2011 Homepage Archive
Iona Miller
Iona Miller
DECEMBER 2011: Futuring - CRAFT ZINE Launches -
Io on the Editorial Board
Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions
Because our future is in our hands - THINK & DO
Issue 1: Biochar December 2011
CRAFT is a “think and do” tank of people and processes that can provide policy and strategic suggestions. We could assist you to rethink and redo an issue so that it can be addressed through CRAFT.
Publications: CRAFT anticipates, should it be successful, encouraging and supporting a plethora of publications formats styles and genres from music to art to craft to hand work to volk philosophy etc.
Speaking: The founding editors are available for interviews, workshops and speaker engagements. Please contact us if you have such a proposal.
Workshops, Learning Circles, Exemplar Projects and Sauvage craft: We can also design and deliver generic and also tailored workshops etc.
Learning Design: Pre-Primary-Secondary-Adult Education: CRAFT is deeply committed to the re-integration and re-membering of CRAFT as a vital part of the above education streams. We believe our learning systems locate between education and training and we are happy to help you design, develop and implement them. Such a ‘third path’ is, we believe, vital for assisting many of us as students gain deeper understanding of the systems we are studying as well as achieving our potential within an efficacious resilient and locally responsive economy.
Welcome to CRAFT – an online magazine where crafters of materials turn to crafting deeds and words. We hope you enjoy the experience! CRAFT is an eZine where we can all can publish and edit for our friends, family and community. If you wish, you can contribute a topic or theme for a given issue.
CRAFT is designed as a Peer 2 Peer mentored and reviewed publishing platform. Please let us have your thoughts and ideas and suggestions for future editions.
Our Vision Primarily our vision is one of a ‘practical hope’ through helping us as spectators, readers and/or digerati learn towards an embodied, thoughtful, critical, practical, empowered, interpersonal and experimental attitude. As such, this is the opposite of the illusionary and environmentally destructive stance we see even in our own back yards today with our dependent consumerism.
CRAFT’s mission is to publish work that is primarily visual and can provide practical hope, is innovative and developed within practice that is grounded. The focus of such critical practice is to include a significant ‘hands on’ component and include reprise and reflections thereon. Generally such praxis is based on a completed (exemplar) project. Each publication will have a theme1 around this focus potentially drawing on a range of engagement with CRAFT.
Our Aims
Io on the Editorial Board
Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions
Because our future is in our hands - THINK & DO
Issue 1: Biochar December 2011
CRAFT is a “think and do” tank of people and processes that can provide policy and strategic suggestions. We could assist you to rethink and redo an issue so that it can be addressed through CRAFT.
Publications: CRAFT anticipates, should it be successful, encouraging and supporting a plethora of publications formats styles and genres from music to art to craft to hand work to volk philosophy etc.
Speaking: The founding editors are available for interviews, workshops and speaker engagements. Please contact us if you have such a proposal.
Workshops, Learning Circles, Exemplar Projects and Sauvage craft: We can also design and deliver generic and also tailored workshops etc.
Learning Design: Pre-Primary-Secondary-Adult Education: CRAFT is deeply committed to the re-integration and re-membering of CRAFT as a vital part of the above education streams. We believe our learning systems locate between education and training and we are happy to help you design, develop and implement them. Such a ‘third path’ is, we believe, vital for assisting many of us as students gain deeper understanding of the systems we are studying as well as achieving our potential within an efficacious resilient and locally responsive economy.
Welcome to CRAFT – an online magazine where crafters of materials turn to crafting deeds and words. We hope you enjoy the experience! CRAFT is an eZine where we can all can publish and edit for our friends, family and community. If you wish, you can contribute a topic or theme for a given issue.
CRAFT is designed as a Peer 2 Peer mentored and reviewed publishing platform. Please let us have your thoughts and ideas and suggestions for future editions.
Our Vision Primarily our vision is one of a ‘practical hope’ through helping us as spectators, readers and/or digerati learn towards an embodied, thoughtful, critical, practical, empowered, interpersonal and experimental attitude. As such, this is the opposite of the illusionary and environmentally destructive stance we see even in our own back yards today with our dependent consumerism.
CRAFT’s mission is to publish work that is primarily visual and can provide practical hope, is innovative and developed within practice that is grounded. The focus of such critical practice is to include a significant ‘hands on’ component and include reprise and reflections thereon. Generally such praxis is based on a completed (exemplar) project. Each publication will have a theme1 around this focus potentially drawing on a range of engagement with CRAFT.
Our Aims
- CRAFTing Futures Nature can live with – through CRAFT – Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions
- This e-zine/e-magazine seeks to link the humanities/social sciences with hard sciences through, ‘hands on’ projects and associated learning that demonstrate practically today that a better world is possible tomorrow for our children with planet
- To listen to and give a site for the silenced voices and invisible practices in a praxis of hope that can help our culture be sustainable
- Our principal aim is for readers/surfers/authors who are learned in the school of life/hard knocks/unschooled in the conventional sense so to speak yet deeply learned and practical yet with few if any degrees or training diplomas.
- Crafters connecting in a circle of practice and learning – a community of praxis.
- To link with initiatives such as Transition Towns, PowerDown, Permaculture, Zero Emissions Living Economies etc.
Oct. 2011: Verities, No. 8 - "Dark Night, the World Weary Man & His Ba"
Depression is ordinarily a subject we don't want to confront, filled with uncomfortable material and issues we like to leave buried in the unconscious, but which rear their head in the mandatory passages of life. From postpartum depression to grief, to suicidal tendencies these archetypes exert their fatal fascination by drawing us into the seductive depths of despair. The soul becomes weary yearning for delight. There are losses we feel we cannot live without. With a soul full of pain and anguish, some do succumb to the undertow of deprivation or self-loathing and give up. The cheerful heart is gone and only wrong roams the earth and death hovers near the face.
Self-annihilation, or at least fantasies about it, may seem the only solution to abject misery, the existential impasse. But the Ba or soul says "love me here, having put aside the West," or realm of death. The "higher" transpersonal components were associated with the "ba" (its body and the shadow of the latter) and the "akh", or divine spark. This soul was the hidden dweller, caught as a prey like fish in a net. The physical body is closely connected with the double, and the "ba" was thought ethereal.
The task of the "ba" (true individuality) was to guide the person during life and to fly with the deceased to the sky, to the heaven of the stars. The "ba" dwelt in the heart, the receptacle of the higher components. The "ba" dwelt only in the heart of those who spoke and did Maat -- balance. Those established in their humanity would see their heart as the permanent abode of the soul. They are "in their middle", in their true nature and master the passions. Those who have a sick heart carry their burden with them as a load of heavy stones. The words of their soul do not reach them. Hence, they lack rejuvenation and are stuck. However, the soul is a trustworthy guide who always remains, encouraging a return to the middle of life.
Depression is ordinarily a subject we don't want to confront, filled with uncomfortable material and issues we like to leave buried in the unconscious, but which rear their head in the mandatory passages of life. From postpartum depression to grief, to suicidal tendencies these archetypes exert their fatal fascination by drawing us into the seductive depths of despair. The soul becomes weary yearning for delight. There are losses we feel we cannot live without. With a soul full of pain and anguish, some do succumb to the undertow of deprivation or self-loathing and give up. The cheerful heart is gone and only wrong roams the earth and death hovers near the face.
Self-annihilation, or at least fantasies about it, may seem the only solution to abject misery, the existential impasse. But the Ba or soul says "love me here, having put aside the West," or realm of death. The "higher" transpersonal components were associated with the "ba" (its body and the shadow of the latter) and the "akh", or divine spark. This soul was the hidden dweller, caught as a prey like fish in a net. The physical body is closely connected with the double, and the "ba" was thought ethereal.
The task of the "ba" (true individuality) was to guide the person during life and to fly with the deceased to the sky, to the heaven of the stars. The "ba" dwelt in the heart, the receptacle of the higher components. The "ba" dwelt only in the heart of those who spoke and did Maat -- balance. Those established in their humanity would see their heart as the permanent abode of the soul. They are "in their middle", in their true nature and master the passions. Those who have a sick heart carry their burden with them as a load of heavy stones. The words of their soul do not reach them. Hence, they lack rejuvenation and are stuck. However, the soul is a trustworthy guide who always remains, encouraging a return to the middle of life.
Oct. 2011: GREEN EGG, "HAARP & the Schumann Resonance"
HAARP & the Schumann Resonance by Iona Miller
Earth is a fundamental type of electrical generator. The solar winds, interacting with the upper atmosphere rotation, act as the collector and brushes of a generator. The lower atmosphere can be seen as a storage battery for this gradient potential. This electromagnetic field around the
Earth can be viewed as a stiff jelly. When our bodies move and vibrate, these movements are transmitted to the environment, and vice versa. These fields not only impinge on our bodies, they also affect the charges inside our bodies. When we are standing on the ground, under normal conditions, we are grounded. Our body then acts as a sink for the
electrostatic field and actually distorts the force-lines somewhat. The human body also has its own electrostatic field about itself.
HAARP & the Schumann Resonance by Iona Miller
Earth is a fundamental type of electrical generator. The solar winds, interacting with the upper atmosphere rotation, act as the collector and brushes of a generator. The lower atmosphere can be seen as a storage battery for this gradient potential. This electromagnetic field around the
Earth can be viewed as a stiff jelly. When our bodies move and vibrate, these movements are transmitted to the environment, and vice versa. These fields not only impinge on our bodies, they also affect the charges inside our bodies. When we are standing on the ground, under normal conditions, we are grounded. Our body then acts as a sink for the
electrostatic field and actually distorts the force-lines somewhat. The human body also has its own electrostatic field about itself.
Sept. 2011: Verities 6, "KINdling Effect: Sympathetic Resonance & Entanglement"
Neuroplasticity is the ability of groupings of neurons to change and realign themselves in response to repeated exposure to stimuli.
"KINdling" is a possible mechanism for 'soul retrieval' and an alternative mechanism for the mutual stimulation of gene expression in psychosocial genomics. Soul Retrieval is part of our Journey to Wholeness and quest for self-knowledge. It refers to shamanic practices that reintegrate various interpretations of the soul that might have become disconnected, trapped or lost through trauma -- loss of vitality and connection to life. KINdling is renewal of life force.
Soul Retrieval opens the door to self realization as Soul. From a shamanic point of view, part of the soul may split off, or dissociate, when we experience trauma or abuse. Soul loss is a spiritual illness that causes emotional and physical disease. We need to be re-tuned, recalibrated from the deepest level of our being - from the Source Field where our patterns remain intact, undisturbed and self-organizing. The lost soul has been found, retrieved, and revitalized. Many report that even nonlocal contact with kin spontaneously reawakens a new energy or level of vitality in themselves. Such spontaneous phenomena can be called "KINdling."
Kindling takes place in the infolded (negative) time dimension of virtual photon flux (hyperspace), or zero-point. The effect of coherent time collection is 'kindling', and orthorotation of one type of field into another. The collection of de Broglie waves is moving much faster than light (supraliminal). And for very slow-moving objects, the collected and projected bioenergy on their deBroglie waves is moving at essentially infinite velocity. Thought energy can be turned into electromagnetic energy by 'kindling' and can even be materialized if 'kindling' is of sufficient intensity.
Neuroplasticity is the ability of groupings of neurons to change and realign themselves in response to repeated exposure to stimuli.
"KINdling" is a possible mechanism for 'soul retrieval' and an alternative mechanism for the mutual stimulation of gene expression in psychosocial genomics. Soul Retrieval is part of our Journey to Wholeness and quest for self-knowledge. It refers to shamanic practices that reintegrate various interpretations of the soul that might have become disconnected, trapped or lost through trauma -- loss of vitality and connection to life. KINdling is renewal of life force.
Soul Retrieval opens the door to self realization as Soul. From a shamanic point of view, part of the soul may split off, or dissociate, when we experience trauma or abuse. Soul loss is a spiritual illness that causes emotional and physical disease. We need to be re-tuned, recalibrated from the deepest level of our being - from the Source Field where our patterns remain intact, undisturbed and self-organizing. The lost soul has been found, retrieved, and revitalized. Many report that even nonlocal contact with kin spontaneously reawakens a new energy or level of vitality in themselves. Such spontaneous phenomena can be called "KINdling."
Kindling takes place in the infolded (negative) time dimension of virtual photon flux (hyperspace), or zero-point. The effect of coherent time collection is 'kindling', and orthorotation of one type of field into another. The collection of de Broglie waves is moving much faster than light (supraliminal). And for very slow-moving objects, the collected and projected bioenergy on their deBroglie waves is moving at essentially infinite velocity. Thought energy can be turned into electromagnetic energy by 'kindling' and can even be materialized if 'kindling' is of sufficient intensity.
Sept. 2011: Meta-Genetics
Meta-genetics—a term that encompasses a group of related fields including quantum bioholography, genetic linguistics, and wave-genetics—accepts two of the major premises of genetics and epigenetics, namely that:
1. The coding portion of the DNA molecule is physically responsible for building proteins; and
2. Regulatory proteins play an important role in interacting with environmental signals to determine which genes in coding DNA are silenced and which are expressed.
From the above, it should be obvious that meta-genetics subsumes crucial, irrefutable aspects of genetics and epigenetics and, thus, respects the relative importance of both nature (genetics) and nurture (epigenetics) in human experience.
By establishing the Primacy of Consciousness, meta-genetics provides an overarching conceptual framework under which the apparent duality between nature and nurture can be resolved. Specifically, meta-genetics proposes that both nature and the reality conditions that allow for nurture emerge from—and are controlled by—conscious energy that constructs and directs our biological experience intelligently.
According to meta-genetics, potential DNA is anything but “junk.” Indeed, potential DNA plays the truly primary role of interfacing “ener-genetically” with our bioenergy blueprint in the consciousness field (Figures 1 and 2). In this way, potential DNA regulates cellular expression—and even the origin and evolution of species—in a manner that genetics cannot begin to account for and epigenetics cannot come close to matching.
In explaining the role potential DNA plays in the origin and evolution of species, meta-genetics reveals that genetics and epigenetics alike control our lives only relatively, compared to the underlying spiritual energy that engenders, supports and develops life: consciousness.
Meta-genetics—a term that encompasses a group of related fields including quantum bioholography, genetic linguistics, and wave-genetics—accepts two of the major premises of genetics and epigenetics, namely that:
1. The coding portion of the DNA molecule is physically responsible for building proteins; and
2. Regulatory proteins play an important role in interacting with environmental signals to determine which genes in coding DNA are silenced and which are expressed.
From the above, it should be obvious that meta-genetics subsumes crucial, irrefutable aspects of genetics and epigenetics and, thus, respects the relative importance of both nature (genetics) and nurture (epigenetics) in human experience.
By establishing the Primacy of Consciousness, meta-genetics provides an overarching conceptual framework under which the apparent duality between nature and nurture can be resolved. Specifically, meta-genetics proposes that both nature and the reality conditions that allow for nurture emerge from—and are controlled by—conscious energy that constructs and directs our biological experience intelligently.
According to meta-genetics, potential DNA is anything but “junk.” Indeed, potential DNA plays the truly primary role of interfacing “ener-genetically” with our bioenergy blueprint in the consciousness field (Figures 1 and 2). In this way, potential DNA regulates cellular expression—and even the origin and evolution of species—in a manner that genetics cannot begin to account for and epigenetics cannot come close to matching.
In explaining the role potential DNA plays in the origin and evolution of species, meta-genetics reveals that genetics and epigenetics alike control our lives only relatively, compared to the underlying spiritual energy that engenders, supports and develops life: consciousness.
Sept. 2011, Plumbing the Plenum: Source Mysticism & Physics
Reality Maps
Beginning long before the fad for the source field, over the years, I've written numerous articles on the plenum or vacuum potential, working with notables in that arena. This is a fertile area of research whose stock has 'risen' over the last decade or so. The Plenum can be modeled as a holographic realm, either with or without string theory, which may or may not be an accurate reflection of the true nature of Reality -- the total field of direct experience. Theories must be examined for their phenomenological and metaphysical utility.
Source Mysticism
This Quantum Vacuum is more aptly named the Quantum Plenum, whose vast energy density some consider the source of sentient Being. The dynamic discovered to be the very substance of the Plenum of space is light itself, the spectrum of fluctuating electromagnetism called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The "Quantum Vacuum" points to the fact that it is not a vacuum - an emptiness pure and simple, but rather is saturated with vibrant potential energy and is in fact a highly energetic medium, an absolute fullness of potential energy, the dynamic modification of which actually "emanates" what we call mass, matter or material form. Qabalistic creation stories say much the same, describing three Veils of Negative Existence. This correlation between Source Mysticism and leading edge physics yields many interesting ideas for exploration.
Reality Maps
Beginning long before the fad for the source field, over the years, I've written numerous articles on the plenum or vacuum potential, working with notables in that arena. This is a fertile area of research whose stock has 'risen' over the last decade or so. The Plenum can be modeled as a holographic realm, either with or without string theory, which may or may not be an accurate reflection of the true nature of Reality -- the total field of direct experience. Theories must be examined for their phenomenological and metaphysical utility.
Source Mysticism
This Quantum Vacuum is more aptly named the Quantum Plenum, whose vast energy density some consider the source of sentient Being. The dynamic discovered to be the very substance of the Plenum of space is light itself, the spectrum of fluctuating electromagnetism called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The "Quantum Vacuum" points to the fact that it is not a vacuum - an emptiness pure and simple, but rather is saturated with vibrant potential energy and is in fact a highly energetic medium, an absolute fullness of potential energy, the dynamic modification of which actually "emanates" what we call mass, matter or material form. Qabalistic creation stories say much the same, describing three Veils of Negative Existence. This correlation between Source Mysticism and leading edge physics yields many interesting ideas for exploration.
Sept. 2011, Perfume Alchemy - "Spirit In a Bottle"
ETHEREAL SPIRITS: The history of fragrances is as old as old as the history of humanity. Who knows when the first person noticed they could rub a pleasant scent onto their skin to good effect? Ancient recipes can evoke mystic even ancestral memories from the cauldron of the unconscious, temporarily transporting us to by-gone times. As essence, perfumery is intimately related to alchemy with its primary process of distillation of gross materials into fine. Fragrant oils, some of which survived millennia in their ancient bottles, are among the most cherished items ever produced by mankind.
WISDOM ART: Perfumery is an olfactory art form -- a Tantric and Hermetic art. When it is personalized in a signature scent, and used for balancing the personality, it adds another dimension of pleasure to life -- one that is shared with others. Naturally, organic perfumes best replicate the essence of by-gone eras. Pure organic scents are naturally the most attractive and inspiring, and work best with the body's chemistry.
ELAN VITAL: Most esoteric perfumery books are based on the Doctrine of Signatures. But the fragrances of many essences differ in psychosensory effect from the healing or magical use. Scent can be luminous and illuminating, infusing the air with its olfactory mystique. Perfumery provides easy entry into the mystic arts and you can extend your studies outward from there, for personal transformation and activating your potential life force.
Alchemy is concerned with the transformation of the individual into an enlightened being, hence the well known metaphor of turning base metal into gold. It uses a language of symbols and laws many of which were known in the
ancient world. It's practice involves an initiation from where the initiate passes stages of understanding and development toward the ultimate goal, which is sometimes symbolized by a star. Alchemy is associated with a variety of dispersed belief systems, some of which are thousands of years old. The Tao, the Mithraic cult, the Isis cult, Gnosticism, the Kabbala, Astrology and the Tarot are a few of its sources of occult wisdom. Some of the pagan religions of Europe were much influenced by the Eastern mystical cults that the Romans had popularised throughout their Empire.
SOURCE MYSTICISM: Thus from it earliest beginnings the human personality is in constant mystical motion. Reaching inwardly toward the self and outwardly toward the world in ever-new encounters, forever changing, man from childhood onward passes through all the stages of transformation mysticism. And just as the beginning of source mysticism extends back into an unknown sphere prior to the emergence of the ego, so does the end of immortality mysticism extend into an unknown realm beyond the extinction of the ego. The inexplicable fact that man's very center is an unknown creative force which lives within him and molds him in ever-new forms and transformations, this mystery which accompanies him throughout his life, follows him even into death and beyond. So the circle closes, and man ends as he began, a homo mysticus. --Erich Neumann
Thus, then, having overcome the World of the Elements, does the Adept stand equilibrated in Tiphareth. In that equilibrium he must set forth upon the greatest magical adventure which has yet befallen him, to win the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, otherwise called his holy Genius. Equilibrium is vitally necessary to him in this quest, for the fulfillment which he seeks will not come about unless in accordance with the aphorism, "As Above, so below." ...The Holy Guardian Angel is a beam transmitted from...that Supernal region which even in symbolic representation defies dimension...this Being of living light and love whom the Adept, and he alone, is to know as his Angel. ...the Reality which is named in occult doctrine as the Holy Guardian Angel is the same which underlies the pale abstraction, Grace. --Denning & Phillips/The Magical Philosophy, Vol. IV
ETHEREAL SPIRITS: The history of fragrances is as old as old as the history of humanity. Who knows when the first person noticed they could rub a pleasant scent onto their skin to good effect? Ancient recipes can evoke mystic even ancestral memories from the cauldron of the unconscious, temporarily transporting us to by-gone times. As essence, perfumery is intimately related to alchemy with its primary process of distillation of gross materials into fine. Fragrant oils, some of which survived millennia in their ancient bottles, are among the most cherished items ever produced by mankind.
WISDOM ART: Perfumery is an olfactory art form -- a Tantric and Hermetic art. When it is personalized in a signature scent, and used for balancing the personality, it adds another dimension of pleasure to life -- one that is shared with others. Naturally, organic perfumes best replicate the essence of by-gone eras. Pure organic scents are naturally the most attractive and inspiring, and work best with the body's chemistry.
ELAN VITAL: Most esoteric perfumery books are based on the Doctrine of Signatures. But the fragrances of many essences differ in psychosensory effect from the healing or magical use. Scent can be luminous and illuminating, infusing the air with its olfactory mystique. Perfumery provides easy entry into the mystic arts and you can extend your studies outward from there, for personal transformation and activating your potential life force.
Alchemy is concerned with the transformation of the individual into an enlightened being, hence the well known metaphor of turning base metal into gold. It uses a language of symbols and laws many of which were known in the
ancient world. It's practice involves an initiation from where the initiate passes stages of understanding and development toward the ultimate goal, which is sometimes symbolized by a star. Alchemy is associated with a variety of dispersed belief systems, some of which are thousands of years old. The Tao, the Mithraic cult, the Isis cult, Gnosticism, the Kabbala, Astrology and the Tarot are a few of its sources of occult wisdom. Some of the pagan religions of Europe were much influenced by the Eastern mystical cults that the Romans had popularised throughout their Empire.
SOURCE MYSTICISM: Thus from it earliest beginnings the human personality is in constant mystical motion. Reaching inwardly toward the self and outwardly toward the world in ever-new encounters, forever changing, man from childhood onward passes through all the stages of transformation mysticism. And just as the beginning of source mysticism extends back into an unknown sphere prior to the emergence of the ego, so does the end of immortality mysticism extend into an unknown realm beyond the extinction of the ego. The inexplicable fact that man's very center is an unknown creative force which lives within him and molds him in ever-new forms and transformations, this mystery which accompanies him throughout his life, follows him even into death and beyond. So the circle closes, and man ends as he began, a homo mysticus. --Erich Neumann
Thus, then, having overcome the World of the Elements, does the Adept stand equilibrated in Tiphareth. In that equilibrium he must set forth upon the greatest magical adventure which has yet befallen him, to win the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, otherwise called his holy Genius. Equilibrium is vitally necessary to him in this quest, for the fulfillment which he seeks will not come about unless in accordance with the aphorism, "As Above, so below." ...The Holy Guardian Angel is a beam transmitted from...that Supernal region which even in symbolic representation defies dimension...this Being of living light and love whom the Adept, and he alone, is to know as his Angel. ...the Reality which is named in occult doctrine as the Holy Guardian Angel is the same which underlies the pale abstraction, Grace. --Denning & Phillips/The Magical Philosophy, Vol. IV
Coming Soon in Alchemy Journal - Embodying Osiris, a Review
Egypt remains a realm of mystery as does the psyche. The ancient land of Egypt is not the same as the eternal sunshine of the Egypt of our modern minds. We can never "embody Osiris" with conceptual processes, but only through fully entering the inherent mystery of alchemical processes that define the rhythms of life we exist in. Emotions effect our DNA, and DNA effects our emotions. Emotions regulate gene-expression.
In this insightful Jungian volume, Dr. Thom Cavalli is likely correct in insisting that "empathic engagement of the god on an imaginal and physical level" is required. In this way only perhaps a more meaningful life springs from death, through a "body" of integrative experience. The Egyptians presumed "death" was not the only option.
As unconscious, Osiris is the paradoxical life/death ground from which integrative impulses arise. His epic ordeals mirror our own. Perhaps the Jungians need alchemy for their articulation of psychic processes more than alchemy needs Jungian models. After all, benchwork went on for millennia without Jung's hermeneutics, but alchemy had its own ways of describing proto-scientific interpretations of phenomena. Still, Jung and Cavalli's categories, homologues, metaphorms and mytho-poetic language broaden our descriptive vocabulary, perhaps helping us articulate the deep meaning of what we see in the vessel.
In the Mystery schools, applicants for the priesthood of Osiris entered the tomb alive to await his light. They spent the night in the coffin, entering through the door of fear to achieve mastery.The initiate in the open sarcophagus was left alone in the darkness of the crypt., feeling the cold of the grave close in. In such a sensory deprivation chamber, perhaps the initiate experienced a life review or began to see colors and lights appear. This illumination was recognized as the light of Osiris, bringing visions. Some aspirants might claim to have conversations with Isis or Osiris. Others might visualize themselves in the land of the dead, walking and talking with departed spirits and receiving special teachings from Osiris before a resurrection.
Egypt remains a realm of mystery as does the psyche. The ancient land of Egypt is not the same as the eternal sunshine of the Egypt of our modern minds. We can never "embody Osiris" with conceptual processes, but only through fully entering the inherent mystery of alchemical processes that define the rhythms of life we exist in. Emotions effect our DNA, and DNA effects our emotions. Emotions regulate gene-expression.
In this insightful Jungian volume, Dr. Thom Cavalli is likely correct in insisting that "empathic engagement of the god on an imaginal and physical level" is required. In this way only perhaps a more meaningful life springs from death, through a "body" of integrative experience. The Egyptians presumed "death" was not the only option.
As unconscious, Osiris is the paradoxical life/death ground from which integrative impulses arise. His epic ordeals mirror our own. Perhaps the Jungians need alchemy for their articulation of psychic processes more than alchemy needs Jungian models. After all, benchwork went on for millennia without Jung's hermeneutics, but alchemy had its own ways of describing proto-scientific interpretations of phenomena. Still, Jung and Cavalli's categories, homologues, metaphorms and mytho-poetic language broaden our descriptive vocabulary, perhaps helping us articulate the deep meaning of what we see in the vessel.
In the Mystery schools, applicants for the priesthood of Osiris entered the tomb alive to await his light. They spent the night in the coffin, entering through the door of fear to achieve mastery.The initiate in the open sarcophagus was left alone in the darkness of the crypt., feeling the cold of the grave close in. In such a sensory deprivation chamber, perhaps the initiate experienced a life review or began to see colors and lights appear. This illumination was recognized as the light of Osiris, bringing visions. Some aspirants might claim to have conversations with Isis or Osiris. Others might visualize themselves in the land of the dead, walking and talking with departed spirits and receiving special teachings from Osiris before a resurrection.
August 2011 Psychosocial Genomics in Subcultures
Recent research on neuroplasticity and psychosocial genomics lends compelling support to the theory that psychosocial forces shape neurobiology through gene-expression. Investigations of neuroplasticity demonstrate that the adult brain can continue to form novel neural connections and grow new neurons in response to learning or training even into old age. This means under facilitating circumstances, we have the capacity to awaken undreamed of potential within ourselves. Moreso, if Dragon subculture supports and reinforces such emergent capacities.
Recent research on neuroplasticity and psychosocial genomics lends compelling support to the theory that psychosocial forces shape neurobiology through gene-expression. Investigations of neuroplasticity demonstrate that the adult brain can continue to form novel neural connections and grow new neurons in response to learning or training even into old age. This means under facilitating circumstances, we have the capacity to awaken undreamed of potential within ourselves. Moreso, if Dragon subculture supports and reinforces such emergent capacities.
July 2011 The Vortex, A Metaphorical Exploration
The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient mystical circle depicting a serpent-dragon of Primordial Unity. It represents eternity, the Milky Way, cyclic processes like Precession, and the "circle of life." In self-referential dynamic motion, it becomes the Vortex, the primary icon of the Dragon peoples from time immemorial. It is the first glyph in the universal language of symbols, encompassing all others -- the threshold of symbol and substance. It is the "Mother of all symbols". Rose windows in medieval cathedrals were Christian depictions of the cosmic vortex. The esoteric view of this vortex of Being's internal logic, is raw Feminine power.
The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient mystical circle depicting a serpent-dragon of Primordial Unity. It represents eternity, the Milky Way, cyclic processes like Precession, and the "circle of life." In self-referential dynamic motion, it becomes the Vortex, the primary icon of the Dragon peoples from time immemorial. It is the first glyph in the universal language of symbols, encompassing all others -- the threshold of symbol and substance. It is the "Mother of all symbols". Rose windows in medieval cathedrals were Christian depictions of the cosmic vortex. The esoteric view of this vortex of Being's internal logic, is raw Feminine power.
SUMMER 2011 - "The Sedona Effect" Issue No. 155, in Green Egg Magazine
"There is no such thing as a spiritual journey. If there were a spiritual journey, it would be only a quarter inch long, though many miles deep. You do not have to go away outside yourself to come into real conversation with your soul and with the mysteries of the spiritual world. The eternal is at home --within you."
--Meister Eckhart
SEDONA SYNCHRONIZATION EXPERIMENTS: Arguably, here is the first scientific proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG Synchronization. Further repeatable experiments are still being conducted in Arizona, by Ben Lonetree, using a variety of volunteer subjects. Using magnetometers and EEG, he is recording the synchronous signals of geomagnetic anomalies with human brainwaves. Parameters include Schumann Resonance (amplifies effect), Brainwave frequency and amplitude, and sudden magnetic events from vortex spots. Evoked potentials include high well-being, healing, ESP and other psychophysical phenomena. Fieldtrip Report: http://sedonanomalies.com/brainwave_magnetic_sync.htm
"There is no such thing as a spiritual journey. If there were a spiritual journey, it would be only a quarter inch long, though many miles deep. You do not have to go away outside yourself to come into real conversation with your soul and with the mysteries of the spiritual world. The eternal is at home --within you."
--Meister Eckhart
SEDONA SYNCHRONIZATION EXPERIMENTS: Arguably, here is the first scientific proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG Synchronization. Further repeatable experiments are still being conducted in Arizona, by Ben Lonetree, using a variety of volunteer subjects. Using magnetometers and EEG, he is recording the synchronous signals of geomagnetic anomalies with human brainwaves. Parameters include Schumann Resonance (amplifies effect), Brainwave frequency and amplitude, and sudden magnetic events from vortex spots. Evoked potentials include high well-being, healing, ESP and other psychophysical phenomena. Fieldtrip Report: http://sedonanomalies.com/brainwave_magnetic_sync.htm
March 2011 - DNA Decipher Journal, Vol 1, Issue 2
March 2011 - DNA Decipher Journal, Vol 1, Issue 2
DNA Decipher Journal (ISSN: 2159-046X) is a publication in which biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality. The current policy at this journal is editorial selections of submitted papers for publication and editorial invitation for publication under the advisement of an editorial Advisory Board. All papers published by this journal are either subject to open-peer-review ("OPR") in the same issue or open to OPR in subsequent issues. DNA Decipher Journal is a platform and fair playing field for biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality.
From Helix to Hologram
Iona Miller & Richard A. Miller, ©2004
ABSTRACT: Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.
A Review of the Field from 1973 - 2002
Iona Miller, Richard Alan Miller, and Burt Webb, ©2002
ABSTRACT: Complex information can be encoded in EM fields, as we all know from coding and decoding of television and radio signals. Even more complex information can be encoded in holographic images. DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information which contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another (Kelleher, 1999). We are 99.9% alike in our genetic legacy. Our individuality is expressed in three million small variations in our cells, called single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Gene-expression is the mechanism by which new patterns are called into being (Rossi, 2000). There is also a strong correlation between modulation of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger, 1987; McFadden, 2002). The Gariaev group has discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1975). This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.
DNA Decipher Journal (ISSN: 2159-046X) is a publication in which biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality. The current policy at this journal is editorial selections of submitted papers for publication and editorial invitation for publication under the advisement of an editorial Advisory Board. All papers published by this journal are either subject to open-peer-review ("OPR") in the same issue or open to OPR in subsequent issues. DNA Decipher Journal is a platform and fair playing field for biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality.
From Helix to Hologram
Iona Miller & Richard A. Miller, ©2004
ABSTRACT: Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.
A Review of the Field from 1973 - 2002
Iona Miller, Richard Alan Miller, and Burt Webb, ©2002
ABSTRACT: Complex information can be encoded in EM fields, as we all know from coding and decoding of television and radio signals. Even more complex information can be encoded in holographic images. DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information which contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another (Kelleher, 1999). We are 99.9% alike in our genetic legacy. Our individuality is expressed in three million small variations in our cells, called single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Gene-expression is the mechanism by which new patterns are called into being (Rossi, 2000). There is also a strong correlation between modulation of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger, 1987; McFadden, 2002). The Gariaev group has discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1975). This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.
The Sacred Order of St. Jude; Iona Miller, Hon. Dame Commander
DVD: Winter 2010: THE SEDONA EFFECT - Sedona Sychronization Experiments
Geographically, Sedona is the virtual center of Arizona and certainly its spiritual heart. Many have made esoteric claims about the region, but no one has repeatedly demonstrated the SEDONA EFFECT to a scientific standard, until now.
Full Story at http://sedonanomalies.weebly.com
Long hailed by Native Americans as the place where “Mother Earth speaks”, and more recently as home of the “mystical vortex”, Sedona with its redrock temples proves much more than a place of intense beauty. Many books have been written on the special "Vortex" energy field phenomena found in Sedona. Some say it cannot be measured while others claim it is electromagnetic in origin. Perhaps, both are true, because its ethereal effects are more than imaginal. They are quantifiable.
Electrical engineer Ben Lonetree began as a skeptic of Sedona’s metaphysical claims, so he decided to monitor Mother Nature’s heartbeat, take her pulse, and listen carefully to what She had to say. Yes, Ben is a bit of a shaman, too. After 10 years of research using fluxgate magnetometers and large induction coils, Lonetree can definitively state that intense electromagnetic activity abounds in Sedona.
Proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG synchronization can be demonstrated with portable equipment on site in the field, during “sudden magnetic events”. In 2005, Lonetree announced results of nearly a decade of measurements. He repeatedly recorded inward, outward and circular magnetic anomalies in both known and unrecognized Vortex activity locations.
Sedona is rich in Fe2o3, (Iron Oxide), the element responsible for the red rocks, soil, and even the red color of the inner bark of trees. In addition to iron oxide the mineral Magnetite may also exist in large quantities. Concentrations of iron oxide and other metal/minerals have the effect of focusing the earth's natural geomagnetism which is produced by the Earth's molten outer core.
Lonetree also observed a correlation or amplification of vortex phenomena with Schumann Resonance (SR) and Brainwave Resonance or Entrainment.
Arguably, the first scientific proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG Synchronization. Further repeatable experiments are still being conducted in Arizona, by Ben Lonetree, using a variety of volunteer subjects. Using magnetometers and EEG, he is recording the synchronous signals of geomagnetic anomalies with human brainwaves. Parameters include Schumann Resonance (amplifies effect), Brainwave frequency and amplitude, and sudden magnetic events from vortex spots.
Evoked potentials include high well-being to ESP and other psychophysical phenomena. Further, we hypothesize that anyone having extraordinary visionary activity in vortex spots may be naturally subject to sub-clinical "temporal lobe transients," (TLTs), micro-seizures which induce a host of psychosensory phenomena. The neural static and discharge are kindled by electrical instabilities in the brain. Typically, such experiences are assigned special personal meaning. According to neuropsychologist Michael Persinger, "God is a result of electro-magnetic stimulation of the temporal lobes .... the God Experience is synthesized during the temporal lobe transients." TLTs can be induced by the application of natural or artificial transcerebral complex magnetic fields. Vortex activity may be a precipitating stimuli with testable parameters, including tectonic strain. More:http://sedonanomalies.weebly.com/index.html and http://ionamiller.weebly.com/sedona-synchronization.html
Full Story at http://sedonanomalies.weebly.com
Long hailed by Native Americans as the place where “Mother Earth speaks”, and more recently as home of the “mystical vortex”, Sedona with its redrock temples proves much more than a place of intense beauty. Many books have been written on the special "Vortex" energy field phenomena found in Sedona. Some say it cannot be measured while others claim it is electromagnetic in origin. Perhaps, both are true, because its ethereal effects are more than imaginal. They are quantifiable.
Electrical engineer Ben Lonetree began as a skeptic of Sedona’s metaphysical claims, so he decided to monitor Mother Nature’s heartbeat, take her pulse, and listen carefully to what She had to say. Yes, Ben is a bit of a shaman, too. After 10 years of research using fluxgate magnetometers and large induction coils, Lonetree can definitively state that intense electromagnetic activity abounds in Sedona.
Proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG synchronization can be demonstrated with portable equipment on site in the field, during “sudden magnetic events”. In 2005, Lonetree announced results of nearly a decade of measurements. He repeatedly recorded inward, outward and circular magnetic anomalies in both known and unrecognized Vortex activity locations.
Sedona is rich in Fe2o3, (Iron Oxide), the element responsible for the red rocks, soil, and even the red color of the inner bark of trees. In addition to iron oxide the mineral Magnetite may also exist in large quantities. Concentrations of iron oxide and other metal/minerals have the effect of focusing the earth's natural geomagnetism which is produced by the Earth's molten outer core.
Lonetree also observed a correlation or amplification of vortex phenomena with Schumann Resonance (SR) and Brainwave Resonance or Entrainment.
Arguably, the first scientific proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG Synchronization. Further repeatable experiments are still being conducted in Arizona, by Ben Lonetree, using a variety of volunteer subjects. Using magnetometers and EEG, he is recording the synchronous signals of geomagnetic anomalies with human brainwaves. Parameters include Schumann Resonance (amplifies effect), Brainwave frequency and amplitude, and sudden magnetic events from vortex spots.
Evoked potentials include high well-being to ESP and other psychophysical phenomena. Further, we hypothesize that anyone having extraordinary visionary activity in vortex spots may be naturally subject to sub-clinical "temporal lobe transients," (TLTs), micro-seizures which induce a host of psychosensory phenomena. The neural static and discharge are kindled by electrical instabilities in the brain. Typically, such experiences are assigned special personal meaning. According to neuropsychologist Michael Persinger, "God is a result of electro-magnetic stimulation of the temporal lobes .... the God Experience is synthesized during the temporal lobe transients." TLTs can be induced by the application of natural or artificial transcerebral complex magnetic fields. Vortex activity may be a precipitating stimuli with testable parameters, including tectonic strain. More:http://sedonanomalies.weebly.com/index.html and http://ionamiller.weebly.com/sedona-synchronization.html