classical Epicurean Science for ethical ends", which acts to balance Newtonian physics. Remarkably, this balancing of physical sciences is achieved without any recourse to the major discoveries of the past 100 years, and exists without the need to account for the theories of relativity or quantum mechanics.
Creative Physics is rooted in the conviction that the two cultures of art and science must be reunited, after centuries of being artificially separated by the teachings of the Christian church. In its present state, modern physics is a flawed and incomplete system because it fails to incorporate human emotion and creativity. Similarly, life science is incompatible with the linear geometry of most modern technology. On the other hand, a new discovery such as fractal geometry "represents the expression of the life force in our world."
The Centre seeks to promote the development of these "ethical geometries". In ancient Greece these geometries were embodied in formulations such as the golden mean, which could explain internal and external worlds alike. As the Centre explains it: "The geometries of musical harmonics were used to explain how atomic movement generated feelings of creative thought whilst other geometries were used to explain that the properties of the material atom could destroy civilization." Through these means Creative Physics seeks to identify the physical laws that govern universal creativity.
It is the aim of the Centre to demonstrate how Creative Physics forms the fundamental principles that underlie and unite fields of research as diverse as life sciences, physics, the science-art synergy, ethical legal science, ethical economic development and community design. In 1995 the Science-Art Research Centre was awarded the status of an Approved Research Institute by the Australian government.
The Centre's founder is the artist Robert Pope, who has a background in oil and mineral exploration in outback Australia in the 1960s. For over thirty years he has worked to develop the tenets of ancient Greek art philosophy into a framework for a discipline of science that allows for human creativity, and to convey scientific principles through art.
The Science - Art Research Centre of Australia Inc has been awarded the status of an Approved Research Institute by the Commonwealth Government of Australia, 1995.
The Centre has published new fundamental physics principles based on the ancient Greek Science for Ethical Ends to balance the fundamental physics principles of Sir Isaac Newton's mechanical description of the Universe. This balancing science is called CREATIVE PHYSICS.
To continue the development of the Classical Epicurean Science for Ethical ends towards a Creative Physics for the survival and betterment of the human condition and universal life.
A To demonstrate that such new Creative Physics provides the rigorous
foundation for new science including the areas of :
1. Life Sciences
2. Optimum Ethical Economic Development
3. Science<->Art synergy
4. Ethical Legal Science
5. Experimental Physics
6. Community Design
7. Futures Studies.
B. To facilitate the opportunity for Australian participation in the management and growth of the emerging Creative Physics technology.
C. To present the world with tangible evidence that Australian multi-cultural society is able to contribute to the developement of reliable scientific guidance for human survival and future world betterment, action learning and technology.
“Our quest is for the rediscovery of something lost. It is the knowledge of the two-fold principle in nature and specifically, knowledge of the modus operandi of the Constructive Principle. The loss of the knowledge of the Constructive Principle in nature brought into man's existence its opposite, the Destructive Principle.”
Blueprint for Survival’ explains the lethal error made by installing the Destructive Principle
as the prime directive of the artificial intelligence system and the means to correct this situation.
Fractal Logic is not a logic in the strict mathematical sense of the word. It is more of a concept. Four main areas of investigation on which fractal logic rely are: neuroscience, fractals, rough sets, and genetic algorithms.
"Kore", Iona Miller, 2-15
Blueprint for Survival’ explains the lethal error made by installing the Destructive Principle
as the prime directive of the artificial intelligence system and the means to correct this situation.
Fractal Logic is not a logic in the strict mathematical sense of the word. It is more of a concept. Four main areas of investigation on which fractal logic rely are: neuroscience, fractals, rough sets, and genetic algorithms.
"Kore", Iona Miller, 2-15
Regarding First Cause Principles Governing Cancer Growth and Development
by Robert Pope
Reference and Education Syndicate
Regarding First Cause Principles Governing Cancer Growth and Development
Medical science is associated with ethical intent and has made many wonderful discoveries. However, in the past it made a serious mistake when it assumed that junk DNA spoke an obsolete language from our evolutionary past. The discovery that junk DNA was instead, a previously hidden language code about future evolutionary health was published by the journal 'Science' in late 2013. The fact that the previously hidden language expressed aspects belonging to infinite fractal logic was important. It not only tipped modern medical science upside down but also demonstrated that 20th Century quantum mechanics was based upon completely false assumptions.
Einstein's world-view of reality was not only scientifically incomplete, but was very clearly an extension of a carcinogenic blueprint for our extinction. In our ancient past this scientific blueprint for extinction had been part of the sacred geometrical language of the 'Pyramid Texts', written well before Hebrew, Christian and Islamic religions came into existence. The texts outlined the theory of creation belonging to the ancient Egyptian God of Creation, Atum who declared "Let their be light" from the original dark abyss of universal chaos. Atum decreed that all life must return back into the original state of chaos. That exact same concept became the premier carcinogenic law that Einstein later stated to be governing all of the sciences.
There is not the slightest doubt that quantum mechanics got off on the wrong foot. Ancient Greek Science, holding to Plato's dictum that "All is Geometry" simply fused the Egyptian logic that existed before light and matter came into existence. This logic was used to explain the cause of gravitational force that led to light and matter coming into existence in the first place.
Quantum mechanics was based upon the assumption that Sir Isaac Newton held a mechanical world-view. In his published '28th Query Discussions' Newton specifically denied this, stating his acceptance of the gravitational theories of ancient Greek scientific logic. It is not a matter of Newton being correct or not. It is proof that quantum mechanics had been based upon a completely false assumption.
The fact that modern science, in particular medical science, allowed itself to be governed by the idea that the energies of chaos govern all aspects of reality is not difficult to explain. The linking of the living process to infinity has been the sole prerogative of various religious persuasions for thousands of years. Attempts to break free of that social imposition have been so mercilessly cruel over the centuries that the fear of doing so has become imprinted genetically upon the scientific mindset. The mathematician, Georg Cantor, whose mathematical logic upholds most of the structure of modern science, diagnosed this erroneous scientific belief system as a "myopic fear of infinity inhabiting the scientific mind".
The 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, maintained that scientists inflicted with this prehistoric mindset were promoting a cancerous social growth and development. In 1959 the molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, agreed with him, writing within his famous Science-Art book that unless science was reunited with its ancient Greek artist philosophic counterpart then the cancer would enter into its human termination stage and destroy civilization.
The discovery that junk DNA contains a coded language in which health and well-being function as an infinite fractal expression, now warrants crucial, immediate medical investigation. In advanced quantum biological cancer research, information flowing in the opposite direction to the energies of universal chaos, entangle with a universal flow of information flowing in the opposite direction. This Shannon-Wiener information utilizes a scientifically known property of carbon forms, obeying an infinite universal fractal logic in order to evolve healthy, non-carcinogenic, universal consciousness. Einstein had no idea this process could ever exist, ignoring the research of his protege, David Bohm, who predicted its discovery.
Although mainstream science is well aware that stereoscopic vision functions as a complex part of the primate mind, it is unaware that a little over 50 years ago the Journal of the British Medical Association published a celebration of discoveries about the evolutionary importance of stereoscopic vision in many other species other than primates. These discoveries explain the health and well-being purpose encoded within junk DNA. Isaac Newton published his conviction that ancient Geek science's first cause for gravity was correct. The Greek theories were given stereoscopic definition by Emmanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas in their depth investigation of the ethical (non-carcinogenic) ancient Greek Science for ethical ends. They defined the fundamental lensing within artistic creativity as being an asymmetrical electromagnetic functioning within the mind.
The artist Salvador Dali's famous stereoscopic art museum in Spain used Einstein's theories to describe creativity within the artistic mind. His theories, however, are inconsistent with the vision of the viewer. But when paintings throughout history are viewed through asymmetrical electromagnetic glasses, the evolutionary process of 19th Century stereoscopic linguistic colour perception theory are revealed. Guy Deutscher's 2010 Book of the Year, 'Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages, not only introduces a new medical neurological science to the world but is linked to his book 'The Entropy Crisis', describing the crucial need for the general public to become better informed about their understanding of the nature of chaos associated with the Second law of thermodynamics, described by Einstein as the premier law of all of the sciences.
Together with the aid of the appropriate stereoscopic vision glasses, the general public can actually see the evolutionary process toward universal health and well being. By doing so they will be resonating to the survival language of what is called their junk DNA. In the context of Wolfgang van Goethe's linguistic colour perception theories, they will be gaining intuitions concerning the future development of new human survival technologies. Such technologies go far beyond the present state of scientific global conflict, bringing an end to the chaos belonging to the present Entropy Crisis.
by Robert Pope
Reference and Education Syndicate
Regarding First Cause Principles Governing Cancer Growth and Development
Medical science is associated with ethical intent and has made many wonderful discoveries. However, in the past it made a serious mistake when it assumed that junk DNA spoke an obsolete language from our evolutionary past. The discovery that junk DNA was instead, a previously hidden language code about future evolutionary health was published by the journal 'Science' in late 2013. The fact that the previously hidden language expressed aspects belonging to infinite fractal logic was important. It not only tipped modern medical science upside down but also demonstrated that 20th Century quantum mechanics was based upon completely false assumptions.
Einstein's world-view of reality was not only scientifically incomplete, but was very clearly an extension of a carcinogenic blueprint for our extinction. In our ancient past this scientific blueprint for extinction had been part of the sacred geometrical language of the 'Pyramid Texts', written well before Hebrew, Christian and Islamic religions came into existence. The texts outlined the theory of creation belonging to the ancient Egyptian God of Creation, Atum who declared "Let their be light" from the original dark abyss of universal chaos. Atum decreed that all life must return back into the original state of chaos. That exact same concept became the premier carcinogenic law that Einstein later stated to be governing all of the sciences.
There is not the slightest doubt that quantum mechanics got off on the wrong foot. Ancient Greek Science, holding to Plato's dictum that "All is Geometry" simply fused the Egyptian logic that existed before light and matter came into existence. This logic was used to explain the cause of gravitational force that led to light and matter coming into existence in the first place.
Quantum mechanics was based upon the assumption that Sir Isaac Newton held a mechanical world-view. In his published '28th Query Discussions' Newton specifically denied this, stating his acceptance of the gravitational theories of ancient Greek scientific logic. It is not a matter of Newton being correct or not. It is proof that quantum mechanics had been based upon a completely false assumption.
The fact that modern science, in particular medical science, allowed itself to be governed by the idea that the energies of chaos govern all aspects of reality is not difficult to explain. The linking of the living process to infinity has been the sole prerogative of various religious persuasions for thousands of years. Attempts to break free of that social imposition have been so mercilessly cruel over the centuries that the fear of doing so has become imprinted genetically upon the scientific mindset. The mathematician, Georg Cantor, whose mathematical logic upholds most of the structure of modern science, diagnosed this erroneous scientific belief system as a "myopic fear of infinity inhabiting the scientific mind".
The 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, maintained that scientists inflicted with this prehistoric mindset were promoting a cancerous social growth and development. In 1959 the molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, agreed with him, writing within his famous Science-Art book that unless science was reunited with its ancient Greek artist philosophic counterpart then the cancer would enter into its human termination stage and destroy civilization.
The discovery that junk DNA contains a coded language in which health and well-being function as an infinite fractal expression, now warrants crucial, immediate medical investigation. In advanced quantum biological cancer research, information flowing in the opposite direction to the energies of universal chaos, entangle with a universal flow of information flowing in the opposite direction. This Shannon-Wiener information utilizes a scientifically known property of carbon forms, obeying an infinite universal fractal logic in order to evolve healthy, non-carcinogenic, universal consciousness. Einstein had no idea this process could ever exist, ignoring the research of his protege, David Bohm, who predicted its discovery.
Although mainstream science is well aware that stereoscopic vision functions as a complex part of the primate mind, it is unaware that a little over 50 years ago the Journal of the British Medical Association published a celebration of discoveries about the evolutionary importance of stereoscopic vision in many other species other than primates. These discoveries explain the health and well-being purpose encoded within junk DNA. Isaac Newton published his conviction that ancient Geek science's first cause for gravity was correct. The Greek theories were given stereoscopic definition by Emmanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas in their depth investigation of the ethical (non-carcinogenic) ancient Greek Science for ethical ends. They defined the fundamental lensing within artistic creativity as being an asymmetrical electromagnetic functioning within the mind.
The artist Salvador Dali's famous stereoscopic art museum in Spain used Einstein's theories to describe creativity within the artistic mind. His theories, however, are inconsistent with the vision of the viewer. But when paintings throughout history are viewed through asymmetrical electromagnetic glasses, the evolutionary process of 19th Century stereoscopic linguistic colour perception theory are revealed. Guy Deutscher's 2010 Book of the Year, 'Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages, not only introduces a new medical neurological science to the world but is linked to his book 'The Entropy Crisis', describing the crucial need for the general public to become better informed about their understanding of the nature of chaos associated with the Second law of thermodynamics, described by Einstein as the premier law of all of the sciences.
Together with the aid of the appropriate stereoscopic vision glasses, the general public can actually see the evolutionary process toward universal health and well being. By doing so they will be resonating to the survival language of what is called their junk DNA. In the context of Wolfgang van Goethe's linguistic colour perception theories, they will be gaining intuitions concerning the future development of new human survival technologies. Such technologies go far beyond the present state of scientific global conflict, bringing an end to the chaos belonging to the present Entropy Crisis.
Iona Miller is a nonfiction writer for the academic and popular press, clinical hypnotherapist (ACHE), and multimedia artist. She serves on the Advisory Boards of Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research, DNA Decipher Journal, and Scientific God Journal, as well as the Board of Directors of Medigrace, Inc. & Calm Birth; a Miami-based Integral Medicine institute; and the Editorial Board of CRAFT (Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions).
Ms. Miller is published by Phanes Press, Destiny Books (Inner Traditions), Autonomedia, Nexus Magazine, Paranoia Magazine, Alchemy Journal, Green Egg, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Jungian Analysis Journal (Moscow), DNA Decipher Journal (DNADJ), Scientific God Journal (SGJ), Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research (JCER), Journal of Nonlocality & Remote Mental Interactions (JNLRMI), Dream Network, Chaosophy Journal, OAK-Publishing, PM&E, DNA Monthly, and more.
Ms. Miller coordinates Media & Wellness in the Operations Division of The Osborne Group (TOG), a risk management organization. She also oversees numerous curatorial projects. She served in a professional capacity at Southern Oregon Hypnotherapy, Asklepia Foundation, Institute for Applied Consciousness Science, the Wisdom Center, Science-Art-USA, and Life Energies Research Institute.
Ms. Miller is published by Phanes Press, Destiny Books (Inner Traditions), Autonomedia, Nexus Magazine, Paranoia Magazine, Alchemy Journal, Green Egg, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Jungian Analysis Journal (Moscow), DNA Decipher Journal (DNADJ), Scientific God Journal (SGJ), Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research (JCER), Journal of Nonlocality & Remote Mental Interactions (JNLRMI), Dream Network, Chaosophy Journal, OAK-Publishing, PM&E, DNA Monthly, and more.
Ms. Miller coordinates Media & Wellness in the Operations Division of The Osborne Group (TOG), a risk management organization. She also oversees numerous curatorial projects. She served in a professional capacity at Southern Oregon Hypnotherapy, Asklepia Foundation, Institute for Applied Consciousness Science, the Wisdom Center, Science-Art-USA, and Life Energies Research Institute.

Science-Art-USA alliance with Science-Art Research Centre Australia
& New Florentine Project
Science-Art has come to America again. Years ago artist Robert Pope received an award in Hollywood from the Thalian Society during his stunning Science-Art artshow. Now Science-Art has found a sponsor in America to spread its negentropic message in the art world here and beyond. That message is rooted in Nature and complexity. It calls for a return to Natural Philosophy. Iona Miller calls it CHAOSOPHY in her writings. She immediately found SCIENCE-ART sympatico, recognizing the need for an ethical approach to human survival technology and reunion of science and art.
Miller is a recognized science-artist, equally fluent in both domains and their philosophy. Her works have shown in Miami, New York and Phoenix. Known for her "out of the Schrodinger's box" thinking, she is also affiliated with Poetry Science Talks Salon of New York City.
Transdisciplinarian and consultant, Iona Miller is a writer, hypnotherapist and multimedia artist. She is a trailblazer relating chaos theory and emergent paradigm shift in biophysics, experiential psychotherapy, new physics, philosophy, cosmology, medicine, creativity, art, esoterics, and society. Toward this end she works with scientists, artists, and art critics around the globe.
By Robert Pope
Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Inc., 2005
ISBN 0-9577784-7-3 (155 pgs)
By adhering to a mechanistic worldview, Western civilization is on a path to extinction, says Science-Art philosopher Robert Pope. The ancient knowledge passed on by the Greeks upheld a survival science, a “Savior science” that was misinterpreted by Leonardo da Vinci but was privately understood by Isaac Newton.
Da Vinci was an “Unbalanced genius” according to Professor Pope, and by “inadvertently” obscuring the “principle of creation” he helped bring into existence a mechanistic mindset that is now accelerating a global crisis of destruction. He made the ultimate mistake by suggesting that all of the universe could be made visible to human perception, and yet the Greeks, and other ancients before them, identified with a universal reality in which harmonious, invisible atomic movement generated divine wisdom.
In response to popular novels like Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, Pope hopes to set the record straight by returning to the atomistic philosophy of the ancient Greek scholars such as Plato and Philo. Plato’s worldview is much more akin to a holographic reality, Pope argues. The “true meaning of the code”, he suggests, relates to atomic movement creating evolutionary wisdom, and he points out some classic examples of Renaissance art that communicate this truth. Furthermore, he says, the quest of the Knights Templar was bound up in ensuring that the wisdom of this code would not be lost. In this escapade through the philosophies of the ages, Pope reassesses our technocentric society and posits a better way to achieve true democracy and peace.
Review, Nexus Magazine, Sept-Oct, 05, p. 72
Professor Robert Pope's life's work was documented over a quarter of a century ago by ABC National Television's The Scientists - Profiles of discovery. His discovery of hidden codes within Renaissance paintings was traced to a lost ancient Greek science which had its origins at the dawn of human civilization.
This science was about humanity avoiding extinction. The Roman historian Cicero recorded that those who taught it were called Saviours. This book traces the attempt by the Knights Templar to bring about a rebirth of the lost Greek science - the real meaning of the Renaissance. Recent discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished writings confirm the importance of the true meaning of the code.
The quest of the Knights Templar was the rediscovery of the lost Principle of Creation so that humanity could escape extinction at the hands of the Principle of Destruction. Robert Pope's discovery of the true meaning of the code has now become recognised as being of vital importance for global human survival.
& New Florentine Project
Science-Art has come to America again. Years ago artist Robert Pope received an award in Hollywood from the Thalian Society during his stunning Science-Art artshow. Now Science-Art has found a sponsor in America to spread its negentropic message in the art world here and beyond. That message is rooted in Nature and complexity. It calls for a return to Natural Philosophy. Iona Miller calls it CHAOSOPHY in her writings. She immediately found SCIENCE-ART sympatico, recognizing the need for an ethical approach to human survival technology and reunion of science and art.
Miller is a recognized science-artist, equally fluent in both domains and their philosophy. Her works have shown in Miami, New York and Phoenix. Known for her "out of the Schrodinger's box" thinking, she is also affiliated with Poetry Science Talks Salon of New York City.
Transdisciplinarian and consultant, Iona Miller is a writer, hypnotherapist and multimedia artist. She is a trailblazer relating chaos theory and emergent paradigm shift in biophysics, experiential psychotherapy, new physics, philosophy, cosmology, medicine, creativity, art, esoterics, and society. Toward this end she works with scientists, artists, and art critics around the globe.
By Robert Pope
Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Inc., 2005
ISBN 0-9577784-7-3 (155 pgs)
By adhering to a mechanistic worldview, Western civilization is on a path to extinction, says Science-Art philosopher Robert Pope. The ancient knowledge passed on by the Greeks upheld a survival science, a “Savior science” that was misinterpreted by Leonardo da Vinci but was privately understood by Isaac Newton.
Da Vinci was an “Unbalanced genius” according to Professor Pope, and by “inadvertently” obscuring the “principle of creation” he helped bring into existence a mechanistic mindset that is now accelerating a global crisis of destruction. He made the ultimate mistake by suggesting that all of the universe could be made visible to human perception, and yet the Greeks, and other ancients before them, identified with a universal reality in which harmonious, invisible atomic movement generated divine wisdom.
In response to popular novels like Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, Pope hopes to set the record straight by returning to the atomistic philosophy of the ancient Greek scholars such as Plato and Philo. Plato’s worldview is much more akin to a holographic reality, Pope argues. The “true meaning of the code”, he suggests, relates to atomic movement creating evolutionary wisdom, and he points out some classic examples of Renaissance art that communicate this truth. Furthermore, he says, the quest of the Knights Templar was bound up in ensuring that the wisdom of this code would not be lost. In this escapade through the philosophies of the ages, Pope reassesses our technocentric society and posits a better way to achieve true democracy and peace.
Review, Nexus Magazine, Sept-Oct, 05, p. 72
Professor Robert Pope's life's work was documented over a quarter of a century ago by ABC National Television's The Scientists - Profiles of discovery. His discovery of hidden codes within Renaissance paintings was traced to a lost ancient Greek science which had its origins at the dawn of human civilization.
This science was about humanity avoiding extinction. The Roman historian Cicero recorded that those who taught it were called Saviours. This book traces the attempt by the Knights Templar to bring about a rebirth of the lost Greek science - the real meaning of the Renaissance. Recent discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished writings confirm the importance of the true meaning of the code.
The quest of the Knights Templar was the rediscovery of the lost Principle of Creation so that humanity could escape extinction at the hands of the Principle of Destruction. Robert Pope's discovery of the true meaning of the code has now become recognised as being of vital importance for global human survival.
In this Video Robert talks about his ground breaking book The 21st Century Renaissance and the importance of bringing science art & consciousness back together again in order to survive the shift of the ages. Robert Popes work has been said to be one of the most important messages of the 21st century. He has been doing wonderful work and explains eloquently about Davinci, Fibbonacci, Buckminster Fuller & Einstein & even goes to the ties of ancient Egypt mapping what exactly happened, where its all leading and what we can do about it.
In 2015 Iona Miller was awarded the SARCA medal for Creative Physics, science-art,
and bridging the cultural gap between the arts and life-sciences.
Iona Miller Science-Art Articles:
Cockburn Medal Laureate in Science-Art & Creative Physics,
awarded 2015 to Iona Miller, by Science-Art Research Centre, Australia.
In 2015 Iona Miller was awarded the SARCA medal for Creative Physics, science-art,
and bridging the cultural gap between the arts and life-sciences.
Iona Miller Science-Art Articles:
Cockburn Medal Laureate in Science-Art & Creative Physics,
awarded 2015 to Iona Miller, by Science-Art Research Centre, Australia.
Photonic Torus, Iona Miller, DFA, 2012
Gregory Bateson calls metaphor Nature’s language. There is aesthetic pleasure in finding likenesses between things once thought unalike. It gives a sense of richness and understanding. The creative mind looks for unexpected likenesses, through engagement of the whole person.
We can draw from the organic metaphors of quantum physics, field theory, and chaos theory to illuminate the state of the arts. Physics describes the interrelationship of chaos and order as field relationships, while chaos theory describes nature’s own methods of creation and self-assembly. Entropy is the tendency for any closed part of the universe to expand at the expense of order. It is a measure of randomness and disorder -- chaos.
Negentropy is the generative force of the universe. Negentropy (emergent order from chaos) is a nonlinear higher order system, a dynamically creative ordering information. Thinking, science, and art are therefore negentropic.
Negentropy, like art, is ‘in-form-ative.’ It is related to mutual information exchange. Information is embodied in the fractal nature of imagery and symbols, which compress the informational content of the whole. Creativity is an emergent phenomenon patterned by strange attractors, which govern the complexity of information in dynamic flow.
Negentropy is implicated in the successful development of science, economics, technology, infoscience, and art. Negentropy is the degree of order, or function of a state. It relates to the organization of societies, including subcultures such as the artworld, determining the quantity and quality of creative work
That which was formerly unmanifest comes into being. Negentropy governs the spontaneous transmission and direction of flow of information among systems. The qualities of that information are timeless. It is synergistic in that what was formerly unconnected becomes so, creating something wholly optimal and new or futuristic. In the 1920s, Hungarian scientist, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi coined the term syntropy for ‘negative entropy.’
In cybernetics, a meaningful interpretation of negentropy is a measurement of the complexity of a physical structure in which quantities of energy are invested, e.g., buildings, works, technical devices, and organisms which become more complex by feeding not on energy but on negentropy. Art facilitates negentropy by expanding our general field of experience. Negentropy facilitates artistic realization by creating something from nothing.
The creative act is one of uniting the unmanifest with the manifest world in a meaningful, often symbolic, way. Such conception is relevant to consciousness, organization, structure, faith, subconsciousness, emotion, even spirituality. Above all, creativity means trusting the process. Investigation of the negentropic criterion helps us move toward a truly transdisciplinary doctrine for the artistic field of influence.
The two worlds of science and art have married in the digital revolution. Art has from the beginning required a certain amount of technical expertise, the ability to create and use technology in its execution. Only the means and their complexity have changed, evolving over the years, culminating now in a revolution based on ‘ars electronica’: the electronic arts. --Iona Miller, 2006
Gregory Bateson calls metaphor Nature’s language. There is aesthetic pleasure in finding likenesses between things once thought unalike. It gives a sense of richness and understanding. The creative mind looks for unexpected likenesses, through engagement of the whole person.
We can draw from the organic metaphors of quantum physics, field theory, and chaos theory to illuminate the state of the arts. Physics describes the interrelationship of chaos and order as field relationships, while chaos theory describes nature’s own methods of creation and self-assembly. Entropy is the tendency for any closed part of the universe to expand at the expense of order. It is a measure of randomness and disorder -- chaos.
Negentropy is the generative force of the universe. Negentropy (emergent order from chaos) is a nonlinear higher order system, a dynamically creative ordering information. Thinking, science, and art are therefore negentropic.
Negentropy, like art, is ‘in-form-ative.’ It is related to mutual information exchange. Information is embodied in the fractal nature of imagery and symbols, which compress the informational content of the whole. Creativity is an emergent phenomenon patterned by strange attractors, which govern the complexity of information in dynamic flow.
Negentropy is implicated in the successful development of science, economics, technology, infoscience, and art. Negentropy is the degree of order, or function of a state. It relates to the organization of societies, including subcultures such as the artworld, determining the quantity and quality of creative work
That which was formerly unmanifest comes into being. Negentropy governs the spontaneous transmission and direction of flow of information among systems. The qualities of that information are timeless. It is synergistic in that what was formerly unconnected becomes so, creating something wholly optimal and new or futuristic. In the 1920s, Hungarian scientist, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi coined the term syntropy for ‘negative entropy.’
In cybernetics, a meaningful interpretation of negentropy is a measurement of the complexity of a physical structure in which quantities of energy are invested, e.g., buildings, works, technical devices, and organisms which become more complex by feeding not on energy but on negentropy. Art facilitates negentropy by expanding our general field of experience. Negentropy facilitates artistic realization by creating something from nothing.
The creative act is one of uniting the unmanifest with the manifest world in a meaningful, often symbolic, way. Such conception is relevant to consciousness, organization, structure, faith, subconsciousness, emotion, even spirituality. Above all, creativity means trusting the process. Investigation of the negentropic criterion helps us move toward a truly transdisciplinary doctrine for the artistic field of influence.
The two worlds of science and art have married in the digital revolution. Art has from the beginning required a certain amount of technical expertise, the ability to create and use technology in its execution. Only the means and their complexity have changed, evolving over the years, culminating now in a revolution based on ‘ars electronica’: the electronic arts. --Iona Miller, 2006
Professor Chris Illert - Life energy mathematics (work reprinted by IEEE, Washington)
Daniela Reverberi - Life energy mathematics
Professor Wolfgang Weber - Life energy electromagnetic functioning
Dr Trevor Douglas - Biology
Dr Richard Merrick - Scientific philosophy of electromagnetic harmonics in the brain
Professor Petar Grujic - Ancient Greek fractal logic - Science adviser Institute of Physics Belgrade
Dr Ljiljana Dobrosavlievic-Grujic - Ancient Greek feminine ethos - Science adviser Institute of Physics Belgrade
Dr Michael Byrne - International law
Dudley Leggett - Sustainability research
Gavin Rowe - Pioneering of Science-Art
Dr Pamela Gray - Law
Professor Massimo Pregnolato, Italy - Quantum biology
Professor Paolo Manzelli, Firenza - Quantum biology
Roberto Denti - Science-art
Mark Robinson - Theoretical space-time physics
Dr Paul Wildman - Economics - ethical transhumanism
Dr Natessa Henville - Brain function, health
Dr Katherine Doyle - Scientific literacy, translating science-art literature into mainstream medical literature
Dr Peter Yaxley - Medicine
Iona Miller - Creative Physics and Science-Art
Daniela Reverberi - Life energy mathematics
Professor Wolfgang Weber - Life energy electromagnetic functioning
Dr Trevor Douglas - Biology
Dr Richard Merrick - Scientific philosophy of electromagnetic harmonics in the brain
Professor Petar Grujic - Ancient Greek fractal logic - Science adviser Institute of Physics Belgrade
Dr Ljiljana Dobrosavlievic-Grujic - Ancient Greek feminine ethos - Science adviser Institute of Physics Belgrade
Dr Michael Byrne - International law
Dudley Leggett - Sustainability research
Gavin Rowe - Pioneering of Science-Art
Dr Pamela Gray - Law
Professor Massimo Pregnolato, Italy - Quantum biology
Professor Paolo Manzelli, Firenza - Quantum biology
Roberto Denti - Science-art
Mark Robinson - Theoretical space-time physics
Dr Paul Wildman - Economics - ethical transhumanism
Dr Natessa Henville - Brain function, health
Dr Katherine Doyle - Scientific literacy, translating science-art literature into mainstream medical literature
Dr Peter Yaxley - Medicine
Iona Miller - Creative Physics and Science-Art
2004, artist-philosophers Robert Pope and Iona Miller met in
Science-Art Research Centre, Murwillumbah, Australia and discussed the
secrets of the universe from the holographic paradigm to chaos theory.
Pope appointed Iona Miller as a non-fiduciary American counterpart to
promote the Science Art school of thought. In 2007, Miller introduced
him and his work to a Florintine professor and science-art friend, Dr.
Paolo Manzelli.
In 2008 Robert Pope and Iona Miller were included as founders of the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity project, which is a Science-Art project run by Dr. Paolo Manzelli of Florence University. The creative process associated with an evolving awareness of universal holographic reality, reflected by the evolving sphenoid bone of the human skull, is considered by the artist to be the phenomenon needed to extrapolate future human survival blueprints. We all continue to promote the notions of Science-Art, separately and together, including Creative Class-Net, Quantumbionet, and Open Network for New Science. Both also participate with Dr. Paul Wildman of Brisbane, Au. in the Science Artificers Guild, Int'l (SAGI) seeking novel solutions for hot futures and human survival techniques, shaping tomorrow's world today.
Science-Art Renaissance
A new multidimensional Renaissance, centered in Florence, Italy, is led by a global group of Science-Artists dedicated to a new measurement of humanity beyond the mechanical. This transdisciplinary Science-Art is based in the Holographic Paradigm, and recognizes complexity, entanglement dynamics, pure energy information, and the Zero-Point Ground as its primal root. These foundation principles help us revision our world and ourselves, as well as human survival technologies. Objectives include Life Sciences, Ethical Economic Development, Science-Art Synergy, Ethical Legal Science, Experimental Physics, Community Design, and Future Studies.
Emergence of Self-organization and Information Phenomena in Science and Art , Nov 14, 2008 - Florence (Italy)
The research network ON-NS&A with the support of EGOCREANET (IT) / QUANTUMBIONET / IBIOCAT (IT) / SCIENCE & ART CENTRE (Au), and Science-Art USA convenes the First Meeting in Florence, Italy to develop skills and management in new theoretical perspectives and conceptual logic models, to demonstrate evidence based in advanced scientific reasoning processes. Science-Art can determine changes in ethical science and the effective development of knowledge economy, favouring a broader context, cultural and social change needs. In particular a strategic interactive networking action for sharing innovative knowledge in “Science and Art” is considered crucial on the basis of the emergence of the conceptualization of the "self- organization of matter and energy."
PAOLO MANZELLI, Director of LRE/EGO-CreaNet – University of Florence
DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA , POLO SCIENTIFICO 50019 -SESTO 50019 Firenze- Via Della Lastruccia 3
New aesthetic expression of Art and new modes of structuring Science, in the telematic systems era, improve a paradigm shift in cultural and emotional relationships of space/time. Neuro-evolution phenomenon are leading the thinking brain development so that Science and Art Creativity are the subjective imagined reality embodied in the objective biological structure. Conceptual indicators emerging from the neuro-evolution of brain is the essential developmental role of a growing conscious description both in science and art about the relationships between space and time.(6), (7) In fact the move from an objective classical representation of space and time, versus the relative representation of space-time, in recent years is affirmed embodying the observation mental states coming from f.MRI brain technology, in this way the science and art developmental integration consciously recompose the reductive splitting between the object and subject going forward an holistic representation in art & science entanglement. (8)
In 2008 Robert Pope and Iona Miller were included as founders of the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity project, which is a Science-Art project run by Dr. Paolo Manzelli of Florence University. The creative process associated with an evolving awareness of universal holographic reality, reflected by the evolving sphenoid bone of the human skull, is considered by the artist to be the phenomenon needed to extrapolate future human survival blueprints. We all continue to promote the notions of Science-Art, separately and together, including Creative Class-Net, Quantumbionet, and Open Network for New Science. Both also participate with Dr. Paul Wildman of Brisbane, Au. in the Science Artificers Guild, Int'l (SAGI) seeking novel solutions for hot futures and human survival techniques, shaping tomorrow's world today.
Science-Art Renaissance
A new multidimensional Renaissance, centered in Florence, Italy, is led by a global group of Science-Artists dedicated to a new measurement of humanity beyond the mechanical. This transdisciplinary Science-Art is based in the Holographic Paradigm, and recognizes complexity, entanglement dynamics, pure energy information, and the Zero-Point Ground as its primal root. These foundation principles help us revision our world and ourselves, as well as human survival technologies. Objectives include Life Sciences, Ethical Economic Development, Science-Art Synergy, Ethical Legal Science, Experimental Physics, Community Design, and Future Studies.
Emergence of Self-organization and Information Phenomena in Science and Art , Nov 14, 2008 - Florence (Italy)
The research network ON-NS&A with the support of EGOCREANET (IT) / QUANTUMBIONET / IBIOCAT (IT) / SCIENCE & ART CENTRE (Au), and Science-Art USA convenes the First Meeting in Florence, Italy to develop skills and management in new theoretical perspectives and conceptual logic models, to demonstrate evidence based in advanced scientific reasoning processes. Science-Art can determine changes in ethical science and the effective development of knowledge economy, favouring a broader context, cultural and social change needs. In particular a strategic interactive networking action for sharing innovative knowledge in “Science and Art” is considered crucial on the basis of the emergence of the conceptualization of the "self- organization of matter and energy."
PAOLO MANZELLI, Director of LRE/EGO-CreaNet – University of Florence
DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA , POLO SCIENTIFICO 50019 -SESTO 50019 Firenze- Via Della Lastruccia 3
New aesthetic expression of Art and new modes of structuring Science, in the telematic systems era, improve a paradigm shift in cultural and emotional relationships of space/time. Neuro-evolution phenomenon are leading the thinking brain development so that Science and Art Creativity are the subjective imagined reality embodied in the objective biological structure. Conceptual indicators emerging from the neuro-evolution of brain is the essential developmental role of a growing conscious description both in science and art about the relationships between space and time.(6), (7) In fact the move from an objective classical representation of space and time, versus the relative representation of space-time, in recent years is affirmed embodying the observation mental states coming from f.MRI brain technology, in this way the science and art developmental integration consciously recompose the reductive splitting between the object and subject going forward an holistic representation in art & science entanglement. (8)
di Paolo ManzelliQuantum Brain Theorydi
Paolo ManzelliQuantum Space Time Matrixdi Paolo ManzelliEdscuola
i Paolo ManzelliQUANTUM CREATIVITY in SCIENCE and ARTdi Paolo Manzelli“Entanglement” is a fundamental aspect of all lifedi
Paolo ManzelliCHANGE OF PARADIGMdi Paolo ManzelliQUANTUM – ART & DESIGNdi
Paolo ManzelliQUANTUM CREATIVITY in SCIENCE and ART and Augmented Realitydi
Paolo ManzelliThe Quantum Brain Theorydi
Paolo ManzelliQuantum Space Time Matrixdi Paolo ManzelliEdscuola
i Paolo ManzelliQUANTUM CREATIVITY in SCIENCE and ARTdi Paolo Manzelli“Entanglement” is a fundamental aspect of all lifedi
Paolo ManzelliCHANGE OF PARADIGMdi Paolo ManzelliQUANTUM – ART & DESIGNdi
Paolo ManzelliQUANTUM CREATIVITY in SCIENCE and ART and Augmented Realitydi
Paolo ManzelliThe Quantum Brain Theorydi
La critica alla scienza meccanica-deterministica e lineare di EGOCREANET, è determinata da seri motivi di coscienziosa costatazione del disastro preannunciato della economia del capitale basata su una concezione per cui l' umanita compete ed agisce al fine di accumulare denaro.( teoria dell' UOMO -ECOMOMICO ) Questo modo di pensare di basa sulla prospettiva di sviluppo meccanico della ormai obsoleta societa industriale.
La critica è di tale modello è oggi inconfutabile visto il disastro ambientale ed unano derivato dal riduzionismo meccanico di una scienza che non è stata neutrale al modello economico capitalista. Non tutto è monetizzabile ed in una economia globale il reiterato tentativo di rendere qualsiasi cosa in natura traducibile valore numerico quantitativo e valutabile in moneta è destinato al fallimento e quindi a degradare ogni forma di vita naturale e sociale. La teoria del Quantum Brain impostata da EGOCREANET// QUANTUM ART , sulla base della biologia quantistica permette oggi la possibilità di indagare le dinamiche culturali ed economiche innovative tenendo conto della inevitabile interazione epigenetica con i cambiamenti dell' l’ecosistema contemporanei nell' evoluzione cerebrale e del ruolo indispensabile del superamento dei limiti della scienza meccanica nel generare la nuova strategia di sviluppo della economia circolare nel quadro della LIVING ECONOMY. Certamente un deterrente a tale strategia va ricercato nella consueta resistenza conservativa della accademia intellettuale nell' evitare di affrontare il cambiamento culturale e con modalita trans-disciplinari finalizzate ad un cambiamento di paradigma e cio comporta la persistenza di una profonda ignoranza ed indolenza nell' affrontare i problemi del cambiamento climatico, la riduzione a zero del rilascio dei rifiuti nell' ambiente e più generale il disinteresse nei confronti delle tematiche ecologiche, quali in recupero della fertilita del suolo, la salvaguardia della biodiversita in terra in mare ed in cielo , ecc... tutte tematiche di ECO-ECONOMIA ( economia ecologica ) che affondano le loro radici cognitive in una concezione svientifica che permane di stampo meccanicistico,
Vedi:; paolo manzelli <[email protected]>;
The criticism of the science and engineering-Deterministic Linear Egocreanet, is determined by serious grounds of conscientious discovery of the disaster announced of the economy of the capital based on a concept for which humanity lies and acts in order to earn money.( Theory of man-Ecomomico) this way of thinking of based on the prospect of development of the mechanic now obsolete industrial society.
The criticism is of this model is today irrefutable; we saw the environmental disaster and unano derived from the reductionism mechanic of a science that has not been neutral to the capitalist economic model. Not everything is compensated and in a global economy the repeated attempt to make any thing in nature translatable numerical value quantity and assess in currency is doomed to failure and so to degrade any form of natural and social life. The Theory of quantum brain set by egocreanet // Quantum Art, on the basis of the quantum biology today allows the possibility to investigate the cultural and economic dynamics innovative taking into account the inevitable epigenetic interaction with the changes of the contemporary ecosystem in the evolution of the brain and the indispensable role of exceeding the limits of science in generating the mechanical New development strategy of the circular economy in the framework of the living economy. Certainly a deterrent to this strategy must be sought in the resistance of the usual conservative intellectual academy in order to avoid dealing with the cultural change and with trans-disciplinary procedures aimed at a paradigm shift and what is the persistence of a deep ignorance and indolence in dealing with the problems of the Climate Change, the reduction to zero of the release of the waste in the environment and the more general lack of interest in respect of the ecological issues, such as in recovery of the fertility of the soil, the preservation of biodiversity on earth at sea and in the sky, etc... All issues of eco-Ecological Economy (economy) that has its roots in a design cognitive svientifica that remains of mould, mechanistic
See:; Paolo Manzelli < [email protected] names >; TranslatedQuantum ART
La critica è di tale modello è oggi inconfutabile visto il disastro ambientale ed unano derivato dal riduzionismo meccanico di una scienza che non è stata neutrale al modello economico capitalista. Non tutto è monetizzabile ed in una economia globale il reiterato tentativo di rendere qualsiasi cosa in natura traducibile valore numerico quantitativo e valutabile in moneta è destinato al fallimento e quindi a degradare ogni forma di vita naturale e sociale. La teoria del Quantum Brain impostata da EGOCREANET// QUANTUM ART , sulla base della biologia quantistica permette oggi la possibilità di indagare le dinamiche culturali ed economiche innovative tenendo conto della inevitabile interazione epigenetica con i cambiamenti dell' l’ecosistema contemporanei nell' evoluzione cerebrale e del ruolo indispensabile del superamento dei limiti della scienza meccanica nel generare la nuova strategia di sviluppo della economia circolare nel quadro della LIVING ECONOMY. Certamente un deterrente a tale strategia va ricercato nella consueta resistenza conservativa della accademia intellettuale nell' evitare di affrontare il cambiamento culturale e con modalita trans-disciplinari finalizzate ad un cambiamento di paradigma e cio comporta la persistenza di una profonda ignoranza ed indolenza nell' affrontare i problemi del cambiamento climatico, la riduzione a zero del rilascio dei rifiuti nell' ambiente e più generale il disinteresse nei confronti delle tematiche ecologiche, quali in recupero della fertilita del suolo, la salvaguardia della biodiversita in terra in mare ed in cielo , ecc... tutte tematiche di ECO-ECONOMIA ( economia ecologica ) che affondano le loro radici cognitive in una concezione svientifica che permane di stampo meccanicistico,
Vedi:; paolo manzelli <[email protected]>;
The criticism of the science and engineering-Deterministic Linear Egocreanet, is determined by serious grounds of conscientious discovery of the disaster announced of the economy of the capital based on a concept for which humanity lies and acts in order to earn money.( Theory of man-Ecomomico) this way of thinking of based on the prospect of development of the mechanic now obsolete industrial society.
The criticism is of this model is today irrefutable; we saw the environmental disaster and unano derived from the reductionism mechanic of a science that has not been neutral to the capitalist economic model. Not everything is compensated and in a global economy the repeated attempt to make any thing in nature translatable numerical value quantity and assess in currency is doomed to failure and so to degrade any form of natural and social life. The Theory of quantum brain set by egocreanet // Quantum Art, on the basis of the quantum biology today allows the possibility to investigate the cultural and economic dynamics innovative taking into account the inevitable epigenetic interaction with the changes of the contemporary ecosystem in the evolution of the brain and the indispensable role of exceeding the limits of science in generating the mechanical New development strategy of the circular economy in the framework of the living economy. Certainly a deterrent to this strategy must be sought in the resistance of the usual conservative intellectual academy in order to avoid dealing with the cultural change and with trans-disciplinary procedures aimed at a paradigm shift and what is the persistence of a deep ignorance and indolence in dealing with the problems of the Climate Change, the reduction to zero of the release of the waste in the environment and the more general lack of interest in respect of the ecological issues, such as in recovery of the fertility of the soil, the preservation of biodiversity on earth at sea and in the sky, etc... All issues of eco-Ecological Economy (economy) that has its roots in a design cognitive svientifica that remains of mould, mechanistic
See:; Paolo Manzelli < [email protected] names >; TranslatedQuantum ART
Science-Art-USA Cancer Research
“If we could reoriginate psychology at its Western source in Florence, a way might open again toward a meta-psychology that is a cosmology, a poetic vision of the cosmos which fulfills the soul’s need for placing itself in the vast scheme of things.” –James Hillman, Anima Mundi
Although science and art are social phenomena, an innovation in either field occurs only when a single mind perceives in disorder a deep new unity . --J. Bronowski
The level of entropy is the degree of disorder in a given system. This is the reverse of the degree of information that is present. Hence negentropy is the build-up of information, increase of meaning --E.E. Rehmus
‘We expect artists as well as scientists to be forward-looking, to fly in the face of what is established, and to create not what is acceptable but what will become acceptable . . . a theory is the creation of unity in what is diverse by the discovery of unexpected likenesses. In all of them innovation is pictured as an act of imagination, a seeing of what others do not see . . . “creative observation.” --Bronowski, 1958
"In a sense, artists are creators of counter-environments. They provide society with analogical models which enable them to escape from their unconscious immersion in their environment. So also with critics. They are the last frontiersmen." --Eugene McNamara, Editor's Introduction to The Interior Landscape: The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962, p.182
Although science and art are social phenomena, an innovation in either field occurs only when a single mind perceives in disorder a deep new unity . --J. Bronowski
The level of entropy is the degree of disorder in a given system. This is the reverse of the degree of information that is present. Hence negentropy is the build-up of information, increase of meaning --E.E. Rehmus
‘We expect artists as well as scientists to be forward-looking, to fly in the face of what is established, and to create not what is acceptable but what will become acceptable . . . a theory is the creation of unity in what is diverse by the discovery of unexpected likenesses. In all of them innovation is pictured as an act of imagination, a seeing of what others do not see . . . “creative observation.” --Bronowski, 1958
"In a sense, artists are creators of counter-environments. They provide society with analogical models which enable them to escape from their unconscious immersion in their environment. So also with critics. They are the last frontiersmen." --Eugene McNamara, Editor's Introduction to The Interior Landscape: The Literary Criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943-1962, p.182
Science-Art-USA, March 2015, Iona
Iona Miller’s pioneering work in depth psychology and creative physics has led to transdisciplinary science-art articulations and applications at the interface of psyche and matter. The original artists were shamans and healers connecting mankind with cosmos. All the arts have their origin in shamanism, the interaction of the visible and invisible world. These intercessors functioned as shamanic artists, therapists and doctors with a visionary paradigm.
The wounded healer archetype is closely related to the archetypal artist. Both draw from and transform the collective unconscious by sharing their vision of the invisible world or imaginal realm. As facilitators of prevention, what we call preventative medicine, they helped balance the community with a common worldview and fostered extraordinary psychophysical healing. They forged a connection with spirit and renewed sense of purpose. They presided over birth, marriage, death and seasonal rites. They fostered a shared connection among the arts, spirituality and religion.
Masters of healing arts -- the survival arts -- they could creatively and meaningfully express what is happening within them and in the world. They embodied a connection with the source of all life and inter-connectedness of all being. Segal (1998) describes the Artist-scientist as an abstraction of life and the human mind. Not as common as the child or Hero archetypes, the artist-scientist is immediately recognizable. This is the builder, inventor, seeker, dreamer, and thinker. They are simultaneously vastly knowledgeable and yet innocent, impulsive yet cautious.
They represent the wonder to be found in curiosity, and the dangers. They are a source of change. The next generation of artists will be tasked with the creation of new environments and designer bodies (bioart), based in a paradigm in flux. Groundbreaking creativity is an equally important vector in the arts, life sciences, and physical science. It is the root of innovation.
Cancer research, as pursued under the science-art mandate is a key area of investigation where no fruitful line of inquiry should be ignored, including a holistic approach to creativity, biophysics and healing. Often intuition leads the way where reason remains mute. Nevertheless, we must pursue rigorous trials of theories that arise in this manner. Carcinogenic growth is not just an individual medical problem, but an entropic metaphor of the impact of an overweening growth of humanity and malignant technology that sucks the life out of our planet and society.
Collective environmental issues become “cancers.” The dysfunctionality of modern life is a ‘cancer of the soul’ that can lead to psychophysical manifestations. Mental states can set processes in motion that later lead to cancer, heart conditions, etc. Tissue and cell formation and functioning, as well as epigenetic expression are also associated with mood and experiences.
Dr. Carl Simonton found that many cancers develop within two years of a major loss such as death of a relative or loss of one's career through retirement. He also identified a psychological profile based on childhood experiences that are associated with cancer. He found that remission of cancer was facilitated by visual imagery combined with other informational, aesthetic, and therapeutic mind-body techniques. Norman Cousins demonstrated that healing was induced through laughter, peace of mind and positive attitude.
Levin (2011) says, "regeneration, development and cancer can all be seen as different aspects of the same fundamental question: how is the shape of complex large-scale structures specified, and what signals can be capitalized upon to integrate individual cell behaviors into a higher order pattern desired in biomedical repair? This is a top-down view, focused on information flow."
Regeneration and cancer could be inversely related, as robust morphogenetic pathways necessary for regeneration would also keep cells within a coherent patterning plan and away from tumorigenesis. The paradigm of killing cancer cells could be augmented by renormalizing strategies that reconnect cells to normal patterning signals and facilitation of psychoneuroimmunology.
Creative Physics
Science-art identifies several keywords which inform our investigative process, including geometry, universal logic, holographic reality, entanglement, nonlocality, information, nonlinear sciences, and biophysics. They apply equally to the physical, cultural, and ethical processes.
Nonlinear approaches help us toward a broader approach to the whole nature of existence, disease and healing. Healing a an act of creativity. Art has a certain healing or negentropic capacity to counter the entropic energies of social breakdown, decay, and meaninglessness. In this sense, great art – authentic art -- feeds us, as it has fed mankind from the earliest times.
Co-consciousness is a shared virtuality, a telepathic rapport wherein brainwaves of both participants are synchronized into a single holographic biofield (Miller and Swinney, 2000). Such ideas are reflected in the leading-edge works of our colleagues, generally and specifically (Sidorov, 2014) and Gariaev (2002):
It is now appreciated that the essence of cancer may not be in specific driver genes but in the dynamics of cells traversing state spaces and shifting between different attractors [...]. While these state spaces are commonly thought of in terms of transcription (gene-regulatory networks), the data on bioelectricity in cancer suggests that another important concept may be the physiological state space. (Chernet and Levin, 2013)
The topology of the attractor is the ‘invisible hand’ driving the system functions into coherent behavioral states: they are self-organizing structures and can capture the gene expression profiles associated with cell fates”; therefore “the true impact of bioelectricity in cancer will only occur when we understand and target the storage of patterning information in physiological networks that is misprocessed in cancer” [Chernet and Levin, 2013]
If cancer is “a disease of geometry” due to a “misregulation of the field of information that orchestrates individual cells’ activities towards normal anatomy”, as Chernet and Levin argue [Chernet and Levin, J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, S1], could we find a way to design and calibrate specific . . .targeted mind-body interventions through the use of reverse engineering, rapid-expression epigenetic feedback and an in vitro/ in vivo combination protocol.
These problems are also very relevant for medicine since morphogenesis, morphostasis, and cancer all involve actively replicating cells: the difference is that in cancer the control and long scale coordination of the process fails and it becomes a purely local process. Levin refers to cancer as geometric disease and it seems that this correction contains seed of truth. (Pitkanin, 2014)
Biophotons, or ultraweak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum - in other words, light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons as an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement can be used to assess this state.
Cancer cells and healthy cells of the same type can be discriminated by typical differences in biophoton emission. Healthy cells oscillate at higher frequencies that do unhealthy cells, such as cancer cells. Researchers are exploring wide-ranging applications in diverse fields such as cancer research, non-invasive early medical diagnosis, food and water quality testing, chemical and electromagnetic contamination testing, cell communication, and various applications in biotechnology.
DNA emits EMF in the light spectrum. Light emission signals functional state. A highly-organized well-tuned body produces very few biophotons; an untuned body or disorganized system releases more. A sick body has low organization and high emissions of photons. For example, cancer cells and healthy cells display differences in biophoton emission.
Unrelated processes can generate random photon patterns, all unrelated to one another. Well organized systems have less chaotic photon emission levels. They are more coherent. Living systems need to find that synergy that is neither too loose nor too tight for rapid adjustment.
Healthy biophotonic processes facilitate communication among systems, regulating life processes. The coherent biophoton field structures and organizes the body. Some of these coherence properties are consciousness-like. The coherence of the biophoton field is likely related to the ground properties of the physical vacuum. DNA emits EMF in the light spectrum.
There are basic human drives toward creativity, sexuality, death, and a general evolutionary healing growth force. They are respectively eros, thanatos, and physis. The inwardly directed force of physis is a healing power that can be invoked even in the face of life-threatening disease. In fact, physis is the counterpoint to disease, a generalized creative drive toward health.
Crisis may precipitate enhanced opportunities for the recognition and manifestation of physis; opportunities for massive reorganization along lines that are developmentally healthier and creatively more productive and healing. This creates more flexibility and resilience. In Transactional Analysis correlated script-free aspirations are under the influence of physis.
As people connect with their somatic and organismic integrity, they connect more profoundly with an inner healing and actualizing drive – providing opportunity for self-discovery of healing physis within themselves. In this process the life-force is kindled, facilitating healing and self-realization.
Creativity, Art & Integral Healing
The metaphors of science have gained increasing relevance in the artworld. Art and science begin as imaginative speculation that guesses at a unity or gestalt. Metaphors reflect universal or holistic references and processes, connecting concepts across disciplines.
Gregory Bateson calls metaphor Nature's language. There is aesthetic pleasure in finding likenesses between things once thought unalike. It gives a sense of richness and understanding. The creative mind looks for unexpected likenesses, through engagement of the whole person.
We can draw from the organic metaphors of quantum physics, field theory, and chaos theory to illuminate the state of the arts. Physics describes the interrelationship of chaos and order as field relationships, while chaos theory describes nature's own methods of creation and self-assembly. Entropy is the tendency for any closed part of the universe to expand at the expense of order. It is a measure of randomness and disorder -- chaos.
Negentropy is the generative force of the universe. Negentropy (emergent order from chaos) is a nonlinear higher order system, a dynamically creative ordering information. Thinking, science, and art are therefore negentropic.
Negentropy, like art, is ‘in-form-ative.' It is related to mutual information exchange. Information is embodied in the fractal nature of imagery and symbols, which compress the informational content of the whole. Creativity is an emergent phenomenon patterned by strange attractors, which govern the complexity of information in dynamic flow.
Negentropy is implicated in the successful development of science, economics, technology, infoscience, and art. Negentropy is the degree of order, or function of a state. It relates to the organization of societies, including subcultures such as the artworld, determining the quantity and quality of creative work.
Chen CHEN Zhic-heng, He Hua-can, Mao Ming-yi, Exploration of fractal and chaos logics based on universal logic, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60273087.
Peter P. Gariaev, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova., 2002, The Wave, Probabilistic and Linguistic Representations of Cancer and HIV. Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol. I, No .2
Levin, M.. The wisdom of the body: future techniques and approaches to morpho-genetic felds in regenerative medicine, developmental biology and cancer. Regen. Med., 6(6):667{673, 2011.
Levin, M. Morphogenetic Felds in embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer: Non-local control of complex patterning. Biosystems. ttp://, 109(3):243{261, 2012.
Miller, Iona, (2000), Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer and the Consciousness Restructuring Process, Chaosophy 2000, Asklepia Monograph Series.
Miller, Iona (2004), Edge Artists as Strange Attractorsm a Source of Negentropy in Society,
Pitkanin, Matti (2014), Morphogenesis, Morphostasis and Learning in TGD Framework, DNA Decipher Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 19-29
Pope, Robert, Cancer Research and Mitchell Foy's Coloured Space-Time Model,
Segal, Robert Alan; Jung, C. G. (1998). On mythology. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.
Sidorov, Lian, (2014), Toward disease-specific therapies in mind-body cancer research: reverse engineering, epigenetic feedback and in vitro/ in vivo combination protocol, J. of Nonlocality, Vol. 3, No. 1, June, 2014.
Iona Miller’s pioneering work in depth psychology and creative physics has led to transdisciplinary science-art articulations and applications at the interface of psyche and matter. The original artists were shamans and healers connecting mankind with cosmos. All the arts have their origin in shamanism, the interaction of the visible and invisible world. These intercessors functioned as shamanic artists, therapists and doctors with a visionary paradigm.
The wounded healer archetype is closely related to the archetypal artist. Both draw from and transform the collective unconscious by sharing their vision of the invisible world or imaginal realm. As facilitators of prevention, what we call preventative medicine, they helped balance the community with a common worldview and fostered extraordinary psychophysical healing. They forged a connection with spirit and renewed sense of purpose. They presided over birth, marriage, death and seasonal rites. They fostered a shared connection among the arts, spirituality and religion.
Masters of healing arts -- the survival arts -- they could creatively and meaningfully express what is happening within them and in the world. They embodied a connection with the source of all life and inter-connectedness of all being. Segal (1998) describes the Artist-scientist as an abstraction of life and the human mind. Not as common as the child or Hero archetypes, the artist-scientist is immediately recognizable. This is the builder, inventor, seeker, dreamer, and thinker. They are simultaneously vastly knowledgeable and yet innocent, impulsive yet cautious.
They represent the wonder to be found in curiosity, and the dangers. They are a source of change. The next generation of artists will be tasked with the creation of new environments and designer bodies (bioart), based in a paradigm in flux. Groundbreaking creativity is an equally important vector in the arts, life sciences, and physical science. It is the root of innovation.
Cancer research, as pursued under the science-art mandate is a key area of investigation where no fruitful line of inquiry should be ignored, including a holistic approach to creativity, biophysics and healing. Often intuition leads the way where reason remains mute. Nevertheless, we must pursue rigorous trials of theories that arise in this manner. Carcinogenic growth is not just an individual medical problem, but an entropic metaphor of the impact of an overweening growth of humanity and malignant technology that sucks the life out of our planet and society.
Collective environmental issues become “cancers.” The dysfunctionality of modern life is a ‘cancer of the soul’ that can lead to psychophysical manifestations. Mental states can set processes in motion that later lead to cancer, heart conditions, etc. Tissue and cell formation and functioning, as well as epigenetic expression are also associated with mood and experiences.
Dr. Carl Simonton found that many cancers develop within two years of a major loss such as death of a relative or loss of one's career through retirement. He also identified a psychological profile based on childhood experiences that are associated with cancer. He found that remission of cancer was facilitated by visual imagery combined with other informational, aesthetic, and therapeutic mind-body techniques. Norman Cousins demonstrated that healing was induced through laughter, peace of mind and positive attitude.
Levin (2011) says, "regeneration, development and cancer can all be seen as different aspects of the same fundamental question: how is the shape of complex large-scale structures specified, and what signals can be capitalized upon to integrate individual cell behaviors into a higher order pattern desired in biomedical repair? This is a top-down view, focused on information flow."
Regeneration and cancer could be inversely related, as robust morphogenetic pathways necessary for regeneration would also keep cells within a coherent patterning plan and away from tumorigenesis. The paradigm of killing cancer cells could be augmented by renormalizing strategies that reconnect cells to normal patterning signals and facilitation of psychoneuroimmunology.
Creative Physics
Science-art identifies several keywords which inform our investigative process, including geometry, universal logic, holographic reality, entanglement, nonlocality, information, nonlinear sciences, and biophysics. They apply equally to the physical, cultural, and ethical processes.
Nonlinear approaches help us toward a broader approach to the whole nature of existence, disease and healing. Healing a an act of creativity. Art has a certain healing or negentropic capacity to counter the entropic energies of social breakdown, decay, and meaninglessness. In this sense, great art – authentic art -- feeds us, as it has fed mankind from the earliest times.
Co-consciousness is a shared virtuality, a telepathic rapport wherein brainwaves of both participants are synchronized into a single holographic biofield (Miller and Swinney, 2000). Such ideas are reflected in the leading-edge works of our colleagues, generally and specifically (Sidorov, 2014) and Gariaev (2002):
It is now appreciated that the essence of cancer may not be in specific driver genes but in the dynamics of cells traversing state spaces and shifting between different attractors [...]. While these state spaces are commonly thought of in terms of transcription (gene-regulatory networks), the data on bioelectricity in cancer suggests that another important concept may be the physiological state space. (Chernet and Levin, 2013)
The topology of the attractor is the ‘invisible hand’ driving the system functions into coherent behavioral states: they are self-organizing structures and can capture the gene expression profiles associated with cell fates”; therefore “the true impact of bioelectricity in cancer will only occur when we understand and target the storage of patterning information in physiological networks that is misprocessed in cancer” [Chernet and Levin, 2013]
If cancer is “a disease of geometry” due to a “misregulation of the field of information that orchestrates individual cells’ activities towards normal anatomy”, as Chernet and Levin argue [Chernet and Levin, J Clin Exp Oncol 2013, S1], could we find a way to design and calibrate specific . . .targeted mind-body interventions through the use of reverse engineering, rapid-expression epigenetic feedback and an in vitro/ in vivo combination protocol.
These problems are also very relevant for medicine since morphogenesis, morphostasis, and cancer all involve actively replicating cells: the difference is that in cancer the control and long scale coordination of the process fails and it becomes a purely local process. Levin refers to cancer as geometric disease and it seems that this correction contains seed of truth. (Pitkanin, 2014)
Biophotons, or ultraweak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic waves in the optical range of the spectrum - in other words, light. All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit biophotons as an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement can be used to assess this state.
Cancer cells and healthy cells of the same type can be discriminated by typical differences in biophoton emission. Healthy cells oscillate at higher frequencies that do unhealthy cells, such as cancer cells. Researchers are exploring wide-ranging applications in diverse fields such as cancer research, non-invasive early medical diagnosis, food and water quality testing, chemical and electromagnetic contamination testing, cell communication, and various applications in biotechnology.
DNA emits EMF in the light spectrum. Light emission signals functional state. A highly-organized well-tuned body produces very few biophotons; an untuned body or disorganized system releases more. A sick body has low organization and high emissions of photons. For example, cancer cells and healthy cells display differences in biophoton emission.
Unrelated processes can generate random photon patterns, all unrelated to one another. Well organized systems have less chaotic photon emission levels. They are more coherent. Living systems need to find that synergy that is neither too loose nor too tight for rapid adjustment.
Healthy biophotonic processes facilitate communication among systems, regulating life processes. The coherent biophoton field structures and organizes the body. Some of these coherence properties are consciousness-like. The coherence of the biophoton field is likely related to the ground properties of the physical vacuum. DNA emits EMF in the light spectrum.
There are basic human drives toward creativity, sexuality, death, and a general evolutionary healing growth force. They are respectively eros, thanatos, and physis. The inwardly directed force of physis is a healing power that can be invoked even in the face of life-threatening disease. In fact, physis is the counterpoint to disease, a generalized creative drive toward health.
Crisis may precipitate enhanced opportunities for the recognition and manifestation of physis; opportunities for massive reorganization along lines that are developmentally healthier and creatively more productive and healing. This creates more flexibility and resilience. In Transactional Analysis correlated script-free aspirations are under the influence of physis.
As people connect with their somatic and organismic integrity, they connect more profoundly with an inner healing and actualizing drive – providing opportunity for self-discovery of healing physis within themselves. In this process the life-force is kindled, facilitating healing and self-realization.
Creativity, Art & Integral Healing
The metaphors of science have gained increasing relevance in the artworld. Art and science begin as imaginative speculation that guesses at a unity or gestalt. Metaphors reflect universal or holistic references and processes, connecting concepts across disciplines.
Gregory Bateson calls metaphor Nature's language. There is aesthetic pleasure in finding likenesses between things once thought unalike. It gives a sense of richness and understanding. The creative mind looks for unexpected likenesses, through engagement of the whole person.
We can draw from the organic metaphors of quantum physics, field theory, and chaos theory to illuminate the state of the arts. Physics describes the interrelationship of chaos and order as field relationships, while chaos theory describes nature's own methods of creation and self-assembly. Entropy is the tendency for any closed part of the universe to expand at the expense of order. It is a measure of randomness and disorder -- chaos.
Negentropy is the generative force of the universe. Negentropy (emergent order from chaos) is a nonlinear higher order system, a dynamically creative ordering information. Thinking, science, and art are therefore negentropic.
Negentropy, like art, is ‘in-form-ative.' It is related to mutual information exchange. Information is embodied in the fractal nature of imagery and symbols, which compress the informational content of the whole. Creativity is an emergent phenomenon patterned by strange attractors, which govern the complexity of information in dynamic flow.
Negentropy is implicated in the successful development of science, economics, technology, infoscience, and art. Negentropy is the degree of order, or function of a state. It relates to the organization of societies, including subcultures such as the artworld, determining the quantity and quality of creative work.
Chen CHEN Zhic-heng, He Hua-can, Mao Ming-yi, Exploration of fractal and chaos logics based on universal logic, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60273087.
Peter P. Gariaev, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova., 2002, The Wave, Probabilistic and Linguistic Representations of Cancer and HIV. Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol. I, No .2
Levin, M.. The wisdom of the body: future techniques and approaches to morpho-genetic felds in regenerative medicine, developmental biology and cancer. Regen. Med., 6(6):667{673, 2011.
Levin, M. Morphogenetic Felds in embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer: Non-local control of complex patterning. Biosystems. ttp://, 109(3):243{261, 2012.
Miller, Iona, (2000), Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer and the Consciousness Restructuring Process, Chaosophy 2000, Asklepia Monograph Series.
Miller, Iona (2004), Edge Artists as Strange Attractorsm a Source of Negentropy in Society,
Pitkanin, Matti (2014), Morphogenesis, Morphostasis and Learning in TGD Framework, DNA Decipher Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 19-29
Pope, Robert, Cancer Research and Mitchell Foy's Coloured Space-Time Model,
Segal, Robert Alan; Jung, C. G. (1998). On mythology. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.
Sidorov, Lian, (2014), Toward disease-specific therapies in mind-body cancer research: reverse engineering, epigenetic feedback and in vitro/ in vivo combination protocol, J. of Nonlocality, Vol. 3, No. 1, June, 2014.
Thomas Schoenberger,
You Tube Channel
Uffizi Exhibition
You Tube Channel
Uffizi Exhibition
Michael A. Levine
Michael A. Levine is the composer for the upcoming George Lucas-produced Star Wars Detours animated series featuring Seth Green and Seth MacFarlane. He scored the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced Cold Case and is a respected composer of concert music as well. Michael also wrote the music for the iconic Kit Kat “Gimme A Break” jingle, arranged the choir version of The Simpson’s Movie’s “Spider Pig”, and produced Lorde’s spooky rendition of “Everybody Wants to Rule The World” from the Hunger Games: Catching Fire soundtrack.
Michael A. Levine is the composer for the upcoming George Lucas-produced Star Wars Detours animated series featuring Seth Green and Seth MacFarlane. He scored the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced Cold Case and is a respected composer of concert music as well. Michael also wrote the music for the iconic Kit Kat “Gimme A Break” jingle, arranged the choir version of The Simpson’s Movie’s “Spider Pig”, and produced Lorde’s spooky rendition of “Everybody Wants to Rule The World” from the Hunger Games: Catching Fire soundtrack.

Robert Pope and SARCA’s Bio-Aesthetician, Dr George Robert Cockburn, Royal Fellow of Medicine (London) set up a research program to develop the cerebral optics associated with the theories of the 1937 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyoergyi. In 2008 the Centre’s colleague, Christopher Degenhardt published Feminine Ethics in the New Measure of Humanity, his Review of Cockburn’s 1984 book, A Bio-Aesthetic Key to Creative Physics and Art, revealing that Cockburn’s theories were compatible with the 19th Century mathematician Bernard Bolzano’s fractal logic Theory of Science.
Professor Robert Pope is an artist-philosopher, and the founder of the Science-Art Research Centre. Pope is an Enzinearticle Global Celebrity Author and the father of Platonic Fullerene Chemistry. In 2009 he received a Gold Medal Laureate, awarded by the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science, London. He worked with the late former Head of the Development Sector of the AEG-Telefunken Institute of Automatic Control in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Berlin, Professor Wolfgang Weber, to establish the basis of Buckminster Fuller's World Game Theory, in order to implement C P Snow's human survival theories through supercomputers. As Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia Incorporated, Robert Pope authored a new book, 'The 21st Century Renaissance', published in 2012, in liaison with Florence University's New Measurement of Humanity Project.
In 1988, Pope was appointed Artist-in-Residence to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney to work on the campus alongside a team of cancer researchers. The result of this collaboration was the proposal of a theory that the propagation of cancer cells was influenced by a universal low-level energy field, linking electromagnetic and gravitational forces. Creative Physics later developed this theory to establish that all natural phenomena is permeated with a background field of life-sustaining energy, whose properties concentrate into atomic substance and form the basis of consciousness. The field is in turn influenced by "energetic vibrational patterns" - whether they be physical, mental or emotional - forming in effect a feedback between alterations of consciousness and their plastic manifestations.
In 1994 Pope's work was validated when the Centre announced the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum (human) biological growth and development, published in a book the Centre is proud to say was "internationally declaimed". In the following years, an international team of scientists discovered "a vast new biological science and technology", as had been predicted by Pope in his modifications to Leonardo da Vinci's "Theory of Knowledge". Recent advances in biomedical nanotechnology are claimed by the Centre as corroborating Pope's new science of medicine, based upon the ancient Greek concepts of good and evil.
Prof. Barry Ninham of the Australian National University has written that Pope's work "encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions." Robert Pope received an Outstanding People of the 20th Century Award from the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England in 1998.
Professor Robert Pope is an artist-philosopher, and the founder of the Science-Art Research Centre. Pope is an Enzinearticle Global Celebrity Author and the father of Platonic Fullerene Chemistry. In 2009 he received a Gold Medal Laureate, awarded by the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science, London. He worked with the late former Head of the Development Sector of the AEG-Telefunken Institute of Automatic Control in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Berlin, Professor Wolfgang Weber, to establish the basis of Buckminster Fuller's World Game Theory, in order to implement C P Snow's human survival theories through supercomputers. As Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia Incorporated, Robert Pope authored a new book, 'The 21st Century Renaissance', published in 2012, in liaison with Florence University's New Measurement of Humanity Project.
In 1988, Pope was appointed Artist-in-Residence to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney to work on the campus alongside a team of cancer researchers. The result of this collaboration was the proposal of a theory that the propagation of cancer cells was influenced by a universal low-level energy field, linking electromagnetic and gravitational forces. Creative Physics later developed this theory to establish that all natural phenomena is permeated with a background field of life-sustaining energy, whose properties concentrate into atomic substance and form the basis of consciousness. The field is in turn influenced by "energetic vibrational patterns" - whether they be physical, mental or emotional - forming in effect a feedback between alterations of consciousness and their plastic manifestations.
In 1994 Pope's work was validated when the Centre announced the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum (human) biological growth and development, published in a book the Centre is proud to say was "internationally declaimed". In the following years, an international team of scientists discovered "a vast new biological science and technology", as had been predicted by Pope in his modifications to Leonardo da Vinci's "Theory of Knowledge". Recent advances in biomedical nanotechnology are claimed by the Centre as corroborating Pope's new science of medicine, based upon the ancient Greek concepts of good and evil.
Prof. Barry Ninham of the Australian National University has written that Pope's work "encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions." Robert Pope received an Outstanding People of the 20th Century Award from the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, England in 1998.
Some of Robert Pope's papers on this topic are online:
The Aesthetics of Evolutionary Science
The Fractal Logic of Evolution
Rosemary and Andrew Wade talk to Professor Robert Pope.
More and more people are now becoming greatly concerned about the state of this planet. Professor Robert Pope, of the Science-Art Centre in Northern New South Wales, Australia, believes that an erroneous fixed worldview lies behind the attitudes and behaviour which are damaging our world in so many ways. The environmental destruction is part and parcel of a broader decline which can be traced to this worldview. After talking with him, we'd say it is in effect a cosmic view!
Who is Robert Pope?
He has been a senior seismic geo-draftsman involved in oil and mineral exploration in outback Australia, an award-winning artist, the founder of a successful art school for Indigenous Australians, Artist-in-Residence at the Universities of both Adelaide and Sydney, and a special Australian Science-Artist delegate to the World Summit Meeting of Science held in Trieste to honour the 100th anniversary of the birth date of Albert Einstein. Most recently he established his Science-Art Research Centre near Mt Warning in Northern New South Wales.
And that's only scratching the surface! Here in richer detail are the highlights of an unusual life as documented over a quarter of a century ago by ABC National Television's The Scientists – Profiles of Discovery – Pope the Catalyst (1979).
In the present context we'd like to stress Robert Pope's 'quest to develop ancient Greek philosophy of art into a new discipline of Creative Physics' and to draw your attention to two points from the above article:
1) During the visit to Trieste, 'Einstein's colleague, Kun Huang, agreed with Robert Pope that the 20th Century world view had been incorrectly formulated and posed a lethal threat to civilization. It was incorrectly governed by a physics law that demanded the extinction of all life in the universe rather than linking evolution to the workings of an infinite universe. Professor Huang proposed that the ancient Greek ethical logic that contradicted the 20th Century world view was represented in geometries found in the fossil record. He proposed that by comparing the patterning changes to Greek life geometry over evolutionary periods of time new physics laws governing healthy biological growth and development might be identified that would not lead to human extinction.'
2) 'The recent discovery that Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished "more profound natural philosophy to balance the mechanical description of the universe" used the universal physics principles upholding the ancient Greek ethical science confirmed the importance of Robert Pope's work.'
We interviewed Robert at his Science-Art Centre on Thursday October 11. Here is Andrew's transcript:
Professor Robert Pope says there are four key questions concerning the state of the Universe. He began our interview by showing me some internet references on his laptop.
RP: It may be easier to understand if I do four quick Google searches so you can get an instant picture of what is going on right now with our culture. We’re going to be talking about the biggest 'con' ever in science. Your readers can judge for themselves from what we find out. Very quickly we’re going to be finding out what scientific law is controlling Australian culture. We’re also going to look at where it came from, and we’ll look at an alternative scientific view of this law and some research that is being conducted by Hamburg University now. Then we’ll look at the social implications of this law as written about in an educational article published in the Australian on March 8 last year.
We’re now going to ask the first question on Google, by punching in "The Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe". As we can see, Google brings up many responses to this, the first one will suffice. You can see that it’s called The Second Law of Thermodynamics. It’s a basic law of physics, and according to this law the whole universe is in a state of decay moving towards total destruction.
We also note that all calculations and all equations that are written must obey that law. We find out, just by running our eyes over the Google search page, that Albert Einstein called it the premier law of all sciences and Arthur Eddington, his colleague, called it The Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe. The point that he made here is that under this law all life sciences can only be about species following a path to inevitable extinction.
Q: Is there an alternative view?
RP: Yes. Peter Kafka, Professor of Astro Physics at the Max Planck Institute, and a scientist of high repute, wrote six essays on the principle of creation and the accelerating global crisis. He calls the Second Law of Thermodynamics 'Diabolus', the Devil (page 40) – which in his view isn’t evil so much as illogical. Scientists, technologists and politicians are telling us its destructive purpose without fully understanding what they’re doing.
Professor Kafka calls The Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe, or the Second Law of Thermodynamics, useless (page 54). The solution to the problem lies in this: when people can no longer tolerate the ugliness of our age, we can be sure that strange, beautiful attractors are near (final paragraph page 119).
Q: Can you define 'strange, beautiful attractors'?
RP: The strange attractor refers to an infinite fractal phenomenon, which demonstrates that human evolution is governed by a balancing of both creative and destructive energy systems. This completely collapses the old idea that evolution is only governed by destructive energies.
Q: Thank you. So, you were talking about a solution to the problem?
RP: We’re now going to look at what that might be. We’re looking at an article: Bernard Bolzano’s Contribution to Logic and Ontology. It’s from a group of scholars from Hamburg University, and we see that in its treatment of logical series of elements it far surpasses anything that the world literature has to offer in the way of a systematic sketch of logic (first sentence). So we can assume that Bolzano’s Theory of Science, written in the 18th century to correct Immanual Kant’s aesthetics, is probably reasonable. Kant had not seen these problems; Bolzano solved them. These solutions were made possible, and were the source of a new approach to the content and character of fundamental knowledge (third paragraph). Other reviewers from the Hamburg scholars found that Bolzano’s logic could be taken forward into modern science, and it runs into fractal logic, which embraces Professor Peter Kafka’s solution, The Strange Beautiful Attractor. So now we’re getting into a science called Quantum Biology.
We now find an article written by Professor Julian Cribb. published by The Australian in 2006, March 8th, titled Muzzling of Science. Professor Cribb is Professor at the University of Technology in Sydney, where he’s Editor of the R and D Review. He points out that a censorship exists which is persecuting leading Australian scientists. This censorship is against any criticism of the fixed worldview – which of course is controlled by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or the Supreme Law of the Entire Universe if you want to go religious.
Professor Cribb points out that 'unpopular' refers to any of those fields of science which challenge the existing fixed worldview formed by Governments, business, special interest lobbies, or 'that most anonymous and unaccountable of research controllers, the stake-holders'.
[RP, quoting Professor Cribb]:
'This process of keeping science from the public, and the network of threats – overt and implied – that protects it, is undermining democracy. A democracy without access to balanced and truthful information on which to base its decisions is little better than a crude Third World dictatorship in which the people are compelled to accept the dictator’s interpretation of the world, however false and fanciful.'
Q: This sounds serious. What can be done about this?
RP: Well, there were two discoveries that changed everything. The first big discovery was in 1980 – the discovery of fractal logic. The second discovery was that the human skull is now evolving. There are numerous cases of children throughout the world in whom the lower teeth are not aligning with the upper jaw. This is easily fixed by a procedure called dental aesthetics in which the vibrations of the skull are transferred to the lower teeth.
The changing shape of the skull is being caused by a turning force existing in the sphenoid, the bone behind the nose. And of course we have 200 million years of fossil records of sphenoid activity to find out what the sphenoid is on about and where it wants to go. What I’m suggesting is that if we want to survive we simply have to know where the sphenoid bone wants to take us. And this is the basis of a lost science from the Greek, which was about establishing a science for ethical ends to guide democratic governments – and as we have seen, we have not got a democratic government at all. We’ve got a plutocracy based on money and greed and submission to a kleptomaniac elite. That’s the best way to describe it. It’s a parasitic procedure that is common in biology.
The importance of fractal logic is that the ancestor to fractal logic was the 5th Century BC philosopher Anaxagoras. Anaxagoras used consciousness to make his fractal worldview, which means the link with the living process to infinity – which is forbidden overtly by the Christian Church, and by the global economic rationalism which, as you’ve seen, demands that all life must be destroyed.
What is important now is that all of the universities in ancient Greece that were associated with the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, had one single objective, and that was to fuse 'Ethics' into the work of Anaxagoras, and what you get now is a lost science in which evolution goes to infinity as a fractal expression. That worldview is overwhelmingly scientific rather than the one we have, the fixed worldview which is the 20th century worldview based on the obsolete understanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This is the whole crux of the problem.
Now we go back to the sphenoid bone. If you make a different model of the universe than the one allowed by the worldview of total destruction, you can do what we did last century and develop formulae to simulate optimum biological growth force through space-time to find out what physics laws it’s obeying. We [at the Science Art Centre] did that for sea shells, and the world’s greatest research institute selected two papers, written by the Centre's mathematician, for reprinting, next to authors such as Louis Pasteur and Francis Crick. What we discovered is this, that the fixed worldview cannot provide optimum growth and development for biology at all. It is only possible to generate distorted biological growth and development, which describes a global cancerous situation.
Now the interesting thing about our work is that we used the sea shell fossils which contain the ancient 'Sacred Geometry' which is the precursor to infinite fractal geometrical logic: Golden Mean geometry of ancient Greece, which went to infinity. That’s what we’re forbidden to think about in today’s Australia. We are not allowed to think and reason about linking evolution to the workings of an infinite universe.
In the mid-14th Century the most stupid Physics that you could imagine came into existence, called 'Angel Physics'. Thomas Aquinas, as history's 'Doctor of Physics' wrote that he was given a magic white girdle that he did 'gird himself' with so that he did not need sex with a woman. From that silly Physics, which placed the Earth at the centre of the Universe, and forbade the Earth to move around the Sun, a legal decree was proclaimed that women and female children could be imprisoned, tortured and burnt alive as witches, and this nonsense at western universities went on for three hundred years.
Then in 1600 the Roman Church burnt the great scientist Giordano Bruno alive for teaching about an infinite Universe, and the Ethics associated with it. He taught that at Oxford University. The English scientists cold-shouldered Bruno, and when he got back to Rome they got him. The reason I mention this is because in 1600 the East India Company was founded in England, which became one of the world's most powerful business or corporate developments. It took over the much of the Empire for the British Government. Now we realise that at that time state religion allowed no one to reason about an infinite Universe. During the 18th Century Reverend Thomas Malthus, when he was appointed as a financial adviser in economics to the East India Company, fitted out Charles Darwin on his voyage of HMS The Beagle. This voyage was about securing future food supplies for the British Empire. Darwin's resulting theory of evolution obeyed the Church's law, which prohibited any science that linked evolution to infinity – which, as you can see, is a law that has since collapsed. So both the religious theories of evolution and the Darwinian one are based on false physics assumptions.
As the power of the Church waned during the industrial era, global corporate greed and development took over. We are now stuck with the same terrible law in a different disguise. It's a very serious situation because, as the Church denied the essence of democracy, so does the logic upholding the global corporation's economic rationalism deny democracy. The existing censorship of any research and development in science that challenges the fixed worldview, as has been mentioned above from Professor Cribb's Muzzling of Science feature article in The Australian, is now undermining democracy itself.
The continued demand that the living process cannot be linked to the workings of an infinite fractal universe is no longer to be tolerated by science. The scientific prize-winning work that we did in seashell evolution over a 20 million year time span can now be directly linked to the work of the infinite evolving forces of the sphenoid bone. It can be shown that unless the DNA is moving toward infinity, it can be classified as devolving. The sphenoid bone can be considered to be linked to the unique seashell design we identified as being part of a 20 million year process of evolutionary purpose. So what we seem to be looking at is that, in the ancient seas, small creatures were trying to get out of the sea to walk on the land. And we know now from the fossil record, that – I think it's 90 million years ago – the sphenoid bone was moving its form to bring small monkeys out of the trees to walk upright on the land. The seashell design mentioned above allowed the sea creature to float upright, and its design can be located within the human ear in contact with the sphenoid bone.
We now have enough mathematics, we have enough ethical logic – which is completely missing from our science today – to generate the human survival blueprint. There is no time to argue with the stakeholders of technological development. We will need their goodwill support and it is necessary to be able to demonstrate that the new science and technology will offer them more than they can possibly imagine from within their limited worldview.
I think what we need to do is to consider that there are a lot of good people – a lot of religious people, a lot of good business people – who really want to help. In Australia I can attack physics policies of the Church, but in the same breath I say, 'God bless the Salvos' or the people running the Church Opportunity Shops. All their efforts are ethical and essential. What I'm trying to say is that, when you weigh up all their innate natural moral efforts, we find that they are being made inefficient by science – a science that's been absolutely contaminated with stupidity. We need these good people, whether they're religious or not. As long as they're moderate and can reason, they will be the people to help solve this problem. It is all about a lost science of ethics which is very, very real. And good luck to them!
Thinking how little time we've got, I feel like a grumpy old man – but after all, it's not a lost cause, because I think the sphenoid bone knows exactly where it wants to go and the sooner we realise this, the sooner we can get out of the present global crisis.
Some of Robert Pope's papers on this topic are online:
The Aesthetics of Evolutionary Science
The Fractal Logic of Evolution
Rosemary and Andrew Wade talk to Professor Robert Pope.
More and more people are now becoming greatly concerned about the state of this planet. Professor Robert Pope, of the Science-Art Centre in Northern New South Wales, Australia, believes that an erroneous fixed worldview lies behind the attitudes and behaviour which are damaging our world in so many ways. The environmental destruction is part and parcel of a broader decline which can be traced to this worldview. After talking with him, we'd say it is in effect a cosmic view!
Who is Robert Pope?
He has been a senior seismic geo-draftsman involved in oil and mineral exploration in outback Australia, an award-winning artist, the founder of a successful art school for Indigenous Australians, Artist-in-Residence at the Universities of both Adelaide and Sydney, and a special Australian Science-Artist delegate to the World Summit Meeting of Science held in Trieste to honour the 100th anniversary of the birth date of Albert Einstein. Most recently he established his Science-Art Research Centre near Mt Warning in Northern New South Wales.
And that's only scratching the surface! Here in richer detail are the highlights of an unusual life as documented over a quarter of a century ago by ABC National Television's The Scientists – Profiles of Discovery – Pope the Catalyst (1979).
In the present context we'd like to stress Robert Pope's 'quest to develop ancient Greek philosophy of art into a new discipline of Creative Physics' and to draw your attention to two points from the above article:
1) During the visit to Trieste, 'Einstein's colleague, Kun Huang, agreed with Robert Pope that the 20th Century world view had been incorrectly formulated and posed a lethal threat to civilization. It was incorrectly governed by a physics law that demanded the extinction of all life in the universe rather than linking evolution to the workings of an infinite universe. Professor Huang proposed that the ancient Greek ethical logic that contradicted the 20th Century world view was represented in geometries found in the fossil record. He proposed that by comparing the patterning changes to Greek life geometry over evolutionary periods of time new physics laws governing healthy biological growth and development might be identified that would not lead to human extinction.'
2) 'The recent discovery that Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished "more profound natural philosophy to balance the mechanical description of the universe" used the universal physics principles upholding the ancient Greek ethical science confirmed the importance of Robert Pope's work.'
We interviewed Robert at his Science-Art Centre on Thursday October 11. Here is Andrew's transcript:
Professor Robert Pope says there are four key questions concerning the state of the Universe. He began our interview by showing me some internet references on his laptop.
RP: It may be easier to understand if I do four quick Google searches so you can get an instant picture of what is going on right now with our culture. We’re going to be talking about the biggest 'con' ever in science. Your readers can judge for themselves from what we find out. Very quickly we’re going to be finding out what scientific law is controlling Australian culture. We’re also going to look at where it came from, and we’ll look at an alternative scientific view of this law and some research that is being conducted by Hamburg University now. Then we’ll look at the social implications of this law as written about in an educational article published in the Australian on March 8 last year.
We’re now going to ask the first question on Google, by punching in "The Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe". As we can see, Google brings up many responses to this, the first one will suffice. You can see that it’s called The Second Law of Thermodynamics. It’s a basic law of physics, and according to this law the whole universe is in a state of decay moving towards total destruction.
We also note that all calculations and all equations that are written must obey that law. We find out, just by running our eyes over the Google search page, that Albert Einstein called it the premier law of all sciences and Arthur Eddington, his colleague, called it The Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe. The point that he made here is that under this law all life sciences can only be about species following a path to inevitable extinction.
Q: Is there an alternative view?
RP: Yes. Peter Kafka, Professor of Astro Physics at the Max Planck Institute, and a scientist of high repute, wrote six essays on the principle of creation and the accelerating global crisis. He calls the Second Law of Thermodynamics 'Diabolus', the Devil (page 40) – which in his view isn’t evil so much as illogical. Scientists, technologists and politicians are telling us its destructive purpose without fully understanding what they’re doing.
Professor Kafka calls The Supreme Metaphysical Law of the Entire Universe, or the Second Law of Thermodynamics, useless (page 54). The solution to the problem lies in this: when people can no longer tolerate the ugliness of our age, we can be sure that strange, beautiful attractors are near (final paragraph page 119).
Q: Can you define 'strange, beautiful attractors'?
RP: The strange attractor refers to an infinite fractal phenomenon, which demonstrates that human evolution is governed by a balancing of both creative and destructive energy systems. This completely collapses the old idea that evolution is only governed by destructive energies.
Q: Thank you. So, you were talking about a solution to the problem?
RP: We’re now going to look at what that might be. We’re looking at an article: Bernard Bolzano’s Contribution to Logic and Ontology. It’s from a group of scholars from Hamburg University, and we see that in its treatment of logical series of elements it far surpasses anything that the world literature has to offer in the way of a systematic sketch of logic (first sentence). So we can assume that Bolzano’s Theory of Science, written in the 18th century to correct Immanual Kant’s aesthetics, is probably reasonable. Kant had not seen these problems; Bolzano solved them. These solutions were made possible, and were the source of a new approach to the content and character of fundamental knowledge (third paragraph). Other reviewers from the Hamburg scholars found that Bolzano’s logic could be taken forward into modern science, and it runs into fractal logic, which embraces Professor Peter Kafka’s solution, The Strange Beautiful Attractor. So now we’re getting into a science called Quantum Biology.
We now find an article written by Professor Julian Cribb. published by The Australian in 2006, March 8th, titled Muzzling of Science. Professor Cribb is Professor at the University of Technology in Sydney, where he’s Editor of the R and D Review. He points out that a censorship exists which is persecuting leading Australian scientists. This censorship is against any criticism of the fixed worldview – which of course is controlled by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or the Supreme Law of the Entire Universe if you want to go religious.
Professor Cribb points out that 'unpopular' refers to any of those fields of science which challenge the existing fixed worldview formed by Governments, business, special interest lobbies, or 'that most anonymous and unaccountable of research controllers, the stake-holders'.
[RP, quoting Professor Cribb]:
'This process of keeping science from the public, and the network of threats – overt and implied – that protects it, is undermining democracy. A democracy without access to balanced and truthful information on which to base its decisions is little better than a crude Third World dictatorship in which the people are compelled to accept the dictator’s interpretation of the world, however false and fanciful.'
Q: This sounds serious. What can be done about this?
RP: Well, there were two discoveries that changed everything. The first big discovery was in 1980 – the discovery of fractal logic. The second discovery was that the human skull is now evolving. There are numerous cases of children throughout the world in whom the lower teeth are not aligning with the upper jaw. This is easily fixed by a procedure called dental aesthetics in which the vibrations of the skull are transferred to the lower teeth.
The changing shape of the skull is being caused by a turning force existing in the sphenoid, the bone behind the nose. And of course we have 200 million years of fossil records of sphenoid activity to find out what the sphenoid is on about and where it wants to go. What I’m suggesting is that if we want to survive we simply have to know where the sphenoid bone wants to take us. And this is the basis of a lost science from the Greek, which was about establishing a science for ethical ends to guide democratic governments – and as we have seen, we have not got a democratic government at all. We’ve got a plutocracy based on money and greed and submission to a kleptomaniac elite. That’s the best way to describe it. It’s a parasitic procedure that is common in biology.
The importance of fractal logic is that the ancestor to fractal logic was the 5th Century BC philosopher Anaxagoras. Anaxagoras used consciousness to make his fractal worldview, which means the link with the living process to infinity – which is forbidden overtly by the Christian Church, and by the global economic rationalism which, as you’ve seen, demands that all life must be destroyed.
What is important now is that all of the universities in ancient Greece that were associated with the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, had one single objective, and that was to fuse 'Ethics' into the work of Anaxagoras, and what you get now is a lost science in which evolution goes to infinity as a fractal expression. That worldview is overwhelmingly scientific rather than the one we have, the fixed worldview which is the 20th century worldview based on the obsolete understanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This is the whole crux of the problem.
Now we go back to the sphenoid bone. If you make a different model of the universe than the one allowed by the worldview of total destruction, you can do what we did last century and develop formulae to simulate optimum biological growth force through space-time to find out what physics laws it’s obeying. We [at the Science Art Centre] did that for sea shells, and the world’s greatest research institute selected two papers, written by the Centre's mathematician, for reprinting, next to authors such as Louis Pasteur and Francis Crick. What we discovered is this, that the fixed worldview cannot provide optimum growth and development for biology at all. It is only possible to generate distorted biological growth and development, which describes a global cancerous situation.
Now the interesting thing about our work is that we used the sea shell fossils which contain the ancient 'Sacred Geometry' which is the precursor to infinite fractal geometrical logic: Golden Mean geometry of ancient Greece, which went to infinity. That’s what we’re forbidden to think about in today’s Australia. We are not allowed to think and reason about linking evolution to the workings of an infinite universe.
In the mid-14th Century the most stupid Physics that you could imagine came into existence, called 'Angel Physics'. Thomas Aquinas, as history's 'Doctor of Physics' wrote that he was given a magic white girdle that he did 'gird himself' with so that he did not need sex with a woman. From that silly Physics, which placed the Earth at the centre of the Universe, and forbade the Earth to move around the Sun, a legal decree was proclaimed that women and female children could be imprisoned, tortured and burnt alive as witches, and this nonsense at western universities went on for three hundred years.
Then in 1600 the Roman Church burnt the great scientist Giordano Bruno alive for teaching about an infinite Universe, and the Ethics associated with it. He taught that at Oxford University. The English scientists cold-shouldered Bruno, and when he got back to Rome they got him. The reason I mention this is because in 1600 the East India Company was founded in England, which became one of the world's most powerful business or corporate developments. It took over the much of the Empire for the British Government. Now we realise that at that time state religion allowed no one to reason about an infinite Universe. During the 18th Century Reverend Thomas Malthus, when he was appointed as a financial adviser in economics to the East India Company, fitted out Charles Darwin on his voyage of HMS The Beagle. This voyage was about securing future food supplies for the British Empire. Darwin's resulting theory of evolution obeyed the Church's law, which prohibited any science that linked evolution to infinity – which, as you can see, is a law that has since collapsed. So both the religious theories of evolution and the Darwinian one are based on false physics assumptions.
As the power of the Church waned during the industrial era, global corporate greed and development took over. We are now stuck with the same terrible law in a different disguise. It's a very serious situation because, as the Church denied the essence of democracy, so does the logic upholding the global corporation's economic rationalism deny democracy. The existing censorship of any research and development in science that challenges the fixed worldview, as has been mentioned above from Professor Cribb's Muzzling of Science feature article in The Australian, is now undermining democracy itself.
The continued demand that the living process cannot be linked to the workings of an infinite fractal universe is no longer to be tolerated by science. The scientific prize-winning work that we did in seashell evolution over a 20 million year time span can now be directly linked to the work of the infinite evolving forces of the sphenoid bone. It can be shown that unless the DNA is moving toward infinity, it can be classified as devolving. The sphenoid bone can be considered to be linked to the unique seashell design we identified as being part of a 20 million year process of evolutionary purpose. So what we seem to be looking at is that, in the ancient seas, small creatures were trying to get out of the sea to walk on the land. And we know now from the fossil record, that – I think it's 90 million years ago – the sphenoid bone was moving its form to bring small monkeys out of the trees to walk upright on the land. The seashell design mentioned above allowed the sea creature to float upright, and its design can be located within the human ear in contact with the sphenoid bone.
We now have enough mathematics, we have enough ethical logic – which is completely missing from our science today – to generate the human survival blueprint. There is no time to argue with the stakeholders of technological development. We will need their goodwill support and it is necessary to be able to demonstrate that the new science and technology will offer them more than they can possibly imagine from within their limited worldview.
I think what we need to do is to consider that there are a lot of good people – a lot of religious people, a lot of good business people – who really want to help. In Australia I can attack physics policies of the Church, but in the same breath I say, 'God bless the Salvos' or the people running the Church Opportunity Shops. All their efforts are ethical and essential. What I'm trying to say is that, when you weigh up all their innate natural moral efforts, we find that they are being made inefficient by science – a science that's been absolutely contaminated with stupidity. We need these good people, whether they're religious or not. As long as they're moderate and can reason, they will be the people to help solve this problem. It is all about a lost science of ethics which is very, very real. And good luck to them!
Thinking how little time we've got, I feel like a grumpy old man – but after all, it's not a lost cause, because I think the sphenoid bone knows exactly where it wants to go and the sooner we realise this, the sooner we can get out of the present global crisis.
by Iona Miller
by Iona Miller
by Iona Miller
by Iona Miller
Wisdom Light
Archetypal Light / Luminous Ground
By Iona Miller, 3/2015
How do we explore the depths of our reality and experience, seeing underneath that which appears on the surface? What we call reality and consciousness depends on our level of observation and mystical penetration. The most common error is conflating Consciousness and Awareness. Consciousness is a product of widespread communication, while awareness is a focal capacity. Neurologically, consciousness appears to be an emergent property of operational information propagated throughout the brain and psychological space. But we should carefully avoid materialistic errors of category and levels of observation.
How can we integrate different theories relating to the basis of reality? No shortage of comparisons and correlations between spiritual notions and scientific theories has been made. This article focuses on the light motif that structures other layers of nature -- descriptions of the physical and metaphysical origins, properties and behavior of light – virtual, photonic, and symbolic. We need to move from an objective worldview to one more event oriented.
What is the basis of the universe and the material of fundamental reality? Researchers continue to study consciousness not only as the source of the human mind but of all energy and matter. Is consciousness fundamental or emergent? Elemental consciousness is viewed as the essence of the universe, a unified field which gives rise to and pervades all manifest phenomena. Is matter fundamentally endowed with a quality of consciousness?
Is mind in nature a form of electromagnetic information source that interacts constantly with molecules, including DNA? The matter-brain-mind connection may well be electromagnetic, and holographic, and morphogenic information fields, and rooted in the vacuum fluctuation, operating nonlocally (nonconscious) as well as with gradients, currents and chemicals.
Can we directly experience the unified field? Correlations are drawn between the zero-point field and the pre-personal depths of transcendence. Darkness is the gate to light. The field of cosmic consciousness is described as a cosmic emptiness—a void that is paradoxically also a fullness. Can the mind travel through meditation to eternity? The biggest gaps in our knowledge concern the universe as a whole and our entanglement with it. We don't understand Nothing, which is virtually everything.
"The last stage is reached when, in the highest tension and concentration, beholding in silence and utter forgetfulness of all things, it [the soul] is able as it were to lose itself. Then it may see God, the fountain of life, the source of being, the origin of all good, the root of the soul. In that moment it enjoys the highest indescribable bliss; it is as it were swallowed up of divinity, bathed in the light of eternity." –Plotinus
Human nature [hsing] and consciousness [hui] are expressed in light symbolism, and are therefore intensity, while life [ming] would coincide with extensity. The first have the character of the yang principle, the latter of the yin. ~Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 101.
"Death: the mingling of the mother luminosity and the child luminosity: When the path luminosity mingles with the ground luminosity itself, at that instant one can free oneself into the absolute clarity….Great yogis allow the luminosities to arise and mingle in that space, bypassing Bardo projections. They become the light of life itself." --Dudjom Rinpoche
"Pure Consciousness is included in fundamental space-time geometry along with the precursors of spin, mass, charge. In fact, everything we see in our real world stems from patterns in the most fundamental level that percolate up to our level which is many, many magnitudes of order higher." --Stuart Hameroff
Archetypal Light / Luminous Ground
By Iona Miller, 3/2015
How do we explore the depths of our reality and experience, seeing underneath that which appears on the surface? What we call reality and consciousness depends on our level of observation and mystical penetration. The most common error is conflating Consciousness and Awareness. Consciousness is a product of widespread communication, while awareness is a focal capacity. Neurologically, consciousness appears to be an emergent property of operational information propagated throughout the brain and psychological space. But we should carefully avoid materialistic errors of category and levels of observation.
How can we integrate different theories relating to the basis of reality? No shortage of comparisons and correlations between spiritual notions and scientific theories has been made. This article focuses on the light motif that structures other layers of nature -- descriptions of the physical and metaphysical origins, properties and behavior of light – virtual, photonic, and symbolic. We need to move from an objective worldview to one more event oriented.
What is the basis of the universe and the material of fundamental reality? Researchers continue to study consciousness not only as the source of the human mind but of all energy and matter. Is consciousness fundamental or emergent? Elemental consciousness is viewed as the essence of the universe, a unified field which gives rise to and pervades all manifest phenomena. Is matter fundamentally endowed with a quality of consciousness?
Is mind in nature a form of electromagnetic information source that interacts constantly with molecules, including DNA? The matter-brain-mind connection may well be electromagnetic, and holographic, and morphogenic information fields, and rooted in the vacuum fluctuation, operating nonlocally (nonconscious) as well as with gradients, currents and chemicals.
Can we directly experience the unified field? Correlations are drawn between the zero-point field and the pre-personal depths of transcendence. Darkness is the gate to light. The field of cosmic consciousness is described as a cosmic emptiness—a void that is paradoxically also a fullness. Can the mind travel through meditation to eternity? The biggest gaps in our knowledge concern the universe as a whole and our entanglement with it. We don't understand Nothing, which is virtually everything.
"The last stage is reached when, in the highest tension and concentration, beholding in silence and utter forgetfulness of all things, it [the soul] is able as it were to lose itself. Then it may see God, the fountain of life, the source of being, the origin of all good, the root of the soul. In that moment it enjoys the highest indescribable bliss; it is as it were swallowed up of divinity, bathed in the light of eternity." –Plotinus
Human nature [hsing] and consciousness [hui] are expressed in light symbolism, and are therefore intensity, while life [ming] would coincide with extensity. The first have the character of the yang principle, the latter of the yin. ~Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 101.
"Death: the mingling of the mother luminosity and the child luminosity: When the path luminosity mingles with the ground luminosity itself, at that instant one can free oneself into the absolute clarity….Great yogis allow the luminosities to arise and mingle in that space, bypassing Bardo projections. They become the light of life itself." --Dudjom Rinpoche
"Pure Consciousness is included in fundamental space-time geometry along with the precursors of spin, mass, charge. In fact, everything we see in our real world stems from patterns in the most fundamental level that percolate up to our level which is many, many magnitudes of order higher." --Stuart Hameroff
Our experience is inherently subjective -- an objective world independent of the observer doesn’t exist. Particles and Observer are entangled at the quantum scale, so observation affects the matter being observed. When the realm of discrete objects is transcended, everything becomes united in an indivisible whole.
Matter is continually emerging from and dissolving back into a nonmaterial unified field. Manifestations are real at their own level of operation. All thoughts and creative dynamics arise from this underlying transcendent field, known classically as the Clear Light or Primordial Awareness. Background consciousness is the sense of self. The deeply unconscious is the ground of our psychophysical being.
We live in a quantum sea of light. Light is the fundamental archetype of reality. It appears when the Ouroboric zero-point bursts open in radiant glory, from the unfathomable primordial darkness, as photonic light and undifferentiated consciousness. As such, it becomes more than a metaphor for human consciousness and primordial awareness – the invisible ground of pure light.
This “ground of becoming” may be characterized as a relative vacuum state of consciousness, voided of all manner of mental activity. This mental phenomenon can be accessed through meditative quiescence, the cultivation of nondual contemplative insight.
Such relative and ultimate vacuum states of consciousness can be correlated with relative and absolute vacuum states of space presented in contemporary physics. Primordial awareness correlates with the minimum fluctuation of the energetic vacuum.
How can we integrate different theories relating to the basis of reality? No shortage of comparisons and correlations between spiritual notions and scientific theories has been made. This article focuses on descriptions of the physical and metaphysical origins, properties and behavior of light – virtual, photonic, and symbolic. The biggest gaps in our knowledge concern the universe as a whole.
Symbolically, the Absolute is represented as Source, Fountain or Well, the Center, the One, the All or Whole, the Origin (Arche). This Principle or Primordial Cause is Sacred or Holy, Mystery, the Ultimate. The “original ground” is the concept of an unconditioned reality which transcends limited, everyday existence. We don’t need to worship, literalize, or concretize such qualities to recognize their evocative power.
The archaic mind (unconscious) is constantly aware of the sacred. The Absolute reveals reality as light -- a background sea of light known as the electromagnetic zero-point field of the quantum vacuum. At the lowest energy state, the zero-point field is unobservable. The zero-point field is the root of all energy. The immediacy of the unmediated nonlocal reality is the zero point field, which connects the smallest quanta with distant galaxies.
Dark Light of the Void
The Void is not devoid. It is void of physical particles. The zero-point field is the ground state energy of all fields in space. Matter is an insubstantial wavefunction (a potential) at the quantum level. The collective potential of all particles everywhere with their individual zero-point energies is one universal zero point field.
Nature has been hiding the zero-point field (zpf) in a blinding light. Since it permeates every atom in our bodies, we are effectively blind to it. It blinds us by its presence. What we do see is all the rest of the light that is over and above the zero-point field.
We cannot eliminate the zero-point field from our eyes. Even with its distinctive pattern of dynamic electric and magnetic fields in continual fluctuation, the vacuum remains the simplest state of nature. Life takes refuge in a single space - absolute space.
Classically, absolute space (not relative space) is considered non-causal in relationship to manifest phenomena. But we are beginning to describe it more accurately as non-linear, non-local and/or entangled with all events and objects of the phenomenal world.
All events emerge from the framework of absolute space. Though insubstantial it has properties, qualities, and ramifications. The study of space supersedes the study of matter in motion.
Consciousness Enters Phenomena
The creation of consciousness remains as big a mystery as the creation of the universe. Entanglement is a property of nonlocal quantum information exchange. Microcosmic quantum entanglements can scale up into macrocosmic effects including mental phenomena.
Consciousness and matter are emergent phenomena. The goal of psychotherapy is to facilitate the optimal emergence of consciousness from objective or primordial psyche. It is a psychological approach to religious imagery and myth which also incorporates physics and biophysics.
Psychologically, incarnating divinity becomes a process of living awareness of the transpersonal center of the psyche, which is only known through images, including the God-image. Various images and metaphor of Light have always been used in religion and metaphysics to describe such states.
Jung suggested that the purpose of human life is the creation of consciousness, which he defined as a psychic substance connected to an ego. Unperceived contents remain unconscious. Using self-reflection, repeated separation of the knower from the known represents increments of consciousness. Authentic consciousness emerges from experience of being the object of consciousness. Such “inner knowing” is gnosis leading toward nondual experience.
That man and the universe are a vast enterprise for creating consciousness is the new central myth with aspects that unite cross-cultural worldviews. Another part of the new myth is that authentic consciousness achieved individually is never lost. Can it be that every human experience augments the sum total of universal consciousness? Are we each a crucible for the creation of consciousness?
The total of our conscious experience may accrue to the collective treasury of the archetypal psyche – the collective unconscious implying earthly life may be transferred to the divine or archetypal realm at some informational level.
Such notions are understood psychologically, rather than religiously or literally. Deep meaning arises from the realization of the self, which is metaphorically described in terms of the emergence or embodiment of light.
Entangled Photons
Entanglement is an essential feature of quantum mechanics where photons can be intrinsically and absolutely linked. Dean Radin and others suggest consciousness may be linked to field effects of entangled particles in the brain. Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon exhibiting nonlocal behavior or (10,000* times) faster than light communication, but we don’t have equipment to measure that phenomena (SciAm).
In quantum information theory, elementary particles become entwined when they interact. Quantum particles theoretically exist in every possible state at the same time. For example, unless measured, a photon can spin vertically and horizontally at the same time, expressing potential for polarization. Atom-photon pairs have been created experimentally (Johnston).
Probabilities or superpositions give rise to uncertainty which gives rise to entanglement (which is also the alleged source of the arrow of time). Entangled particles represent a probability distribution. As quantum uncertainty spreads, particles become increasingly entangled. Entangled particles seem to share one big entangled state.
As they become more correlated with one another, the particles become increasingly entangled with one another. Individual particles lose their autonomy entrained to the collective state. When correlations contain all the information of the holistic system of entangled particles, and the individual particles contain none, particles stop changing, having arrived at a state of equilibrium with rare, random fluctuations. Information becomes increasingly diffuse, but never completely disappears.
Seth Lloyd says, “The universe as a whole is in a pure state. But individual pieces of it, because they are entangled with the rest of the universe, are in mixtures.” A new ontology is implied if the universe is one big entangled object -- a conscious universe. Bohm and others contend that each part of the universe contains information about the entire universe.
Information about all systems in the universe exists as a potentiality in every system. But each system in the universe only manifests information in a specific range so it can never manifest all the information that is available to it.
However, it also means there is no place where information about our existence does not exist as a potentiality. It also implies some of that hidden systemic information is potentially directly available to us from the pervasive zero-point field or Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (Thakur). Our subconscious accesses and analyzes information outside our conscious awareness. It emerges as intuition and creative flow.
‘Consciousness’ is characterized as primordial, undifferentiated, nonconscious, or unconscious. The holistic fabric of reality is simply connected. Simple consciousness arises from the undifferentiated consciousness of pre-spacetime – in spiritual terms, the unconsciousness of God.
The holographic frequency domain is a plenum which projects the information from the deepest level of the structure of space into the material domain. Thus, the image of the whole is a ubiquitous presence in greater or lesser resolution. The infinite is an aggregate of finites -- discontinuous events.
We might regard an EM wave as a wiggle of nothingness, existing in time, which is like saying that a photon is an oscillation (wiggling) of spacetime itself. Photons are discrete energetic events, wave undulations of surface patterns in the complex infinity of dynamic interaction. The holographic field supports the photonic field at every point in space (with or without perceivable energetic events) with the energy of the entire cosmos.
Technically, every point in space represents the convergence of all photons from all light sources. A flux of virtual photons connects our universe with the non-spatio-temporal negative universe. Buffeting by the vacuum fluctuation knocks out observable photons. Most rapidly decay back to zero-point, repeating the endless cycle.
Matter arises from the plenum/void of the virtual vacuum potential, from particle-antiparticle annihilation, from the virtual photon fluctuation in the underlying plenum once poetically called the Dirac Sea or quantum foam. Patterns arise, interact, endure, and disintegrate. The void undergirds the ambient background fluctuation. Everything is made of Light. Only light 'matters'.
Photons do not have mass; they do have momentum. Einstein’s equations predict that from light’s own point of view time has stopped, and distance has shrunk to zero. So, all light knows is ‘now’. It doesn't exist in time and space as we do. Light, somehow, lies beyond the world of space, time, and matter. It is not part of the material world.
The discrete 'particle' properties of Matter and Light (quanta) are in fact caused by standing wave interactions. Radiant energy is the energy gradient of electromagnetic waves at different frequencies. The photon field is a flow of light.
Whether we look outside into our environment or inside into ourselves we find primordial Light. Light is the first and only thing to emerge from the Unknown. Light is the archetype of the revelation of ultimate reality.
The Nature of Manifestation
The primordial level of self-interaction is unstable virtual particles. The vacuum potential is raw untranslated spacetime, which correlates informationally with raw or primordial (non)consciousness. Aether, hyperspace, and spacetime are all different states of the same entity at different scales.
Aether has no reference points, no meaningful motion, no time, no wave fronts, just absolute space. At the hyperspace level of observation, we find EM waves, strings, branes, quanta, etc. Finally, classical spacetime emerges, the objective Universe as we naturally perceive it. The infinitesimal center is coextensive with the universal continuum.
1. Aether -- (Sub-quantum level) Dimensionless, eternal. David Bohm's implicate order, Basil Hiley's pre-space. The scale at which non-local, instantaneous state change occurs. Nature's four fundamental forces emerge from here.
2. Hyperspace -- (Quantum level) Wheeler's quantum foam. Quantum gravity. Quantum weirdness. A medium where more than one object can occupy the same space; allowing for quantum wave superposition, parallel, and non-linear, information processing.
3. Spacetime -- (Classical level) Intersubjective creation; Gravitation, matter... the objective Universe.
Photons are electromagnetic fields, or rather waves in the electromagnetic fields. Photons are the basic unit of energy and cosmos. A photon is a single particle of light. Virtual photons are static. Photons shift from virtual scalar (nonordered) to normal vector (ordered) photon energy through photon/antiphoton pairs. Quantum electrodynamics suggests that the vacuum is a multi-dimensional realm stressed with an extremely high potential known as the zero-point energy.
Scalars are dynamic quantities, which have magnitude but not direction, like vector waves. They also exist in the space between our own atoms. The void is not devoid, but seethes with impermanent virtual particles and fields. The flow of mass, and our own mass, through time is generated by the ubiquitous interaction of photons with the mass. This is so for both virtual and observable photons.
The active vacuum is active spacetime. Mass moves through time by integrating virtual photons, and absorption / emission of observable photons / biophotons. The internal dynamic flow of time has infolded sublevels and engines that pump up the quantum field effects to breech the mystic threshold of observability. Tesla referred to this form of negative energy as radiant energy.
The fabric of space is a turbulent plasma-like realm comprised of virtual particles continuously appearing from and disappearing into a physical hyperspace. This virtual particle flux has an enormous energy density, the "zero point energy". Zero-point motion imparted by the virtual particle flux is not thermal in nature and is present even at the "zero-point" of zero degrees Kelvin, where all atomic motion is supposed to stop.
At the interface where nothing becomes something, nonluminous virtual photons teem in the zero-point field (zpf). Mass attracts photon flux from the vacuum. The radiant ground is the fundamental source beyond the boundary layer of quantum foam. Photons are the self-luminous manifestation of Absolute Space. Nothing arises but standing waves from the seething zero-point field of creative potential. It is the source and sustenance of existence -- the light of life itself.
We are bioholograms projected by coherent light and sound. We arise from and are sustained by field phenomena. Waves of biophotonic light and sound form our essential nature through acoustic holography. This coherent light transduces itself into radio waves. This holographic biophoton field carries sound as information that decodes the 4-D form as a material object. The mindbody is electronic, but it is rooted in the luminosity of its invisible ground.
We now know that our universe is awash in a background sea of diverse light waves, countless fields of them, all occupying the quantum vacuum of local and outer space. It’s a titanic ocean full of electromagnetic riptides, which wield influence everywhere -- the renewable energy of always. The zpf is continually absorbed and regenerated by charged particles.
The Field is the only reality
Dimensional fluctuations occur in the field of frequencies. Scalar waves are oscillations of the stress energy tensor of the vacuum. More intense “undulations” are holographic patterns from which spacetime emerges. Quantum fluctuations are the emergence of equal but opposites particles from the vacuum.
“Let there be Light.” Potentials in the vacuum are primordial causal agents creating force fields from their interference during virtual photon flux. Charge emits measurable photon energy. ZPE charge becomes observable emission. Real EM photons (quanta of light) are emitted from that charge and spread into 3-space at light speed.
But there is a jump effect which happens during the orthorotation of light, or acceleration to the speed of light. Mass turns into photons during the final part of orthorotation which is in the virtual state. This is the missing link between relativity and quantum mechanics.
Bernard Haisch says, “Electric and magnetic fields flowing through space oscillate as a pendulum does. At every possible frequency, there will always be a tiny bit of electromagnetic jiggling going on. And if you add up all these ceaseless fluctuations, you get a background sea of light whose total energy is enormous. This is the electromagnetic zero-point field.”
Particle-wave systems must be in constant motion, continuously processing space in order to continue their existence. If motion ceased, they would simply disintegrate. Virtual particles pop-up from hyperspace into spacetime as the result of random field interactions, such as resonance. We are observing energy exchanges in nature. Nothing else is taking place. A wave requires time and space. Amplitude happens in 3D space, and then it moves so that those dimensions change. Time is motion in space.
Particles stay in spacetime because they have stable standing waves. Is a spherical standing wave an emitter and reflector? A transmitter and responder is a transponder. In the case of two emitters, the emitter basically creates its own responder. If spherical standing waves are virtual transponders the vacuum potential produces an information circuit.
Radiant fields are, in effect, spherical standing waves that follow a double helix spiral vortex Mobius Klein path. Plausibly, the incoming wave is the compressive gravity aspect, and the outgoing wave is the expanding electromagnetic aspect. Is a spherical standing wave (radiant field) the signature of a virtual transponder simultaneously receiving, translating and then re-broadcasting information?
Philosophy and physics explore the nature of reality itself, and the relationship between the mind and reality. Both the Qabalah and Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics elaborate on emanation from negative existence, describing the pre-spacetime / pregeometric and geometric templates of what Fuller called "nature's own method of self-assembly." Creative flow of light describes both illumination and emanation. We are also a flow of light.
Negative Existence
The first Sefirah is Kether, the Crown, the beginning, the primal void. A dark light leapt from this most secret depth, like a colorless mist that gives form to formlessness, and as the mist spread, a burst of flames took shape in its center, and the flames streamed down to illuminate the lower Sefirot, and down, down to the Kingdom.
The qabalistic Genesis begins with the emanation of Ain Soph, "supreme wisdom," the Godhead as pure light-filled creative intelligence, source of all manifestation. The Limitless Light flows out into the 10 Spheres of the Tree of Life down through the Four Worlds of Creation: Archetypal (divine), Causal (mental), Astral (emotional), and Physical.
Emanation means that God sent forth a portion of his own essence into the manifestation, rather than creating a separate reality. This cosmic pattern or design reflects the divine order, the pervasive design of the world, echoing the alchemical maxim, "As Above, So Below."
“Light” is the living power of the Creation. It fills every part of reality, and allows its existence. The Light pervades us. In Qabalah, Ain is a ‘nothingness’ with a hidden or invisible potential from which the Universe will eventually manifest. "The Negative Existence" -- that which is concealed -- is comprised of:
- Ain = "Light" or "Nothing"
- Ain Soph = "Limitless Light" or "No Nothing" (i.e., not even the knowledge of "nothing"), and
- Ain Soph Aur = "Limitless Light in Extension" or "No Nothing Ever/Always"
Ain is the highest and first of the veils. It is literally translated as 'nothing', or simply 'no'; absolute emptiness, the opposite of existence, complete absence. Ain Soph proceeds from Ain by necessity. It is literally translated as 'no limit'. Where there is nothing there are no boundaries or limitations; this is the limitless foundation -- the eternal in its purest sense.
Ain Soph Aur is the lower veil, situated closest to the Tree of Life, and it proceeds from Ain Soph as a necessity. It means 'limitless or eternal light'. Without any limitations, things happen because there is no reason they shouldn't. Light plays a very important role in the philosophy and symbolism of Qabalah. Ain Soph Aur is that human experience of light. They symbolize three aspects of an "Unknowable Concept of Being and Non-Being."
Negative Existence may be outside the range of our realization, it does not mean that we are beyond the range of its influence. Those who have penetrated furthest into the Unseen have given us symbolic descriptions by means of which we may turn our minds in the direction of the Absolute, even if we cannot reach it. They have spoken of Negative Existence as Light: "Ain Soph Aur, the Limitless Light."
The experience of the "NOT" finds Its counterpart in every mystical tradition. In Taoism it is called Mysterious Unknown. The Sufis refer to the experience as fana 'l fana (fana means "extinction"). The Hindus call it nirvikalpa samadhi. The Buddhists call it nirvana, sunyata (emptiness), satori, and anuttara samyak sambodhi (full enlightenment). The Qur'an refers to the Mysterious Unknown by the same terms used in the Torah.
All mystical traditions describe the "Mysterious Unknown at the Roots of All Things" as both inactive (impersonal) and active (personal aspects). The Zohar names them the "Vast Face" and "Small Face" of Qabalah.The inactive aspect is represented by the letter Ayin. It is also known as Al (lit. upon), Shomer (Witness, Guardian), Atiqa (Hidden One), Supernal Israel, the Ancient of Days, and other Names found in the Sefer HaShmoth and the Torah.
The absolute is movement and stillness without beginning, yin and yang without beginning. Buddhists call this complete awareness, Taoists call it the gold pill, Confucians call it the absolute. What is called the infinite absolute means the limit of the unlimited. Buddha called it "as is, immutable, ever clearly aware".
Ayin means "eye," and in the Idra Rabba Qadusha it says: "This is the tradition: Were the Eye closed even for one moment, no thing could subsist. Therefore, It is called the Open Eye, the Holy Eye, the Excellent Eye, the Eye of Fate (mazal), the Eye which sleeps not nor slumbers, the Eye which is the Guardian of all things, the Eye which is the substance of all things."(Idra Rabba 136,137)
In the Sefer Yetzirah, the Ayin is called the "Organ of Nakedness." In Arabic, the word for the NOT is "La": this is written virtually identical to the Ezra letter Ayin. The shape of the Phoenician or Sinatic letter Ayin is also suggestive -- it is a circle.
Zero-Phase Geometry
The morpohological or geometrical aspect of nature plays a dynamic role in the identity and behavior of all objects and processes. In Synergetics, a geometrical system of holistic thinking, Buckminster Fuller described Cosmic Zero at the geometrical heart of the Vector Equilibrium Matrix.
V.E. is the breeder of wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and non-locality at the quantum level. Vector equilibria in isotropic vector matrix produce the discontinuity of particles, while the vector-weaving around the VE nucleus produce the continuity of wave phenomena. It describes the nuclei of atomic structure.
Vector Equilibrium is a zone of neutral resonance where waves can pass through waves without interference, yet, it never physically exists as a structure. It is the ultimate dynamic equilibrium zero state. The five Platonic solid arise from it as this foundation of all cosmic structural geometry. According to Fuller, "zero pulsation in the vector equilibrium is the nearest thing we will ever know to eternity and the omniscient mind of Universe."
This is the geometry of the Unified Field — the "zero-phase of conceptual integrity inherent in the positive and negative asymmetries that propagate the differentials of consciousness." When it comes to modeling a most fundamental aspect of physics wherein the zero-point field of energy has infinite density yet cannot be seen or measured, the vector equilibrium simply and absolutely fulfills this ground-zero starting place from which everything else springs forth.
Cosmic zero exists, paradoxically, in the realm of the psyche and in quantum reality in the atomic nucleus expressed as force. It is the form of formlessness, the root metaphor. It also forms the roots of the cosmic Tree of Life, since there is a fine-to-non-existent line between organic and inorganic matter on the quantum scale. Physics is the patterns of organic energy, all of which are dynamic, alive. Mass is energy, so the subatomic world is always restlessly in motion. Inert matter is full of motion when we look closely at it . The activity of matter is its essence.
The properties of mass, inertia, charge and gravity -- and those who observe them -- are the result of space resonances produced by zero-point scalar waves. At zero-point, waves pass through waves without interference. We come from, are sustained by, and are returning to the radiant light of our mass. All electromagnetic force is mediated by virtual photons.
Some scientists think the ground of our consciousness is synonymous with the ground of physical existence. Pre-spacetime is the absolute frame of reference and the ground of existence. Thus, luminous ground is inherent radiance. Primordial consciousness has the same nature as the ground state of absolute space, from which emerge all mental and physical phenomena. The nature of primordial consciousness is empty and luminous. Entering the groundstate of consciousness can be done.
Is undifferentiated consciousness the same dynamic as matter and energy? Is there a physics of consciousness? Is this more than correlation or poetic metaphor for unextended matter? The field of pure consciousness can be understood as the subjective essence of the unified field, which acts as the ultimate origin of creation. It not only acts as the origin of all individual thoughts, but also all of the forms and phenomena in nature.
The pupil is taught to concentrate on the light of the inmost region and, while doing so, to free himself from all outer and inner entanglements. ~Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 121
Thus consciousness is at the same time empty and not empty. It is no longer preoccupied with the images of things but merely contains them. The fullness of the world which heretofore pressed upon consciousness has lost none of its richness and beauty, but it no longer dominates consciousness. ~Carl Jung, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 121.
‘‘A halo of light surrounds the world of the law. We forget one another, quiet and pure, altogether powerful and empty. The emptiness is irradiated by the light of the heart of heaven. The water of the sea is smooth and mirrors the moon in its surface. The clouds disappear in blue space; the mountains shine clear. Consciousness reverts to contemplation; the moon- disk rests alone.’’ ~Hui Ming Ching, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 121.
Among these other disciplines, Jung described the wisdom light of the Gnostics. In the Apocryphon of John we find:
7. And It gazed into Barbelo in the pure light which surrounds the invisible Spirit and Its luminescence, and she conceived from It. It begot a spark of light in a light resembling blessedness, but it was [not] equal to Its greatness. This one was only-begotten of the Mother Father who had appeared. He is his only offspring, the only-begotten of the Father, the pure light.
Then the invisible virginal Spirit rejoiced over the light [which] had come into being, that one who first appeared from the first power of Its Pronoia, which is Barbelo. And It [an]ointed him from Its own goodness/Christhood until he became perfect, not lacking anything of [good]ness/[Christ]hood because It had anointed him in the [goo]d[ndss/[Chri]st[ho]od of the invisible Spirit. And he stood in Its presence while It poured upon him. A[nd] im[medi]ately when he had received from the Sp[irit, he] gl[or]ified the holy Spirit and the perfect Pro[n]oia, for he had been revealed because of her. And he asked to be given a fellow worker, which is Mind. And It stared. And in the invisible Spirit's act of staring, Mind was revealed. And he stood with Christ, glorifying him and Barbelo, for all these came into being in silence.
Jung termed the nondual "Pleroma," where nothingness is the same as fullness" Absolute in which there is no division between subject and object. Jung intuited this nondual Pleroma to be a collective transpersonal reservoir, an ocean of collective unconscious. From this omnipotent universal Pleroma our individual psyches coalesce around "attractor archetypes." In this sense Jung echoed the eastern axiom: "Emptiness is Form, Form is Emptiness."
Considering the primordial nature of the psyche, Jung reflected on the 'seeds of light broadcast in the chaos' (Khunrath) , of the 'scintillae' (Dorn), soul sparks (Eckhart), of fish-eyes at the bottom of the sea, or images of luminous serpent eyes. He spoke of the virtual light of such luminous nodal points emerging from the abyssal depths, eventually including dynamical processes and all types of universally recurring patterns of behavior in the psyche.
Jung described his intuitive apprehension of the Pleroma exhaustively in Seven Sermons to the Dead. Jung's Plenum is a field of universal potential, unbound luminosity and infinite awareness. Space isn't an empty vacuum but characterized as universal potential and creative flow.
Hear Ye: I begin with nothing. Nothing is the same as fullness. In the endless state fullness is the same as emptiness. The Nothing is both empty and full. One may just as well state some other thing about the Nothing, namely that it is white or that it is black or that it exists or that it exists not. That which is endless and eternal has no qualities, because it has all qualities.
The Nothing, or fullness, is called by us the PLEROMA. In it thinking and being cease, because the eternal is without qualities. In it there is no one, for if anyone were, he would be differentiated from the Pleroma and would possess qualities which would distinguish him from the Pleroma.
In the Pleroma there is nothing and everything: it is not profitable to think about the Pleroma, for to do that would mean one’s dissolution.
The CREATED WORLD is not in the Pleroma, but in itself. The Pleroma is the beginning and end of the created world. The Pleroma penetrates the created world as the sunlight penetrates the air everywhere. Although the Pleroma penetrates it completely, the created world has no part of it, just as an utterly transparent body does not become either dark or light in color as the result of the passage of light through it. We ourselves, however, are the Pleroma, so it is that the Pleroma is present within us. Even in the smallest point the Pleroma is present without any bounds, eternally and completely, for small and great are the qualities which are alien to the Pleroma. The Pleroma is the nothingness which is everywhere complete and without end. It is because of this that I speak of the created world as a portion of the Pleroma, but only in an allegorical sense; for the Pleroma is not divided into portions, for it is nothingness. We, also, are the total Pleroma; for figuratively the Pleroma is an exceedingly small, hypothetical, even non-existent point within us, and also it is the limitless firmament of the cosmos about us. Why, however, do we discourse about the Pleroma, if it is the all, and also nothing?
The pairs of opposites are the qualities of the Pleroma: they are also in reality non-existent because they cancel each other out. ... Since we ourselves are the Pleroma, we also have these qualities present within us; inasmuch as the foundation of our being is differentiation, we possess these qualities in the name and under the sign of differentiation..
Clear Light
Human consciousness instinctively seeks 'cosmic zero.' Arguably, the most sophisticated model for the psychological nature of mind and the "Nature Mind" comes from centuries of experimentation and direct observation by Tibetan Buddhists. They emphasize experience of the Clear Light and primordial awareness, and aim at glimpsing, recognizing, and stabilizing such states with their practices.
If the vacuum (scalar) potential of Absolute Space equates with "pure unconditioned consciousness" or 'complete awareness' can we experience or apprehend such directly as has been implied by spiritual masters? In what sense does 'primordial awareness' correlate with scalar potential, the uncreated state of vacuum fluctuation? In what sense is this pre-conscious, or non-conscious an agent of mind-matter creation? Is it knowable through intuition, gnosis, spontaneous apprehension, or spiritual discipline?
We can compare and contrast the mystical and scientific observations. Pure consciousness is knowledge born from pure intuition. This can be called pure knowledge. It pertains to the non-phenomenal forms of uncreated existence. Absolute space is the noumenal source of phenomenal consciousness, a fundamental quality, and Mind is a higher order hyperspace field outside brain's EM field. Fundamental proto-consciousness finds more particular expression when matter comes together in a certain way. Physics still struggles to describe this process, but is currently looking toward spin and entanglement as observable clues.
Endless Real Potential
We are beginning to understand what nature has been hiding. The zero-point field is a blinding light. Since it is everywhere, inside and outside of us, permeating every atom in our bodies, we are effectively blind to it. It blinds us by its presence. The world of light that we do see is all the rest of the light that is over and above the zero-point field. We cannot eliminate the zero-point field from our eyes. So, the vacuum is filled with a distinctive pattern of electromagnetic fields. Even with its pattern of electric and magnetic fields in continual fluctuation, the vacuum remains the simplest state of nature. Life takes refuge in a single space - absolute space -- the luminous core of meaning itself.
This “ground of becoming” may be characterized as a relative vacuum state of consciousness,voided of all manner of mental activity. This mental phenomenon can be accessed through meditative quiescence, the cultivation of nondual contemplative insight. Such relative and ultimate vacuum states of consciousness seem remarkably similar to relative and absolute vacuum states of space presented in contemporary physics.
Photon interaction is the absorption and emission of photons by particles or objects. The macroscopic world is created by this interaction, which is the basic quantum change interaction. Scalar waves are emitted and absorbed by the nuclei of atoms, passing right through the electron shells without interaction. If photon interaction is invoked, classical reality emerges. Photon interaction creates classical objectivity. Since light carries time, photon emission from an entity strips away the time dimension converting it to a spatial object.
Ervin Laslo says, "Information is entirely basic in the universe. In the latest conception the universe doesn't consist of matter and space; it consists of energy and information. Energy exists in the form of wave-patterns and wave-propagations in the quantum vacuum that fills space; in its various forms, energy is the "hardware" of the universe. The "software" is information. The universe is not an assemblage of bits of inert matter moving passively in empty space: it's a dynamic and coherent whole. The energy that constitutes its hardware is always and everywhere "in-formed." It's in-formed by what David Bohm called the implicate order and physicists now regard as the quantum vacuum or zero-point field (also called physical spacetime, universal field, or nuether). This is the "in-formation" that structures the physical world, the information we grasp as the laws of nature."
Edinger, Edward, The Creation of Consciousness
Johnston, Atom-photon pairs
faster than light
New Quantum Theory could explain the flow of time
A Report by
Professor Paul S. Wesson, F.R.A.S.
McTaggert, The Field
Holographic duality gravity
“It looks like important physical objects, such as curved space-times … emerge naturally from entanglement in tensor network states via holography,” writes physicist Román Orús of Johannes Gutenberg University in Germany.
In particular, a formulation of tensor networks called MERA (for multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz) seems especially promising with respect to understanding gravity. MERA tensor networks describe patterns of entanglement in certain complicated quantum systems, generating a geometry reminiscent of the extra-dimensional space that Maldacena discussed in his duality. In other words, it’s a real-life realization of the quantum field theory-gravity duality.
“When seen from this perspective,” writes Orús, “one would say that geometry (and gravity) seems to emerge from local patterns of entanglement in quantum many-body states.” Thus, he points out, the tensor network approach supports the conclusion suggested in previous work by Raamsdonk and others: “Gravitational spacetime emerges from quantum entanglement.”
Robert Pope was born in 1939 at Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. He is listed as an Artist-Philosopher in Marquis Who's Who in the World. In 1973 he was awarded a State Government Bursary to investigate the association between Buckminster Fuller's theories and the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy. He was appointed a Residency at the University of Adelaide in 1978.
In 1979, ABC Television documented his work in the Series, The Scientists - Profiles of Discovery. That year he received a Commonwealth Government grant, enabling acceptance of a UNESCO appointment as a Special Australian Science-Art Delegate to the Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity held in Trieste. China's eminent physicist, Kun Huang, provided Pope with a research methodology to discover new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development.
Pope established a Research Centre in Australia in 1980 and in 1990 the technological institute, IEEE, reprinted two optical life-energy papers by the Centre's mathematician. In 1995, the work won a Biology Prize from the Institute for Basic Reasearch in America for discovering Huang's proposed new physics laws. The Centre's Dr Cockburn, a Royal Fellow of Medicine (London), corrected Kant's Aesthetics to define ethics within the structure of a new medical science. This resulted in Pope obtaining a Sydney University Residency, working alongside a cancer research team. Pope used the Centre's discoveries to publish a modification of the optics key to Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of Knowledge. This predicted the discovery of a new technology associated with the liquid crystal optics theories of Pierre de Gennes, who won the 1991 Nobel Prize in physics.
In 1992 the principal discoverer of Pope's predicted technology wrote that Pope's work encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions. In 2009 Pope was awarded the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science's Gold Medal Laureate. The three 1996 Nobel Chemistry Laureates established a medical institute based upon Fullerene Chemistry. It was discovered that Fuller had derived his theories from Plato.
On the 24th of September, 2010, the Directors of the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project, Paolo Manzelli and Massimo Pregnolato, were awarded the Giorgio Napolitano Medal for their quantum biological research on behalf of the Italian Republic. Pope renamed their new quantum biology chemistry as Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry, and dedicated the Australian Science-Art Research Centre's work to the construction of a Social Cradle to nurture the New Florentine Renaissance.
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Cancer, Compassion and Gravitational Force - An Open Address to the United Nations Secretariat Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: September 30, 2014
In this article rational scientific insight is linked to emotional aesthetic intuition, both depicting the evolution of quantum biology's infinite human survival logic. Isaac Newton's little known alternate definition of gravitational force being responsible for the evolution of emotional consciousness, is now shown to be relevant to important new cancer research. Julian Jaynes book, The Bicameral Mind, has been considered by neuropsychological researchers as being an important aspect of human survival logic. The emerging science of quantum biology's information energy entanglement with quantum mechanics entropic energy in order to conserve universal energy is now considered an essential aspect of future cancer research.
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In 2014, the Australian Government classified research by the CSIRO Approved Research Institute, The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, as cancer research. The Centre, in liaison with scholars associated with the Australasian Node, American Council of the United Nations Millennium Project Future Studies and Development organisation, published a book entitled,The Science-Art of the 21st Century Renaissance. This article relates to a symposium conducted last year by some of those scholars, as an in-depth critique of the 21st Century's current revision of Sir Julian Huxley's Transhumanism theories. The article attempts to give pragmatic substance to the mathematician. Gerg Cantor's, insistence, that 'a myopia of fear' inhabits the human mind, preventing it from emoting to the mathematical concept of infinity. It is argued that this phenomena must be resolved before the United Nations can instigate urgently needed substantial peace and conflict negotiations.
The Church's Extinction Science Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
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In 1990 the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia's optical mathematical description of life-energy laws was reprinted by the world's largest technological research institute, as an important optical mathematical discovery of the 20th Century. In 1995 the research was acclaimed by an internationally peer reviewed examination, for the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum biological evolution. The work was later embraced by 21st Century quantum biology. The Golden Age of Danish Science's fusion of electromagnetic discoveries into the ancient Greek atomic 'Science of Universal Love', revealed that the Church had contaminated science by sentencing all life to entropic extinction. That extinction is fundamental to entropic quantum mechanics,which forbids infinite living-energies to exist within a spiritual,or holographic space-time reality. President Thomas Jefferson had written that Christ was the greatest teacher of this banished science and rightly or wrongly, in the light of quantum biology, the issue warrants further investigation, despite the Church's religious dogma to the contrary.
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Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and Humanoid Evolution Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: March 21, 2013
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article attempts to support those who intuitively feel that a change in global human consciousness is occurring to allow humanity to evolve into a new Golden Age. Marcillio Ficino's 15th Century Great Italian Renaissance about the atomistic geometrical structure of compassion associated with Platonic love, failed to influence 20th Century science. Leonardo da Vinci's mechanistic culture eventuated instead, resulting in a technological culture based upon a global economic rationalism, devoid of rigorous scientific ethics. Plato's spiritual optics are now being explained in terms of the functioning of the mirror neuron in the brain. The Florentine University New Measurement of Humanity Project is developing its nationally acclaimed quantum biology research to show that the mirror neuron evolves compassion in defiance of the mechanical industrial age. The Science-Art Research Centre, in liaison with the Florentine Project, is attempting to develop a supercomputer program to include the new knowledge in order to champion the intuitive feelings of those desiring a Golden Age for Humanity.
The Natural Optics of Mirror Neurons and Platonic Fullerene Chemistry Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: March 12, 2013
Icons of the New Renaissance articles, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article, ancient Greek concepts of political compassion, derived from ancient Egyptian sacred geometrical mathematics are compared with the Babylonian mythological-mathematics used by Albert Einstein to formulate his theory of relativity. The atomic structure of Platonic love is compared with the mathematical ethos innate in Einstein's E=Mc squared. Nanotechnology has shown that the world-view developed by the engineer Buckminster Fuller's use of Plato's mathematics resulted in knowledge that the living energies of quantum biology entangle with Einstein's energies of chaos in order to evolve a compassionate form of evolutionary purpose. This matter is, in Fuller's words, one of choosing between 'utopia or oblivion'.
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Liberty, Freedom, Science and the US Constitution Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: February 18, 2013
Dear reader, this Ezine article has been written for perusal by over 6000 nano-scientists. Its theme suggests to the general public that ethical nanotechnology has an important role to play in bringing about a new age of global liberty and freedom. It can be argued that this can come about if nanotechnology is developed in liaison with a medical science, to guide ennobling government for the betterment of the global human condition. While the article is about the fractal nature of Mesopotamian mythological mathematics, it is fully realised that other ancient cultures, including Indian and Chinese civilisations, contributed infinite fractal mathematical concepts into the formation of the ancient 3rd Century BC Platonic tradition of Greek science.
Human Survival Timeline to the 21st Century Renaissance Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: January 11, 2013
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article a 41 year journey marks a successful endeavour to bring the human survival theories of Sir C P Snow into fruition as the purpose of the 21st Century Renaissance, by linking them with the functioning of Buckminster Fuller's synergistic universe. The article also introduces a Science-Art model for the funding of further research to implement Snow's work.
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Sir C P Snow and the Cure for Cancer Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: December 21, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article a 1957 book published by the New York University Library of Science links Einstein's E=Mc squared with the mathematics of Babylonian myth. Recent nano-technological discoveries show that Buckmister Fuller's synergistic world-view is needed to complete Einstein's limited understanding of the functioning of life-science energies. The 1937 Nobel laureate in medicine, Szent Gyorgyi, had developed similar concepts now found to resonate with discoveries made by the Science-Art Researsch Centre and the theories of Sir C P Snow, indicating that the bridging of the gulf between modern science and Classic Arts theory may be relevant to finding a cure for cancer. However, this cannot be investigated until Fuller's proposed World game Theory is programmed into a relevant suprercomputer allowing negentropic carbon signalling properties to be examined beyond the limitations of Einstein's understandingf of quantum mechanics.
Sexuality, Entropic Warfare and Unbalanced 20th Century Science Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: December 3, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article Einstein's theory of relativity and his quantum mechanics observer participancy theory is balanced with the discovery of information energy belonging to the emerging science of quantum biology. In 1957 the New York University Library of Scientific Thought published a book entitled, Theories of the Universe: From Babylonian Myth to Modern Science. The theme of that book is compared to the same theme of the 2012 publication by the Science-Art Research Centre entitled The 21st Century Renaissance. Einstein's mathematical association with Babylonian myth is corrected by Buckminster Fuller's development of Platonic spiritual engineering optics derived by Plato from ancient Egyptian myth.
The Sacred Geometries of Lust, Power and Platonic Love Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: October 3, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article explains that the upgrading of Anaxagoras' theory of creation by the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy created a dynamical fractal mathematics extending to infinity, in defiance of present mainstream science. This can be seen to have been an observer-participant act. The medical and legal consequences of this underlines Buckminster Fuller's choice that we must make between utopia or oblivion. This concept is now the basis of the 21st Century Renaissance.
Platonic Fullerene Science and World Peace Reference and Education: Biology • Published: September 7, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article it is argued that the stumbling block to world-peace is the modern day scientific mindset being unable to comprehend the electromagnetic ethic within nanotechnology's link with quantum biology. The bridging of this gulf is in accordance with the theories of Sir C P Snow's 1959 Cambridge University Rede Lecture about linking Platonic philosophy with modern science in order to prevent the collapse of civilisation.
C P Snow and Ethical Free Energy Reference and Education: Future Concepts • Published: July 30, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. During the 20th Century the Science-Art Research Centre discovered new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time. Scientists familiar with the ancient Greek science for ethical ends became concerned that the Designer Drug industry in the 21st Century appeared to be developing its logic base, with no regard for its original ethical ethos. This article attempts to show the seriousness of this situation in layman terminology in order that the general public might become aware of it.
Marcilio Ficino's Italian Renaissance Did Not Include Da Vinci's Theory of Knowledge Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: July 16, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article examines the problem of the decine of Western civilisation into global chaos. Part of that problem is the mistaken conviction that Leonardo da Vinci was a central figure within Marcilio Ficino's 15th Century Italian Renaissance.
Tyrannosaurus Rexina and the Ethics of Creative Physics Book Reviews: Philosophy •
Published: July 9, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article the death of a female dinosaur, referred to as Tyrannosaurus Rexina, provides a new mathematical understanding of the emergence of a rigorous Creative Physics. The mathematics is relevant to Florence University's New Measurement of Humanity Project, now internationally recognised as the 21st Century Renaissance. The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia is currently publishing an A3 limited 250 first edition A3 size, fully illustrated hard cover quarter bound Science-Art book, in liaison with the university, entitled, The 21st Century renaissance. The book is endorsed by eminent scientists from around the world and contains medical and legal chapters designed to be incorporated into UNESCO and United Nations world peace initiatives, in an effort to prevent World War III. This is considered to be addressing Sir C P Snow's 1959 Rede Lecture warning about bridging the destructive widening cultural gap between science and art.
The Ethics of the 21st Century Renaissance Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: June 19, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article is about how the pioneering of Creative Physics and Platonic Fullerene Chemistry in Australia was used to create a Social Cradle to help nurture the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project to establish its quantum biological research, now known internationally as The 21st Century Renaissance.
View all of Robert Pope's published articles
In 1979, ABC Television documented his work in the Series, The Scientists - Profiles of Discovery. That year he received a Commonwealth Government grant, enabling acceptance of a UNESCO appointment as a Special Australian Science-Art Delegate to the Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity held in Trieste. China's eminent physicist, Kun Huang, provided Pope with a research methodology to discover new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development.
Pope established a Research Centre in Australia in 1980 and in 1990 the technological institute, IEEE, reprinted two optical life-energy papers by the Centre's mathematician. In 1995, the work won a Biology Prize from the Institute for Basic Reasearch in America for discovering Huang's proposed new physics laws. The Centre's Dr Cockburn, a Royal Fellow of Medicine (London), corrected Kant's Aesthetics to define ethics within the structure of a new medical science. This resulted in Pope obtaining a Sydney University Residency, working alongside a cancer research team. Pope used the Centre's discoveries to publish a modification of the optics key to Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of Knowledge. This predicted the discovery of a new technology associated with the liquid crystal optics theories of Pierre de Gennes, who won the 1991 Nobel Prize in physics.
In 1992 the principal discoverer of Pope's predicted technology wrote that Pope's work encompassed a revolution of thought as important to science and society as the Copernican and Newtonian revolutions. In 2009 Pope was awarded the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science's Gold Medal Laureate. The three 1996 Nobel Chemistry Laureates established a medical institute based upon Fullerene Chemistry. It was discovered that Fuller had derived his theories from Plato.
On the 24th of September, 2010, the Directors of the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project, Paolo Manzelli and Massimo Pregnolato, were awarded the Giorgio Napolitano Medal for their quantum biological research on behalf of the Italian Republic. Pope renamed their new quantum biology chemistry as Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry, and dedicated the Australian Science-Art Research Centre's work to the construction of a Social Cradle to nurture the New Florentine Renaissance.
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Cancer Research and the 21st Century Science-Art Renaissance Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: March 10, 2015
The basis of the Platonic 'Science for ethical ends', invented during the 3rd Century BC, was sacred geometrical logic. If, as Plato stated, 'All is Geometry', then its first principles, together with the ancient use of plane geometry, govern the evolution of 'All'. Prevailing science accepts that fractal geometrical logic can extend to infinity, yet is in a state of pathological denial that human evolutionary consciousness might embrace that infinite logic. Human emotional functioning is known to express infinite fractal logic.
Cancer, Ancient Atomic Mathematics and the Science-Art of Quantum Biology Reference and Education:
Future Concepts • Published: December 16, 2014
The concept of the pursuit of happiness as mentioned within the Constitution of the United States of America was erroneously based upon the assumption that Newton's theory of gravitational force was caused by mechanistic physics principles. However, Newton had published to the contrary. The discovery of Science-Art optical mathematical principles late last century was fused into quantum biology in 2010. The historical mathematical basis of this discovery was found to have originated from ancient Egyptian atomic mathematics developed by Pythagoras and depicted on the Eye of Horus symbol depicted on the Great Seal of America. Its optical significance relates to the discovery in cancer research of Shannon-Weiner information energy contradicting our understanding of quantum mechanics. This issue is now one of great importance for the future health and betterment of humanity.
Cancer Research and Mitchell Foy's Coloured Space-Time Model Reference and Education: Future Concepts • Published: December 1, 2014
During the 20th Century the mechanical logic of quantum mechanics ruled global technological culture. The result of this in the 21st Century is one of an obsession with continual economic growth bringing about an acceleration of worldwide economic chaos.
Cancer, Compassion and Gravitational Force - An Open Address to the United Nations Secretariat Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: September 30, 2014
In this article rational scientific insight is linked to emotional aesthetic intuition, both depicting the evolution of quantum biology's infinite human survival logic. Isaac Newton's little known alternate definition of gravitational force being responsible for the evolution of emotional consciousness, is now shown to be relevant to important new cancer research. Julian Jaynes book, The Bicameral Mind, has been considered by neuropsychological researchers as being an important aspect of human survival logic. The emerging science of quantum biology's information energy entanglement with quantum mechanics entropic energy in order to conserve universal energy is now considered an essential aspect of future cancer research.
Science-Art and Cancer Research Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: September 9, 2014
Human evolution has been one of continual cycles of conflict between various mythological gods, some tribal and others belonging to great civilisations. The manufacture of beautiful artefacts date periods of human creativity that waxed and then waned. Great cities arose only to become the ruins of antiquity, as weapons of destruction and enslavement evolved to chart the course of human destiny. Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest theories were based upon a scientific definition of these energies of constant destructive chaos. Darwin thought they belonged to the population theories of the reverend Thomas Malthus, director of the East India Company, which was waging a war of supremacy against rivals of the British Empire. Darwin's famous voyage on the Beagle was under the patronage of the East India Company.
Schizophrenic Cancer of the Mind As a Mathematical Virus Health and Fitness • Published: February 3, 2014
In 2014, the Australian Government classified research by the CSIRO Approved Research Institute, The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, as cancer research. The Centre, in liaison with scholars associated with the Australasian Node, American Council of the United Nations Millennium Project Future Studies and Development organisation, published a book entitled,The Science-Art of the 21st Century Renaissance. This article relates to a symposium conducted last year by some of those scholars, as an in-depth critique of the 21st Century's current revision of Sir Julian Huxley's Transhumanism theories. The article attempts to give pragmatic substance to the mathematician. Gerg Cantor's, insistence, that 'a myopia of fear' inhabits the human mind, preventing it from emoting to the mathematical concept of infinity. It is argued that this phenomena must be resolved before the United Nations can instigate urgently needed substantial peace and conflict negotiations.
The Church's Extinction Science Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: November 24, 2013
In 1990 the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia's optical mathematical description of life-energy laws was reprinted by the world's largest technological research institute, as an important optical mathematical discovery of the 20th Century. In 1995 the research was acclaimed by an internationally peer reviewed examination, for the discovery of new physics laws governing optimum biological evolution. The work was later embraced by 21st Century quantum biology. The Golden Age of Danish Science's fusion of electromagnetic discoveries into the ancient Greek atomic 'Science of Universal Love', revealed that the Church had contaminated science by sentencing all life to entropic extinction. That extinction is fundamental to entropic quantum mechanics,which forbids infinite living-energies to exist within a spiritual,or holographic space-time reality. President Thomas Jefferson had written that Christ was the greatest teacher of this banished science and rightly or wrongly, in the light of quantum biology, the issue warrants further investigation, despite the Church's religious dogma to the contrary.
Nonsense Quantum Mechanics and the Danish Golden Age Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: July 14, 2013
The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia is associated with quantum biologists around the world developing a new Creative Physics and Platonic Fullerene Chemistry as part of the 21st Century Renaissance. This article is about how the logic of the ancient Greek Science for ethical ends contained the prime key to upgrade quantum mechanics to entangle its energies with the energies of quantm biology to become compatible with the Danish electromagnetic Golden Age. The article explains the logic behind Sir Isaac Newton's heretical more natural profound philosophy to balance the mechanical description of the universe.
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and Humanoid Evolution Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: March 21, 2013
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article attempts to support those who intuitively feel that a change in global human consciousness is occurring to allow humanity to evolve into a new Golden Age. Marcillio Ficino's 15th Century Great Italian Renaissance about the atomistic geometrical structure of compassion associated with Platonic love, failed to influence 20th Century science. Leonardo da Vinci's mechanistic culture eventuated instead, resulting in a technological culture based upon a global economic rationalism, devoid of rigorous scientific ethics. Plato's spiritual optics are now being explained in terms of the functioning of the mirror neuron in the brain. The Florentine University New Measurement of Humanity Project is developing its nationally acclaimed quantum biology research to show that the mirror neuron evolves compassion in defiance of the mechanical industrial age. The Science-Art Research Centre, in liaison with the Florentine Project, is attempting to develop a supercomputer program to include the new knowledge in order to champion the intuitive feelings of those desiring a Golden Age for Humanity.
The Natural Optics of Mirror Neurons and Platonic Fullerene Chemistry Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: March 12, 2013
Icons of the New Renaissance articles, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article, ancient Greek concepts of political compassion, derived from ancient Egyptian sacred geometrical mathematics are compared with the Babylonian mythological-mathematics used by Albert Einstein to formulate his theory of relativity. The atomic structure of Platonic love is compared with the mathematical ethos innate in Einstein's E=Mc squared. Nanotechnology has shown that the world-view developed by the engineer Buckminster Fuller's use of Plato's mathematics resulted in knowledge that the living energies of quantum biology entangle with Einstein's energies of chaos in order to evolve a compassionate form of evolutionary purpose. This matter is, in Fuller's words, one of choosing between 'utopia or oblivion'.
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Liberty, Freedom, Science and the US Constitution Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: February 18, 2013
Dear reader, this Ezine article has been written for perusal by over 6000 nano-scientists. Its theme suggests to the general public that ethical nanotechnology has an important role to play in bringing about a new age of global liberty and freedom. It can be argued that this can come about if nanotechnology is developed in liaison with a medical science, to guide ennobling government for the betterment of the global human condition. While the article is about the fractal nature of Mesopotamian mythological mathematics, it is fully realised that other ancient cultures, including Indian and Chinese civilisations, contributed infinite fractal mathematical concepts into the formation of the ancient 3rd Century BC Platonic tradition of Greek science.
Human Survival Timeline to the 21st Century Renaissance Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: January 11, 2013
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article a 41 year journey marks a successful endeavour to bring the human survival theories of Sir C P Snow into fruition as the purpose of the 21st Century Renaissance, by linking them with the functioning of Buckminster Fuller's synergistic universe. The article also introduces a Science-Art model for the funding of further research to implement Snow's work.
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, Sir C P Snow and the Cure for Cancer Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: December 21, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article a 1957 book published by the New York University Library of Science links Einstein's E=Mc squared with the mathematics of Babylonian myth. Recent nano-technological discoveries show that Buckmister Fuller's synergistic world-view is needed to complete Einstein's limited understanding of the functioning of life-science energies. The 1937 Nobel laureate in medicine, Szent Gyorgyi, had developed similar concepts now found to resonate with discoveries made by the Science-Art Researsch Centre and the theories of Sir C P Snow, indicating that the bridging of the gulf between modern science and Classic Arts theory may be relevant to finding a cure for cancer. However, this cannot be investigated until Fuller's proposed World game Theory is programmed into a relevant suprercomputer allowing negentropic carbon signalling properties to be examined beyond the limitations of Einstein's understandingf of quantum mechanics.
Sexuality, Entropic Warfare and Unbalanced 20th Century Science Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: December 3, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article Einstein's theory of relativity and his quantum mechanics observer participancy theory is balanced with the discovery of information energy belonging to the emerging science of quantum biology. In 1957 the New York University Library of Scientific Thought published a book entitled, Theories of the Universe: From Babylonian Myth to Modern Science. The theme of that book is compared to the same theme of the 2012 publication by the Science-Art Research Centre entitled The 21st Century Renaissance. Einstein's mathematical association with Babylonian myth is corrected by Buckminster Fuller's development of Platonic spiritual engineering optics derived by Plato from ancient Egyptian myth.
The Sacred Geometries of Lust, Power and Platonic Love Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy •
Published: October 3, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article explains that the upgrading of Anaxagoras' theory of creation by the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy created a dynamical fractal mathematics extending to infinity, in defiance of present mainstream science. This can be seen to have been an observer-participant act. The medical and legal consequences of this underlines Buckminster Fuller's choice that we must make between utopia or oblivion. This concept is now the basis of the 21st Century Renaissance.
Platonic Fullerene Science and World Peace Reference and Education: Biology • Published: September 7, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article it is argued that the stumbling block to world-peace is the modern day scientific mindset being unable to comprehend the electromagnetic ethic within nanotechnology's link with quantum biology. The bridging of this gulf is in accordance with the theories of Sir C P Snow's 1959 Cambridge University Rede Lecture about linking Platonic philosophy with modern science in order to prevent the collapse of civilisation.
C P Snow and Ethical Free Energy Reference and Education: Future Concepts • Published: July 30, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. During the 20th Century the Science-Art Research Centre discovered new physics laws governing optimum biological growth and development through space-time. Scientists familiar with the ancient Greek science for ethical ends became concerned that the Designer Drug industry in the 21st Century appeared to be developing its logic base, with no regard for its original ethical ethos. This article attempts to show the seriousness of this situation in layman terminology in order that the general public might become aware of it.
Marcilio Ficino's Italian Renaissance Did Not Include Da Vinci's Theory of Knowledge Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: July 16, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article examines the problem of the decine of Western civilisation into global chaos. Part of that problem is the mistaken conviction that Leonardo da Vinci was a central figure within Marcilio Ficino's 15th Century Italian Renaissance.
Tyrannosaurus Rexina and the Ethics of Creative Physics Book Reviews: Philosophy •
Published: July 9, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article the death of a female dinosaur, referred to as Tyrannosaurus Rexina, provides a new mathematical understanding of the emergence of a rigorous Creative Physics. The mathematics is relevant to Florence University's New Measurement of Humanity Project, now internationally recognised as the 21st Century Renaissance. The Science-Art Research Centre of Australia is currently publishing an A3 limited 250 first edition A3 size, fully illustrated hard cover quarter bound Science-Art book, in liaison with the university, entitled, The 21st Century renaissance. The book is endorsed by eminent scientists from around the world and contains medical and legal chapters designed to be incorporated into UNESCO and United Nations world peace initiatives, in an effort to prevent World War III. This is considered to be addressing Sir C P Snow's 1959 Rede Lecture warning about bridging the destructive widening cultural gap between science and art.
The Ethics of the 21st Century Renaissance Arts and Entertainment: Philosophy • Published: June 19, 2012
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article is about how the pioneering of Creative Physics and Platonic Fullerene Chemistry in Australia was used to create a Social Cradle to help nurture the Florentine New Measurement of Humanity Project to establish its quantum biological research, now known internationally as The 21st Century Renaissance.
View all of Robert Pope's published articles
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and Unformed Atomic Matter by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This article argues that the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy's fusing of ethics into the Nous of Anaxagoras was an act of quantum observer participancy, reforming the original mathematical structure of the Nous into a dynamical infinite fractal expression. This is in defiance of the 20th Century's Einsteinian world-view, now allowing for sustainable human growth and development through space-time to occur. - May 22, 2012
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and the Information Singularity by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article the Greek Music of the Spheres concept has been linked to Quantum Biology in order to demonstrate how the present Homo Entropicus can survive the imminent information singularity. It links Prince Charles' book Harmony and Dr Richard Merrick's book Interference with the Science-Art Reseach Centre's book The 21st Century Renaissance, compliled in liaison with the Florntine University's New Measurement of Humanity Project. - May 06, 2012
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and a Serious Mathematical Problem by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article the lost ancient Platonic life-force mathematics, rediscovered by the engineer Buckminster Fuller, is considered to be a crucial factor needed to be incorporated into the current world summit debate about protecting civilisation from the threat of a nuclear disaster. The concept from Bristol University PhD students to help bring into existence a Nano Charter is considered to be most important, as it might provide opportunity to the United Nations and UNESCO to seriously examine this mathematical problem. - Mar 29, 2012
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Global Economic Collapse by Robert Pope
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The recent CERN experiment showing that cosmic radiation from novae in the Milky Way causes rainfall on earth, modified the Einsteinian world-view to bring about a collapse of the carbon credit economy in Europe. The solution to this collapsing of Western civilisation was given by Buckmister Fuller, derived from Mesopotamian mathematics. By comparing Fuller's mathematical research with that of Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein, Platonic-Fullerene chemistry, as a new medical science emerges. Under a United Nations mandate, that the Hippocratic Oath ethos of the new medical science be the guideline for ennobling government, Fuller's 'Utopia' will come into existence rather than the collapse of Western civilisation. - Dec 24, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the Evolution of God by Robert Pope
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Over the centuries religion has held back a scientific examination of the ancient Greek Science For Ethical Ends. This science was derived from fusing ethics into the Nous of the philosopher Anaxagoras. - Oct 31, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Platonic-LaViolette Physics by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The recent CERN discovery that the speed of light is not constant. is of basic importance to the newly emerging Platonic-Fullerene chemistry and appears to be creating a refocusing upon Sir Isaac Newton's theory of the 'Ether'. Buckminster Fuller derived his synergistic theories from the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, which, in turn, drew upon the geometrical mathematics originating from the ancient Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt. The work of the physicist, Paul LaViolette, using the same source for his physics theories, appears to compliment the reasearch findings of Platonic-Fullerene chemistry. - Sep 30, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the August 2011 Riots in Britain by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. An ignorance of the cerebral entanglement between quantum mechanics and quantum biology, relevant to Platonic-Fullerene chemistry, can be considered to explain the outburst of entropic destruction associated with the British riots of August 2011. - Aug 15, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the Ethics of Admiral Robert Fitzroy's Storm Glass by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Admiral Robert Fitzroy constructed a storm glass device which he used to predict changes of the weather during Charles Darwin's famous voyage on HMS Beagle. In 1859 The British Crown issued them to many fishing villages throughout Britain. Captains of ships at port were to read them before going to sea. The formation of crystals, cloudy fluids, thread like formations, spotting or star clots indicated future weather conditions. Because the jars were sealed the science of their day could not explain how they functioned. Platonic-Fullerene chemisrty argues that modern science, governed by Einstein's understanding of the second law of thermodynamics also lacks the ability to examine this curiosity in any practical manner. It is suggested that the problem remains due to an inability to balance the basic principles upholding quantum mechanics with the principles upholding quantum biology. - Aug 14, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Nanopolymer Technology by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The emergence of Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry has reunited the cultures of science and art. The resulting medical life-science retains its original ancient objective, a science about how humanity can avoid extinction by becoming part of the healthy evolution of the universe. The principles of the new science, upgraded from Aristotle's ethical science to guide ennobling government, can be observed functioning within the realm of nanopolymer research but not within entropic nano-technology. The difference between the two nano sciences is relevant to Buckminster Fuller's warning to chose Utopia rather that Oblivion. - Jul 04, 2011
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, The Romantic Era and The Age of Enlightenment by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This story is about the confrontation between the Romanticists and the scientists during The Age of Enlightenment. In 1972 the Molecule of Emotion was discovered by Dr Candace Pert, revealing great secrets of life The Romanticists had been proven to have been correctly inspired by life-energy forces in nature. Isaac Newton's unpublished Heresy Paper have been found to have secretly supported them. Their ideas are now part of the Platonic Fullerene Chemistry of the quantum biology being developed at the University of Florence in Italy by Professor Paolo Manzelli, Professor Massimo Pregnalato and their colleagues around the world. A completely new understanding about the Great Renaissance of the 15th Century is emerging within the 21st Century.,-The-Romantic-Era-and-The-Age-of-Enlightenment&id=6331219 - Jun 06, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the Ethics of Human Survival by Robert Pope People cannot be blamed for not understanding about any secret differences that exist between the meanings of eternal, infinite and perpetual. For thousands of years scholars have written complicated theories about that issue and many great thinkers were executed, imprisoned, or placed into exile for their efforts. Nonetheless, the matter has now become one of global human survival concern. - Jun 01, 2011
Plato, Carbon and the Human Survival Chemistry of the New Renaissance by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay the world of nanotechnology demonstrates that the Platonic Science for Ethical Ends holds a crucial warning for modern humanity. Moral Jurisprudence Law is shown to be based upon false assumptions that can be corrected by the New Renaissance logic upholding the new Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry being researched by the University of Forence's New Measurement of Humanity Project. Reference to Hans Christian Oersted's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science of 1786 helps explain Immanuel Kant's linking of aesthetics and ethics to electromagnetic origins. The bizarre biological properties of Fullerene Carbon Nanotubes are associated with the concept of moral behaviour within the Humanities, giving substance to Fuller's warning in his book Utopia or Oblivion.,-Carbon-and-the-Human-Survival-Chemistry-of-the-New-Renaissance&id=6200494 - Apr 20, 2011
Renaissance Science and The Electromagnetic Technology of Platonic Love. by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This story is about how to develop electromagnetic ethical technologies from quantum biological explanations of the Classical Greek science of Platonic love. Grateful achknowledgement is given to the writings of Dr Johan Calleman in his book the Purposeful Universe. - Mar 26, 2011
Developing New
Renaissance Technology, the Difference Between Aesthetics and Ethics by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this rather technical story, two aspects of fractal logic exist, the beautiful attractor associated with the formation of aesthetical values, which functions differently from the strange beautiful attractor, which generates rigorous ethical wisdom. The fate of civilisation can now be considered to rest upon a general understanding of this difference between aesthetics and ethics.,-the-Difference-Between-Aesthetics-and-Ethics&id=5790516 - Jan 25, 2011
The Renaissance, the All Seeing Eye and the Constitution of the United States of America by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this story an explanation behind the ancient Egyptian All Seeing Eye being depicted upon the Great Seal of America is provided. The Comma of Pythagoras harmonic experiment performed in Egypt,is examined in the light of quantum mechanics being upgraded into quantum biology. The Christian Church's attitude during the 5th Century, toward, what is now known to be fractac logic reasoning, is considered to have plunged Western civilisation into a Dark Age. in which science has not yet fully emerged.,-the-All-Seeing-Eye-and-the-Constitution-of-the-United-States-of-America&id=5657953 - Jan 04, 2011
Renaissance Science and a 'Fair Dinkum' Australian Politician by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay, the Centre's Director has been appointed as the Artist Ambassador to Florence University's New Measurement of Humanity Renaissance Project. An expression of appreciation of a former Australian Federal Minister for Educational, for overturning a hostile Australian University's science assessment of the Centre's research in 1995 is now ironically relevant to a further assessment from the same politician, who is now the Australian Federal Minister for the Arts. - Dec 03, 2010
The New Renaissance - Platonic Thought Forms and Mental Health by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay the structure of space-time is associated with Plato's spiritual optical thought form engineering principles. The question arises. Is it possible that Plato's ethical thought forms, which were fused into the structure of Anaxagoras' Nous, might provide rigorous scientific concepts pertaining to our present state of mental well being? - Nov 17, 2010
New Renaissance Technology and the Fate of Homo Entropicus by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay the human species is classified as Homo Entropicus due to its scientific mindset being govered by entropic law. The discovery of a new fractal logic life-science has been found to be based upon the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, which provides rigorous solutions to problems now threatening human survival. The new survival chemistry has been recognised by the President of the Italian republic. - Nov 10, 2010
The Renaissance, Cancer and New Space-Time Models by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In 1990 the world's largest technological research institute selected two of the Centre's life-science papers from the world literature for reprinting as important discoveries. It was later claimed that entropic science could not generate healthy futuristic bio-simulations through space-time. Can it be considered that a model of a fractal nature of space-time itself might be taken into consideration when proposing a more profound natural understanding about the nature of cancer?,-Cancer-and-New-Space-Time-Models&id=5280961 - Oct 27, 2010
Renaissance Science, Registered 21st Century Rebirth Document by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This essay is the birth certificate of the 21st Century Renaissance and it shows how the life-science of the Classical Greek era's Humanities has been upgraded in order to bring balance into Western technological culture. Many philosophers have warned that the fate of human civilisation depends upon achieving that goal. From around the world relevant discoveries have been made and assessed by the New Measurement of Humanity Project at the University of Florence. The Science-Art Centre has undertaken to help construct a Social Cradle to bring the New Renaissance message to the people.,-Registered-21st-Century-Rebirth-Document&id=5149966 - Oct 05, 2010
Ancient Greek Atomic Science Was About Mothers and Their Babies by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This essay is about the vital importance to modern science of a better more profound understanding about the energy forces associated with a mother's love and compassion for children. Such knowledge is considered to be essential for the development of a unified field theory to balance the present entropic obsession with destructive chaos. - Sep 05, 2010
Renaissance Science and the Urgent Need to Readdress Social Economics by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay, Sir Issac Newton's assertion that religion has corrupted science is examined by comparing the Classical Greek life science with recent discoveries in quantum biology, throwing a new perspective of economic thinking. This aspect of readdressing economic thinking is linked to the future survival of civilisation as propounded by Sir C P Snow in Rede Lecture delivered at Cambridge University in 1959. Argument is presented that new life-science discoveries have validated Sir Isaac Newton's assertion. - Aug 23, 2010
Renaissance Science and the Song of an Extinct Sea Monster by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. During the 1980s it was discovered that a grotesque primitive seashell creature had transfered healthy evolutionary information across 20 million years of space time in order to influence the design of a modern day seashell creature. - Aug 15, 2010
The Renaissance and Synergetic Environmental Science by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Now that Plato's spiritual engineering principles have been successfully transposed into modern synergetic chemistry... - Aug 07, 2010
The Renaissance, Platonic Love and the Nous of Anaxagoras by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The spirituality of Ficino's definition of Platonic love is upgraded into a new physics concept by Buckminster Fuller's upgrading of Plato's spiritual engineering principles into energy concepts now basic to the life science established by the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry. Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished balancing world view introduces physics principles upholding the concept of Platonic love.,-Platonic-Love-and-the-Nous-of-Anaxagoras&id=4714665 - Jul 21, 2010
Renaissance Science and Botticelli's Hidden Code by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this story the question is asked if aspects of pagan Greek life science had been hidden in art work of the 15th Century Academy of Plato in Florence and if so what new pagan technologies resulted from their discovery. - Jul 14, 2010 Renaissance
Science and Montessori's New Guardian Angels by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Maria Montessorri is famous for her passion for educating children and is listed in TIME Magazine's Century of Science as the greatest scientist of 1907. - Jul 12, 2010
Renaissance Science and the Overpopulation Problem by Robert Pope The 5th Century BCE philosopher, Anaxagoras, was a central figure in the development of the Classical Greek Era's life science. The Harvard/NASA High Energy Astrophysics Division Library has published papers arguing that this life science was based upon fractal geometrical logic. During the 5th Century St Augustine classified such pagan life science mathematics as being the work of the devil. - Jul 07, 2010
Renaissance Science and Education's Cult of Fear by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This story is about the multi-million dollar cult of fear within the Australian NSW educational system that protects economic greed. Having presented evidence on that issue the argument is extended to Britain where costly research into the discovery of Sir Isaac Newton's more profound natural philosophy to balance the mechanical description of the universe has been classified by some as being an insane heresy. Buckminster Fuller not only proposed a life science which is compatible to Newton's so called heresy physics, but Fullerene logic has been used to postulate a completely new medical science and debating about this should not incur any suggestion of academic reprisals. - Jul 02, 2010
Renaissance Science - The Electromagnetics of Universal Love by Robert Pope The Molecule of Emotion was discovered in 1972 by the scientist Dr Candace Pert. It was found to be the same molecule that existed in a primitive creature millions of years ago. The evolutionary difference between the primitive life form molecule and the human molecule was that the human one vibrates much faster. - Jun 30, 2010
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and the Information Singularity by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article the Greek Music of the Spheres concept has been linked to Quantum Biology in order to demonstrate how the present Homo Entropicus can survive the imminent information singularity. It links Prince Charles' book Harmony and Dr Richard Merrick's book Interference with the Science-Art Reseach Centre's book The 21st Century Renaissance, compliled in liaison with the Florntine University's New Measurement of Humanity Project. - May 06, 2012
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry and a Serious Mathematical Problem by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this article the lost ancient Platonic life-force mathematics, rediscovered by the engineer Buckminster Fuller, is considered to be a crucial factor needed to be incorporated into the current world summit debate about protecting civilisation from the threat of a nuclear disaster. The concept from Bristol University PhD students to help bring into existence a Nano Charter is considered to be most important, as it might provide opportunity to the United Nations and UNESCO to seriously examine this mathematical problem. - Mar 29, 2012
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Global Economic Collapse by Robert Pope
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The recent CERN experiment showing that cosmic radiation from novae in the Milky Way causes rainfall on earth, modified the Einsteinian world-view to bring about a collapse of the carbon credit economy in Europe. The solution to this collapsing of Western civilisation was given by Buckmister Fuller, derived from Mesopotamian mathematics. By comparing Fuller's mathematical research with that of Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein, Platonic-Fullerene chemistry, as a new medical science emerges. Under a United Nations mandate, that the Hippocratic Oath ethos of the new medical science be the guideline for ennobling government, Fuller's 'Utopia' will come into existence rather than the collapse of Western civilisation. - Dec 24, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the Evolution of God by Robert Pope
Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Over the centuries religion has held back a scientific examination of the ancient Greek Science For Ethical Ends. This science was derived from fusing ethics into the Nous of the philosopher Anaxagoras. - Oct 31, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Platonic-LaViolette Physics by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The recent CERN discovery that the speed of light is not constant. is of basic importance to the newly emerging Platonic-Fullerene chemistry and appears to be creating a refocusing upon Sir Isaac Newton's theory of the 'Ether'. Buckminster Fuller derived his synergistic theories from the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, which, in turn, drew upon the geometrical mathematics originating from the ancient Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt. The work of the physicist, Paul LaViolette, using the same source for his physics theories, appears to compliment the reasearch findings of Platonic-Fullerene chemistry. - Sep 30, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the August 2011 Riots in Britain by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. An ignorance of the cerebral entanglement between quantum mechanics and quantum biology, relevant to Platonic-Fullerene chemistry, can be considered to explain the outburst of entropic destruction associated with the British riots of August 2011. - Aug 15, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the Ethics of Admiral Robert Fitzroy's Storm Glass by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Admiral Robert Fitzroy constructed a storm glass device which he used to predict changes of the weather during Charles Darwin's famous voyage on HMS Beagle. In 1859 The British Crown issued them to many fishing villages throughout Britain. Captains of ships at port were to read them before going to sea. The formation of crystals, cloudy fluids, thread like formations, spotting or star clots indicated future weather conditions. Because the jars were sealed the science of their day could not explain how they functioned. Platonic-Fullerene chemisrty argues that modern science, governed by Einstein's understanding of the second law of thermodynamics also lacks the ability to examine this curiosity in any practical manner. It is suggested that the problem remains due to an inability to balance the basic principles upholding quantum mechanics with the principles upholding quantum biology. - Aug 14, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Nanopolymer Technology by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The emergence of Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry has reunited the cultures of science and art. The resulting medical life-science retains its original ancient objective, a science about how humanity can avoid extinction by becoming part of the healthy evolution of the universe. The principles of the new science, upgraded from Aristotle's ethical science to guide ennobling government, can be observed functioning within the realm of nanopolymer research but not within entropic nano-technology. The difference between the two nano sciences is relevant to Buckminster Fuller's warning to chose Utopia rather that Oblivion. - Jul 04, 2011
Platonic Fullerene Chemistry, The Romantic Era and The Age of Enlightenment by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This story is about the confrontation between the Romanticists and the scientists during The Age of Enlightenment. In 1972 the Molecule of Emotion was discovered by Dr Candace Pert, revealing great secrets of life The Romanticists had been proven to have been correctly inspired by life-energy forces in nature. Isaac Newton's unpublished Heresy Paper have been found to have secretly supported them. Their ideas are now part of the Platonic Fullerene Chemistry of the quantum biology being developed at the University of Florence in Italy by Professor Paolo Manzelli, Professor Massimo Pregnalato and their colleagues around the world. A completely new understanding about the Great Renaissance of the 15th Century is emerging within the 21st Century.,-The-Romantic-Era-and-The-Age-of-Enlightenment&id=6331219 - Jun 06, 2011
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and the Ethics of Human Survival by Robert Pope People cannot be blamed for not understanding about any secret differences that exist between the meanings of eternal, infinite and perpetual. For thousands of years scholars have written complicated theories about that issue and many great thinkers were executed, imprisoned, or placed into exile for their efforts. Nonetheless, the matter has now become one of global human survival concern. - Jun 01, 2011
Plato, Carbon and the Human Survival Chemistry of the New Renaissance by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay the world of nanotechnology demonstrates that the Platonic Science for Ethical Ends holds a crucial warning for modern humanity. Moral Jurisprudence Law is shown to be based upon false assumptions that can be corrected by the New Renaissance logic upholding the new Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry being researched by the University of Forence's New Measurement of Humanity Project. Reference to Hans Christian Oersted's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science of 1786 helps explain Immanuel Kant's linking of aesthetics and ethics to electromagnetic origins. The bizarre biological properties of Fullerene Carbon Nanotubes are associated with the concept of moral behaviour within the Humanities, giving substance to Fuller's warning in his book Utopia or Oblivion.,-Carbon-and-the-Human-Survival-Chemistry-of-the-New-Renaissance&id=6200494 - Apr 20, 2011
Renaissance Science and The Electromagnetic Technology of Platonic Love. by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This story is about how to develop electromagnetic ethical technologies from quantum biological explanations of the Classical Greek science of Platonic love. Grateful achknowledgement is given to the writings of Dr Johan Calleman in his book the Purposeful Universe. - Mar 26, 2011
Developing New
Renaissance Technology, the Difference Between Aesthetics and Ethics by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this rather technical story, two aspects of fractal logic exist, the beautiful attractor associated with the formation of aesthetical values, which functions differently from the strange beautiful attractor, which generates rigorous ethical wisdom. The fate of civilisation can now be considered to rest upon a general understanding of this difference between aesthetics and ethics.,-the-Difference-Between-Aesthetics-and-Ethics&id=5790516 - Jan 25, 2011
The Renaissance, the All Seeing Eye and the Constitution of the United States of America by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this story an explanation behind the ancient Egyptian All Seeing Eye being depicted upon the Great Seal of America is provided. The Comma of Pythagoras harmonic experiment performed in Egypt,is examined in the light of quantum mechanics being upgraded into quantum biology. The Christian Church's attitude during the 5th Century, toward, what is now known to be fractac logic reasoning, is considered to have plunged Western civilisation into a Dark Age. in which science has not yet fully emerged.,-the-All-Seeing-Eye-and-the-Constitution-of-the-United-States-of-America&id=5657953 - Jan 04, 2011
Renaissance Science and a 'Fair Dinkum' Australian Politician by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay, the Centre's Director has been appointed as the Artist Ambassador to Florence University's New Measurement of Humanity Renaissance Project. An expression of appreciation of a former Australian Federal Minister for Educational, for overturning a hostile Australian University's science assessment of the Centre's research in 1995 is now ironically relevant to a further assessment from the same politician, who is now the Australian Federal Minister for the Arts. - Dec 03, 2010
The New Renaissance - Platonic Thought Forms and Mental Health by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay the structure of space-time is associated with Plato's spiritual optical thought form engineering principles. The question arises. Is it possible that Plato's ethical thought forms, which were fused into the structure of Anaxagoras' Nous, might provide rigorous scientific concepts pertaining to our present state of mental well being? - Nov 17, 2010
New Renaissance Technology and the Fate of Homo Entropicus by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay the human species is classified as Homo Entropicus due to its scientific mindset being govered by entropic law. The discovery of a new fractal logic life-science has been found to be based upon the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, which provides rigorous solutions to problems now threatening human survival. The new survival chemistry has been recognised by the President of the Italian republic. - Nov 10, 2010
The Renaissance, Cancer and New Space-Time Models by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In 1990 the world's largest technological research institute selected two of the Centre's life-science papers from the world literature for reprinting as important discoveries. It was later claimed that entropic science could not generate healthy futuristic bio-simulations through space-time. Can it be considered that a model of a fractal nature of space-time itself might be taken into consideration when proposing a more profound natural understanding about the nature of cancer?,-Cancer-and-New-Space-Time-Models&id=5280961 - Oct 27, 2010
Renaissance Science, Registered 21st Century Rebirth Document by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This essay is the birth certificate of the 21st Century Renaissance and it shows how the life-science of the Classical Greek era's Humanities has been upgraded in order to bring balance into Western technological culture. Many philosophers have warned that the fate of human civilisation depends upon achieving that goal. From around the world relevant discoveries have been made and assessed by the New Measurement of Humanity Project at the University of Florence. The Science-Art Centre has undertaken to help construct a Social Cradle to bring the New Renaissance message to the people.,-Registered-21st-Century-Rebirth-Document&id=5149966 - Oct 05, 2010
Ancient Greek Atomic Science Was About Mothers and Their Babies by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This essay is about the vital importance to modern science of a better more profound understanding about the energy forces associated with a mother's love and compassion for children. Such knowledge is considered to be essential for the development of a unified field theory to balance the present entropic obsession with destructive chaos. - Sep 05, 2010
Renaissance Science and the Urgent Need to Readdress Social Economics by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this essay, Sir Issac Newton's assertion that religion has corrupted science is examined by comparing the Classical Greek life science with recent discoveries in quantum biology, throwing a new perspective of economic thinking. This aspect of readdressing economic thinking is linked to the future survival of civilisation as propounded by Sir C P Snow in Rede Lecture delivered at Cambridge University in 1959. Argument is presented that new life-science discoveries have validated Sir Isaac Newton's assertion. - Aug 23, 2010
Renaissance Science and the Song of an Extinct Sea Monster by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. During the 1980s it was discovered that a grotesque primitive seashell creature had transfered healthy evolutionary information across 20 million years of space time in order to influence the design of a modern day seashell creature. - Aug 15, 2010
The Renaissance and Synergetic Environmental Science by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Now that Plato's spiritual engineering principles have been successfully transposed into modern synergetic chemistry... - Aug 07, 2010
The Renaissance, Platonic Love and the Nous of Anaxagoras by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. The spirituality of Ficino's definition of Platonic love is upgraded into a new physics concept by Buckminster Fuller's upgrading of Plato's spiritual engineering principles into energy concepts now basic to the life science established by the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry. Sir Isaac Newton's unpublished balancing world view introduces physics principles upholding the concept of Platonic love.,-Platonic-Love-and-the-Nous-of-Anaxagoras&id=4714665 - Jul 21, 2010
Renaissance Science and Botticelli's Hidden Code by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In this story the question is asked if aspects of pagan Greek life science had been hidden in art work of the 15th Century Academy of Plato in Florence and if so what new pagan technologies resulted from their discovery. - Jul 14, 2010 Renaissance
Science and Montessori's New Guardian Angels by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Maria Montessorri is famous for her passion for educating children and is listed in TIME Magazine's Century of Science as the greatest scientist of 1907. - Jul 12, 2010
Renaissance Science and the Overpopulation Problem by Robert Pope The 5th Century BCE philosopher, Anaxagoras, was a central figure in the development of the Classical Greek Era's life science. The Harvard/NASA High Energy Astrophysics Division Library has published papers arguing that this life science was based upon fractal geometrical logic. During the 5th Century St Augustine classified such pagan life science mathematics as being the work of the devil. - Jul 07, 2010
Renaissance Science and Education's Cult of Fear by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. This story is about the multi-million dollar cult of fear within the Australian NSW educational system that protects economic greed. Having presented evidence on that issue the argument is extended to Britain where costly research into the discovery of Sir Isaac Newton's more profound natural philosophy to balance the mechanical description of the universe has been classified by some as being an insane heresy. Buckminster Fuller not only proposed a life science which is compatible to Newton's so called heresy physics, but Fullerene logic has been used to postulate a completely new medical science and debating about this should not incur any suggestion of academic reprisals. - Jul 02, 2010
Renaissance Science - The Electromagnetics of Universal Love by Robert Pope The Molecule of Emotion was discovered in 1972 by the scientist Dr Candace Pert. It was found to be the same molecule that existed in a primitive creature millions of years ago. The evolutionary difference between the primitive life form molecule and the human molecule was that the human one vibrates much faster. - Jun 30, 2010
Renaissance Science - The Physics of Social Cancer by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. In the memoirs of the scientist... - Jun 29, 2010
The God-Almighty Steam Engine in the Sky by Robert Pope In 1948 the objective of Freemasonry was to rediscover a lost science so that humanity might be freed from the yoke of the Principle of Destruction. In Greek history the Principle of Destruction was known as Diabolos, Plato's god of chaos physics. - Jun 27, 2010
Fractal Life Science, Liberty, Ethics and the Upgrading of Renaissance Optics by Robert Pope Known as The Man of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of all knowledge is recognised as being basic of the modern age of mechanistic science and technology. The key to this work of great genius was the human eye.,-Liberty,-Ethics-and-the-Upgrading-of-Renaissance-Optics&id=4555483 - Jun 26, 2010
Renaissance of a Lost Political and Medical Life-Science by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Ethical political science based upon balanced geometrical logic was introduced into the structure of Egyptian Second Kingdom government. The Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy sought to develop from Egyptian politics a life-science to guide the process of ennobling government. - Jun 23, 2010
Renaissance Science, Plato's Optics and Fuller's Fractal Utopia by Robert Pope The Parthenon of ancient Athens is considered to be a cultural icon of Western civilisation. Recently it has revealed optical principles that are now transforming our basic understanding of modern science, bringing about a new Renaissance.,-Platos-Optics-and-Fullers-Fractal-Utopia&id=4513634 - Jun 19, 2010
The God-Almighty Steam Engine in the Sky by Robert Pope In 1948 the objective of Freemasonry was to rediscover a lost science so that humanity might be freed from the yoke of the Principle of Destruction. In Greek history the Principle of Destruction was known as Diabolos, Plato's god of chaos physics. - Jun 27, 2010
Fractal Life Science, Liberty, Ethics and the Upgrading of Renaissance Optics by Robert Pope Known as The Man of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of all knowledge is recognised as being basic of the modern age of mechanistic science and technology. The key to this work of great genius was the human eye.,-Liberty,-Ethics-and-the-Upgrading-of-Renaissance-Optics&id=4555483 - Jun 26, 2010
Renaissance of a Lost Political and Medical Life-Science by Robert Pope Icons of the New Renaissance stories, under the auspices of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, are about the discoveries demonstrating that life-sciences can now be linked to fractal logic in defiance of the present scientific world view. Ethical political science based upon balanced geometrical logic was introduced into the structure of Egyptian Second Kingdom government. The Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy sought to develop from Egyptian politics a life-science to guide the process of ennobling government. - Jun 23, 2010
Renaissance Science, Plato's Optics and Fuller's Fractal Utopia by Robert Pope The Parthenon of ancient Athens is considered to be a cultural icon of Western civilisation. Recently it has revealed optical principles that are now transforming our basic understanding of modern science, bringing about a new Renaissance.,-Platos-Optics-and-Fullers-Fractal-Utopia&id=4513634 - Jun 19, 2010
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