Selected Articles & Chapters
2011-2017 Conscious Explorations
Articles by Iona Miller
Articles by Iona Miller
JCER Vol.7, Issue 11, 2016
The Quest for Immortality & the Afterlife, by Iona Miller
The Quest for Immortality & the Afterlife, by Iona Miller
Wild Hunt; Sacred Sex
Wild Hunt; Sacred Sex
New ! Shamanism, Ancestors and Transgenerational Integration
Traditionnal Wisdom and Contemporary Practices
Ancestors & Archetypes
New ! Shamanism, Ancestors and Transgenerational Integration
Traditionnal Wisdom and Contemporary Practices
Ancestors & Archetypes
Below: Iona Miller's work on Linguistic Color Perception and her 3-D DFA work, "KORE"
appear on Pgs 79-80 of this 2015 book; her artwork hangs in the SARCA Museum
Below: Iona Miller's work on Linguistic Color Perception and her 3-D DFA work, "KORE"
appear on Pgs 79-80 of this 2015 book; her artwork hangs in the SARCA Museum

New, Jan. 2014
Paranoia Magazine
Debunking the Bloodline Memes
Prepublication -
Scientific God Journal, March 2014
JCER, Vol 4; Issue 6, July 2013
CRAFT Magazine -
Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions
Paul Wildman co-authors with Iona Miller analyzing Transhumanism in its contribution to emergent forms of life, as well as the need to reconnect with the Artisan/Artificer/Sauvage/Handwerker now largely invisible in our burgeoning TechnoUtopian culture – where the Makers and Hackers (a forthcoming issue) will have their say.
Essentially, we've become cyborgs even before we've become fully human and compassionate. In this article we posit the view that the Humanist |Transhumanist debate urgently needs to introduce a vertical dimension to balance the dominant horizontal one. In short we need a bridge between the Human and the Transhuman. And to this end we posit that the Bushy/Artificer as one such bridge/link between the shaman and the mason, between the chthonic and the ethereal. For us this is, in many ways, a last gasp for humanity that TH as a version of the Bushy/Artificer <>
can assuage this yang yin tension.
CRAFT Magazine -
Community Resilience through Action for Future Transitions
Paul Wildman co-authors with Iona Miller analyzing Transhumanism in its contribution to emergent forms of life, as well as the need to reconnect with the Artisan/Artificer/Sauvage/Handwerker now largely invisible in our burgeoning TechnoUtopian culture – where the Makers and Hackers (a forthcoming issue) will have their say.
Essentially, we've become cyborgs even before we've become fully human and compassionate. In this article we posit the view that the Humanist |Transhumanist debate urgently needs to introduce a vertical dimension to balance the dominant horizontal one. In short we need a bridge between the Human and the Transhuman. And to this end we posit that the Bushy/Artificer as one such bridge/link between the shaman and the mason, between the chthonic and the ethereal. For us this is, in many ways, a last gasp for humanity that TH as a version of the Bushy/Artificer <>
can assuage this yang yin tension.
JCER - Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
Iona Miller, Advisory Board, Editor-at-large
JCER - Vol 5; Issue 3, 2014
Sub-quantal Phenomena in Mind-Brain Problem
by Iona Miller, 2014
JCER - Vol. 4; Issue 6, July 2013
Psychophysical Regulation & Psi
by Iona Miller, 2013
Geomagnetic Field Effects & Human Psychophysiology
Iona Miller, 2013
Correlations Between Geomagnetic Anomalies, EEG Brainwaves, &
Schumann Resonance in Sedona Vortex Areas
by Iona Miller and Ben Lonetree, (c)2013
JCER, Vol 4 No 2
Holographic Dreams, Iona Miller
The Value of Dream Work, Iona Miller
The Fractal Nature of Active Sleep & Waking Dreams, Iona Miller
Pineal Gland, DMT & Altered States of Consciousness, Iona Miller
JCER Vol 3 No 8
Article: The Creative & Persecuted Minority I: An Artful Look at Science & Scientific Look at Art.
Iona Miller & Paul Henrickson
Article: The Creative & Persecuted Minority II: The Nature of the Creative Process,
Iona Miller & Paul Henrickson
Article: A Retrospective Commentary on the Consciousness-Mapping of John C. Gowan I.
Iona Miller
Article: A Retrospective Commentary on the Consciousness-Mapping of John C. Gowan II.
Iona Miller
Review Article: A Transdisciplinary Look at Paranthropology: An Emerging Field of Exploration.
Iona Miller
JCER: Vol 3 No 6
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 1 PDF Iona Miller
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 2 PDF Iona Miller
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 3 PDF Iona Miller
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 4 PDF Iona Miller
JCER: Vol. 3 No. 5
(1) Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part I; Iona Miller
(2) Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part II; Iona Miller
(3) A Hundred Years of Archetypes: When You Face Reality, You Know “Nothing” Part I; Iona Miller
(4) A Hundred Years of Archetypes: When You Face Reality, You Know “Nothing” Part II, Iona Miller
JCER Vol 3 No 3, March 2012: Iona Miller Focus Issue
Iona Miller, The Nonlocal Mind Paradigm: A Transdisciplinary Revision of Mind-Body in Philosophy, Art & Science.
Article: Iona Miller, How the Brain Creates the Feeling of God: The Emergent Science of Neurotheology.
Article: Iona Miller, The Whole Sum Infinity: Merging Spirituality and Integrative Biophysics.
Article: Iona Miller, Holographic Archetypes: Top Down & Bottom Up Control of Personal & Collective Consciousness.
Article: Iona Miller, Natural Philosophy: Beyond The Undulant Quiescence.
SGJ - Scientific God Journal
Iona Miller, Advisory Board, Guest Editor
SGJ Vol 5 No 3, 2014
Quantum Aspects of Brain-Mind Problem
SGJ Vol 4 No 1, 2014
Holographic Godforms, Spirit of the Times, Iona Miller
Holographic Godforms, Holographic Archetypes, Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 10
Article: God's Fingerprints: Using Reflexive Praxis to Identify Underlying Social Neg-entropic Patterns,
Paul Wildman & Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 9
Article: Glocalization As a Key Human Survival Technology, Paul Wildman & Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 8
Article: Reflexive Practice, Paul Wildman & Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 6
Article: Paul Wildman & Iona Miller, The Esoteric Thesis: Unspeakable Things & Unknowable Truths.
Article: Iona Miller & Paul Wildman, Ancient Wisdom in Modern Age: An Archaic Renaissance.
Essay: Iona Miller, The Weak Force as Manifestation of Anima Mundi: An Exploration.
SGJ: Vol 3 No. 5
(3) Ultraholism: The Field of Infinite Meaning, Iona Miller
(4) Demiurgic Field: Its Patterning Role in Chaos, Creation & Creativity, Iona Miller & Paul Wildman
(5) Zero Sum Game: Pre-Physical-Existence & Psychophysical Reality, Iona Miller
SGJ: Vol 3 No 3
(2) Synchronicity: When Cosmos Mirrors Inner Events, Iona Miller;
(3) Luminous Ground: The Zero with a Thousand Faces, Iona Miller;
DNADJ - DNA Decipher Journal
Iona Miller, Advisory Board, Guest Editor
DNADJ Vol 2, No 2; Guest Editor, Iona Miller
Article: (1) Novel Approaches to Genomic Science: Retrieval & Curation, by Iona Miller
(2) Embryonic Holography: An Application of the Holographic Concept of Reality;
(3) The Bioelectronic Basis for “Healing Energies”
(4) Outline of Biological Magnetohydrodynamics;
5) Biophysical Mechanisms of Genetic Regulation: Is There a Link to Mind-Body Healing?
(6) A Proposal for Inferential Evidence of the DNA Phantom Effect.
DNADJ Vol. 1, No 2
Article: From Helix to Hologram, Iona Miller
Article: Quantum Bioholography: a review of the field from 1973-2002, Iona Miller
Assistant Editor
Quantum Bioholography: a review of the field from 1973-2002
Richard Alan Miller, Iona Miller and Burt Webb
Iona Miller, Advisory Board, Editor-at-large
JCER - Vol 5; Issue 3, 2014
Sub-quantal Phenomena in Mind-Brain Problem
by Iona Miller, 2014
JCER - Vol. 4; Issue 6, July 2013
Psychophysical Regulation & Psi
by Iona Miller, 2013
Geomagnetic Field Effects & Human Psychophysiology
Iona Miller, 2013
Correlations Between Geomagnetic Anomalies, EEG Brainwaves, &
Schumann Resonance in Sedona Vortex Areas
by Iona Miller and Ben Lonetree, (c)2013
JCER, Vol 4 No 2
Holographic Dreams, Iona Miller
The Value of Dream Work, Iona Miller
The Fractal Nature of Active Sleep & Waking Dreams, Iona Miller
Pineal Gland, DMT & Altered States of Consciousness, Iona Miller
JCER Vol 3 No 8
Article: The Creative & Persecuted Minority I: An Artful Look at Science & Scientific Look at Art.
Iona Miller & Paul Henrickson
Article: The Creative & Persecuted Minority II: The Nature of the Creative Process,
Iona Miller & Paul Henrickson
Article: A Retrospective Commentary on the Consciousness-Mapping of John C. Gowan I.
Iona Miller
Article: A Retrospective Commentary on the Consciousness-Mapping of John C. Gowan II.
Iona Miller
Review Article: A Transdisciplinary Look at Paranthropology: An Emerging Field of Exploration.
Iona Miller
JCER: Vol 3 No 6
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 1 PDF Iona Miller
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 2 PDF Iona Miller
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 3 PDF Iona Miller
Remote Mental Interactions: A Review of Theoretical Modeling of Psychophysical Anomalies Part 4 PDF Iona Miller
JCER: Vol. 3 No. 5
(1) Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part I; Iona Miller
(2) Metaphorms: Physics Is Not Beyond You and You Make It Matter Part II; Iona Miller
(3) A Hundred Years of Archetypes: When You Face Reality, You Know “Nothing” Part I; Iona Miller
(4) A Hundred Years of Archetypes: When You Face Reality, You Know “Nothing” Part II, Iona Miller
JCER Vol 3 No 3, March 2012: Iona Miller Focus Issue
Iona Miller, The Nonlocal Mind Paradigm: A Transdisciplinary Revision of Mind-Body in Philosophy, Art & Science.
Article: Iona Miller, How the Brain Creates the Feeling of God: The Emergent Science of Neurotheology.
Article: Iona Miller, The Whole Sum Infinity: Merging Spirituality and Integrative Biophysics.
Article: Iona Miller, Holographic Archetypes: Top Down & Bottom Up Control of Personal & Collective Consciousness.
Article: Iona Miller, Natural Philosophy: Beyond The Undulant Quiescence.
SGJ - Scientific God Journal
Iona Miller, Advisory Board, Guest Editor
SGJ Vol 5 No 3, 2014
Quantum Aspects of Brain-Mind Problem
SGJ Vol 4 No 1, 2014
Holographic Godforms, Spirit of the Times, Iona Miller
Holographic Godforms, Holographic Archetypes, Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 10
Article: God's Fingerprints: Using Reflexive Praxis to Identify Underlying Social Neg-entropic Patterns,
Paul Wildman & Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 9
Article: Glocalization As a Key Human Survival Technology, Paul Wildman & Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 8
Article: Reflexive Practice, Paul Wildman & Iona Miller
SGJ Vol 3, No 6
Article: Paul Wildman & Iona Miller, The Esoteric Thesis: Unspeakable Things & Unknowable Truths.
Article: Iona Miller & Paul Wildman, Ancient Wisdom in Modern Age: An Archaic Renaissance.
Essay: Iona Miller, The Weak Force as Manifestation of Anima Mundi: An Exploration.
SGJ: Vol 3 No. 5
(3) Ultraholism: The Field of Infinite Meaning, Iona Miller
(4) Demiurgic Field: Its Patterning Role in Chaos, Creation & Creativity, Iona Miller & Paul Wildman
(5) Zero Sum Game: Pre-Physical-Existence & Psychophysical Reality, Iona Miller
SGJ: Vol 3 No 3
(2) Synchronicity: When Cosmos Mirrors Inner Events, Iona Miller;
(3) Luminous Ground: The Zero with a Thousand Faces, Iona Miller;
DNADJ - DNA Decipher Journal
Iona Miller, Advisory Board, Guest Editor
DNADJ Vol 2, No 2; Guest Editor, Iona Miller
Article: (1) Novel Approaches to Genomic Science: Retrieval & Curation, by Iona Miller
(2) Embryonic Holography: An Application of the Holographic Concept of Reality;
(3) The Bioelectronic Basis for “Healing Energies”
(4) Outline of Biological Magnetohydrodynamics;
5) Biophysical Mechanisms of Genetic Regulation: Is There a Link to Mind-Body Healing?
(6) A Proposal for Inferential Evidence of the DNA Phantom Effect.
DNADJ Vol. 1, No 2
Article: From Helix to Hologram, Iona Miller
Article: Quantum Bioholography: a review of the field from 1973-2002, Iona Miller
Assistant Editor
Quantum Bioholography: a review of the field from 1973-2002
Richard Alan Miller, Iona Miller and Burt Webb
Experiential Psychology
Experiential Psychology
Chaosophy 93
Chaos Consciousness in Psychotherapy
Chaos As the Universal Solvent
Chaos Theory and Psychological Complexes
The Creative Flow of Meaning
The Un-Named Dream and Parallel Universes
The Varieties of Virtual Experience
Dream Wave
The Unborn Dream
Have You Been to the Paradox?
III. THE HOLOGRAPHIC PARADIGM The Holographic Paradigm and CCP
Fractal Therapy
Self-Organization in Biological Systems
Relativity of Body and Soul
Virtual Therapy
The Guide Wave
An Information Theory of the Universe and Neurodynamics
Ode to White Noise and Strange Loops
Image Processing
The Self-Aware Universe
Chaos Consciousness in Psychotherapy
Chaos As the Universal Solvent
Chaos Theory and Psychological Complexes
The Creative Flow of Meaning
The Un-Named Dream and Parallel Universes
The Varieties of Virtual Experience
Dream Wave
The Unborn Dream
Have You Been to the Paradox?
III. THE HOLOGRAPHIC PARADIGM The Holographic Paradigm and CCP
Fractal Therapy
Self-Organization in Biological Systems
Relativity of Body and Soul
Virtual Therapy
The Guide Wave
An Information Theory of the Universe and Neurodynamics
Ode to White Noise and Strange Loops
Image Processing
The Self-Aware Universe
Asklepia Monograph Series
An Integrative View of Normal Adult Development
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
Counseling Philosophy
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
Psychoactive Substance Abuse
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
Asklepia Monograph Series
An Integrative View of Normal Adult Development
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
Counseling Philosophy
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
Psychoactive Substance Abuse
and the Consciousness Restructuring Process
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
Asklepia Foundation, ©2000
Green Egg 159, Feb. 2013

Dialogical Gnosis - by Iona Miller, Green Egg, pg. 17 -
Gnosis, wisdom from within, can arise in imaginal dialogues with our Ancestors, by adapting Ira Progoff's Intensive Journal technique to the process. Non-literal, imaginal, dialogical "discussions" often turn up material that can be proofed through history, archaeology, genealogy and genetic genealogy. This is yet another special case of "knowing more than we know we know." The simple technique can be used by anyone, virtually anywhere.
While not an official part of the the journal process, it can be readily adopted both with or without the rest of the program. Such imaginal conversations give a voice to the deeper constituents of our unconscious psychophysical system, and can even reveal unknown details about the functioning and fate of our physical organism. As such, it is a therapeutic tool which reflexively plumbs the depths of the collective unconscious and personal ancestral base.
The technique functions as a "ghost bridge", but not in the literal way of speaking with the dead used by mentalists and psychics. It is a conscious act, unlike dream contact with deceased or ancient ancestors. The process can be facilitated by pictures and art of the chosen ancestor, and pictures of their ancestral homes and lands that prompt memory and imagination.
Dialogue and questions open the way for myriad possibilities. Immersing oneself and trusting the process opens a virtual world, a holographic domain that is multidimensional. It is capable of influencing us by changing our attitudes, which affects our psychophysical, hormonal, and energetic being. It isn't 'real' or 'unreal', but takes place in psychic reality -- that is, the realm of the psyche which is both physical and imaginal.
Gnosis, wisdom from within, can arise in imaginal dialogues with our Ancestors, by adapting Ira Progoff's Intensive Journal technique to the process. Non-literal, imaginal, dialogical "discussions" often turn up material that can be proofed through history, archaeology, genealogy and genetic genealogy. This is yet another special case of "knowing more than we know we know." The simple technique can be used by anyone, virtually anywhere.
While not an official part of the the journal process, it can be readily adopted both with or without the rest of the program. Such imaginal conversations give a voice to the deeper constituents of our unconscious psychophysical system, and can even reveal unknown details about the functioning and fate of our physical organism. As such, it is a therapeutic tool which reflexively plumbs the depths of the collective unconscious and personal ancestral base.
The technique functions as a "ghost bridge", but not in the literal way of speaking with the dead used by mentalists and psychics. It is a conscious act, unlike dream contact with deceased or ancient ancestors. The process can be facilitated by pictures and art of the chosen ancestor, and pictures of their ancestral homes and lands that prompt memory and imagination.
Dialogue and questions open the way for myriad possibilities. Immersing oneself and trusting the process opens a virtual world, a holographic domain that is multidimensional. It is capable of influencing us by changing our attitudes, which affects our psychophysical, hormonal, and energetic being. It isn't 'real' or 'unreal', but takes place in psychic reality -- that is, the realm of the psyche which is both physical and imaginal.
Tao of Resilience
by Peggy Southwick & Iona Miller, 2002
JCER, Vol. 4 No. 2, March 2013
Restructuring Consciousness through Metaphor, Fetal REM, and Neural Plasticity
Iona Miller & Graywolf Swinney
The Neurochemistry of Stress, Healing & Transcendence
Iona Miller & Graywolf Swinney
P300 Waves and PGO Spikes
and Their Role in Consciousness Restructuring
Iona Miller & Graywolf Swinney
Theta Reverie and Co-Consciousness in CRP
by Iona Miller and Graywolf Swinney
The Role of Magnetic Fields in Consciousness
by Iona Miller
Vacuum Fluctuation in the Macro- and Microcosm
or Surfing the Primordial Gravity Waves
by Iona Miller
The Role of Enfolded Order in Mindbody and Personality, Part I and II
by Iona Miller
Value of Dream Work
Holographic Dreams

Holographic Dream Paradigm:
Dreams of Which We Are Made
by Iona Miller, 2013
Dreams are the channel between nature and culture -- between the unconscious and collective consciousness. In primordial times, people took it for granted that dreams were related to the world of supernatural beings in which they believed. Dreams served a special service: they predicted the future. There are many ways that dream symbols help us gain conscious self-knowledge. The unborn dream contains our hidden potential. Dreamers are known to interpret their dreams in terms of their own pre-existing beliefs, personal mythology, and worldview.
The holographic model of the universe views matter as the constructive and destructive interference patterns created by interacting energy waves. Standing waves occur when a wavefront takes on a stationary appearance. As energy continues to pass through the system, each successive wave takes exactly the same position of the one before, making an illusion of stability. Conditioning prevents us from seeing the de-structured frequency domain. We filter out a portion of the information necessary to discern the true underlying pattern.
Holograms depend on standing waves for their existence. This is the wave nature of consciousness. The wave form profile of the self-similar fractal nature of life processes is continually generated at the quantum level. Our challenge is to bridge the mindbody gap to facilitate problem solving and healing that embrace all levels from quantum, molecule, genes, and brain to mind and conscious awareness.
In holographic theory, fragmentation created by boundaries does not exist. Each component is an embedded part of an unbroken whole. A problem with holographic theory is that we have little understanding of why some energy fields appear as stationary matter, while others are manifested as electromagnetic waves. Holograms are not necessarily created by light, but can be formed in the presence of any wave action.
Dreams of Which We Are Made
by Iona Miller, 2013
Dreams are the channel between nature and culture -- between the unconscious and collective consciousness. In primordial times, people took it for granted that dreams were related to the world of supernatural beings in which they believed. Dreams served a special service: they predicted the future. There are many ways that dream symbols help us gain conscious self-knowledge. The unborn dream contains our hidden potential. Dreamers are known to interpret their dreams in terms of their own pre-existing beliefs, personal mythology, and worldview.
The holographic model of the universe views matter as the constructive and destructive interference patterns created by interacting energy waves. Standing waves occur when a wavefront takes on a stationary appearance. As energy continues to pass through the system, each successive wave takes exactly the same position of the one before, making an illusion of stability. Conditioning prevents us from seeing the de-structured frequency domain. We filter out a portion of the information necessary to discern the true underlying pattern.
Holograms depend on standing waves for their existence. This is the wave nature of consciousness. The wave form profile of the self-similar fractal nature of life processes is continually generated at the quantum level. Our challenge is to bridge the mindbody gap to facilitate problem solving and healing that embrace all levels from quantum, molecule, genes, and brain to mind and conscious awareness.
In holographic theory, fragmentation created by boundaries does not exist. Each component is an embedded part of an unbroken whole. A problem with holographic theory is that we have little understanding of why some energy fields appear as stationary matter, while others are manifested as electromagnetic waves. Holograms are not necessarily created by light, but can be formed in the presence of any wave action.
Holographic Godforms, Scientific God Journal, Vol 4, No. 1
Part I: Spirit of the Times - Archetypes are immense latent power, the archaic blueprints only one holographic domain removed from the undifferentiated source field. These ancient "gods and goddesses" are fountains of inspiration that characterize the emergence of forms and forces, including healing potential.
We can take a transdisciplinary approach to understanding godforms as symbols and powerful dynamics in our lives. We can use transpersonal techniques to take up conscious relationships with them, distinguishing ourselves from them, unbinding our identities and actualizing our negentropic potential. The heresy of the past becomes the health of our future.
The collective nature of archetypes is revealed in myth and dreams and our imaginal stream of consciousness. Jung described their energy-charged psychic aspect as systems of readiness for action, images, and emotions. Their magnetic autonomous expressions include our complexes, subpersonalities, shadows, and wisdom figures -- patterns of perception, behavior, motivation, and attitude. They characterize our personal experience as potentials of motivation, action and reaction in challenge, adaptation, and synthesis of emergent aspects of the self as they manifest.
Part II: Holographic Archetypes - Archetypes are the symbols of the transformation of psyche. They help us get moving again after times of illness, stress or stagnation. To predict how you might react to something in the future, look at someone who's reacting to it today. We are not as different from each other as we think. Archetypes help us redefine human identity as a hyperconnective multiplicity in a continuous process of integration (holy union) embedded in a cosmic superhologram of consciousness, polarity, Life, death and renewal. In the mysteries of death and renewal, union with the source is a "death marriage", a return to the womb, and union with God.
All these forms and imagery arise from a cosmic holographic field or frequency domain that contains all of existence in potential. This holographic plenum is the ultimate source of existence, our cradle of being, the matrix of the phenomenal world. This is an entangled level of fundamental information and energy connected to every other thing imaginable, the ultimate superholographic blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. This is the wellspring of the Holographic Gods, of our being and consciousness -- the only living reality we know.
Part I: Spirit of the Times - Archetypes are immense latent power, the archaic blueprints only one holographic domain removed from the undifferentiated source field. These ancient "gods and goddesses" are fountains of inspiration that characterize the emergence of forms and forces, including healing potential.
We can take a transdisciplinary approach to understanding godforms as symbols and powerful dynamics in our lives. We can use transpersonal techniques to take up conscious relationships with them, distinguishing ourselves from them, unbinding our identities and actualizing our negentropic potential. The heresy of the past becomes the health of our future.
The collective nature of archetypes is revealed in myth and dreams and our imaginal stream of consciousness. Jung described their energy-charged psychic aspect as systems of readiness for action, images, and emotions. Their magnetic autonomous expressions include our complexes, subpersonalities, shadows, and wisdom figures -- patterns of perception, behavior, motivation, and attitude. They characterize our personal experience as potentials of motivation, action and reaction in challenge, adaptation, and synthesis of emergent aspects of the self as they manifest.
Part II: Holographic Archetypes - Archetypes are the symbols of the transformation of psyche. They help us get moving again after times of illness, stress or stagnation. To predict how you might react to something in the future, look at someone who's reacting to it today. We are not as different from each other as we think. Archetypes help us redefine human identity as a hyperconnective multiplicity in a continuous process of integration (holy union) embedded in a cosmic superhologram of consciousness, polarity, Life, death and renewal. In the mysteries of death and renewal, union with the source is a "death marriage", a return to the womb, and union with God.
All these forms and imagery arise from a cosmic holographic field or frequency domain that contains all of existence in potential. This holographic plenum is the ultimate source of existence, our cradle of being, the matrix of the phenomenal world. This is an entangled level of fundamental information and energy connected to every other thing imaginable, the ultimate superholographic blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. This is the wellspring of the Holographic Gods, of our being and consciousness -- the only living reality we know.
March 2013
Hephaistos by Iona Miller; Chapter in anthology Harnessing Fire: A Devotional in Honor of Hephaestus
Harnessing Fire: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hephaestus, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, editor Rebecca Buchanan
Iona Miller's Jungian essay on Hephaistos offers a transpersonal view of this holographic godform in daily life:
Holographic Technology of Cosmos: The Cosmos has many faces. From the dawn of time, mankind has taken on and embodied archetypal forms and patterns of behavior, both unconsciously and with spiritual purpose. Such "holographic godforms" define our roles and ways of being, our aspirations and our deepest frustrations. In this application, hologram may be more than a metaphor for the emergence and expression of manifestation. They are vessels that inspire and contain our awe and dictate our emotions.
The concept of a God, archetype or god-form is not necessarily an absolute but appear to be more than metaphorical. Such energy in its channelling is ontological - it informs us how we know what we know. Multidimensional perception of deep natural processes informs our unconscious being and behavior. In the holographic model of consciousness, the processing of mental forms occurs within the context of a part/whole relationship, where the identified part exists within the code of the whole. This paradigm can be applied to the energetic archetypal field.
The interactive dynamics of holographic gods are recounted in myths. They are our motivating factors, operating like cyclic, bipolar and strange attractors within our psyches, shifting our energetic gears. Some forces are more user-friendly than others. There are wisdom keys that help us understand these discrete states of consciousness more fully. They are the substanceless blueprints of all form. Typical correspondences come alive through direct conscious experience. The sight of even one aspect of the hologram is enough to grasp the unity of the macrocosm. Aspects of nature are reflected in our own natures.
Hephaestos, God of the Forge, is the personification of subterranean and terrestrial fire, including human lustiness. The instinctive, libidinous "fire down below" is echoed by the Tarot attribution of the spermatazoic letter Yod, which means "hand" but represents the 'point' of the phallus, particularly the sperm which projects from it. It represents the longing for soul completion, or union through the sexual act. This is reflected in the mythic versions where cuckolded Hephaestos is married to Aphrodite. He also attempts the rape of Athena, but his seed falls to the earth depotentiated. Thus he embodies the betrayed and/or rejected lover.
The Hermit is solitary, but not lonely. When he seeks the antidote for isolation, he wants to seen, touched, reacted to, to be intimately close to another human being. Even that partner cannot walk his path with him, for we can only become self-realized alone. His worship is probably derived from the Vedic god, Agni. His dominion over primal fire ranges from the wild force of volcanic activity to the harnessed fire of metallurgy. He is the archetypal mechanic or engineer. Technological man has inherited his legacy, and his woundedness, and in this regard Hephaestos shares something in common with Prometheus who stole "fire" from the Gods.
Harnessing Fire: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hephaestus, Bibliotheca Alexandrina
– Hephaestus as a Blue-Collar God, as a Working Man’s God;
– the God as the Friend of Humanity;
– Hephaestus as the God of Results and Workmanship;
– Hephaestus as the Creator of Women, per the myth of Pandora;
– the God as the Olympic Rebel who speaks Truth to Power and spends his time with other Rebels;
– Hephaestus as the son of Hera, and their relationship;
– Hephaestus as the husband of Aphrodite and/or Aglaia;
– Hephaestus as the father of Eukleia, Eupheme, Euthenia, and Philophrosyne;
– Hephaestus as the brother, compatriot, and rival of Athena;
– the relationship between Hephaestus and Hestia as Deities of fire;
– compare/contrast Hephaestus and the Roman Volcanus;
– compare/contrast Hephaestus and other smith and fire Deities such as Brigid, Goibhniu, Ilmarinen, Ptah, Tvastor;
– the relationship between Hephaestus, who crafts the weapons of war, and Ares, who wields those same weapons (but who is also a lover of Aphrodite);
– his exile from and eventual return to Olympus;
– the many creations of Hephaestus, such as Pandora, the Necklace of Harmonia, the armor of Achilles, the chains which bind Prometheus, and the Handmaids of Gold which assist him in his forge;
– the many symbols associated with Hephaestus, such as anvil, hammer, forge, fire, quail, donkey, guard dog, and crane;
– the connections between the Mysteries of Samothrace, the Kabeiroi, Hephaestus, and Hera;
– Hephaestus as the “ugly” or “lame” God.
Harnessing Fire: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hephaestus, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, editor Rebecca Buchanan
Iona Miller's Jungian essay on Hephaistos offers a transpersonal view of this holographic godform in daily life:
Holographic Technology of Cosmos: The Cosmos has many faces. From the dawn of time, mankind has taken on and embodied archetypal forms and patterns of behavior, both unconsciously and with spiritual purpose. Such "holographic godforms" define our roles and ways of being, our aspirations and our deepest frustrations. In this application, hologram may be more than a metaphor for the emergence and expression of manifestation. They are vessels that inspire and contain our awe and dictate our emotions.
The concept of a God, archetype or god-form is not necessarily an absolute but appear to be more than metaphorical. Such energy in its channelling is ontological - it informs us how we know what we know. Multidimensional perception of deep natural processes informs our unconscious being and behavior. In the holographic model of consciousness, the processing of mental forms occurs within the context of a part/whole relationship, where the identified part exists within the code of the whole. This paradigm can be applied to the energetic archetypal field.
The interactive dynamics of holographic gods are recounted in myths. They are our motivating factors, operating like cyclic, bipolar and strange attractors within our psyches, shifting our energetic gears. Some forces are more user-friendly than others. There are wisdom keys that help us understand these discrete states of consciousness more fully. They are the substanceless blueprints of all form. Typical correspondences come alive through direct conscious experience. The sight of even one aspect of the hologram is enough to grasp the unity of the macrocosm. Aspects of nature are reflected in our own natures.
Hephaestos, God of the Forge, is the personification of subterranean and terrestrial fire, including human lustiness. The instinctive, libidinous "fire down below" is echoed by the Tarot attribution of the spermatazoic letter Yod, which means "hand" but represents the 'point' of the phallus, particularly the sperm which projects from it. It represents the longing for soul completion, or union through the sexual act. This is reflected in the mythic versions where cuckolded Hephaestos is married to Aphrodite. He also attempts the rape of Athena, but his seed falls to the earth depotentiated. Thus he embodies the betrayed and/or rejected lover.
The Hermit is solitary, but not lonely. When he seeks the antidote for isolation, he wants to seen, touched, reacted to, to be intimately close to another human being. Even that partner cannot walk his path with him, for we can only become self-realized alone. His worship is probably derived from the Vedic god, Agni. His dominion over primal fire ranges from the wild force of volcanic activity to the harnessed fire of metallurgy. He is the archetypal mechanic or engineer. Technological man has inherited his legacy, and his woundedness, and in this regard Hephaestos shares something in common with Prometheus who stole "fire" from the Gods.
Harnessing Fire: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hephaestus, Bibliotheca Alexandrina
– Hephaestus as a Blue-Collar God, as a Working Man’s God;
– the God as the Friend of Humanity;
– Hephaestus as the God of Results and Workmanship;
– Hephaestus as the Creator of Women, per the myth of Pandora;
– the God as the Olympic Rebel who speaks Truth to Power and spends his time with other Rebels;
– Hephaestus as the son of Hera, and their relationship;
– Hephaestus as the husband of Aphrodite and/or Aglaia;
– Hephaestus as the father of Eukleia, Eupheme, Euthenia, and Philophrosyne;
– Hephaestus as the brother, compatriot, and rival of Athena;
– the relationship between Hephaestus and Hestia as Deities of fire;
– compare/contrast Hephaestus and the Roman Volcanus;
– compare/contrast Hephaestus and other smith and fire Deities such as Brigid, Goibhniu, Ilmarinen, Ptah, Tvastor;
– the relationship between Hephaestus, who crafts the weapons of war, and Ares, who wields those same weapons (but who is also a lover of Aphrodite);
– his exile from and eventual return to Olympus;
– the many creations of Hephaestus, such as Pandora, the Necklace of Harmonia, the armor of Achilles, the chains which bind Prometheus, and the Handmaids of Gold which assist him in his forge;
– the many symbols associated with Hephaestus, such as anvil, hammer, forge, fire, quail, donkey, guard dog, and crane;
– the connections between the Mysteries of Samothrace, the Kabeiroi, Hephaestus, and Hera;
– Hephaestus as the “ugly” or “lame” God.
Scientific God Journal; Vol 3, No. 10
Nov. 2012
Scientific God Journal; Vol 3, No.9
Sept. 2012
Scientific God Journal Vol 3, No. 8
August 2012
Reflexive Practice -
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JCER, Vol 3, No. 8
August 2012
May 2012, DNADJ 2(2) Guest Editor
pg 10
Eben Rey from KPFK's Radio Alchymy thinks Paranoia is "out of this world!"
Dioxin-laden Agent Orange was a 50:50 mixture of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D manufactured for the U.S. Department of Defense primarily by Monsanto Corporation and Dow. When the Vietnam War failed, systemic toxic agents were turned on the homeland, secretly decimating the American countryside. The stated goal was to accelerate the log rotation cycle by about one third to one-half with clear-cutting and defoliant-assisted tree farm planting. Opponents of such forest management consider these practices a “manufactured reality”, largely benefiting the chemical producers at all costs, including collateral human damage. |
Iona with Editor, Ron Patton
Fall 2012, Paranoia #53 - Downwinders

May 2012: Paranoia #51

Green Egg #158, Fall 2012

Green Egg #157, Yule 2011

Oct. 2011: Verities 8, "Depression, the World Weary & the Soul"
Depression is ordinarily a subject we don't want to confront, filled with uncomfortable material and issues we like to leave buried in the unconscious, but which rear their head in the mandatory passages of life. From postpartum depression to grief, to suicidal tendencies these archetypes exert their fatal fascination by drawing us into the seductive depths of despair. The soul becomes weary yearning for delight. There are losses we feel we cannot live without. With a soul full of pain and anguish, some do succumb to the undertow of deprivation or self-loathing and give up. The cheerful heart is gone and only wrong roams the earth and death hovers near the face.
Self-annihilation, or at least fantasies about it, may seem the only solution to abject misery, the existential impasse. But the Ba or soul says "love me here, having put aside the West," or realm of death. The "higher" transpersonal components were associated with the "ba" (its body and the shadow of the latter) and the "akh", or divine spark. This soul was the hidden dweller, caught as a prey like fish in a net. The physical body is closely connected with the double, and the "ba" was thought ethereal.
The task of the "ba" (true individuality) was to guide the person during life and to fly with the deceased to the sky, to the heaven of the stars. The "ba" dwelt in the heart, the receptacle of the higher components. The "ba" dwelt only in the heart of those who spoke and did Maat -- balance. Those established in their humanity would see their heart as the permanent abode of the soul. They are "in their middle", in their true nature and master the passions. Those who have a sick heart carry their burdon with them as a load of heavy stones. The words of their soul do not reach them. Hence, they lack rejuvenation and are stuck. However, the soul is a trustworthy guide who always remains, encouraging a return to the middle of life.
Depression is ordinarily a subject we don't want to confront, filled with uncomfortable material and issues we like to leave buried in the unconscious, but which rear their head in the mandatory passages of life. From postpartum depression to grief, to suicidal tendencies these archetypes exert their fatal fascination by drawing us into the seductive depths of despair. The soul becomes weary yearning for delight. There are losses we feel we cannot live without. With a soul full of pain and anguish, some do succumb to the undertow of deprivation or self-loathing and give up. The cheerful heart is gone and only wrong roams the earth and death hovers near the face.
Self-annihilation, or at least fantasies about it, may seem the only solution to abject misery, the existential impasse. But the Ba or soul says "love me here, having put aside the West," or realm of death. The "higher" transpersonal components were associated with the "ba" (its body and the shadow of the latter) and the "akh", or divine spark. This soul was the hidden dweller, caught as a prey like fish in a net. The physical body is closely connected with the double, and the "ba" was thought ethereal.
The task of the "ba" (true individuality) was to guide the person during life and to fly with the deceased to the sky, to the heaven of the stars. The "ba" dwelt in the heart, the receptacle of the higher components. The "ba" dwelt only in the heart of those who spoke and did Maat -- balance. Those established in their humanity would see their heart as the permanent abode of the soul. They are "in their middle", in their true nature and master the passions. Those who have a sick heart carry their burdon with them as a load of heavy stones. The words of their soul do not reach them. Hence, they lack rejuvenation and are stuck. However, the soul is a trustworthy guide who always remains, encouraging a return to the middle of life.
Oct. 2011: Green Egg 156: HAARP & Schumann Resonance
HAARP & the Schumann Resonance by Iona Miller
Earth is a fundamental type of electrical generator. The solar winds, interacting with the upper atmosphere rotation, act as the collector and brushes of a generator. The lower atmosphere can be seen as a storage battery for this gradient potential. This electromagnetic field around the
Earth can be viewed as a stiff jelly. When our bodies move and vibrate, these movements are transmitted to the environment, and vice versa. These fields not only impinge on our bodies, they also affect the charges inside our bodies. When we are standing on the ground, under normal conditions, we are grounded. Our body then acts as a sink for the electrostatic field and actually distorts the force-lines somewhat. The human body also has its own electrostatic field about itself.
Sept. 2011: Plumbing the Plenum: Source Mysticism & Physics
Reality Maps
Beginning long before the fad for the source field, over the years, I've written numerous articles on the plenum or vacuum potential, working with notables in that arena. This is a fertile area of research whose stock has 'risen' over the last decade or so. The Plenum can be modeled as a holographic realm, either with or without string theory, which may or may not be an accurate reflection of the true nature of Reality -- the total field of direct experience. Theories must be examined for their phenomenological and metaphysical utility.
Source Mysticism
This Quantum Vacuum is more aptly named the Quantum Plenum, whose vast energy density some consider the source of sentient Being. The dynamic discovered to be the very substance of the Plenum of space is light itself, the spectrum of fluctuating electromagnetism called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The "Quantum Vacuum" points to the fact that it is not a vacuum - an emptiness pure and simple, but rather is saturated with vibrant potential energy and is in fact a highly energetic medium, an absolute fullness of potential energy, the dynamic modification of which actually "emanates" what we call mass, matter or material form. Qabalistic creation stories say much the same, describing three Veils of Negative Existence. This correlation between Source Mysticism and leading edge physics yields many interesting ideas for exploration.
Reality Maps
Beginning long before the fad for the source field, over the years, I've written numerous articles on the plenum or vacuum potential, working with notables in that arena. This is a fertile area of research whose stock has 'risen' over the last decade or so. The Plenum can be modeled as a holographic realm, either with or without string theory, which may or may not be an accurate reflection of the true nature of Reality -- the total field of direct experience. Theories must be examined for their phenomenological and metaphysical utility.
Source Mysticism
This Quantum Vacuum is more aptly named the Quantum Plenum, whose vast energy density some consider the source of sentient Being. The dynamic discovered to be the very substance of the Plenum of space is light itself, the spectrum of fluctuating electromagnetism called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The "Quantum Vacuum" points to the fact that it is not a vacuum - an emptiness pure and simple, but rather is saturated with vibrant potential energy and is in fact a highly energetic medium, an absolute fullness of potential energy, the dynamic modification of which actually "emanates" what we call mass, matter or material form. Qabalistic creation stories say much the same, describing three Veils of Negative Existence. This correlation between Source Mysticism and leading edge physics yields many interesting ideas for exploration.
Sept. 2011 Perfume Alchemy: Spirit In a Bottle
ETHEREAL SPIRITS: The history of fragrances is as old as old as the history of humanity. Who knows when the first person noticed they could rub a pleasant scent onto their skin to good effect? Ancient recipes can evoke mystic even ancestral memories from the cauldron of the unconscious, temporarily transporting us to by-gone times. As essence, perfumery is intimately related to alchemy with its primary process of distillation of gross materials into fine. Fragrant oils, some of which survived millennia in their ancient bottles, are among the most cherished items ever produced by mankind.
WISDOM ART: Perfumery is an olfactory art form -- a Tantric and Hermetic art. When it is personalized in a signature scent, and used for balancing the personality, it adds another dimension of pleasure to life -- one that is shared with others. Naturally, organic perfumes best replicate the essence of by-gone eras. Pure organic scents are naturally the most attractive and inspiring, and work best with the body's chemistry.
ELAN VITAL: Most esoteric perfumery books are based on the Doctrine of Signatures. But the fragrances of many essences differ in psychosensory effect from the healing or magical use. Scent can be luminous and illuminating, infusing the air with its olfactory mystique. Perfumery provides easy entry into the mystic arts and you can extend your studies outward from there, for personal transformation and activating your potential life force.
SOURCE MYSTICISM: Thus from it earliest beginnings the human personality is in constant mystical motion. Reaching inwardly toward the self and outwardly toward the world in ever-new encounters, forever changing, man from childhood onward passes through all the stages of transformation mysticism. And just as the beginning of source mysticism extends back into an unknown sphere prior to the emergence of the ego, so does the end of immortality mysticism extend into an unknown realm beyond the extinction of the ego. The inexplicable fact that man's very center is an unknown creative force which lives within him and molds him in ever-new forms and transformations, this mystery which accompanies him throughout his life, follows him even into death and beyond. So the circle closes, and man ends as he began, a homo mysticus. --Erich Neumann
Thus, then, having overcome the World of the Elements, does the Adept stand equilibrated in Tiphareth. In that equilibrium he must set forth upon the greatest magical adventure which has yet befallen him, to win the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, otherwise called his holy Genius. Equilibrium is vitally necessary to him in this quest, for the fulfillment which he seeks will not come about unless in accordance with the aphorism, "As Above, so below." ...The Holy Guardian Angel is a beam transmitted from...that Supernal region which even in symbolic representation defies dimension...this Being of living light and love whom the Adept, and he alone, is to know as his Angel. ...the Reality which is named in occult doctrine as the Holy Guardian Angel is the same which underlies the pale abstraction, Grace. --Denning & Phillips/The Magical Philosophy, Vol. IV
ETHEREAL SPIRITS: The history of fragrances is as old as old as the history of humanity. Who knows when the first person noticed they could rub a pleasant scent onto their skin to good effect? Ancient recipes can evoke mystic even ancestral memories from the cauldron of the unconscious, temporarily transporting us to by-gone times. As essence, perfumery is intimately related to alchemy with its primary process of distillation of gross materials into fine. Fragrant oils, some of which survived millennia in their ancient bottles, are among the most cherished items ever produced by mankind.
WISDOM ART: Perfumery is an olfactory art form -- a Tantric and Hermetic art. When it is personalized in a signature scent, and used for balancing the personality, it adds another dimension of pleasure to life -- one that is shared with others. Naturally, organic perfumes best replicate the essence of by-gone eras. Pure organic scents are naturally the most attractive and inspiring, and work best with the body's chemistry.
ELAN VITAL: Most esoteric perfumery books are based on the Doctrine of Signatures. But the fragrances of many essences differ in psychosensory effect from the healing or magical use. Scent can be luminous and illuminating, infusing the air with its olfactory mystique. Perfumery provides easy entry into the mystic arts and you can extend your studies outward from there, for personal transformation and activating your potential life force.
SOURCE MYSTICISM: Thus from it earliest beginnings the human personality is in constant mystical motion. Reaching inwardly toward the self and outwardly toward the world in ever-new encounters, forever changing, man from childhood onward passes through all the stages of transformation mysticism. And just as the beginning of source mysticism extends back into an unknown sphere prior to the emergence of the ego, so does the end of immortality mysticism extend into an unknown realm beyond the extinction of the ego. The inexplicable fact that man's very center is an unknown creative force which lives within him and molds him in ever-new forms and transformations, this mystery which accompanies him throughout his life, follows him even into death and beyond. So the circle closes, and man ends as he began, a homo mysticus. --Erich Neumann
Thus, then, having overcome the World of the Elements, does the Adept stand equilibrated in Tiphareth. In that equilibrium he must set forth upon the greatest magical adventure which has yet befallen him, to win the knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, otherwise called his holy Genius. Equilibrium is vitally necessary to him in this quest, for the fulfillment which he seeks will not come about unless in accordance with the aphorism, "As Above, so below." ...The Holy Guardian Angel is a beam transmitted from...that Supernal region which even in symbolic representation defies dimension...this Being of living light and love whom the Adept, and he alone, is to know as his Angel. ...the Reality which is named in occult doctrine as the Holy Guardian Angel is the same which underlies the pale abstraction, Grace. --Denning & Phillips/The Magical Philosophy, Vol. IV

Embodying Osiris - a Review
Egypt remains a realm of mystery as does the psyche. The ancient land of Egypt is not the same as the eternal sunshine of the Egypt of our modern minds. We can never "embody Osiris" with conceptual processes, but only through fully entering the inherent mystery of alchemical processes that define the rhythms of life we exist in. Emotions effect our DNA, and DNA effects our emotions. Emotions regulate gene-expression.
In this insightful Jungian volume, Dr. Thom Cavalli is likely correct in insisting that "empathic engagement of the god on an imaginal and physical level" is required. In this way only perhaps a more meaningful life springs from death, through a "body" of integrative experience. The Egyptians presumed "death" was not the only option.
As unconscious, Osiris is the paradoxical life/death ground from which integrative impulses arise. His epic ordeals mirror our own. Perhaps the Jungians need alchemy for their articulation of psychic processes more than alchemy needs Jungian models. After all, benchwork went on for millennia without Jung's hermeneutics, but alchemy had its own ways of describing proto-scientific interpretations of phenomena. Still, Jung and Cavalli's categories, homologues, metaphorms and mytho-poetic language broaden our descriptive vocabulary, perhaps helping us articulate the deep meaning of what we see in the vessel.
In the Mystery schools, applicants for the priesthood of Osiris entered the tomb alive to await his light. They spent the night in the coffin, entering through the door of fear to achieve mastery.The initiate in the open sarcophagus was left alone in the darkness of the crypt., feeling the cold of the grave close in. In such a sensory deprivation chamber, perhaps the initiate experienced a life review or began to see colors and lights appear. This illumination was recognized as the light of Osiris, bringing visions. Some aspirants might claim to have conversations with Isis or Osiris. Others might visualize themselves in the land of the dead, walking and talking with departed spirits and receiving special teachings from Osiris before a resurrection.
Egypt remains a realm of mystery as does the psyche. The ancient land of Egypt is not the same as the eternal sunshine of the Egypt of our modern minds. We can never "embody Osiris" with conceptual processes, but only through fully entering the inherent mystery of alchemical processes that define the rhythms of life we exist in. Emotions effect our DNA, and DNA effects our emotions. Emotions regulate gene-expression.
In this insightful Jungian volume, Dr. Thom Cavalli is likely correct in insisting that "empathic engagement of the god on an imaginal and physical level" is required. In this way only perhaps a more meaningful life springs from death, through a "body" of integrative experience. The Egyptians presumed "death" was not the only option.
As unconscious, Osiris is the paradoxical life/death ground from which integrative impulses arise. His epic ordeals mirror our own. Perhaps the Jungians need alchemy for their articulation of psychic processes more than alchemy needs Jungian models. After all, benchwork went on for millennia without Jung's hermeneutics, but alchemy had its own ways of describing proto-scientific interpretations of phenomena. Still, Jung and Cavalli's categories, homologues, metaphorms and mytho-poetic language broaden our descriptive vocabulary, perhaps helping us articulate the deep meaning of what we see in the vessel.
In the Mystery schools, applicants for the priesthood of Osiris entered the tomb alive to await his light. They spent the night in the coffin, entering through the door of fear to achieve mastery.The initiate in the open sarcophagus was left alone in the darkness of the crypt., feeling the cold of the grave close in. In such a sensory deprivation chamber, perhaps the initiate experienced a life review or began to see colors and lights appear. This illumination was recognized as the light of Osiris, bringing visions. Some aspirants might claim to have conversations with Isis or Osiris. Others might visualize themselves in the land of the dead, walking and talking with departed spirits and receiving special teachings from Osiris before a resurrection.
August 2011, Psychosocial Genomics in Subcultures
Recent research on neuroplasticity and psychosocial genomics lends compelling support to the theory that psychosocial forces shape neurobiology through gene-expression. Investigations of neuroplasticity demonstrate that the adult brain can continue to form novel neural connections and grow new neurons in response to learning or training even into old age. This means under facilitating circumstances, we have the capacity to awaken undreamed of potential within ourselves. Moreso, if Dragon subculture supports and reinforces such emergent capacities.
Recent research on neuroplasticity and psychosocial genomics lends compelling support to the theory that psychosocial forces shape neurobiology through gene-expression. Investigations of neuroplasticity demonstrate that the adult brain can continue to form novel neural connections and grow new neurons in response to learning or training even into old age. This means under facilitating circumstances, we have the capacity to awaken undreamed of potential within ourselves. Moreso, if Dragon subculture supports and reinforces such emergent capacities.
July 2011, The Vortex, A Metaphorical Exploration
The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient mystical circle depicting a serpent-dragon of Primordial Unity. It represents eternity, the Milky Way, cyclic processes like Precession, and the "circle of life." In self-referential dynamic motion, it becomes the Vortex, the primary icon of the Dragon peoples from time immemorial. It is the first glyph in the universal language of symbols, encompassing all others -- the threshold of symbol and substance. It is the "Mother of all symbols". Rose windows in medieval cathedrals were Christian depictions of the cosmic vortex. The esoteric view of this vortex of Being's internal logic, is raw Feminine power.
The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient mystical circle depicting a serpent-dragon of Primordial Unity. It represents eternity, the Milky Way, cyclic processes like Precession, and the "circle of life." In self-referential dynamic motion, it becomes the Vortex, the primary icon of the Dragon peoples from time immemorial. It is the first glyph in the universal language of symbols, encompassing all others -- the threshold of symbol and substance. It is the "Mother of all symbols". Rose windows in medieval cathedrals were Christian depictions of the cosmic vortex. The esoteric view of this vortex of Being's internal logic, is raw Feminine power.
Summer 2011 - The Sedona Effect; Green Egg Issue 155
"There is no such thing as a spiritual journey. If there were a spiritual journey, it would be only a quarter inch long, though many miles deep. You do not have to go away outside yourself to come into real conversation with your soul and with the mysteries of the spiritual world. The eternal is at home --within you." --Meister Eckhart
SEDONA SYNCHRONIZATION EXPERIMENTS: Arguably, here is the first scientific proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG Synchronization. Further repeatable experiments are still being conducted in Arizona, by Ben Lonetree, using a variety of volunteer subjects. Using magnetometers and EEG, he is recording the synchronous signals of geomagnetic anomalies with human brainwaves. Parameters include Schumann Resonance (amplifies effect), Brainwave frequency and amplitude, and sudden magnetic events from vortex spots. Evoked potentials include high well-being, healing, ESP and other psychophysical phenomena. Fieldtrip Report:
March 2011, DNA Decipher Journal, Vol.1, No.2
DNA Decipher Journal (ISSN: 2159-046X) is a publication in which biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality. The current policy at this journal is editorial selections of submitted papers for publication and editorial invitation for publication under the advisement of an editorial Advisory Board. All papers published by this journal are either subject to open-peer-review ("OPR") in the same issue or open to OPR in subsequent issues. DNA Decipher Journal is a platform and fair playing field for biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality.
From Helix to Hologram
Iona Miller & Richard A. Miller, ©2004
ABSTRACT: Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.
Quantum Bioholography
A Review of the Field from 1973 - 2002
Iona Miller, Richard Alan Miller, and Burt Webb, ©2002
ABSTRACT: Complex information can be encoded in EM fields, as we all know from coding and decoding of television and radio signals. Even more complex information can be encoded in holographic images. DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information which contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another (Kelleher, 1999). We are 99.9% alike in our genetic legacy. Our individuality is expressed in three million small variations in our cells, called single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Gene-expression is the mechanism by which new patterns are called into being (Rossi, 2000). There is also a strong correlation between modulation of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger, 1987; McFadden, 2002). The Gariaev group has discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1975). This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.
DNA Decipher Journal (ISSN: 2159-046X) is a publication in which biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality. The current policy at this journal is editorial selections of submitted papers for publication and editorial invitation for publication under the advisement of an editorial Advisory Board. All papers published by this journal are either subject to open-peer-review ("OPR") in the same issue or open to OPR in subsequent issues. DNA Decipher Journal is a platform and fair playing field for biologists, physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of DNA as a biological program and entity and its possible connection to a deeper reality.
From Helix to Hologram
Iona Miller & Richard A. Miller, ©2004
ABSTRACT: Life is fundamentally electromagnetic rather than chemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.
Quantum Bioholography
A Review of the Field from 1973 - 2002
Iona Miller, Richard Alan Miller, and Burt Webb, ©2002
ABSTRACT: Complex information can be encoded in EM fields, as we all know from coding and decoding of television and radio signals. Even more complex information can be encoded in holographic images. DNA acts as a holographic projector of acoustic and EM information which contains the informational quintessence of the biohologram. Only 3% of human DNA encodes the physical body. The remaining 97% of the 3 billion base pair genome contains over a million genetic structures called transposons, that have the capacity to jump from one chromosomal location to another (Kelleher, 1999). We are 99.9% alike in our genetic legacy. Our individuality is expressed in three million small variations in our cells, called single nucleotide polymorphisms.
Gene-expression is the mechanism by which new patterns are called into being (Rossi, 2000). There is also a strong correlation between modulation of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger, 1987; McFadden, 2002). The Gariaev group has discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson, 1975). This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.
(c)2011-2014 Iona Miller, All Rights Reserved