SELF TEST: Northridge Developmental Scale of Self-Actualization
Test Your Self-Transcendence
Creativity, ESP, and Meditation;
JOHN CURTIS GOWAN Memorial Website
of Psychic Phenomena, Mental Health, and Paranormal Psychology

Preface by Iona Miller, c2000
Caution: Do not read to the end of this file if you intend to take this self-test, or you will skew your results. Read this brief introduction, take the test, and then read further about the development and meaning of the test. For self-scoring, click the link at the end of the test for directions on scoring and interpreting your results.
We all have the potential for being creative and even extraordinary human
beings, yet many of us never develop this capacity fully, due to a variety of
blocks. When we see the creativity of others, we may often wonder how we can
tap our own creative potential. Psychologists have been trying for years to
determine what distinguishes the creative personality from the population at
large. Being scientists, they have devised means for categorizing and measuring
these distinctions. Some of the most interesting work along these lines has been
conducted by Piaget, Erikson, Maslow, Arieti, Tart, and John Gowan.
Gowan synthesized the best research on consciousness and development toward
self-actualization, which Maslow defined as the manifesting of one's potential
capabilities. However, it is more thoroughly described as a process/goal with
operations on three distinct levels: 1). the creative; 2). the psychedelic, and 3). the
illuminative. Those in whom this process is stabilized, rather than merely
emergent, are termed self-actualized. In the perennial philosophy this process is
known as Self-Realization, a living connection with the creative inspiration of the
higher Self, which Plato called the Daemon or genius. See Gowan Memorial Site at
Gowan reworked several standard evaluation tests to determine levels of mental
and emotional health in graduate candidates. Because the scale extends beyond
the traits of healthy adult adjustment, it also is an objective measure of some
aspects of spirituality. He reasoned that not fostering these extraordinary traits
and transcendent experiences concurrent with the adult tasks of career and family
building is roughly equivalent to lack of sexual maturation in an adolescent. The
strong ego, fearing loss of control, may be reluctant to enter the soul-revealing
stages of psychedelia.
More recently these creative and transpersonal qualities have been compared on a
par with I.Q. as E.Q. (Emotional Quotient) and S.Q. (Spiritual Quotient).
Gowan emphasized that when the opposites of cognitive and emotional
development keep pace with one another, a more balanced individual emerges.
This balance is reflected in both inner and outer life. This test will help you
understand where you are in your personal individuation, what is blocking you,
and what developmental tasks remain as options for further exploration and
Preface by Iona Miller, c2000
Caution: Do not read to the end of this file if you intend to take this self-test, or you will skew your results. Read this brief introduction, take the test, and then read further about the development and meaning of the test. For self-scoring, click the link at the end of the test for directions on scoring and interpreting your results.
We all have the potential for being creative and even extraordinary human
beings, yet many of us never develop this capacity fully, due to a variety of
blocks. When we see the creativity of others, we may often wonder how we can
tap our own creative potential. Psychologists have been trying for years to
determine what distinguishes the creative personality from the population at
large. Being scientists, they have devised means for categorizing and measuring
these distinctions. Some of the most interesting work along these lines has been
conducted by Piaget, Erikson, Maslow, Arieti, Tart, and John Gowan.
Gowan synthesized the best research on consciousness and development toward
self-actualization, which Maslow defined as the manifesting of one's potential
capabilities. However, it is more thoroughly described as a process/goal with
operations on three distinct levels: 1). the creative; 2). the psychedelic, and 3). the
illuminative. Those in whom this process is stabilized, rather than merely
emergent, are termed self-actualized. In the perennial philosophy this process is
known as Self-Realization, a living connection with the creative inspiration of the
higher Self, which Plato called the Daemon or genius. See Gowan Memorial Site at
Gowan reworked several standard evaluation tests to determine levels of mental
and emotional health in graduate candidates. Because the scale extends beyond
the traits of healthy adult adjustment, it also is an objective measure of some
aspects of spirituality. He reasoned that not fostering these extraordinary traits
and transcendent experiences concurrent with the adult tasks of career and family
building is roughly equivalent to lack of sexual maturation in an adolescent. The
strong ego, fearing loss of control, may be reluctant to enter the soul-revealing
stages of psychedelia.
More recently these creative and transpersonal qualities have been compared on a
par with I.Q. as E.Q. (Emotional Quotient) and S.Q. (Spiritual Quotient).
Gowan emphasized that when the opposites of cognitive and emotional
development keep pace with one another, a more balanced individual emerges.
This balance is reflected in both inner and outer life. This test will help you
understand where you are in your personal individuation, what is blocking you,
and what developmental tasks remain as options for further exploration and
(from the book Development of the Psychedelic Individual)
by J. C. Gowan
This test attempts to find out how well you know yourself and your own development. There are no right answers. You are asked in each question to respond to one of the four alternatives IF YOU WISH. if none of them is "you," please mark response 5. You can work rapidly and take your first impression. You should finish within 45 minutes.
(from the book Development of the Psychedelic Individual)
by J. C. Gowan
This test attempts to find out how well you know yourself and your own development. There are no right answers. You are asked in each question to respond to one of the four alternatives IF YOU WISH. if none of them is "you," please mark response 5. You can work rapidly and take your first impression. You should finish within 45 minutes.
1.1 It seems like the world is going crazy.
.2 1 find life makes more and more sense.
.3 One has to fight one's way up in the world.
.4 1 would rather retreat from the world.
2.1 1 like the status quo.
.2 1 feel comfortable with change.
.3 Society needs a revolution.
.4 Society needs more hermits and cop-outs.
3.1 1 have the worst luck in the world.
.2 Fighting is a natural heritage of man.
.3 I know who my enemies are.
.4 Lucky little things keep happening to me.
4.1 1 worry about the future.
.2 1 believe in serendipity.
.3 1 suffer from my memories.
.4 Man is naturally antagonistic.
5.1 1 certainly feel useless at times.
.2 1 have never laughed at a dirty joke.
.3 1 think I would like to be an auto racer.
.4 Some people are plotting against me.
6.1 1 am afraid to be myself.
.2 1 don't put off till tomorrow what ought to be done today.
.3 1 have sometimes had awareness of things and events before they occur.
.4 1 have low back pain.
7.1 1 have waked up with an idea so compelling, I have to run to get it down.
.2 1 feel obligated when a stranger does me a favor.
.3 1 dislike modern art.
.4 No one is going to exploit me if I can help it.
8.1 1 am seldom bothered by nightmares.
.2 1 am often bothered by nightmares.
.3 1 am often constipated.
.4 1 am afraid to be myself.
9.1 1 don't accept my own weaknesses.
.2 1 have sinned much in the past.
.3 People are essentially "no-good."
.4 My life is very full and complete.
10.1 1 don't really care whether people like or dislike me.
.2 1 am stricter about right and wrong than most people.
.3 1 am fascinated by fire.
.4 My parents never really understood me.
11. 1 1 am assertive and self-confident.
.2 1 am going down hill.
.3 1 would like to take a year off and visit a desert island.
.4 The last few years have been the best of my life.
12.1 1 am often angry with those I love.
I feel good about life.
I am over-dependent on those I love.
Most people's lives fill me with despair.
13.1 1 have been very fortunate in life.
.2 1 have been very unfortunate in life.
.3 1 have nothing to complain about.
.4 There are many people who are better off than I am.
14.1 Good things are continually happening to me.
.2 Bad things are continually happening to me.
.3 Freaky things are continually happening to me.
.4 Dumb things are continually happening to me.
15.1 1 always finish everything I start.
.2 1 am afraid of deep water.
.3 If the wages were good, I would like to travel with a circus.
.4 1 know who my enemies are.
16.1 1 tend to play on bad luck.
.2 On several occasions I have been unjustly accused when innocent.
.3 Luck is simply a matter of the law of averages.
.4 Happy little coincidences seem continually to occur in my life.
17.1 1 like to be helpful to others.
.2 1 don't care about being helpful to others.
.3 1 like others to be helpful to me.
.4 1 find that being myself is helpful to others.
18.1 1 am not absolutely bound by the principle of fairness.
.2 1 have never had a traffic ticket.
.3 1 am not in as good health as most of my friends.
.4 1 do not agree with many modern trends.
19.1 1 think tests like this one are really stupid.
.2 Some things are right, and some are wrong, and there is no middle.
.3 1 have dreams about my parent(s).
.4 The pursuit of happiness is not opposed to altruism.
20.1 1 must admit that I am a hyper-strung person.
.2 1 like only the better things in life.
.3 1 am afraid to be alone in the dark.
.4 1 can describe myself as a strong person.
21.1 1 do not have to justify my feelings with reasons.
.2 1 like crowds.
.3 1 would like to go to an orgy.
.4 My health is below par.
22.1 Personal autonomy is more important than personal consistency.
.2 Personal consistency is more important than personal autonomy.
.3 1 dislike dogs.
.4 Even when feeling ill, I am never cross.
23.1 1 can express affection regardless of whether it is returned.
.2 1 believe in corporal punishment in the schools.
.3 1 often think about things too bad to talk about.
.4 Disorganization continually keeps cropping up in my life.
24.1 1 would like to live in a fantasy world.
.2 1 am fascinated by horror stories.
.3 1 need a great deal of security.
.4 It is important for me to perceive reality as it is.
25.1 1 have often been punished without cause.
.2 1 take a bath every day without fail.
.3 1 cannot do anything really well.
.4 1 have a great deal of stomach trouble.
26.1 People have an instinct for evil.
.2 1 feel ashamed of my emotions.
.3 1 often feel controlled by forces outside myself.
.4 1 am loved because I am loveable.
27.1 1 feel the world is getting better not worse.
.2 People are just too hostile.
.3 1 should like to go away and pull things in with me.
.4 1 feel very dependent on some other person.
28.1 1 hate growing older.
.2 1 have a lot of aches and pains as I grow older.
.3 1 find more opportunities for growth as I grow older.
.4 1 do not think about growing older.
29.1 1 find learning usually involves growing toward others.
.2 1 wish I had a lot more money.
.3 There are people I dislike so much I'm afraid to go near them.
.4 Everything tastes the same.
30.1 A thunderstorm terrifies me.
.2 If I had to choose between liberty and security, I'd choose security.
.3 My fingers and nails are always neat and clean.
.4 My sleep is fitfull and disturbed.
31.1 My environment often baffles me.
.2 Disorganization continues to pop up in my life.
.3 1 feel very much in control of my environment.
.4 The world is a jungle any way you look at it.
32.1 1 wish certain people would stop persecuting me.
.2 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is a good motto.
.3 1 am a piano player in the whore-house of life.
.4 1 feel that my life is dedicated to a noble purpose.
33.1 1 live a very ordinary kind of life.
.2 1 am concerned with self-improvement at all times.
.3 1 know that others are often talking about me.
.4 1 live a very unusual type of life.
34.1 While I love people, I often need withdrawal and detachment.
.2 1 feel lonely whenever I don't have friends around me.
.3 1 do what others expect of me.
.4 1 had no idea life could be so depraved.
35.1 People often talk about me behind my back.
.2 My father was a strong man who was severe in discipline.
.3 If I were to die tonight, I feel I would go to Heaven.
.4 1 doubt if anyone is really happy.
36.1 Every day something happens to frighten or worry me.
.2 Every day something happens to anger or annoy me.
.3 Every day seems to bring new challenges and opportunities.
.4 Every day is one step nearer to the grave.
37.1 1 am optimistic about the future and never feel anxious about it.
.2 1 am pessimistic about the future and really see little hope.
.3 1 rarely think about the future.
.4 Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
38.1 1 have some very sad memories.
.2 1 have some very nice memories.
.3 1 have some very scary memories.
.4 1 have no memories.
39.1 1 am thorough.
.2 1 am consistent.
.3 1 am dependent.
.4 1 am self-sufficient.
40.1 1 know who is responsible for most of my troubles.
.2 1 sweat very easily even on cool days.
.3 Familiarity breeds contempt.
.4 1 never jay-walk across the street.
41.1 1 sometimes have experiences where life seems just about perfect.
.2 1 wouldn't let a man hijack a plane I was on.
.3 1 feel moody much of the time.
.4 Most people don't give a damn what happens to you.
42.1 My life is really messed up.
.2 1 feel that I have an innate capacity to deal with life.
.3 How one gets on in life is largely a matter of luck.
.4 Life never allows one any second chances.
43.1 1 hated one of my brothers or sisters.
.2 1 do not feel in control of my environment on some occasions.
.3 It is important to accept others as they are.
.4 1 believe marriage should improve a husband or a wife.
44.1 1 dislike the Moslem religion.
.2 1 dislike to cook.
.3 1 am sometimes disturbed by the hostile humor of others.
.4 1 have often wanted to run away.
45.1 1 would like to belong to a motorcycle club.
.2 At times I have a strong urge to do something harmful or shocking.
.3 My moral code is above reproach.
.4 1 often get disgusted with myself.
46.1 There is not enough time in the day.
.2 1 dislike cats.
.3 1 am very independent.
.4 There are some very bigoted people in our neighborhood.
47.1 1 do not feel bound by my duties and obligations to others.
.2 1 have stomach cramps often.
.3 1 am proud of my possessions.
.4 1 hate to wait for a traffic light to change.
48.1 Man is naturally aggressive.
.2 Man is naturally cooperative.
.3 Man is naturally weak.
.4 Man isn't naturally anything.
49.1 It is not necessary that others approve of what I do.
.2 It is not necessary that others follow the rules.
.3 It is not necessary that others and I communicate.
.4 It is not necessary that others and I live on friendly terms.
50.1 1 have never acted like a coward.
.2 Most people seem pretty ignorant and gullible.
.3 1 am afraid of high places.
.4 Sometimes I feel I must injure either myself or others.
51.1 1 like to play and hate to work.
.2 For me, work and play are the same.
.3 I like to alternate hard work and hard play.
.4 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
52.1 Man is bad and needs to be saved.
.2 Man is good and can be trusted.
.3 Man is, and values are inherent in the situation.
.4 Why make such a big fuss about it ?
53.1 My values come primarily from a code to which I adhere.
.2 My values come primarily from what others say and think.
.3 My values come primarily from my own feelings.
.4 1 have no need for values.
54.1 Sometimes I feel like I would like to run away.
.2 Sometimes I feel like I would like to fight the world.
.3 Sometimes I feel like giving up.
.4 Sometimes I feel as though I knew a secret about the universe.
55.1 Once you get the facts, there is usually only one answer to a question.
.2 1 feel generally gloomy about the future.
.3 1 carry a heavy burden which few others understand.
.4 1 never lose my temper.
56.1 1 like to have lots of people around me.
.2 1 have a great need for privacy in my life.
.3 1 feel guilty when I am selfish.
.4 1 know who my creator is.
57.1 1 think of myself as masculine (m) or feminine (f).
.2 1 think of myself as honest and reliant.
.3 1 think of myself as conscientious and intelligent.
.4 1 think of myself as creative.
58.1 People are apt to describe me as creative.
.2 People are apt to describe me as good-looking.
.3 People are apt to describe me as responsible and conscientious.
.4 People are apt to describe me as having a pleasing personality.
59.1 New ideas frequently occur to me.
.2 1 am sometimes frightened by TV violence.
.3 When someone else gets into trouble, most people are indifferent.
.4 When I listen to a lecture, I often feel restless.
60.1 There seems to be a lump in my throat much of the time.
.2 1 am afraid of deep water.
.3 1 make it a rule never to indulge in gossip.
.4 Success is a matter of will power.
61.1 1 tend to be more realistic than optimistic or pessimistic.
.2 1 am often annoyed by weak people.
.3 1 always finish everything I start.
.4 My health often gives me concern.
62.1 1 worry about unimportant things.
.2 1 know people who have very bad tempers.
.3 1 dislike to speak in front of a crowd.
.4 1 feel integrated with myself and the universe.
63.1 1 am not in as good health as most of my friends.
.2 1 am on guard with those more friendly than I expected.
.3 People say I am an unusual person.
.4 1 am not one who would rather switch than fight.
64.1 1 find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job.
.2 1 sometimes feel that things are not real.
.3 People think of me as a problem solver.
.4 1 feel that the world is pretty much like a jungle.
65.1 1 have been disappointed in love.
.2 1 sometimes have spells of hay fever or asthma.
.3 My table manners are as good at home as when I am out in company.
.4 1 agree with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
66.1 1 adhere to the moral values which I was taught.
.2 My feet frequently hurt.
.3 Some people among my acquaintances have it in for me.
.4 Some mornings the world seems clean and bright as if it was just created.
67.1 1 enjoy the process of work more than the product.
.2 1 would feel ashamed to walk barefoot down a street.
.3 1 often sweat a lot.
.4 The personal habits of some people annoy me.
68.1 1 blame others for my habits
.2 1 am under a doctor's care.
.3 1 object to taking orders from other people.
.4 People describe me as a doer.
69.1 1 have often had bad dreams and nightmares.
.2 1 like spontaneous humor.
.3 As a child, I did not belong to a gang or crowd.
.4 Old fashioned discipline is what is needed by most children.
70.1 1 feel nervous when meeting a lot of people.
.2 Most people are secretly pleased when someone else gets into trouble.
.3 1 am made nervous by certain animals.
.4 1 read the editorial page thoroughly every day.
71.1 Evil is an intrinsic part of human nature.
.2 Moral laxity is the cause of our present sorry situation.
.3 Success is generally the result of the puritan ethic of good hard work.
.4 1 often know beforehand when the day will be particularly good.
72.1 1 need fame and adulation most.
.2 1 need money and power most.
.3 1 need detachment and privacy most.
.4 1 need challenge and conquest most.
73.1 1 consider myself good looking.
.2 1 feel inferior much of the time.
.3 1 had rather be myself than anyone I know.
.4 Sometimes I cry myself to sleep.
74.1 Airline hijackers should be given the death penalty.
.2 1 can center in on a problem while most others are confused by emotions.
.3 1 sometimes think about things too bad to talk about.
.4 When my views differ from others, I usually change my mind.
75.1 At times I feel like picking a fight with someone.
.2 1 know who my enemies are.
.3 Almost every day something happens to frighten me.
.4 1 have never been even slightly under the influence of alcohol.
76.1 1 feel most people have an instinct for good.
.2 Disorganization keeps cropping up in my life.
.3 Other people generally know what is best for me.
.4 People have sometimes called me ruthless.
77.1 1 would not object to hanging a convicted murderer.
.2 1 am assertive and affirming.
.3 1 know a number of people who are mentally unbalanced.
.4 It is better to give in than to cause trouble.
78.1 Death is not one of my worries.
.2 Several times a week I feel something dreadful will happen.
.3 1 often feel I made the wrong choice in my occupation.
.4 A strong person doesn't show his feelings or emotions.
79.1 1 am in favor of strict enforcement of all laws.
.2 Death is not one of my worries.
.3 1 have had some strange and peculiar experiences.
.4 There have been times when I have been discouraged.
80.1 1 would like to see a bullfight.
.2 Much of the time my head seems to hurt or ache.
.3 1 usually feel nervous at parties.
.4 1 am equally polite to people whether they annoy me or not.
81.1 1 believe in what I am doing.
.2 1 like to keep my things tidy, neat, and in good order.
.3 When I hear of someone else's success, it makes me feel like a failure.
.4 1 am sometimes troubled by attacks of nausea and vomiting.
82.1 Sometimes it seems that life has no meaning.
.2 Sometimes I feel like smashing things.
.3 Sometimes I feel I may lose my mind.
.4 It is important for me to perceive reality as it is.
83.1 1 have never been arrested for a traffic violation.
.2 Sometimes I can see reality that others are not ready to accept.
.3 It is pretty easy for people to win arguments with me.
.4 1 have not lived the right kind of life.
84.1 1 certainly feel useless at times.
.2 My mouth feels dry most of the time.
.3 I am always honest in thought and deed.
.4 1 have at least two friends approaching self-actualization.
85.1 1 often lose sleep by having bad dreams or worries.
.2 1 hate someone very much.
.3 Sometimes I would like to run away and join a circus.
.4 Children should be seen and not heard.
86.1 1 sometimes feel that things are not real.
.2 Overcoming or preventing problems is a challenge I accept.
.3 1 have never been bothered with thoughts about sex.
.4 It is usually safer to trust nobody.
87.1 Most leaders cannot be trusted.
.2 1 like to give orders and get people moving.
.3 1 am very independent.
.4 1 never gossip.
88.1 1 have few fears compared to my friends' fears.
.2 1 am not afraid of fire; actually I'm fascinated by it.
.3 1 am afraid of snakes.
.4 1 was never afraid of the dark.
89.1 1 have never deliberately told a lie.
.2 Even if I could afford to retire, I'd still work for free.
.3 People often talk about me behind my back.
.4 1 would enjoy having authority over others.
90.1 1 would rather be myself than anyone I know.
.2 1 have never been cross or grouchy without reason.
.3 1 sometimes feel weak and dependent.
.4 1 cannot eat certain foods.
.2 1 find life makes more and more sense.
.3 One has to fight one's way up in the world.
.4 1 would rather retreat from the world.
2.1 1 like the status quo.
.2 1 feel comfortable with change.
.3 Society needs a revolution.
.4 Society needs more hermits and cop-outs.
3.1 1 have the worst luck in the world.
.2 Fighting is a natural heritage of man.
.3 I know who my enemies are.
.4 Lucky little things keep happening to me.
4.1 1 worry about the future.
.2 1 believe in serendipity.
.3 1 suffer from my memories.
.4 Man is naturally antagonistic.
5.1 1 certainly feel useless at times.
.2 1 have never laughed at a dirty joke.
.3 1 think I would like to be an auto racer.
.4 Some people are plotting against me.
6.1 1 am afraid to be myself.
.2 1 don't put off till tomorrow what ought to be done today.
.3 1 have sometimes had awareness of things and events before they occur.
.4 1 have low back pain.
7.1 1 have waked up with an idea so compelling, I have to run to get it down.
.2 1 feel obligated when a stranger does me a favor.
.3 1 dislike modern art.
.4 No one is going to exploit me if I can help it.
8.1 1 am seldom bothered by nightmares.
.2 1 am often bothered by nightmares.
.3 1 am often constipated.
.4 1 am afraid to be myself.
9.1 1 don't accept my own weaknesses.
.2 1 have sinned much in the past.
.3 People are essentially "no-good."
.4 My life is very full and complete.
10.1 1 don't really care whether people like or dislike me.
.2 1 am stricter about right and wrong than most people.
.3 1 am fascinated by fire.
.4 My parents never really understood me.
11. 1 1 am assertive and self-confident.
.2 1 am going down hill.
.3 1 would like to take a year off and visit a desert island.
.4 The last few years have been the best of my life.
12.1 1 am often angry with those I love.
I feel good about life.
I am over-dependent on those I love.
Most people's lives fill me with despair.
13.1 1 have been very fortunate in life.
.2 1 have been very unfortunate in life.
.3 1 have nothing to complain about.
.4 There are many people who are better off than I am.
14.1 Good things are continually happening to me.
.2 Bad things are continually happening to me.
.3 Freaky things are continually happening to me.
.4 Dumb things are continually happening to me.
15.1 1 always finish everything I start.
.2 1 am afraid of deep water.
.3 If the wages were good, I would like to travel with a circus.
.4 1 know who my enemies are.
16.1 1 tend to play on bad luck.
.2 On several occasions I have been unjustly accused when innocent.
.3 Luck is simply a matter of the law of averages.
.4 Happy little coincidences seem continually to occur in my life.
17.1 1 like to be helpful to others.
.2 1 don't care about being helpful to others.
.3 1 like others to be helpful to me.
.4 1 find that being myself is helpful to others.
18.1 1 am not absolutely bound by the principle of fairness.
.2 1 have never had a traffic ticket.
.3 1 am not in as good health as most of my friends.
.4 1 do not agree with many modern trends.
19.1 1 think tests like this one are really stupid.
.2 Some things are right, and some are wrong, and there is no middle.
.3 1 have dreams about my parent(s).
.4 The pursuit of happiness is not opposed to altruism.
20.1 1 must admit that I am a hyper-strung person.
.2 1 like only the better things in life.
.3 1 am afraid to be alone in the dark.
.4 1 can describe myself as a strong person.
21.1 1 do not have to justify my feelings with reasons.
.2 1 like crowds.
.3 1 would like to go to an orgy.
.4 My health is below par.
22.1 Personal autonomy is more important than personal consistency.
.2 Personal consistency is more important than personal autonomy.
.3 1 dislike dogs.
.4 Even when feeling ill, I am never cross.
23.1 1 can express affection regardless of whether it is returned.
.2 1 believe in corporal punishment in the schools.
.3 1 often think about things too bad to talk about.
.4 Disorganization continually keeps cropping up in my life.
24.1 1 would like to live in a fantasy world.
.2 1 am fascinated by horror stories.
.3 1 need a great deal of security.
.4 It is important for me to perceive reality as it is.
25.1 1 have often been punished without cause.
.2 1 take a bath every day without fail.
.3 1 cannot do anything really well.
.4 1 have a great deal of stomach trouble.
26.1 People have an instinct for evil.
.2 1 feel ashamed of my emotions.
.3 1 often feel controlled by forces outside myself.
.4 1 am loved because I am loveable.
27.1 1 feel the world is getting better not worse.
.2 People are just too hostile.
.3 1 should like to go away and pull things in with me.
.4 1 feel very dependent on some other person.
28.1 1 hate growing older.
.2 1 have a lot of aches and pains as I grow older.
.3 1 find more opportunities for growth as I grow older.
.4 1 do not think about growing older.
29.1 1 find learning usually involves growing toward others.
.2 1 wish I had a lot more money.
.3 There are people I dislike so much I'm afraid to go near them.
.4 Everything tastes the same.
30.1 A thunderstorm terrifies me.
.2 If I had to choose between liberty and security, I'd choose security.
.3 My fingers and nails are always neat and clean.
.4 My sleep is fitfull and disturbed.
31.1 My environment often baffles me.
.2 Disorganization continues to pop up in my life.
.3 1 feel very much in control of my environment.
.4 The world is a jungle any way you look at it.
32.1 1 wish certain people would stop persecuting me.
.2 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is a good motto.
.3 1 am a piano player in the whore-house of life.
.4 1 feel that my life is dedicated to a noble purpose.
33.1 1 live a very ordinary kind of life.
.2 1 am concerned with self-improvement at all times.
.3 1 know that others are often talking about me.
.4 1 live a very unusual type of life.
34.1 While I love people, I often need withdrawal and detachment.
.2 1 feel lonely whenever I don't have friends around me.
.3 1 do what others expect of me.
.4 1 had no idea life could be so depraved.
35.1 People often talk about me behind my back.
.2 My father was a strong man who was severe in discipline.
.3 If I were to die tonight, I feel I would go to Heaven.
.4 1 doubt if anyone is really happy.
36.1 Every day something happens to frighten or worry me.
.2 Every day something happens to anger or annoy me.
.3 Every day seems to bring new challenges and opportunities.
.4 Every day is one step nearer to the grave.
37.1 1 am optimistic about the future and never feel anxious about it.
.2 1 am pessimistic about the future and really see little hope.
.3 1 rarely think about the future.
.4 Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
38.1 1 have some very sad memories.
.2 1 have some very nice memories.
.3 1 have some very scary memories.
.4 1 have no memories.
39.1 1 am thorough.
.2 1 am consistent.
.3 1 am dependent.
.4 1 am self-sufficient.
40.1 1 know who is responsible for most of my troubles.
.2 1 sweat very easily even on cool days.
.3 Familiarity breeds contempt.
.4 1 never jay-walk across the street.
41.1 1 sometimes have experiences where life seems just about perfect.
.2 1 wouldn't let a man hijack a plane I was on.
.3 1 feel moody much of the time.
.4 Most people don't give a damn what happens to you.
42.1 My life is really messed up.
.2 1 feel that I have an innate capacity to deal with life.
.3 How one gets on in life is largely a matter of luck.
.4 Life never allows one any second chances.
43.1 1 hated one of my brothers or sisters.
.2 1 do not feel in control of my environment on some occasions.
.3 It is important to accept others as they are.
.4 1 believe marriage should improve a husband or a wife.
44.1 1 dislike the Moslem religion.
.2 1 dislike to cook.
.3 1 am sometimes disturbed by the hostile humor of others.
.4 1 have often wanted to run away.
45.1 1 would like to belong to a motorcycle club.
.2 At times I have a strong urge to do something harmful or shocking.
.3 My moral code is above reproach.
.4 1 often get disgusted with myself.
46.1 There is not enough time in the day.
.2 1 dislike cats.
.3 1 am very independent.
.4 There are some very bigoted people in our neighborhood.
47.1 1 do not feel bound by my duties and obligations to others.
.2 1 have stomach cramps often.
.3 1 am proud of my possessions.
.4 1 hate to wait for a traffic light to change.
48.1 Man is naturally aggressive.
.2 Man is naturally cooperative.
.3 Man is naturally weak.
.4 Man isn't naturally anything.
49.1 It is not necessary that others approve of what I do.
.2 It is not necessary that others follow the rules.
.3 It is not necessary that others and I communicate.
.4 It is not necessary that others and I live on friendly terms.
50.1 1 have never acted like a coward.
.2 Most people seem pretty ignorant and gullible.
.3 1 am afraid of high places.
.4 Sometimes I feel I must injure either myself or others.
51.1 1 like to play and hate to work.
.2 For me, work and play are the same.
.3 I like to alternate hard work and hard play.
.4 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
52.1 Man is bad and needs to be saved.
.2 Man is good and can be trusted.
.3 Man is, and values are inherent in the situation.
.4 Why make such a big fuss about it ?
53.1 My values come primarily from a code to which I adhere.
.2 My values come primarily from what others say and think.
.3 My values come primarily from my own feelings.
.4 1 have no need for values.
54.1 Sometimes I feel like I would like to run away.
.2 Sometimes I feel like I would like to fight the world.
.3 Sometimes I feel like giving up.
.4 Sometimes I feel as though I knew a secret about the universe.
55.1 Once you get the facts, there is usually only one answer to a question.
.2 1 feel generally gloomy about the future.
.3 1 carry a heavy burden which few others understand.
.4 1 never lose my temper.
56.1 1 like to have lots of people around me.
.2 1 have a great need for privacy in my life.
.3 1 feel guilty when I am selfish.
.4 1 know who my creator is.
57.1 1 think of myself as masculine (m) or feminine (f).
.2 1 think of myself as honest and reliant.
.3 1 think of myself as conscientious and intelligent.
.4 1 think of myself as creative.
58.1 People are apt to describe me as creative.
.2 People are apt to describe me as good-looking.
.3 People are apt to describe me as responsible and conscientious.
.4 People are apt to describe me as having a pleasing personality.
59.1 New ideas frequently occur to me.
.2 1 am sometimes frightened by TV violence.
.3 When someone else gets into trouble, most people are indifferent.
.4 When I listen to a lecture, I often feel restless.
60.1 There seems to be a lump in my throat much of the time.
.2 1 am afraid of deep water.
.3 1 make it a rule never to indulge in gossip.
.4 Success is a matter of will power.
61.1 1 tend to be more realistic than optimistic or pessimistic.
.2 1 am often annoyed by weak people.
.3 1 always finish everything I start.
.4 My health often gives me concern.
62.1 1 worry about unimportant things.
.2 1 know people who have very bad tempers.
.3 1 dislike to speak in front of a crowd.
.4 1 feel integrated with myself and the universe.
63.1 1 am not in as good health as most of my friends.
.2 1 am on guard with those more friendly than I expected.
.3 People say I am an unusual person.
.4 1 am not one who would rather switch than fight.
64.1 1 find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job.
.2 1 sometimes feel that things are not real.
.3 People think of me as a problem solver.
.4 1 feel that the world is pretty much like a jungle.
65.1 1 have been disappointed in love.
.2 1 sometimes have spells of hay fever or asthma.
.3 My table manners are as good at home as when I am out in company.
.4 1 agree with an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
66.1 1 adhere to the moral values which I was taught.
.2 My feet frequently hurt.
.3 Some people among my acquaintances have it in for me.
.4 Some mornings the world seems clean and bright as if it was just created.
67.1 1 enjoy the process of work more than the product.
.2 1 would feel ashamed to walk barefoot down a street.
.3 1 often sweat a lot.
.4 The personal habits of some people annoy me.
68.1 1 blame others for my habits
.2 1 am under a doctor's care.
.3 1 object to taking orders from other people.
.4 People describe me as a doer.
69.1 1 have often had bad dreams and nightmares.
.2 1 like spontaneous humor.
.3 As a child, I did not belong to a gang or crowd.
.4 Old fashioned discipline is what is needed by most children.
70.1 1 feel nervous when meeting a lot of people.
.2 Most people are secretly pleased when someone else gets into trouble.
.3 1 am made nervous by certain animals.
.4 1 read the editorial page thoroughly every day.
71.1 Evil is an intrinsic part of human nature.
.2 Moral laxity is the cause of our present sorry situation.
.3 Success is generally the result of the puritan ethic of good hard work.
.4 1 often know beforehand when the day will be particularly good.
72.1 1 need fame and adulation most.
.2 1 need money and power most.
.3 1 need detachment and privacy most.
.4 1 need challenge and conquest most.
73.1 1 consider myself good looking.
.2 1 feel inferior much of the time.
.3 1 had rather be myself than anyone I know.
.4 Sometimes I cry myself to sleep.
74.1 Airline hijackers should be given the death penalty.
.2 1 can center in on a problem while most others are confused by emotions.
.3 1 sometimes think about things too bad to talk about.
.4 When my views differ from others, I usually change my mind.
75.1 At times I feel like picking a fight with someone.
.2 1 know who my enemies are.
.3 Almost every day something happens to frighten me.
.4 1 have never been even slightly under the influence of alcohol.
76.1 1 feel most people have an instinct for good.
.2 Disorganization keeps cropping up in my life.
.3 Other people generally know what is best for me.
.4 People have sometimes called me ruthless.
77.1 1 would not object to hanging a convicted murderer.
.2 1 am assertive and affirming.
.3 1 know a number of people who are mentally unbalanced.
.4 It is better to give in than to cause trouble.
78.1 Death is not one of my worries.
.2 Several times a week I feel something dreadful will happen.
.3 1 often feel I made the wrong choice in my occupation.
.4 A strong person doesn't show his feelings or emotions.
79.1 1 am in favor of strict enforcement of all laws.
.2 Death is not one of my worries.
.3 1 have had some strange and peculiar experiences.
.4 There have been times when I have been discouraged.
80.1 1 would like to see a bullfight.
.2 Much of the time my head seems to hurt or ache.
.3 1 usually feel nervous at parties.
.4 1 am equally polite to people whether they annoy me or not.
81.1 1 believe in what I am doing.
.2 1 like to keep my things tidy, neat, and in good order.
.3 When I hear of someone else's success, it makes me feel like a failure.
.4 1 am sometimes troubled by attacks of nausea and vomiting.
82.1 Sometimes it seems that life has no meaning.
.2 Sometimes I feel like smashing things.
.3 Sometimes I feel I may lose my mind.
.4 It is important for me to perceive reality as it is.
83.1 1 have never been arrested for a traffic violation.
.2 Sometimes I can see reality that others are not ready to accept.
.3 It is pretty easy for people to win arguments with me.
.4 1 have not lived the right kind of life.
84.1 1 certainly feel useless at times.
.2 My mouth feels dry most of the time.
.3 I am always honest in thought and deed.
.4 1 have at least two friends approaching self-actualization.
85.1 1 often lose sleep by having bad dreams or worries.
.2 1 hate someone very much.
.3 Sometimes I would like to run away and join a circus.
.4 Children should be seen and not heard.
86.1 1 sometimes feel that things are not real.
.2 Overcoming or preventing problems is a challenge I accept.
.3 1 have never been bothered with thoughts about sex.
.4 It is usually safer to trust nobody.
87.1 Most leaders cannot be trusted.
.2 1 like to give orders and get people moving.
.3 1 am very independent.
.4 1 never gossip.
88.1 1 have few fears compared to my friends' fears.
.2 1 am not afraid of fire; actually I'm fascinated by it.
.3 1 am afraid of snakes.
.4 1 was never afraid of the dark.
89.1 1 have never deliberately told a lie.
.2 Even if I could afford to retire, I'd still work for free.
.3 People often talk about me behind my back.
.4 1 would enjoy having authority over others.
90.1 1 would rather be myself than anyone I know.
.2 1 have never been cross or grouchy without reason.
.3 1 sometimes feel weak and dependent.
.4 1 cannot eat certain foods.