Archetype * Myth * Dreams * Symbol * Metaphor * Image
Visionary Explorations
by Iona Miller
Visionary Explorations
by Iona Miller
Archetypal Dodcahedron
Stellar Rift Angel, Io, 2015
Nuit Hyperspace, Io 2015
Anthropos Creation, Io 2015
The Physical Basis & Cosmology of Love
The Breath of the Soul
by Iona Miller, (c)2016
Magic is a Way of Living.
~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Pages 314-315
Why do we think love is a magician? Because the whole power of magic consists in love. The work of magic is the attraction of one thing by another because of a certain affinity of nature. --Marsilio Ficino
Soul Movement
"Mythology opens the world so that it becomes transparent to something that is beyond speech, beyond words––in short, what we call transcendence. Without that you don't have a mythology. Any system of thinking, ideologies of one kind or another, that does not open to transcendence cannot be understood or classified mythologically." --Joseph Campbell, "The Hero’s Journey"
Mythical figures are eternal metaphors of the imagination, the dynamics of psychic reality. Jung suggested myth is a revelation of the divine life in humanity, our unconscious grasp of the history of the world, the wild energies of creation, and our sense of embodiment. Mind is not separate from bodily experience, but is naturally more than our conceptual experience.
For the ancients, the divine did not reside in an unfathomable Paradise of faith but in primordial knowing. Nature was the awesome, all-powerful and the ever-present countenance of divine reality. This is the direct relationship of minds to worlds or environments -- a philosophy of the flesh.
Awe is rooted in people and nature. We see someone die, we see a child being born, we see somebody saving their life or helping them out. It's not just religious concepts, or scientific ideas and beautiful or elegant theories, or poetry or art.
Given or chosen, this is the resource at our disposal in reality. We come into being as observers only through our attention and complex metaphorical-conceptual systems. Consciousness of archetypes extends the limitations of our observations and knowledge base. This is the looking-glass of the soul, our imaginal interface with the divine and the laws of form.
How do we conceive the world? That is our generative question. This dynamic representation reflects our worldview and conditions the appearance of the whole. We design our world to foster a certain sort of mind or consciousness and try to meet its archetypal and existential challenges. The transformation of mental states is the emergence of the symbol from the primary distinctions.
Archetypes represent potential adaptations from the collective wisdom of humanity. Highly general, such certain kinds of intelligence are roughly equivalent in a wide variety of circumstances.
We cannot realize it all, all of the time, so certain autonomous and selected pathways emerge to help us solve existential problems. Archetypes are bounded resource systems upon which we can call just as the ancients did for support.
We can only approach our authentic life of personality through dialogue in a process-oriented perspective -- a relationship between mind and body, grounded in flesh and our unique environment.
In mutual opening we develop living relationships with archetypes. We still remain blind to the iceberg that stays out of sight. Even such sight or insight is a conceptual metaphor, but that is the goddess or god, who conceals and reveals. Our vision is their vision. The carnal body develops in a cultural context.
Our nature is conditioned by archetypes, with their own autonomy and domains. We can develop the capacity to observe these universal forces interacting with our personality. 'I' is a construct of self-image we rarely match because we remain unconscious of those roots. Likewise, categories of experience are constructed but can be observed phenomenologically.
Archetypes relate our observed system to the divine system and/or environment. We do it unconsciously, or consciously. To remain unconscious is soul death. To become conscious through our attention is a rebirth and solution of problems. Operational meaning is more important than semantic meaning. They populate our minds, but are also the roots of being. It can come as a stab of grace in the heart.
For us, divine nature expresses as a mind-world correspondence system or principle. We work toward certain goals in certain worlds with the relevant means. Subject to real-world space and time constraints, we mythologize our lives to help us adapt. Symbols reside in and naturally transform our declarative, procedural and episodic memory systems.
We experience the muse, daemon, or 'angels' of creativity in their divine autonomy. How often works of creative genius arrive in consciousness almost fully formed. The face of the beloved angel is our divinity -- our light that draws breath, our embodied nakedness.
Aphrodite animates and quickens matter with imagination. All experiences act as symbols. Like Aphrodite, the feminine Archangel, Spenta Armaiti (Isfandarmuz in Persian) represents both the mystery of the Earth (earth angel as body-spirit) and the woman of Light.
Spenta Armaiti is closely related to Sophia and wisdom as the daughter of “Lord Wisdom,” “mistress of his house,” the “mother of his creatures,” and the "Dwelling place." She is a personal not a spatial relationship that substantiates and vivifies us with consummation in the imaginal. She is perfect thought, primordial awareness, or concept-free meditation -- the throb of absolute reality, universal consciousness, the depths of human spiritual potential.
Soul and the divine are united by the symbolic image in the imagination where the spiritual world has an objective reality. Imagination is a divine body that lives within us all in primordial images and the visionary events of the soul. It creates a sympathetic life, open to beauty, ecstasy, and transcendence.
Engaging in mythic tasks challenges us to discover and deepen self-understanding and reclaim the imaginal, not virtues but virtualities. Integration of oppositional tendencies, in ambiguity and paradox, includes co-existence with others, the world, and the archetypal world of metaphorical, rather than sensible or literal, reality. We don't believe anything we haven't acquainted ourselves with, be it love of light or darkness.
We only understand divine matters by assimilating ourselves to that order of being, through the spiritual body or celestial earth -- the old link between soil, soul, and society. Corbin says, "soul tends to give a form to the celestial Earth and to actualize it, thus making possible the epiphany of the beings of light."
"Probably in absolute reality there is no such thing as body and mind, but body and mind or soul are the same, the same life, subject to the same laws, and what the body does is happening in the mind." ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis, Page 20
Ancestral order dwells in the deep subconscious, and Aphrodite is still listed as a primordial ancestor in standard genealogy. 'Immortality' is a part of a mighty, spiritual process of divine inspiration. We are immortalized in memory and in our own 'body of light,' which Aphrodite represents in potential.
The strength of our soul is our own mythological being, animating our own inner voice and transcendent potential. The mythical world of the old gods is not the product of poetry; mankind is the product of the gods, as shown in our lines of descent.
Love can be a path for a consciously realized life. Service is a big component of love.
Aphrodite's nature links us to all living beings with a bond of love and a heart-centered myth, rooted in embodied love, compassion, and passion. Heavenly and common Aphrodite share the goal of union. She unites the immanent and transcendent in a sacred marriage.
"Imaginal love” can only be realized within us as an actual singular being. Paradoxically, such intensively lived singularity, an invitation to vision. It gives rise to unlimited multiplicity and visionary openness, union with the archetypes.
This poetic vision of alchemical intensity, 'mad-love.' can only occur within the deepening process of life itself in a path of self-knowledge. Poetic language is embodied nakedness. Material and spiritual aspects remain hidden under symbolism and images that precede all perception.
Words, the inherent poeticizing of the word, accompany the structure of pictorial imagery as it appears in nature, the intimate anatomy of the imaginal realm. Our life provides the texts to be lived out as the key to mysteries revealed in us not to us -- a transfiguration of the literal.
Creative imagination lives within the heart, transforming the visible into the invisible. Artistic sensibility is symbolic. We can immerse ourselves in the living arts. Art even deepens spiritual traditions.
Meaning emanates from the real world as well as works of art if we listen to our calling, or vocation. Artistic sensibility reconciles us with love of the arts, supplying us with what we love. The arts feed us. It is a pleasure to create beauty and knowledge.
Artistic or symbolic sensitivity is the ability to feel empathy, the meanings emanating from the works of art and the real world. We can connect with it by listening, vision, attention, imagination, or 'soul making' -- trusting the transformative power of images.
Artistic sensibility is a deeply therapeutic process for artists and for the environment. Soul welcomes the mysterious if we immerse ourselves in the dark mystery. Images are apprehended by a deep intuitive sense of transcendent principles governing and emanating throughout creation.
Midlife is a symbolic death before rebirth -- a universal life passage and initiation. We experience the paradox of the dual identity of tomb and womb -- reintegration of meaning and fate. Love and its loss are a rite of passage. Our wounds become openings to a deeper reality of true intimacy -- soulful connection. Healing is an epiphany.
The life of the soul cannot emerge in merely finite relationships. Alchemical lovers have the same transforming powers as the phosphorescent fire that warms the alchemical athanor.
Dreams are a way to moisten the soul in the pools of images and feeling, dissolving problems, and changing moods. Spirits of the water and instinctive feminine magic can appear as daemonic archetypal energy, denizens of darkness: mermaids, melusines, woody nymphs, succubus or harlots.
Ritual, fusing desire and action for effective change, helps us connect with and transform inner polarities. The task of generativity after midlife is opening liminal space for personal and collective evolution and cosmic consciousness. Whatever soul touches becomes numinous.
The numinosum is either a quality belonging to a visible object or the influence of an invisible presence that causes a peculiar alteration of consciousness.
~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 6
Jung famously stated that the gods have become diseases and Hillman reiterated, "There is disease in the archetype." We recognize the Godsby our symptoms. They gods themselves can be quarrelsome, envious, deceive, and have sexual obsessions. They are vindictive, isolated, and vulnerable at the bottom. But we suffer the consequences.
The wounding and suffering itself is eternal and archetypal. The wound directs our existential development. Therefore, symptoms like dreams, are a road to the unconscious. Jung also noted it's death to the soul to become unconscious and that soul death can occur long before physical death.
Archetypes, as liminal entities are numinous or “spiritual,” if “magical” is too strong a word. Magic is inherent in our instinctual roots. The 'supernatural' is the truly chaotic world of collective unconscious. In that "in between" place we can access who we are at the heart of it all. Symbols are grasped by the power of the heart.
Mythical figures, themes and images orient us as we learn to balance masculine strength and inner authority with feminine wisdom and inner power transforming identity and consciousness and patterned forms of attachment to the personal in the transpersonal.
Anima/animus is a bridge to the sacred, the imaginal field of he depths of the body, encounters with others, self, and eternity. The sensible transmutes into symbols.
Through active imagination the image is imprinted on the psychic essence of personality with the purpose of transformation. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 3rd Nov 1939
As in this world, we can expect positive, negative, and mundane experiences in the imaginal field. As well as happiness or intimacy there is also negative empathic identification, suffering, loss, anger, despair, tragedy, etc. Shame, vulnerability, and sexual objectification.
Ordinary experiences include focused concentration, meaningful memories, dreams, continuing inner dialogues, social/relational interactions, reflexive and reflective thought.
Strong religious or spiritual qualities (arousing, awe-inspiring, mysterious, dreadful) suggest the presence of a divinity which appeals to the higher emotions or aesthetic sense, the poetic basis of the soul, thereby altering ego-based consciousness. Experiencing awe can lower stress levels, expand our perception of time, and improve social well-being.
Uniting the opposites, resonant aesthetic structures of the numinal and phenomenal realms are held in tension, converging in “flowering light.” The angel allows us see and to know, and encounter our spiritual essence. The demon lover results from failure to differentiate our anima or animus from the darkness of our shadow, of incarnation.
Archetypes are part of our common biological, cultural and personal heritage, rooted in matter and spirit. We grow from a magical, to mythic, to rational, and transcendent perspective over our lifetimes.
Probably in absolute reality there is no such thing as body and mind, but body and mind or soul are the same, the same life, subject to the same laws, and what the body does is happening in the mind. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis, Page 20
The archetypal aspect of anima means everything she touches becomes numinous, unconditional, dangerous, taboo, magical. Anima desires both good and bad in life. We wrestle our demon at the hot edge of our transforming interior reality with active embodied participation, not religious sentimentality or spiritual grandiosity.
"The world of the Gods is made manifest in spirituality and in sexuality. The celestial ones appear in spirituality, the earthly in sexuality." (Jung, Liber Novus, Page 352.)
They are channels of energy and material, psychic and spiritual potential arising spontaneously from within. Our primary lesson may be 'belonging': that we live to learn to love and love to learn to live. We assimilate the other through innate sympathy, devout emotion.
The exalted power of the soul emerges from the numinous sea -- emerging consciousness. The universal source from which we all spring and in which we all meet comes from deep within our human organism.
“My speech is imperfect. Not because I want to shine with words, but out of the impossibility of finding those words, I speak in images. With nothing else can I express the words from the depths.” ―Jung, The Red Book: A Reader's Edition
The intriguing lover and the magician use the same techniques to manipulate images, concealed and revealed in symbols. Likewise the artist, who creates from unconscious memories, autonomous complexes, and participation mystique.
We tend to see ourselves in one another. We can unconsciously assimilate a model or role another provides. Both are a loss of self. This psychological connection is identification (empathy, rapport, relationship) with objects or people, seen as imaginal extensions of oneself. Internal qualities are required for real love.
Identification is an unconscious fantasy where split off aspects of self are attributed to an external object, or, we identify with the impulses being projected onto us. We subsume it. The need to withdraw projections is generally signaled by frustrated expectations in relationships, accompanied by strong affect.
The autonomous creative complex arises from the collective unconscious. Imagination is the main gateway of all magical processes. Only embodied consciousness can align personal deeds with the divine.
Divine Beauty is an ideal that does not lie in things. Form and content originated from unconscious drives. Art is a tireless obsession. A synchronistic phenomena, the autonomy of the creative drive, sparks the impulse of the creative spirit. Art is an essentially meditative process -- meaningful making.
It expresses our innermost thoughts and desires and transports us into new realities and electrifying emotions. It evokes and transmits the primordial -- more than the merely personal. When we follow the archetypal impulse, the work imposes itself or emerges seemingly spontaneously. Imagistic dialogue renders relationship more fluid, even that of conscious and unconscious.
Aphrodite is the hot, moist breath of the soul, the deep breath of life. Awareness rests in the sensations of breath. In love, she is every breath we take (inhalation and exhalation and the gap between), every heartbeat, and the polarities of psyche.
Earthy and idealized love form a dichotomy. Jung envisioned energy flowing ceaselessly between the opposites, manifesting libido in every activity, including sexual activity. Fantasy draws attention to significant inner realities.
"[T]here is a knowledge of the heart that gives deeper insight. The knowledge of the heart is in no book and is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you like the green seed from the dark earth.” ― C.G. Jung, The Red Book: Liber Novus
We can invoke Aphrodite privately, with friends, or a lover. We can be voyeurs or active participants. Love is a substantive soul to soul connection, passions, hopes, wishes, and dreams. Sex (animal urges), love, and romance are one of our main ways of mythologizing practical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life.
Love makes an average man feel beautiful and intelligent. We can understand our lives and instincts more deeply through archetypes and their phenomenology, including the love and suffering of eros and pathos -- "lovesickness."
Jung defined intuition as "perception via the unconscious": using sense-perception only as a starting point, to bring forth ideas, images, possibilities, ways out of a blocked situation, by a process that is mostly unconscious. In the divine act of reconnection, imagination conveys divine thoughts through images, penetrating deeper levels of insight with trans-sensory perception.
Jung said, “the daemonic is the not yet realized creative.” Perceptual diversity helps us access a variety of non-rational altered states of consciousness, including dreams, trance, imagination, and meditation -- presentational illumination.
The Physical Basis & Cosmology of Love
The Breath of the Soul
by Iona Miller, (c)2016
Magic is a Way of Living.
~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Pages 314-315
Why do we think love is a magician? Because the whole power of magic consists in love. The work of magic is the attraction of one thing by another because of a certain affinity of nature. --Marsilio Ficino
Soul Movement
"Mythology opens the world so that it becomes transparent to something that is beyond speech, beyond words––in short, what we call transcendence. Without that you don't have a mythology. Any system of thinking, ideologies of one kind or another, that does not open to transcendence cannot be understood or classified mythologically." --Joseph Campbell, "The Hero’s Journey"
Mythical figures are eternal metaphors of the imagination, the dynamics of psychic reality. Jung suggested myth is a revelation of the divine life in humanity, our unconscious grasp of the history of the world, the wild energies of creation, and our sense of embodiment. Mind is not separate from bodily experience, but is naturally more than our conceptual experience.
For the ancients, the divine did not reside in an unfathomable Paradise of faith but in primordial knowing. Nature was the awesome, all-powerful and the ever-present countenance of divine reality. This is the direct relationship of minds to worlds or environments -- a philosophy of the flesh.
Awe is rooted in people and nature. We see someone die, we see a child being born, we see somebody saving their life or helping them out. It's not just religious concepts, or scientific ideas and beautiful or elegant theories, or poetry or art.
Given or chosen, this is the resource at our disposal in reality. We come into being as observers only through our attention and complex metaphorical-conceptual systems. Consciousness of archetypes extends the limitations of our observations and knowledge base. This is the looking-glass of the soul, our imaginal interface with the divine and the laws of form.
How do we conceive the world? That is our generative question. This dynamic representation reflects our worldview and conditions the appearance of the whole. We design our world to foster a certain sort of mind or consciousness and try to meet its archetypal and existential challenges. The transformation of mental states is the emergence of the symbol from the primary distinctions.
Archetypes represent potential adaptations from the collective wisdom of humanity. Highly general, such certain kinds of intelligence are roughly equivalent in a wide variety of circumstances.
We cannot realize it all, all of the time, so certain autonomous and selected pathways emerge to help us solve existential problems. Archetypes are bounded resource systems upon which we can call just as the ancients did for support.
We can only approach our authentic life of personality through dialogue in a process-oriented perspective -- a relationship between mind and body, grounded in flesh and our unique environment.
In mutual opening we develop living relationships with archetypes. We still remain blind to the iceberg that stays out of sight. Even such sight or insight is a conceptual metaphor, but that is the goddess or god, who conceals and reveals. Our vision is their vision. The carnal body develops in a cultural context.
Our nature is conditioned by archetypes, with their own autonomy and domains. We can develop the capacity to observe these universal forces interacting with our personality. 'I' is a construct of self-image we rarely match because we remain unconscious of those roots. Likewise, categories of experience are constructed but can be observed phenomenologically.
Archetypes relate our observed system to the divine system and/or environment. We do it unconsciously, or consciously. To remain unconscious is soul death. To become conscious through our attention is a rebirth and solution of problems. Operational meaning is more important than semantic meaning. They populate our minds, but are also the roots of being. It can come as a stab of grace in the heart.
For us, divine nature expresses as a mind-world correspondence system or principle. We work toward certain goals in certain worlds with the relevant means. Subject to real-world space and time constraints, we mythologize our lives to help us adapt. Symbols reside in and naturally transform our declarative, procedural and episodic memory systems.
We experience the muse, daemon, or 'angels' of creativity in their divine autonomy. How often works of creative genius arrive in consciousness almost fully formed. The face of the beloved angel is our divinity -- our light that draws breath, our embodied nakedness.
Aphrodite animates and quickens matter with imagination. All experiences act as symbols. Like Aphrodite, the feminine Archangel, Spenta Armaiti (Isfandarmuz in Persian) represents both the mystery of the Earth (earth angel as body-spirit) and the woman of Light.
Spenta Armaiti is closely related to Sophia and wisdom as the daughter of “Lord Wisdom,” “mistress of his house,” the “mother of his creatures,” and the "Dwelling place." She is a personal not a spatial relationship that substantiates and vivifies us with consummation in the imaginal. She is perfect thought, primordial awareness, or concept-free meditation -- the throb of absolute reality, universal consciousness, the depths of human spiritual potential.
Soul and the divine are united by the symbolic image in the imagination where the spiritual world has an objective reality. Imagination is a divine body that lives within us all in primordial images and the visionary events of the soul. It creates a sympathetic life, open to beauty, ecstasy, and transcendence.
Engaging in mythic tasks challenges us to discover and deepen self-understanding and reclaim the imaginal, not virtues but virtualities. Integration of oppositional tendencies, in ambiguity and paradox, includes co-existence with others, the world, and the archetypal world of metaphorical, rather than sensible or literal, reality. We don't believe anything we haven't acquainted ourselves with, be it love of light or darkness.
We only understand divine matters by assimilating ourselves to that order of being, through the spiritual body or celestial earth -- the old link between soil, soul, and society. Corbin says, "soul tends to give a form to the celestial Earth and to actualize it, thus making possible the epiphany of the beings of light."
"Probably in absolute reality there is no such thing as body and mind, but body and mind or soul are the same, the same life, subject to the same laws, and what the body does is happening in the mind." ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis, Page 20
Ancestral order dwells in the deep subconscious, and Aphrodite is still listed as a primordial ancestor in standard genealogy. 'Immortality' is a part of a mighty, spiritual process of divine inspiration. We are immortalized in memory and in our own 'body of light,' which Aphrodite represents in potential.
The strength of our soul is our own mythological being, animating our own inner voice and transcendent potential. The mythical world of the old gods is not the product of poetry; mankind is the product of the gods, as shown in our lines of descent.
Love can be a path for a consciously realized life. Service is a big component of love.
Aphrodite's nature links us to all living beings with a bond of love and a heart-centered myth, rooted in embodied love, compassion, and passion. Heavenly and common Aphrodite share the goal of union. She unites the immanent and transcendent in a sacred marriage.
"Imaginal love” can only be realized within us as an actual singular being. Paradoxically, such intensively lived singularity, an invitation to vision. It gives rise to unlimited multiplicity and visionary openness, union with the archetypes.
This poetic vision of alchemical intensity, 'mad-love.' can only occur within the deepening process of life itself in a path of self-knowledge. Poetic language is embodied nakedness. Material and spiritual aspects remain hidden under symbolism and images that precede all perception.
Words, the inherent poeticizing of the word, accompany the structure of pictorial imagery as it appears in nature, the intimate anatomy of the imaginal realm. Our life provides the texts to be lived out as the key to mysteries revealed in us not to us -- a transfiguration of the literal.
Creative imagination lives within the heart, transforming the visible into the invisible. Artistic sensibility is symbolic. We can immerse ourselves in the living arts. Art even deepens spiritual traditions.
Meaning emanates from the real world as well as works of art if we listen to our calling, or vocation. Artistic sensibility reconciles us with love of the arts, supplying us with what we love. The arts feed us. It is a pleasure to create beauty and knowledge.
Artistic or symbolic sensitivity is the ability to feel empathy, the meanings emanating from the works of art and the real world. We can connect with it by listening, vision, attention, imagination, or 'soul making' -- trusting the transformative power of images.
Artistic sensibility is a deeply therapeutic process for artists and for the environment. Soul welcomes the mysterious if we immerse ourselves in the dark mystery. Images are apprehended by a deep intuitive sense of transcendent principles governing and emanating throughout creation.
Midlife is a symbolic death before rebirth -- a universal life passage and initiation. We experience the paradox of the dual identity of tomb and womb -- reintegration of meaning and fate. Love and its loss are a rite of passage. Our wounds become openings to a deeper reality of true intimacy -- soulful connection. Healing is an epiphany.
The life of the soul cannot emerge in merely finite relationships. Alchemical lovers have the same transforming powers as the phosphorescent fire that warms the alchemical athanor.
Dreams are a way to moisten the soul in the pools of images and feeling, dissolving problems, and changing moods. Spirits of the water and instinctive feminine magic can appear as daemonic archetypal energy, denizens of darkness: mermaids, melusines, woody nymphs, succubus or harlots.
Ritual, fusing desire and action for effective change, helps us connect with and transform inner polarities. The task of generativity after midlife is opening liminal space for personal and collective evolution and cosmic consciousness. Whatever soul touches becomes numinous.
The numinosum is either a quality belonging to a visible object or the influence of an invisible presence that causes a peculiar alteration of consciousness.
~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 6
Jung famously stated that the gods have become diseases and Hillman reiterated, "There is disease in the archetype." We recognize the Godsby our symptoms. They gods themselves can be quarrelsome, envious, deceive, and have sexual obsessions. They are vindictive, isolated, and vulnerable at the bottom. But we suffer the consequences.
The wounding and suffering itself is eternal and archetypal. The wound directs our existential development. Therefore, symptoms like dreams, are a road to the unconscious. Jung also noted it's death to the soul to become unconscious and that soul death can occur long before physical death.
Archetypes, as liminal entities are numinous or “spiritual,” if “magical” is too strong a word. Magic is inherent in our instinctual roots. The 'supernatural' is the truly chaotic world of collective unconscious. In that "in between" place we can access who we are at the heart of it all. Symbols are grasped by the power of the heart.
Mythical figures, themes and images orient us as we learn to balance masculine strength and inner authority with feminine wisdom and inner power transforming identity and consciousness and patterned forms of attachment to the personal in the transpersonal.
Anima/animus is a bridge to the sacred, the imaginal field of he depths of the body, encounters with others, self, and eternity. The sensible transmutes into symbols.
Through active imagination the image is imprinted on the psychic essence of personality with the purpose of transformation. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 3rd Nov 1939
As in this world, we can expect positive, negative, and mundane experiences in the imaginal field. As well as happiness or intimacy there is also negative empathic identification, suffering, loss, anger, despair, tragedy, etc. Shame, vulnerability, and sexual objectification.
Ordinary experiences include focused concentration, meaningful memories, dreams, continuing inner dialogues, social/relational interactions, reflexive and reflective thought.
Strong religious or spiritual qualities (arousing, awe-inspiring, mysterious, dreadful) suggest the presence of a divinity which appeals to the higher emotions or aesthetic sense, the poetic basis of the soul, thereby altering ego-based consciousness. Experiencing awe can lower stress levels, expand our perception of time, and improve social well-being.
Uniting the opposites, resonant aesthetic structures of the numinal and phenomenal realms are held in tension, converging in “flowering light.” The angel allows us see and to know, and encounter our spiritual essence. The demon lover results from failure to differentiate our anima or animus from the darkness of our shadow, of incarnation.
Archetypes are part of our common biological, cultural and personal heritage, rooted in matter and spirit. We grow from a magical, to mythic, to rational, and transcendent perspective over our lifetimes.
Probably in absolute reality there is no such thing as body and mind, but body and mind or soul are the same, the same life, subject to the same laws, and what the body does is happening in the mind. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis, Page 20
The archetypal aspect of anima means everything she touches becomes numinous, unconditional, dangerous, taboo, magical. Anima desires both good and bad in life. We wrestle our demon at the hot edge of our transforming interior reality with active embodied participation, not religious sentimentality or spiritual grandiosity.
"The world of the Gods is made manifest in spirituality and in sexuality. The celestial ones appear in spirituality, the earthly in sexuality." (Jung, Liber Novus, Page 352.)
They are channels of energy and material, psychic and spiritual potential arising spontaneously from within. Our primary lesson may be 'belonging': that we live to learn to love and love to learn to live. We assimilate the other through innate sympathy, devout emotion.
The exalted power of the soul emerges from the numinous sea -- emerging consciousness. The universal source from which we all spring and in which we all meet comes from deep within our human organism.
“My speech is imperfect. Not because I want to shine with words, but out of the impossibility of finding those words, I speak in images. With nothing else can I express the words from the depths.” ―Jung, The Red Book: A Reader's Edition
The intriguing lover and the magician use the same techniques to manipulate images, concealed and revealed in symbols. Likewise the artist, who creates from unconscious memories, autonomous complexes, and participation mystique.
We tend to see ourselves in one another. We can unconsciously assimilate a model or role another provides. Both are a loss of self. This psychological connection is identification (empathy, rapport, relationship) with objects or people, seen as imaginal extensions of oneself. Internal qualities are required for real love.
Identification is an unconscious fantasy where split off aspects of self are attributed to an external object, or, we identify with the impulses being projected onto us. We subsume it. The need to withdraw projections is generally signaled by frustrated expectations in relationships, accompanied by strong affect.
The autonomous creative complex arises from the collective unconscious. Imagination is the main gateway of all magical processes. Only embodied consciousness can align personal deeds with the divine.
Divine Beauty is an ideal that does not lie in things. Form and content originated from unconscious drives. Art is a tireless obsession. A synchronistic phenomena, the autonomy of the creative drive, sparks the impulse of the creative spirit. Art is an essentially meditative process -- meaningful making.
It expresses our innermost thoughts and desires and transports us into new realities and electrifying emotions. It evokes and transmits the primordial -- more than the merely personal. When we follow the archetypal impulse, the work imposes itself or emerges seemingly spontaneously. Imagistic dialogue renders relationship more fluid, even that of conscious and unconscious.
Aphrodite is the hot, moist breath of the soul, the deep breath of life. Awareness rests in the sensations of breath. In love, she is every breath we take (inhalation and exhalation and the gap between), every heartbeat, and the polarities of psyche.
Earthy and idealized love form a dichotomy. Jung envisioned energy flowing ceaselessly between the opposites, manifesting libido in every activity, including sexual activity. Fantasy draws attention to significant inner realities.
"[T]here is a knowledge of the heart that gives deeper insight. The knowledge of the heart is in no book and is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you like the green seed from the dark earth.” ― C.G. Jung, The Red Book: Liber Novus
We can invoke Aphrodite privately, with friends, or a lover. We can be voyeurs or active participants. Love is a substantive soul to soul connection, passions, hopes, wishes, and dreams. Sex (animal urges), love, and romance are one of our main ways of mythologizing practical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life.
Love makes an average man feel beautiful and intelligent. We can understand our lives and instincts more deeply through archetypes and their phenomenology, including the love and suffering of eros and pathos -- "lovesickness."
Jung defined intuition as "perception via the unconscious": using sense-perception only as a starting point, to bring forth ideas, images, possibilities, ways out of a blocked situation, by a process that is mostly unconscious. In the divine act of reconnection, imagination conveys divine thoughts through images, penetrating deeper levels of insight with trans-sensory perception.
Jung said, “the daemonic is the not yet realized creative.” Perceptual diversity helps us access a variety of non-rational altered states of consciousness, including dreams, trance, imagination, and meditation -- presentational illumination.
Art Manifesto 2015
Art Manifesto 2014
"The Sacred & Banal"
Where is the Sublime in the Age of Bread & Circuits?
by Iona Miller, (c)2014
2010 Artist Statement:
"Healing - the highest form of Creativity"
Our pain informs and funds the depth of our compassion.
Art Manifesto 2014
"The Sacred & Banal"
Where is the Sublime in the Age of Bread & Circuits?
by Iona Miller, (c)2014
2010 Artist Statement:
"Healing - the highest form of Creativity"
Our pain informs and funds the depth of our compassion.
The artist is the antenna of the race. (Ezra Pound)
From Underground to Under Cover
Musings by Spy Whisperer Iona Miller, the Dark Muse of Actionable Intelligence
"We all know that art is not the truth, art is a lie that makes us realize the truth." ~Picasso
“The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purposes through him. As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is 'man' in a higher sense - he is 'collective man,' a vehicle and molder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.”
--Carl Jung, Psychology and Literature, 1930)
“The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purposes through him. As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is 'man' in a higher sense - he is 'collective man,' a vehicle and molder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.”
--Carl Jung, Psychology and Literature, 1930)
Roy Ascott, Digital Piioneer:!/album.php?aid=94711&id=554994561!/album.php?aid=94711&id=554994561
SPY 1099
From Underground to Under Cover
“And take upon's the mystery of things, As if we were God's spies.” --King Lear
CLOAK & DIGGER: Occultists, spies, the Underground, therapists and even investigative journalists have secrets in common with the need and ability to keep them or share them with the "right" people.
I'm a spy in the house of love. I know the dream, that you're dreamin' of. I know the words that you long to hear. I know your deepest, secret fear." --The Doors, "The Spy"
"It is our task to seek art, for without seeking it we shall never learn the secrets of the world. . . You must go to it yourself." --Paracelsus
The Underground Arts: Spies Like LVX
We are seekers, whether of personal or global truth, of knowledge, of spiritual revelation, or the hidden wonders of science or the frontiers of raw experience. The sap of life is its physical aspects but its essence is mystery. Expression is the essence of essence, refining the raw prima materia into the 'cooked.' We yearn for transparency, for disclosure, for revelation, for the truth that cannot be hidden. It is the eternally sought Stone of the Wise. "In-Tell" speaks to us from deep within.I've always worked as an edge-artist and metaphysician, far outside the mainstream of production and institutions, niche publishing in the underground press, scene zines and using free servers as 'squatter sites.' In lifestreaming I don't distinguish between esoterics and pro bono therapeutic arts, visual and written works and personae (living out loud) or enterprises. They illuminate my experience equally.
De Lux Cosmic Couture
In his 1989 book, The Game Player: Confessions of the CIA's Original Political Operative, top spook Miles Copeland brags of the intelligence agency's control over both Moral Re-Armament and L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology movement. Copeland reports that he served in the 1950s as head of an agency entity known as The Political Action Staff. Under this umbrella, his assistant, Bob Mandlestam, developed an operation called "OHP," or "occultism in high places," described by Copeland as "a theory of political activism based on an impressively detailed study of ways in which leaders of the world based their judgments on one form or another of divine guidance." One of Mandlestam's projects was to "plant astrologists on certain world leaders." Another was to deploy "mystics" in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., home to many government figures, who would use "voodoo magic," based on rites prescribed by the CIA itself, to manipulate Congressmen. --Larry Hecht, EIR, Dec. 2002
It is through this Force that all the nervous centers secretly communicate with each other; from it--that sympathy and antipathy are born; from it--we have our dreams; and that the phenomena of second sight and extra-natural visions take place...Astral Light [acting under the impulsion of powerful wills] ... destroys, coagulate, separates, breaks, gathers in all things...God created it on that day when he said: "Fiat Lux!" ... It is directed by the Egregores, i.e., the chiefs of the souls who are the spirits of energy and action.
In Latin "U" is written as a "V", so the word becomes "Lux", which means "Light." Light is the first object -- the essence of creation and the universal speed limit. It is also the basis of our existence as photonic/electronic beings -- Homo Lumen. Physics shows that without LVX we are literally Nothing.
The occult light can now be related to biophotons that sustain our interconnected bioplasmic energy bodies. LVX shows us how to be alive, how to penetrate the depths of the universe and illuminate the nature of reality. LVX is also a trope, a metaphorical turn of phrase, an ancient meme that allows us to penetrate the cosmic code.
It's all about the effects. My current project involves disbelieving all previous versions of my self and my understanding of the hyperflux nature of reality. I hope to contradict and supersede myself -- to go supraluminal and strip off any tactical corset that becomes too confining.
Innovative Content
My mixed-media include not only physical and digital gestures and words, but living light and the entire geopolitical or psychosocial landscape. Spies like us are really spooked up with esoterics, psi-ence and spy-ence. With smartphones we've entered the era of Extra Sensory Computing, with external eyes and ears linking our extradimensional nervous systems.
Both intelligence and mystics or occultists are obsessed with mind control -- their own and others. Mind is the ultimate medium and all that really matters. Theosophical notions of consciousness and thoughtforms are still with us in the cliche that 'thoughts are things' and in New Age theories of "intentionality." Extraordinary human capacities can be amplified and tapped with soft and hard, hot and cold technologies. The web is an astral playground and ESP factory of PSISIGs (psi signals).
This year I've added filmmaking to my repertoire of modalities, dynamically animating my formerly static works, history, concepts and ideas. It has changed my storytelling. But it all still begins with a feeling for the arc of a story that wants to be told -- "In-Tell."
I like to think what I do works by contagion and perhaps chaos theory. In my works on Chaosophy, I've discussed those mechanisms at length. Chaos can be a more fertile state than order.
Hence, my current koan -- 'Nothing' can prove anything." No one is telling us the truth, not even ourselves. Our internal dialogue and narrative is another form of "In-Tell." Never mind "them." What else are you hiding from yourself? Maybe I just have a Rubik's complex, and just want to solve the puzzle.
Paradoxically, we can just as well say the truth cannot be hidden. But it does often take time to reveal. You must wait for someone to come to their own revelations, because even if issues or solutions are telegraphed to the therapist, pre-empting the process with a concept is not the same as the moment of personal discovery. The difference is between 'knowing' and 'telling.' It is wise to know the difference and respect it.
Touchpoint: Decade of Trauma
Whether in therapy, graphics, psi research or cultural engineering, art (including the mystic and predictive arts) is a vocation, not a trade. It’s a cliche - that art is a process, not a product. Yet, one is ‘called’ to create -- to manifest -- by one’s inner being, and we ignore the call at our own peril.
The vagaries of commercial markets, self-serving gallerists and museum trends cannot drive creativity in any direction. In human cultures small disturbances can bring about large, unpredictable reactions, similar to the butterfly effect. You can never anticipate where that influence, inspiration or 'happy accident' will originate.
My own path is a chaotic aboriginal 'walkabout,' a sort of 'Forest Gump-ing' collusion of synchronicity and 'Being There' good fortune. In therapy, we are taught to "trust the process," but in PSYOP the social engineering "process" imposed on the global playing field is precisely the problem, not the cure.
We are all victims of transition trauma in our Post-Traumatic Culture. Some of the traumas of Shock Doctrine inflicted on the nation were deliberate, others just circumstantial but all marked us with scars and lingering effects of emotional, financial and existential havoc. The climate of terror is the real 'climate problem.'
All strata of society have been impacted. No one escapes the effects of the traumatic events happening globally these days. The economic bloodbath left many if not most depressed, discouraged, even suicidal. It is disappointing that a change in administration did not lead to hoped for progressive changes in policy.
Our PTSD nation and population are in dire need of multidimensional healing. Though deeply penetrated by tragedies we remain in deep denial of forthcoming shortages and changes on the horizon. In denial of the nature of cultural collapse, we stay distracted or hyperactive rather than feel our feelings beyond our control. This hypermanic condition fueled a series of financial bubbles with groundless optimism.
We try to stave off the spectre of death with self-absorbed naval-gazing...or drift into the latest 3-D Avatar world, selecting virtuality over blunt reality. But 3D is the magic word of the decade, with trade showsrolling out affordable consumer models of 3D TV, 3D cameras, and 3D desktop prototype printers. We've added a dimension to our looking-glass screens.
Harvard Medical School researcher, Van Der Kolk highly recommends feeling our feelings: "...effective treatment of PTSD", he writes, "must involve promoting awareness, rather than avoidance, of internal somatic states." He uses the term "mindfulness", a word often used by practitioners of meditation, stating that, "Mindfulness, awareness of one's inner experience, is necessary for a person to respond according to what is happening and is needed in the present, rather than reacting to certain somatic sensations as a return of the traumatic past. Such awareness will free people to introduce new options to solve problems and not merely to react reflexively."
Newsweek featured an article on "Survivalism Lite" and TV has Apocalypse Man and other shows describing the destruction of mankind. There is a trend in families around the nation preparing for the worst. Of course, it's all about amassing vast quantities of food, medical supplies, and ammunition. Nowhere is there mention of how these people intend to cope emotionally and spiritually when all the cans of Chef Boyardee run out and the batteries go dead. Forget local game, which disappears in the first week or two.
This movement fizzles out in traumatized people preparing to inflict more trauma on themselves and others. So the cycles of victim/victimizer continue. We need a GPS to find our lost souls. Our culture has the sickness unto death that is truly a "dark night," heading toward a cataclysmic century. "underground" takes on new meaning in this context as "bunkered mentality."
Fields of Power
We've all been thoroughly "processed." Culture is the field that makes it possible for us to cultivate the world, so that human beings may become fully human and achieve their fullness. Culture is the specific form of human nature. The nature of humankind is cultural and that culture is indeterminate. But PSYOP makes us a different kind of culture, a sort of bacteriological experiment gone awry in a global petrie dish.
There is chaotic self-organization in cultural fields, but also extreme turbulence. Dissipative structures are constantly fed energies from their surroundings and give off energies to them, and transfer the entropy produced in them to their surroundings. Such structures maintain both their energetic potential and their identity by being open to influences from the outside. But at the same time they avoid the destructive power of such energy concentration by exporting entropy to their surroundings.
James Hillman contends the artful leader uses two dozen kinds of power with finesse and subtlety. Power has many faces, many different expressions. "Empowerment," he says, "comes from understanding the widest spectrum of possibilities for embracing power." They include: the language of power, control, influence, resistance, leadership, prestige, authority, exhibitionism, charisma, ambition, reputation, fearsomeness, tyranny, purism, subtle power, growth, decisiveness, and efficiency.
Hillman reconceptualizes power in terms of sustaining continuity, conserving, teaching, caring, bringing out the innate potential in each person or task. There is also power in personal and collective vision, power among us. The social construct is both a vertical and horizontal field of power; in fact, there are numerous interpenetrating or nested fields of power.
Power is something we seek or, more frequently, deny. We deny we want "power" for ourselves, and resist efforts at leadership as efforts to assert power over us. Freedom from desire's materialism and denial's formalism is found in the poetic, the fantastic, the numinous, where things are not "one way or the other." The concept of power extends beyond the political and material world into the regions of feeling, intellect and spirit that reach beyond the exercise of power by the human will.
As poet W. H. Auden observes, "We are lived by powers we pretend to understand. Its shadow then comes back to haunt us." As colleagues in spirit, we are finding ways to transcend the fixation for power (competition, domination, control, reward) and for the material goods that show that we have manifested power that we are a "success."
Hillman deconstructs the context that invites systematic theology and systematic paranoia in favor of the assertion that all delusion is revelatory and all revelation, delusional -- "an intelligible event which make all other events intelligible." The assumption that the Deity is hidden necessarily brings revelation to religion, and delusion as well.
Our culture has religious madness because the culture requires revelation for its religion. Each group yearns for its own Holy Grail. Christians yearn for the Rapture, UFOlogists for Disclosure, tekkies for Singularity, and New Agers for Ascension.
These 'revelations' all represent a radical upgrade of society and the individual as well as collective. Without literal revelation from concealment to disclosure the interplay of light and shadows make the world inherently intelligible in its aesthetic presentation, requiring no revelation for its divinity or hiddeness for its meaning. Soon, our very thoughts will be revealed to one another.
"Bleeding Edge"
Poised at the cutting edge -- the creative edge of chaos -- emergent art and artists have the capacity to carry the artistic dialogue into the future. We are on the verge of realizing age-old esoteric dreams in our increasingly "techlepathic" society. Perhaps that alone will jump-start our telepathic ability, with or without biomechanical interface or fancy neural data conversion.
We are set to bypass the acoustic signal altogether as neural interface bridges motor function and communication. We already crave mind-to-mind communication. In contrast to implants, nonlinear mapping equations could directly correlate auditory speech signals and subvocal signals recorded at the same time.
True telepathy would mean seamless bidirectional transference of consciousness and emotions to one or more receiving persons, sharing thoughts and experiences. What happens once we eliminate all possible observers? Maybe that is when we cross the threshold to communicating with the thought invariants of this universe.
Simple arrays can pick up signal but no one is yet sure how to use extracellular field stimulation to get information into cortical neural networks. If we tap the brain's language center, muscular movement isn't required at all to produce a neural signal. Sheer thought alone would transmit language output. It raises the specter of how we will protect our thoughts and the whole array of body information from the hive-mind.
Both pain and beauty can be a source of inspiration and creativity. It’s one thing to have vision that resonates, and quite another to articulate it and get it out into the world and informational flow where it can go 'viral' without being buried in dataglut. The flip side of that is "doing better than we know" when others mirror our content in the field beyond our immediate knowledge. Often, it winds up in unlikely places, penetrating both the fringe and the core.
My Millennial collected works archive of the '90s and earlier was 'burned' by Geocities last year when Yahoo stopped hosting free sites. But this original Geocities mega-site and others have been 'salvaged' by 'reocities,' dredged from the flotsam and jetsam of obsolete webcontent without bias for ownership or true 'value.'
A single individual took on the self-appointed task of downloading as much as he could grab onto his server. Anything that could be technically captured was 'resurrected' and its shelf life renewed without notification to site owners. This is just one of an increasing numbers of gambits now possible in the datascape, where so many are streaming vital details of their existence, making us the first 'downloadable humans.' Our data has taken on a separate life of its own, in worship of the Android Meme.
Art has a certain restoring, healing, negentropic, even 'spiritual' capacity -- the capacity to counter the entropic energies of social breakdown, decay, and meaninglessness. In this sense, great art -- authentic art -- feeds us, as it has fed mankind from the earliest times. In an an-aesthetic world, we yearn for the zen moment of aesthetic arrest that stops us dead in our tracks with multisensory wonder. It comes in the gaps between breaths, in suspended animation.
The Hidden Environment
The occult was a crucial influence on the Renaissance, and it obsessed the popular thinkers of the day. But with the Age of Reason, occultism was sidelined; only charlatans found any use for it. Occult ideas did not disappear, however, but rather went underground.
It developed into a fruitful source of inspiration for many important artists. Works of brilliance, sometimes even of genius, were produced under its influence. The esoteric has been a foundation of many cultural endeavors but remains "outside," unrecognized by many academics and scholars.
Hermes means "secret" or "sealed." So, we get the Hermetic Arts and hermetically sealed concepts. In therapy, the therapist/client relationship is hermetically sealed so the alchemical process can unfold. It is a sacred space sealed off from outside influences. Transformation is the drama of a universe in miniature.
Hermes is also the Lord of Illusion - the Magician, the Trickster, the Illusionist. Being under cover is a deliberately secret penetration of the outside with stealth. Some things can only be comprehended by being inside them, like love. Yet, some things are so exceedingly subtle they cannot be perceived or expressed as they are beyond categories.
Life, lived both underground and under cover is "hidden" or shady with the clandestine aim of metaphorming the living symbolic structure, personal or collective. The mundane or banal takes on new symbolic meaning, from idiosyncratic to global. Global chaos theory is an intellectually elegant concept that may or may not prove itself, but it is a good model of instability and an apt metaphor for using minimum leverage to achieve optimal effect on the global culture machine.
Manipulating dark and light forces, shadow and light, artists reveal that which is fundamentally occult -- the hidden environment in which we truly live -- a world enlivened by both electricity and imagination. But we cannot understand social, economic and cultural systems from the "will" or "intentions" of individuals.
Too much harmony is not bearable either for the human organism or for society. As soon as the fractal chaotic structure of electric waves around the heart begins to become symmetrical, the heart begins to flicker uncontrollably. More harmony than this is the moment of cardiac arrest. Similar processes can be seen in society, where enforced conformity is a sign of social death.
Explanations and theories don't tell us what is, but only offer degrees of belief to a world where thinking has become exceedingly dangerous. This is the double-bind of the shadow of the collective psyche. As in days of old, you can lose the game or lose your head. Chaos and order can suddenly slip into their opposites.
Paramedia ecologist, Bob Dobbs describes the problem, including social fragmentation by digital media, whose effect is hidden in plain sight in the "Bread & Circuits" of the global theater:
The hidden environment is what's really motivating everybody, and creating a lot of obsession or neurosis, and the stress of life is always caused by the new invisible environment. Therefore, an antidote or an anaesthetic to that is the past environments, but to use them as props. So, all human creativity is now provided as the content, but the mixed corporate-media create the stress on people, and they're trying to find out how that stress is affecting them. They'll never be able to find out how that stress is affecting them. But all they have to do is understand what I'm talking about.
"Process" is what is affecting all of us, that's the hidden ground, and they just reflected the need, subconsciously, for psychology to adapt to the new electric environment in the '60s and '70s, the electric environment being processual. So they came up with concepts of "process". Now that concept is obsolete because they've exhausted it, people are no longer using it, but they are stuck in an environment that is process incarnate. So, they've got a problem.
Process has gone wrong in the secret machinations of institutions such as Tavistock and the Covert Action of espionage in such "black" operations as MK Ultra that led to mass deployment of indoctrination, drugs and biowarfare on both domestic and foreign "adversaries."
No laws protect the public from national security experimentation. Process itself has become the true "enemy" of the people. Self determination is the first casualty. The hidden environment demands that art must be subversive to fulfill its function beyond mere decoration. Abuse has replaced truth.
Truth is a necessary fiction. Truth is just a faction of reality, usually stranger than fiction. History is infused by a fictional spirit. Truth gains traction from 'friction,' the mythic element of events. The real news arises in our gaps of awareness when reality values collapse.
The deep popular need for historical truth is a re-creation myth, reconstructed by answering the question 'whose truth'? Most people never experience truth, but view reality through a hypercluster of mindwarping archetypal lenses. Imagination isn't limited by scholarship. In some instances, fiction makes history. Imagination reshapes reality.
Mystery Ground Zero
So, it's a long and winding road to describe how 'Iona Miller' went from uncommodified, unwikified, underground artist, researcher, Qabalist, magician and practicing therapist to working with the even deeper and more arcane underground of transnational Esoterics, Espionage and Entertainment as the Spy Whisperer, Spy in the Triangle, and Blue Sky Spy for LOA. In the sphere of informational security, Special Access Programs (SAPs) use disinformation and 'believable' cover stories to disguise their activities.
I guess I went so far to the Left into the groundless now that I came out of the conspirituality rabbithole in the Esoteric Right. I stood at the paradox, seeing both sides equally radical and serving a similar watchdog agenda with a Law of Attraction intentional bias. Most of us are thoroughly unsatisfied with either 'forced choice' party and its puppet representatives, serving the voracious corpoglomerates, warlords, and monopolistic robber barons.
Despite the odds against us we're still trying to create a world we would like to live in, to retrieve as much of our falsely so-called 'freedoms' and humanity as possible before 'humanity' disappears entirely into 'insanity.' That is, into the subtext of dictated trends and predictive programming or hypermodalities, such as genetic and cybernetic transhumanism. We are the first generations to penetrate the vastness of the cosmos, to discern the entire history of the solar system, the life cycles of the Earth and the rhythms of life upon it. Let's hope we are not the last.
One percent of the population has lockdown control of the vast majority of real wealth and many, if not most of the minds of the global population. Manipulated economic bubbles have retrieved the original meaning of piracy which gutted the American middle-class. "Robber 'Boomer' Baron" has been used to describe the undisciplined greed of financial 'robbers' during calculated financial meltdowns in 2008-2009. Will gold be the next bubble? The mystery ground is a field where the Word is power. In magick such words of power have the capacity to in-form reality. We are learning that our DNA can be reprogrammed by frequencies and words because the genetic code follows the same rules of grammar our languages do. There is a grammar and syntax to the modulation of reality much like metaphysics has taught throughout history. Thoughts are things, so our intentions are written in the vacuum where the morphology of our material world is rooted. We are connected to this informational field by our DNA.
The Spy Who LVXed Me
We're still not sure what to do for our 'critical care' beyond raising the hue and cry, but intend, at least, to not go down without a fight. So, we make outrageous political art and satire, and write manifestos and ultimatums to the cosmos, hoping for a reply from the Great Beyond as our final freedoms erode into dim memory.
Our democracy arose as a great utopian experiment framed by Sir Frances Bacon as a "New Atlantis," rooted in Dee's colonization dream. Its 'words of power' were contained in the Constitution but manifest in our national destiny.
Bacon was head of the Freemasons and Rosicrucians in Britain in his day. Spymaster Dee and Bacon are the Godfathers of the Enlightenment and these philosopher/magicians were not confined to the corporeal body. They deployed magical Words of Power that resonated with their open vision. All were cultural exorcists who cleared the way for new paradigms to emerge.
Their occult influence -- effects of the hidden environment -- survives to this day. They promoted an essentially 'spiritual' agenda I call 'conspirituality' -- the fusion of conspiracy and spiritual aims. They "seeded" human consciousness with radical new ideas in this case about human potential we now call "memes."
Spying is among the mystic arts, rooted in its association with the shape-shifting chameleon Hermes, who crosses boundaries, discovers and deduces secrets, writes in arcane codes, and is the Lord of Magic. He is also the mentor of the Information Age, informing our Open Source connectivity. The predictive arts have morphed from astrology to futurism, trendspotting, social engineering, cooked intelligence, and tech forecasting.
This blend of mystery, foreign intrigue, mind control, misdirection and the occult has always been around. They meet in the merger of symbolism, propaganda and the hypnotic half-truths and myths of politics and partisanship. At root, the spy is a Trickster in a world of hidden messages and synchronous events. This essential nature forms the basis of my joke aphorism, "Scratch a Magus, Find a Spy."
Angelic magic is another kabbalistic art. It was the forte of John Dee. Imperial skryer and necromancer, Dee, Sir Francis Bacon and his brother Anthony were among the many men-about-court who were recruited as spies by one faction or another, such as Walsingham's "secret police." Dee was Bacon's tutor. All employed complicated ciphers, secret codes such as Gematria, for the initiated only.
What Bacon learned from Dee besides the importance of cyphers was not to have one's political and esoteric-artistic identity defined exclusively by the outside world. There was inner power for Bacon that no matter what happened to him he could still sacrifice his name, bury his staff like Prospero and wield a protective persona to express his artistic views for himself and his secret group of "Good Pens." This is responsible wisdom in action as a response to difficult political pressures.
Some occultists believe that adept Francis Bacon continued his mastership in another life as Comte de St. Germaine. The Count was an international spy, ringleader of secret societies, enlightened visionary and proponent of U.S. freedom, urging on the Founding Fathers in their faltering moments. He carried much of Bacon's agenda and political philosophy forward in a rapidly changing world, ratifying the magical current of Roger Bacon, conjurer John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, and himself.
In the year 1760, the Comte de Saint Germain was discovered as a international spy by French authorities. He fled France for England, where he stayed for nearly two years in search of the LeMarchand box named Cage of Desire - "The Dream Weave Cube." LeMarchand scholars believe that this particular configuration was considered by the Comte to be the key that would unlock not only his own future, but the future of Czarist (Caesar's) Russia.
Immediately after aquiring the Cage of Desire from a collecter, the Comte de Saint Germain traveled to St. Petersburg. He played an important part in the revolution which placed Catherine the Great upon the throne of Russia. Catherine deposed her incompetent husband, Peter III, just six months into her rule. He was murdered less than two weeks later by the brother of her then current lover, Grigory Orlov.
Dr. John Dee was both Magus and spy in Elizabethan times. Walsingham used court astrologer Dee frequently on overseas missions, where he acted as an agent for England. In this capacity, he always signed his correspondence with the Queen with the mark "007," and was used loosely as the model for Ian Fleming's super spy James Bond. Dee was also well acquainted with William Shakespeare, who apparently based his characters "King Lear" and "Prospero" (of "The Tempest") on Dee's highly complex life.
Mdm. Blavatsky has been accused of being a Russian spy in India, making her an agent of the Great Game with Britain, which also became her residence. Aleister Crowley produced agit-prop for MI6 and was friends with James Bond creator Ian Flemming.
The real X-files are much weirder than Chris Carter ever imagined when the 90s were upon us. For starters, they were subcontracted. Watergate burgler E. Howard Hunt was a CIA agent since 1949. Former "Watergate conspirator" and CIA intelligence officer E. Howard Hunt was also a remarkably prolific novelist who published numerous thrillers under various aliases (e.g., David St. John, Gordon Davis, Robert Dietrich), sometimes spicing his novels with the occult (The Coven, The Sorcerers). The X-Files episode, "Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man," was inspired by the real-life Hunt.
The cast of my artful collaborators includes a wide variety of PSI-KICKS and adventures in the Draconian Utopia: Intel, Spooks, Kooks, Spymasters, Spyentists, Spy-Co-Somatics, Psientists, Spycologists, Esoterics, Bliss-Bunnies, Om-ers, Edge-Celebs, Meta-physicians, Homo Lumen, Hip-gnotists, Pre-Cogs, Cure-ismatics, Shamaniacs, Mage-icians, Therapeutes, Para-Noids, Cyber-Allies, Private Eyes, Psychotties, Beamers, Watchers of the Watchers, and Squints. Here's to staring backatcha.
The Secret: To Dare, To Will, To Know, To Keep Silent
Intelligence is the key to understanding the world today. What spies have in common with magicians is an uncanny ability to connect the seemingly unconnected, to notice what goes on behind the scenes and to see through misdirection ~ it takes one to know one. Both have learned to synthesize and interpret data, how to pace and lead people (hypno-patsies) with rapport. The opening gambit of psychological warfare and mind control is flattery.
As trained observers, magicians and spies are adept at people-reading and keeping secrets; both are actors -- performers. Both are in secret societies that rely on craft and often use collaborators or confederates, and mentors. How much different is stealth and surveillance than a spell of invisibility? Each have their rules of engagement in the Great Work and the Great Game.
Clandestine Craft
Even some of the elements of tradecraft are the same. Both are cryptic, using encryptions and codes. Each has its own arcane language, symbols and rituals veiled from the profane. Remote Viewing or psychic spying is virtually identical with clairvoyance. Ceremonial psychodrama is played out in public, in personality cults and "ritual" murders.
Both use passwords and slogans for security. Cryptography is now ubiquitous. All domestic and foreign electronic communication is monitored by programs like Echelon. Spies and magicians both are cracking the Brain Code, the wetware of humanity.
Cryptocracy refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden. There may possibly be a fake government that appears to be in charge and this fake government might not know themselves that they are not in charge. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organizations, orders, sects and cults. We know them best by their effects, not what they say about themselves.
Everywhere is Ground Zero
In military terms, psychic operations are called psychotronics, PSYOP. Adversaries are rogue psi operatives, psiwarriors who battle like sorcerers. Psychic self defense employs thought disruption, shielding techniques, mind drain and energy manipulation. Psionics is scientific magic ~ magecraft, the product of extraordinary human potential. Precogs, like analysts, are attuned to the future.
Issues range from the unclassifiable strangeness of "Pig's Wing" cases to unidentifiable Black Sky cases and paranormal Blue Rose cases and cover ups. Contacts are shapeshifters, "sheep dipped" military coverts, technical wizards and Wise Men.
"Supernatural Counterintelligence" was renamed "Strategic Counterintelligence" in 1976. It's all Sensitive Compartmentalized Information. Access to all sensitive information is strictly limited by imposing special controls and handling on dox and personnel. TOP SECRET UMBRA and TOP SECRET COSMIC documents are two examples of this sort of compartmentalization.
CIA Operations Group C972 was formed in 1982, led by Senior Comptroller Robert A. "Bob" Schnoblin. C972 consists of Schnoblin and an unknown, but small number of hand-picked operatives loyal to Schnoblin alone. Within the CIA, they are known as "Schnoblin's Goblins," because of his his theories on the paranormal.
There has been an informal, working relationship between the "Goblins" and FBI-SAD since 1984. CIA has been involved in many Special Affairs Department operations since that Agency's formation in 1947. The first recorded incident was in 1956, during surveillance operations targeted at a suspected vampire, who was also a Russian illegal.
Special Affairs Department (or SAD) is a division within FBI dedicated to investigating crimes and criminal activity involving supernatural creatures or occult phenomena. Founded in the early 50’s, it investigates threats posed by the supernatural or occult. The division’s resources and manpower in recent years have almost solely been devoted to criminal cases with paranormal overtones. The Department’s official purpose was to “investigate cases of a strange and persistent nature with the intent of determining, once and for all, whether such cases represent a nationwide hoax, or if they in fact possess some validity of truth”.This special arm of the Bureau investigates so-called “bizarre occult-style crimes” and, arguably, it is under this auspice that the Department has made some of its most startling discoveries. Special Affairs Department agents were in fact the cause of many of the 'Men in Black' of the period. Although S.A.D. agents are still secretive about their true mission they have also taken steps to work within the infrastructure of the Bureau mainstream. If the Department’s agents do work with other Bureau divisions it is always with the hidden agenda that such cases involve something far more monstrous, something that only S.A.D. is aware of and has the power to hunt down and destroy.
Deep Cover
We understand viscerally that things are often not what they seem, being manipulated by unseen forces. They are masters of disguise, the hidden environment, intelligence, espionage, and covert action. Both mages and intelligence 'tweak the timeline' with small perturbations that pump up to macroscopic results, setting up currents of intentional influence. They also tweak minds by controlling the environment. No one can resist what they cannot detect.
They are Inside Outsiders, working at the fringes of the System. The "outsider" aesthetic is charged by a desire to break free from the contrivances of tradition. They look boldly outside the system and deep within themselves for inspiration that arises directly from Creative Source.
They work sub rosa. This phrase comes from the Latin meaning 'under the rose' for confidentiality, black ops. It comes from the Masonic fraternal tradition. The rose is the emblem of Horus, God of Silence and Secrecy.
Horus and Hermes are identical, and Hermes is also an interpreter. In the end we have our beliefs and interpretations of our illusory myths of reality...whether it is the occult interpretation myth, the Jungian interpretation myth, the postmodern interpretation myth, the intelligence interpretation myth, the scientific, the religious, the idiosyncratic or whatever combination of those informs our spirit with dark and light forces.
I can say no more...
From Underground to Under Cover
“And take upon's the mystery of things, As if we were God's spies.” --King Lear
CLOAK & DIGGER: Occultists, spies, the Underground, therapists and even investigative journalists have secrets in common with the need and ability to keep them or share them with the "right" people.
I'm a spy in the house of love. I know the dream, that you're dreamin' of. I know the words that you long to hear. I know your deepest, secret fear." --The Doors, "The Spy"
"It is our task to seek art, for without seeking it we shall never learn the secrets of the world. . . You must go to it yourself." --Paracelsus
The Underground Arts: Spies Like LVX
We are seekers, whether of personal or global truth, of knowledge, of spiritual revelation, or the hidden wonders of science or the frontiers of raw experience. The sap of life is its physical aspects but its essence is mystery. Expression is the essence of essence, refining the raw prima materia into the 'cooked.' We yearn for transparency, for disclosure, for revelation, for the truth that cannot be hidden. It is the eternally sought Stone of the Wise. "In-Tell" speaks to us from deep within.I've always worked as an edge-artist and metaphysician, far outside the mainstream of production and institutions, niche publishing in the underground press, scene zines and using free servers as 'squatter sites.' In lifestreaming I don't distinguish between esoterics and pro bono therapeutic arts, visual and written works and personae (living out loud) or enterprises. They illuminate my experience equally.
De Lux Cosmic Couture
In his 1989 book, The Game Player: Confessions of the CIA's Original Political Operative, top spook Miles Copeland brags of the intelligence agency's control over both Moral Re-Armament and L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology movement. Copeland reports that he served in the 1950s as head of an agency entity known as The Political Action Staff. Under this umbrella, his assistant, Bob Mandlestam, developed an operation called "OHP," or "occultism in high places," described by Copeland as "a theory of political activism based on an impressively detailed study of ways in which leaders of the world based their judgments on one form or another of divine guidance." One of Mandlestam's projects was to "plant astrologists on certain world leaders." Another was to deploy "mystics" in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., home to many government figures, who would use "voodoo magic," based on rites prescribed by the CIA itself, to manipulate Congressmen. --Larry Hecht, EIR, Dec. 2002
It is through this Force that all the nervous centers secretly communicate with each other; from it--that sympathy and antipathy are born; from it--we have our dreams; and that the phenomena of second sight and extra-natural visions take place...Astral Light [acting under the impulsion of powerful wills] ... destroys, coagulate, separates, breaks, gathers in all things...God created it on that day when he said: "Fiat Lux!" ... It is directed by the Egregores, i.e., the chiefs of the souls who are the spirits of energy and action.
In Latin "U" is written as a "V", so the word becomes "Lux", which means "Light." Light is the first object -- the essence of creation and the universal speed limit. It is also the basis of our existence as photonic/electronic beings -- Homo Lumen. Physics shows that without LVX we are literally Nothing.
The occult light can now be related to biophotons that sustain our interconnected bioplasmic energy bodies. LVX shows us how to be alive, how to penetrate the depths of the universe and illuminate the nature of reality. LVX is also a trope, a metaphorical turn of phrase, an ancient meme that allows us to penetrate the cosmic code.
It's all about the effects. My current project involves disbelieving all previous versions of my self and my understanding of the hyperflux nature of reality. I hope to contradict and supersede myself -- to go supraluminal and strip off any tactical corset that becomes too confining.
Innovative Content
My mixed-media include not only physical and digital gestures and words, but living light and the entire geopolitical or psychosocial landscape. Spies like us are really spooked up with esoterics, psi-ence and spy-ence. With smartphones we've entered the era of Extra Sensory Computing, with external eyes and ears linking our extradimensional nervous systems.
Both intelligence and mystics or occultists are obsessed with mind control -- their own and others. Mind is the ultimate medium and all that really matters. Theosophical notions of consciousness and thoughtforms are still with us in the cliche that 'thoughts are things' and in New Age theories of "intentionality." Extraordinary human capacities can be amplified and tapped with soft and hard, hot and cold technologies. The web is an astral playground and ESP factory of PSISIGs (psi signals).
This year I've added filmmaking to my repertoire of modalities, dynamically animating my formerly static works, history, concepts and ideas. It has changed my storytelling. But it all still begins with a feeling for the arc of a story that wants to be told -- "In-Tell."
I like to think what I do works by contagion and perhaps chaos theory. In my works on Chaosophy, I've discussed those mechanisms at length. Chaos can be a more fertile state than order.
Hence, my current koan -- 'Nothing' can prove anything." No one is telling us the truth, not even ourselves. Our internal dialogue and narrative is another form of "In-Tell." Never mind "them." What else are you hiding from yourself? Maybe I just have a Rubik's complex, and just want to solve the puzzle.
Paradoxically, we can just as well say the truth cannot be hidden. But it does often take time to reveal. You must wait for someone to come to their own revelations, because even if issues or solutions are telegraphed to the therapist, pre-empting the process with a concept is not the same as the moment of personal discovery. The difference is between 'knowing' and 'telling.' It is wise to know the difference and respect it.
Touchpoint: Decade of Trauma
Whether in therapy, graphics, psi research or cultural engineering, art (including the mystic and predictive arts) is a vocation, not a trade. It’s a cliche - that art is a process, not a product. Yet, one is ‘called’ to create -- to manifest -- by one’s inner being, and we ignore the call at our own peril.
The vagaries of commercial markets, self-serving gallerists and museum trends cannot drive creativity in any direction. In human cultures small disturbances can bring about large, unpredictable reactions, similar to the butterfly effect. You can never anticipate where that influence, inspiration or 'happy accident' will originate.
My own path is a chaotic aboriginal 'walkabout,' a sort of 'Forest Gump-ing' collusion of synchronicity and 'Being There' good fortune. In therapy, we are taught to "trust the process," but in PSYOP the social engineering "process" imposed on the global playing field is precisely the problem, not the cure.
We are all victims of transition trauma in our Post-Traumatic Culture. Some of the traumas of Shock Doctrine inflicted on the nation were deliberate, others just circumstantial but all marked us with scars and lingering effects of emotional, financial and existential havoc. The climate of terror is the real 'climate problem.'
All strata of society have been impacted. No one escapes the effects of the traumatic events happening globally these days. The economic bloodbath left many if not most depressed, discouraged, even suicidal. It is disappointing that a change in administration did not lead to hoped for progressive changes in policy.
Our PTSD nation and population are in dire need of multidimensional healing. Though deeply penetrated by tragedies we remain in deep denial of forthcoming shortages and changes on the horizon. In denial of the nature of cultural collapse, we stay distracted or hyperactive rather than feel our feelings beyond our control. This hypermanic condition fueled a series of financial bubbles with groundless optimism.
We try to stave off the spectre of death with self-absorbed naval-gazing...or drift into the latest 3-D Avatar world, selecting virtuality over blunt reality. But 3D is the magic word of the decade, with trade showsrolling out affordable consumer models of 3D TV, 3D cameras, and 3D desktop prototype printers. We've added a dimension to our looking-glass screens.
Harvard Medical School researcher, Van Der Kolk highly recommends feeling our feelings: "...effective treatment of PTSD", he writes, "must involve promoting awareness, rather than avoidance, of internal somatic states." He uses the term "mindfulness", a word often used by practitioners of meditation, stating that, "Mindfulness, awareness of one's inner experience, is necessary for a person to respond according to what is happening and is needed in the present, rather than reacting to certain somatic sensations as a return of the traumatic past. Such awareness will free people to introduce new options to solve problems and not merely to react reflexively."
Newsweek featured an article on "Survivalism Lite" and TV has Apocalypse Man and other shows describing the destruction of mankind. There is a trend in families around the nation preparing for the worst. Of course, it's all about amassing vast quantities of food, medical supplies, and ammunition. Nowhere is there mention of how these people intend to cope emotionally and spiritually when all the cans of Chef Boyardee run out and the batteries go dead. Forget local game, which disappears in the first week or two.
This movement fizzles out in traumatized people preparing to inflict more trauma on themselves and others. So the cycles of victim/victimizer continue. We need a GPS to find our lost souls. Our culture has the sickness unto death that is truly a "dark night," heading toward a cataclysmic century. "underground" takes on new meaning in this context as "bunkered mentality."
Fields of Power
We've all been thoroughly "processed." Culture is the field that makes it possible for us to cultivate the world, so that human beings may become fully human and achieve their fullness. Culture is the specific form of human nature. The nature of humankind is cultural and that culture is indeterminate. But PSYOP makes us a different kind of culture, a sort of bacteriological experiment gone awry in a global petrie dish.
There is chaotic self-organization in cultural fields, but also extreme turbulence. Dissipative structures are constantly fed energies from their surroundings and give off energies to them, and transfer the entropy produced in them to their surroundings. Such structures maintain both their energetic potential and their identity by being open to influences from the outside. But at the same time they avoid the destructive power of such energy concentration by exporting entropy to their surroundings.
James Hillman contends the artful leader uses two dozen kinds of power with finesse and subtlety. Power has many faces, many different expressions. "Empowerment," he says, "comes from understanding the widest spectrum of possibilities for embracing power." They include: the language of power, control, influence, resistance, leadership, prestige, authority, exhibitionism, charisma, ambition, reputation, fearsomeness, tyranny, purism, subtle power, growth, decisiveness, and efficiency.
Hillman reconceptualizes power in terms of sustaining continuity, conserving, teaching, caring, bringing out the innate potential in each person or task. There is also power in personal and collective vision, power among us. The social construct is both a vertical and horizontal field of power; in fact, there are numerous interpenetrating or nested fields of power.
Power is something we seek or, more frequently, deny. We deny we want "power" for ourselves, and resist efforts at leadership as efforts to assert power over us. Freedom from desire's materialism and denial's formalism is found in the poetic, the fantastic, the numinous, where things are not "one way or the other." The concept of power extends beyond the political and material world into the regions of feeling, intellect and spirit that reach beyond the exercise of power by the human will.
As poet W. H. Auden observes, "We are lived by powers we pretend to understand. Its shadow then comes back to haunt us." As colleagues in spirit, we are finding ways to transcend the fixation for power (competition, domination, control, reward) and for the material goods that show that we have manifested power that we are a "success."
Hillman deconstructs the context that invites systematic theology and systematic paranoia in favor of the assertion that all delusion is revelatory and all revelation, delusional -- "an intelligible event which make all other events intelligible." The assumption that the Deity is hidden necessarily brings revelation to religion, and delusion as well.
Our culture has religious madness because the culture requires revelation for its religion. Each group yearns for its own Holy Grail. Christians yearn for the Rapture, UFOlogists for Disclosure, tekkies for Singularity, and New Agers for Ascension.
These 'revelations' all represent a radical upgrade of society and the individual as well as collective. Without literal revelation from concealment to disclosure the interplay of light and shadows make the world inherently intelligible in its aesthetic presentation, requiring no revelation for its divinity or hiddeness for its meaning. Soon, our very thoughts will be revealed to one another.
"Bleeding Edge"
Poised at the cutting edge -- the creative edge of chaos -- emergent art and artists have the capacity to carry the artistic dialogue into the future. We are on the verge of realizing age-old esoteric dreams in our increasingly "techlepathic" society. Perhaps that alone will jump-start our telepathic ability, with or without biomechanical interface or fancy neural data conversion.
We are set to bypass the acoustic signal altogether as neural interface bridges motor function and communication. We already crave mind-to-mind communication. In contrast to implants, nonlinear mapping equations could directly correlate auditory speech signals and subvocal signals recorded at the same time.
True telepathy would mean seamless bidirectional transference of consciousness and emotions to one or more receiving persons, sharing thoughts and experiences. What happens once we eliminate all possible observers? Maybe that is when we cross the threshold to communicating with the thought invariants of this universe.
Simple arrays can pick up signal but no one is yet sure how to use extracellular field stimulation to get information into cortical neural networks. If we tap the brain's language center, muscular movement isn't required at all to produce a neural signal. Sheer thought alone would transmit language output. It raises the specter of how we will protect our thoughts and the whole array of body information from the hive-mind.
Both pain and beauty can be a source of inspiration and creativity. It’s one thing to have vision that resonates, and quite another to articulate it and get it out into the world and informational flow where it can go 'viral' without being buried in dataglut. The flip side of that is "doing better than we know" when others mirror our content in the field beyond our immediate knowledge. Often, it winds up in unlikely places, penetrating both the fringe and the core.
My Millennial collected works archive of the '90s and earlier was 'burned' by Geocities last year when Yahoo stopped hosting free sites. But this original Geocities mega-site and others have been 'salvaged' by 'reocities,' dredged from the flotsam and jetsam of obsolete webcontent without bias for ownership or true 'value.'
A single individual took on the self-appointed task of downloading as much as he could grab onto his server. Anything that could be technically captured was 'resurrected' and its shelf life renewed without notification to site owners. This is just one of an increasing numbers of gambits now possible in the datascape, where so many are streaming vital details of their existence, making us the first 'downloadable humans.' Our data has taken on a separate life of its own, in worship of the Android Meme.
Art has a certain restoring, healing, negentropic, even 'spiritual' capacity -- the capacity to counter the entropic energies of social breakdown, decay, and meaninglessness. In this sense, great art -- authentic art -- feeds us, as it has fed mankind from the earliest times. In an an-aesthetic world, we yearn for the zen moment of aesthetic arrest that stops us dead in our tracks with multisensory wonder. It comes in the gaps between breaths, in suspended animation.
The Hidden Environment
The occult was a crucial influence on the Renaissance, and it obsessed the popular thinkers of the day. But with the Age of Reason, occultism was sidelined; only charlatans found any use for it. Occult ideas did not disappear, however, but rather went underground.
It developed into a fruitful source of inspiration for many important artists. Works of brilliance, sometimes even of genius, were produced under its influence. The esoteric has been a foundation of many cultural endeavors but remains "outside," unrecognized by many academics and scholars.
Hermes means "secret" or "sealed." So, we get the Hermetic Arts and hermetically sealed concepts. In therapy, the therapist/client relationship is hermetically sealed so the alchemical process can unfold. It is a sacred space sealed off from outside influences. Transformation is the drama of a universe in miniature.
Hermes is also the Lord of Illusion - the Magician, the Trickster, the Illusionist. Being under cover is a deliberately secret penetration of the outside with stealth. Some things can only be comprehended by being inside them, like love. Yet, some things are so exceedingly subtle they cannot be perceived or expressed as they are beyond categories.
Life, lived both underground and under cover is "hidden" or shady with the clandestine aim of metaphorming the living symbolic structure, personal or collective. The mundane or banal takes on new symbolic meaning, from idiosyncratic to global. Global chaos theory is an intellectually elegant concept that may or may not prove itself, but it is a good model of instability and an apt metaphor for using minimum leverage to achieve optimal effect on the global culture machine.
Manipulating dark and light forces, shadow and light, artists reveal that which is fundamentally occult -- the hidden environment in which we truly live -- a world enlivened by both electricity and imagination. But we cannot understand social, economic and cultural systems from the "will" or "intentions" of individuals.
Too much harmony is not bearable either for the human organism or for society. As soon as the fractal chaotic structure of electric waves around the heart begins to become symmetrical, the heart begins to flicker uncontrollably. More harmony than this is the moment of cardiac arrest. Similar processes can be seen in society, where enforced conformity is a sign of social death.
Explanations and theories don't tell us what is, but only offer degrees of belief to a world where thinking has become exceedingly dangerous. This is the double-bind of the shadow of the collective psyche. As in days of old, you can lose the game or lose your head. Chaos and order can suddenly slip into their opposites.
Paramedia ecologist, Bob Dobbs describes the problem, including social fragmentation by digital media, whose effect is hidden in plain sight in the "Bread & Circuits" of the global theater:
The hidden environment is what's really motivating everybody, and creating a lot of obsession or neurosis, and the stress of life is always caused by the new invisible environment. Therefore, an antidote or an anaesthetic to that is the past environments, but to use them as props. So, all human creativity is now provided as the content, but the mixed corporate-media create the stress on people, and they're trying to find out how that stress is affecting them. They'll never be able to find out how that stress is affecting them. But all they have to do is understand what I'm talking about.
"Process" is what is affecting all of us, that's the hidden ground, and they just reflected the need, subconsciously, for psychology to adapt to the new electric environment in the '60s and '70s, the electric environment being processual. So they came up with concepts of "process". Now that concept is obsolete because they've exhausted it, people are no longer using it, but they are stuck in an environment that is process incarnate. So, they've got a problem.
Process has gone wrong in the secret machinations of institutions such as Tavistock and the Covert Action of espionage in such "black" operations as MK Ultra that led to mass deployment of indoctrination, drugs and biowarfare on both domestic and foreign "adversaries."
No laws protect the public from national security experimentation. Process itself has become the true "enemy" of the people. Self determination is the first casualty. The hidden environment demands that art must be subversive to fulfill its function beyond mere decoration. Abuse has replaced truth.
Truth is a necessary fiction. Truth is just a faction of reality, usually stranger than fiction. History is infused by a fictional spirit. Truth gains traction from 'friction,' the mythic element of events. The real news arises in our gaps of awareness when reality values collapse.
The deep popular need for historical truth is a re-creation myth, reconstructed by answering the question 'whose truth'? Most people never experience truth, but view reality through a hypercluster of mindwarping archetypal lenses. Imagination isn't limited by scholarship. In some instances, fiction makes history. Imagination reshapes reality.
Mystery Ground Zero
So, it's a long and winding road to describe how 'Iona Miller' went from uncommodified, unwikified, underground artist, researcher, Qabalist, magician and practicing therapist to working with the even deeper and more arcane underground of transnational Esoterics, Espionage and Entertainment as the Spy Whisperer, Spy in the Triangle, and Blue Sky Spy for LOA. In the sphere of informational security, Special Access Programs (SAPs) use disinformation and 'believable' cover stories to disguise their activities.
I guess I went so far to the Left into the groundless now that I came out of the conspirituality rabbithole in the Esoteric Right. I stood at the paradox, seeing both sides equally radical and serving a similar watchdog agenda with a Law of Attraction intentional bias. Most of us are thoroughly unsatisfied with either 'forced choice' party and its puppet representatives, serving the voracious corpoglomerates, warlords, and monopolistic robber barons.
Despite the odds against us we're still trying to create a world we would like to live in, to retrieve as much of our falsely so-called 'freedoms' and humanity as possible before 'humanity' disappears entirely into 'insanity.' That is, into the subtext of dictated trends and predictive programming or hypermodalities, such as genetic and cybernetic transhumanism. We are the first generations to penetrate the vastness of the cosmos, to discern the entire history of the solar system, the life cycles of the Earth and the rhythms of life upon it. Let's hope we are not the last.
One percent of the population has lockdown control of the vast majority of real wealth and many, if not most of the minds of the global population. Manipulated economic bubbles have retrieved the original meaning of piracy which gutted the American middle-class. "Robber 'Boomer' Baron" has been used to describe the undisciplined greed of financial 'robbers' during calculated financial meltdowns in 2008-2009. Will gold be the next bubble? The mystery ground is a field where the Word is power. In magick such words of power have the capacity to in-form reality. We are learning that our DNA can be reprogrammed by frequencies and words because the genetic code follows the same rules of grammar our languages do. There is a grammar and syntax to the modulation of reality much like metaphysics has taught throughout history. Thoughts are things, so our intentions are written in the vacuum where the morphology of our material world is rooted. We are connected to this informational field by our DNA.
The Spy Who LVXed Me
We're still not sure what to do for our 'critical care' beyond raising the hue and cry, but intend, at least, to not go down without a fight. So, we make outrageous political art and satire, and write manifestos and ultimatums to the cosmos, hoping for a reply from the Great Beyond as our final freedoms erode into dim memory.
Our democracy arose as a great utopian experiment framed by Sir Frances Bacon as a "New Atlantis," rooted in Dee's colonization dream. Its 'words of power' were contained in the Constitution but manifest in our national destiny.
Bacon was head of the Freemasons and Rosicrucians in Britain in his day. Spymaster Dee and Bacon are the Godfathers of the Enlightenment and these philosopher/magicians were not confined to the corporeal body. They deployed magical Words of Power that resonated with their open vision. All were cultural exorcists who cleared the way for new paradigms to emerge.
Their occult influence -- effects of the hidden environment -- survives to this day. They promoted an essentially 'spiritual' agenda I call 'conspirituality' -- the fusion of conspiracy and spiritual aims. They "seeded" human consciousness with radical new ideas in this case about human potential we now call "memes."
Spying is among the mystic arts, rooted in its association with the shape-shifting chameleon Hermes, who crosses boundaries, discovers and deduces secrets, writes in arcane codes, and is the Lord of Magic. He is also the mentor of the Information Age, informing our Open Source connectivity. The predictive arts have morphed from astrology to futurism, trendspotting, social engineering, cooked intelligence, and tech forecasting.
This blend of mystery, foreign intrigue, mind control, misdirection and the occult has always been around. They meet in the merger of symbolism, propaganda and the hypnotic half-truths and myths of politics and partisanship. At root, the spy is a Trickster in a world of hidden messages and synchronous events. This essential nature forms the basis of my joke aphorism, "Scratch a Magus, Find a Spy."
Angelic magic is another kabbalistic art. It was the forte of John Dee. Imperial skryer and necromancer, Dee, Sir Francis Bacon and his brother Anthony were among the many men-about-court who were recruited as spies by one faction or another, such as Walsingham's "secret police." Dee was Bacon's tutor. All employed complicated ciphers, secret codes such as Gematria, for the initiated only.
What Bacon learned from Dee besides the importance of cyphers was not to have one's political and esoteric-artistic identity defined exclusively by the outside world. There was inner power for Bacon that no matter what happened to him he could still sacrifice his name, bury his staff like Prospero and wield a protective persona to express his artistic views for himself and his secret group of "Good Pens." This is responsible wisdom in action as a response to difficult political pressures.
Some occultists believe that adept Francis Bacon continued his mastership in another life as Comte de St. Germaine. The Count was an international spy, ringleader of secret societies, enlightened visionary and proponent of U.S. freedom, urging on the Founding Fathers in their faltering moments. He carried much of Bacon's agenda and political philosophy forward in a rapidly changing world, ratifying the magical current of Roger Bacon, conjurer John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, and himself.
In the year 1760, the Comte de Saint Germain was discovered as a international spy by French authorities. He fled France for England, where he stayed for nearly two years in search of the LeMarchand box named Cage of Desire - "The Dream Weave Cube." LeMarchand scholars believe that this particular configuration was considered by the Comte to be the key that would unlock not only his own future, but the future of Czarist (Caesar's) Russia.
Immediately after aquiring the Cage of Desire from a collecter, the Comte de Saint Germain traveled to St. Petersburg. He played an important part in the revolution which placed Catherine the Great upon the throne of Russia. Catherine deposed her incompetent husband, Peter III, just six months into her rule. He was murdered less than two weeks later by the brother of her then current lover, Grigory Orlov.
Dr. John Dee was both Magus and spy in Elizabethan times. Walsingham used court astrologer Dee frequently on overseas missions, where he acted as an agent for England. In this capacity, he always signed his correspondence with the Queen with the mark "007," and was used loosely as the model for Ian Fleming's super spy James Bond. Dee was also well acquainted with William Shakespeare, who apparently based his characters "King Lear" and "Prospero" (of "The Tempest") on Dee's highly complex life.
Mdm. Blavatsky has been accused of being a Russian spy in India, making her an agent of the Great Game with Britain, which also became her residence. Aleister Crowley produced agit-prop for MI6 and was friends with James Bond creator Ian Flemming.
The real X-files are much weirder than Chris Carter ever imagined when the 90s were upon us. For starters, they were subcontracted. Watergate burgler E. Howard Hunt was a CIA agent since 1949. Former "Watergate conspirator" and CIA intelligence officer E. Howard Hunt was also a remarkably prolific novelist who published numerous thrillers under various aliases (e.g., David St. John, Gordon Davis, Robert Dietrich), sometimes spicing his novels with the occult (The Coven, The Sorcerers). The X-Files episode, "Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man," was inspired by the real-life Hunt.
The cast of my artful collaborators includes a wide variety of PSI-KICKS and adventures in the Draconian Utopia: Intel, Spooks, Kooks, Spymasters, Spyentists, Spy-Co-Somatics, Psientists, Spycologists, Esoterics, Bliss-Bunnies, Om-ers, Edge-Celebs, Meta-physicians, Homo Lumen, Hip-gnotists, Pre-Cogs, Cure-ismatics, Shamaniacs, Mage-icians, Therapeutes, Para-Noids, Cyber-Allies, Private Eyes, Psychotties, Beamers, Watchers of the Watchers, and Squints. Here's to staring backatcha.
The Secret: To Dare, To Will, To Know, To Keep Silent
Intelligence is the key to understanding the world today. What spies have in common with magicians is an uncanny ability to connect the seemingly unconnected, to notice what goes on behind the scenes and to see through misdirection ~ it takes one to know one. Both have learned to synthesize and interpret data, how to pace and lead people (hypno-patsies) with rapport. The opening gambit of psychological warfare and mind control is flattery.
As trained observers, magicians and spies are adept at people-reading and keeping secrets; both are actors -- performers. Both are in secret societies that rely on craft and often use collaborators or confederates, and mentors. How much different is stealth and surveillance than a spell of invisibility? Each have their rules of engagement in the Great Work and the Great Game.
Clandestine Craft
Even some of the elements of tradecraft are the same. Both are cryptic, using encryptions and codes. Each has its own arcane language, symbols and rituals veiled from the profane. Remote Viewing or psychic spying is virtually identical with clairvoyance. Ceremonial psychodrama is played out in public, in personality cults and "ritual" murders.
Both use passwords and slogans for security. Cryptography is now ubiquitous. All domestic and foreign electronic communication is monitored by programs like Echelon. Spies and magicians both are cracking the Brain Code, the wetware of humanity.
Cryptocracy refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden. There may possibly be a fake government that appears to be in charge and this fake government might not know themselves that they are not in charge. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organizations, orders, sects and cults. We know them best by their effects, not what they say about themselves.
Everywhere is Ground Zero
In military terms, psychic operations are called psychotronics, PSYOP. Adversaries are rogue psi operatives, psiwarriors who battle like sorcerers. Psychic self defense employs thought disruption, shielding techniques, mind drain and energy manipulation. Psionics is scientific magic ~ magecraft, the product of extraordinary human potential. Precogs, like analysts, are attuned to the future.
Issues range from the unclassifiable strangeness of "Pig's Wing" cases to unidentifiable Black Sky cases and paranormal Blue Rose cases and cover ups. Contacts are shapeshifters, "sheep dipped" military coverts, technical wizards and Wise Men.
"Supernatural Counterintelligence" was renamed "Strategic Counterintelligence" in 1976. It's all Sensitive Compartmentalized Information. Access to all sensitive information is strictly limited by imposing special controls and handling on dox and personnel. TOP SECRET UMBRA and TOP SECRET COSMIC documents are two examples of this sort of compartmentalization.
CIA Operations Group C972 was formed in 1982, led by Senior Comptroller Robert A. "Bob" Schnoblin. C972 consists of Schnoblin and an unknown, but small number of hand-picked operatives loyal to Schnoblin alone. Within the CIA, they are known as "Schnoblin's Goblins," because of his his theories on the paranormal.
There has been an informal, working relationship between the "Goblins" and FBI-SAD since 1984. CIA has been involved in many Special Affairs Department operations since that Agency's formation in 1947. The first recorded incident was in 1956, during surveillance operations targeted at a suspected vampire, who was also a Russian illegal.
Special Affairs Department (or SAD) is a division within FBI dedicated to investigating crimes and criminal activity involving supernatural creatures or occult phenomena. Founded in the early 50’s, it investigates threats posed by the supernatural or occult. The division’s resources and manpower in recent years have almost solely been devoted to criminal cases with paranormal overtones. The Department’s official purpose was to “investigate cases of a strange and persistent nature with the intent of determining, once and for all, whether such cases represent a nationwide hoax, or if they in fact possess some validity of truth”.This special arm of the Bureau investigates so-called “bizarre occult-style crimes” and, arguably, it is under this auspice that the Department has made some of its most startling discoveries. Special Affairs Department agents were in fact the cause of many of the 'Men in Black' of the period. Although S.A.D. agents are still secretive about their true mission they have also taken steps to work within the infrastructure of the Bureau mainstream. If the Department’s agents do work with other Bureau divisions it is always with the hidden agenda that such cases involve something far more monstrous, something that only S.A.D. is aware of and has the power to hunt down and destroy.
Deep Cover
We understand viscerally that things are often not what they seem, being manipulated by unseen forces. They are masters of disguise, the hidden environment, intelligence, espionage, and covert action. Both mages and intelligence 'tweak the timeline' with small perturbations that pump up to macroscopic results, setting up currents of intentional influence. They also tweak minds by controlling the environment. No one can resist what they cannot detect.
They are Inside Outsiders, working at the fringes of the System. The "outsider" aesthetic is charged by a desire to break free from the contrivances of tradition. They look boldly outside the system and deep within themselves for inspiration that arises directly from Creative Source.
They work sub rosa. This phrase comes from the Latin meaning 'under the rose' for confidentiality, black ops. It comes from the Masonic fraternal tradition. The rose is the emblem of Horus, God of Silence and Secrecy.
Horus and Hermes are identical, and Hermes is also an interpreter. In the end we have our beliefs and interpretations of our illusory myths of reality...whether it is the occult interpretation myth, the Jungian interpretation myth, the postmodern interpretation myth, the intelligence interpretation myth, the scientific, the religious, the idiosyncratic or whatever combination of those informs our spirit with dark and light forces.
I can say no more...
A Source of Negentropy in Society
By Iona Miller, 3-2004
Artists are the chaotic attractors of the social field. While conventional artists may enjoy great favor, the ‘strange attractors,’ including leading edge and extreme artists have a special role as catalysts in contemporary life. Artists have always drawn others beyond the limits of their ordinary awareness, confronting them with another reality, initiating them into a world of profound meaning without conventional boundaries.
The beginning of the history of modern man traces back to primordial art, such as that found in the Paleolithic caves of Lascaux. From the beginning, art spoke of magic, of the supernatural, of imagination - the fantastic and disturbing. Always strong in content and aesthetic sophistication, it grew, hand in glove, with the emergence of technological skills.
The emergence of art was and continues to be an unparalleled innovation, confronting our psyches with a giant leap in human evolution whose transformative influence continues opening and exploring brave new worlds to this day. Art has been a driving force and living thread woven into the fabric of society since modern man emerged.
Artists are the chaotic attractors of the social field. While conventional artists may enjoy great favor, the ‘strange attractors,’ including leading edge and extreme artists have a special role as catalysts in contemporary life. Artists have always drawn others beyond the limits of their ordinary awareness, confronting them with another reality, initiating them into a world of profound meaning without conventional boundaries.
The beginning of the history of modern man traces back to primordial art, such as that found in the Paleolithic caves of Lascaux. From the beginning, art spoke of magic, of the supernatural, of imagination - the fantastic and disturbing. Always strong in content and aesthetic sophistication, it grew, hand in glove, with the emergence of technological skills.
The emergence of art was and continues to be an unparalleled innovation, confronting our psyches with a giant leap in human evolution whose transformative influence continues opening and exploring brave new worlds to this day. Art has been a driving force and living thread woven into the fabric of society since modern man emerged.