Radical Esoteric Thinktank, Washington DC, 1973-2011
by Iona Miller
The Washington Times ; 12-07-1999
CARL SCHLEICHER, 66, FOUNDATION PRESIDENT Carl Schleicher, 66, founder and president of Mankind Research Foundation, died Nov. 25 at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring. A scholar, researcher and scientist, he worked to extend "frontiers of science" to mankind, his family said. Under his leadership, the Silver Spring-based Mankind Research Foundation was awarded grants for educational and medical programs. His company worked with the government to research and develop treatments for cancer and AIDS. One of his most recent and successful projects was the development of new uses for ultraviolet blood irradiation to treat viral and bacterial infections.
Mr. Schleicher was the author of many scientific papers and was a professor at American University and the University of Maryland. He served as an intelligence officer for 10 years in the Navy, attaining the rank of lieutenant commander. He was assigned to posts in Germany and Turkey.
Born in Reading, Pa., he attended Booton High School in New Jersey, graduating in 1951. He then attended Drexel University and was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He transferred in 1952 to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis and graduated with honors in 1956 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.
He was awarded a Rotary Foundation Fellowship and studied at the University of Cologne in Germany, where he received a master's degree in political economics in 1962. He later earned a doctorate degree. He spoke six languages and served as an interpreter for President Eisenhower and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. After leaving from the Navy, he returned to the United States in 1966 and moved to Silver Spring, where he lived until his death.
CARL SCHLEICHER, 66, FOUNDATION PRESIDENT Carl Schleicher, 66, founder and president of Mankind Research Foundation, died Nov. 25 at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring. A scholar, researcher and scientist, he worked to extend "frontiers of science" to mankind, his family said. Under his leadership, the Silver Spring-based Mankind Research Foundation was awarded grants for educational and medical programs. His company worked with the government to research and develop treatments for cancer and AIDS. One of his most recent and successful projects was the development of new uses for ultraviolet blood irradiation to treat viral and bacterial infections.
Mr. Schleicher was the author of many scientific papers and was a professor at American University and the University of Maryland. He served as an intelligence officer for 10 years in the Navy, attaining the rank of lieutenant commander. He was assigned to posts in Germany and Turkey.
Born in Reading, Pa., he attended Booton High School in New Jersey, graduating in 1951. He then attended Drexel University and was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He transferred in 1952 to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis and graduated with honors in 1956 with a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.
He was awarded a Rotary Foundation Fellowship and studied at the University of Cologne in Germany, where he received a master's degree in political economics in 1962. He later earned a doctorate degree. He spoke six languages and served as an interpreter for President Eisenhower and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. After leaving from the Navy, he returned to the United States in 1966 and moved to Silver Spring, where he lived until his death.
DEEP COVER: Rising to the Equation
"We were 'noetic' before noetic was cool."
Iona Miller on Mankind Research Foundation;
MRU Spy-entists:
Spooks, Kooks, Flukes & Alphabet Suits
Frontier Science: In over 30 years of borderland explorations many unique individuals came through the doors of MRU to share their knowledge, gifts, and experiments in the pioneering days of parapsychology, consciousness studies and complementary or integrative medicine.
Innovation: Just because paranormal phenomena is controversial is no reason to reject systematic study of objective and subjective anomalous experience. Trance, yoga, meditation and superhuman performance, intuitive and extraordinary experience all extend our ideas about our limits and potential. Extraordinary abilities may be part of our inherent genius. And the search for 'cosmic energy' and applications didn't stop there. The whole universe lies within the realm of consciousness. All things are simply connected. We embody both the pain and the possiblity of transcendence.
PSI Exploration: Can psychic powers be used for detrimental purposes? What are the limits of psychic ability? Psionics is not concerned with the truth value of psychic functioning, but with the practical utility, consistency, magnitude and reliability of psi effects in the real world. Can behavior and state change be manipulated over distances? MRU alumni continue exploring their respective research subjects. Biomechanical interface is among the developments making the impossible possible. Perhaps the best is yet to come.
"We were 'noetic' before noetic was cool."
Iona Miller on Mankind Research Foundation;
MRU Spy-entists:
Spooks, Kooks, Flukes & Alphabet Suits
Frontier Science: In over 30 years of borderland explorations many unique individuals came through the doors of MRU to share their knowledge, gifts, and experiments in the pioneering days of parapsychology, consciousness studies and complementary or integrative medicine.
Innovation: Just because paranormal phenomena is controversial is no reason to reject systematic study of objective and subjective anomalous experience. Trance, yoga, meditation and superhuman performance, intuitive and extraordinary experience all extend our ideas about our limits and potential. Extraordinary abilities may be part of our inherent genius. And the search for 'cosmic energy' and applications didn't stop there. The whole universe lies within the realm of consciousness. All things are simply connected. We embody both the pain and the possiblity of transcendence.
PSI Exploration: Can psychic powers be used for detrimental purposes? What are the limits of psychic ability? Psionics is not concerned with the truth value of psychic functioning, but with the practical utility, consistency, magnitude and reliability of psi effects in the real world. Can behavior and state change be manipulated over distances? MRU alumni continue exploring their respective research subjects. Biomechanical interface is among the developments making the impossible possible. Perhaps the best is yet to come.
Precursor Technologies: MRU explored many precursor technologies which had not yet come into their own as the support tech to actualize usable results was not yet in place. First attempts at creating radical technologies are naturally intuitive and experimental and may require many revisions and upgrades before usable methods for new technologies are formulated and codified. Ideas and technology "convolve" toward their realization. Process philosophy (or ontology of becoming) identifies metaphysical reality with change and dynamism. We can call this Process Metaphysics.
Process Metaphysics: The philosophy of process is a venture in metaphysics, the general theory of reality. Its concern is with what exists in the world and with the terms of reference in which this reality is to be understood and explained. The task of metaphysics is, after all, to provide a cogent and plausible account of the nature of reality at the broadest, most synoptic and comprehensive level. And it is to this mission of enabling us to characterize, describe, clarify and explain the most general features of the real that process philosophy addresses itself in its own characteristic way. The guiding idea of its approach is that natural existence consists in and is best understood in terms of processes rather than things — of modes of change rather than fixed stabilities. For processists, change of every sort — physical, organic, psychological — is the pervasive and predominant feature of the real. A sequentially structured sequence of successive stages or phases has three factors:
Conceptual Insight: Even befuddled attempts to find protocols or solutions can eventually lead to nonlinear dynamic results. Irresolution at any point in development does not mean that avenue should be rejected. Phenomenological investigation by its very nature must proceed in the dark or at least in the twilight of consciousness to formulate conceptual insight. But there is a vast difference between transcendental idealism and a scientific Theory of Everything.
Intuitive and Counterintuitive Realities: Many new physics and/or esoterically-based theories and propositions seem counterintuitive, contrary to an intuitive belief or to common-sense expectations, when assessed using intuition or gut feelings.Scientifically discovered, objective truths are often called counterintuitive when intuition, emotions and other cognitive processes outside of deductive rationality interpret them to be wrong. However, the subjective nature of intuition limits the objectivity of what to call counterintuitive because what is counter-intuitive for one may be intuitive for another. Flawed understanding of a problem may lead to counter-productive behavior with undesirable outcomes. In some such cases, counterintuitive policies may then produce a more desirable outcome. Many scientific ideas that are generally accepted by people today were formerly considered to be contrary to intuition and common sense.
Creative Dynamics: The creative process moves forward in increments as well as quantum leaps of powerful imaginations. Emotionally-charged themes drive the scientific process, de-limiting old models leading to new paradigms. As humans we can only strive for perfection, completeness and correctness in our comprehensions
and writings because we ourselves are limited and imperfect. MRU was among the first organizations to de-limit scientific conceptualization and consider the active, intentional role of the self, consciousness and extraordinary human potential in the scientific process. Unobservable cognitive states gives rise to intuitive-type states and perceptions. In the 21st Century, we are moving toward hyper-realities of full immersion, which re-define the experiential nature of reality.
Complexity: There is another critical aspect to the nature of consciousness which is akin to the difficulty of discovering the theory of everything for the universe, and is so precisely because the conscious brain is the ultimate expression of the four forces of nature derived from the symmetry-breaking of the theory of everything. It requires all the forces acting in order of their symmetry-breaking energies to develop molecular matter, and their most complete complex interactive expression we know of is in the human brain.
Entanglement: If the brain uses exotic properties of physics, embracing quantum entanglement in brain states in generating subjective consciousness as part of anticipating future risks to survival, these would be the ultimate interactive structures generated by the symmetry-breaking of the forces of nature in the universe. Understanding consciousness would then place it as the hard problem complementing the theory of everything, which would require at least as much ingenuity to resolve and therefore cannot be underestimated in the surprises we may find within it.
Consciousness: Critical to the investigation of consciousness is that it is existentially completely different from the
objective physical world description, being experienced directly only by the subject, and not being subject to the same criteria of replicability a physical world experiment has. Also the observer cannot control their consciousness objectively in the same manner a physical experimentalist can their equipment, because any attempt to change consciousness carries the observer into a new conscious situation as well. In this respect the exploration of consciousness has similarities to quantum measurement. This renders all forms of introspection made as if we are looking at consciousness objectively, completely, or partially invalid. (King, 2010)
ScienceArtists: MRU did not emerge from a cultural vacuum. The inexplicable is always in vogue. MRU was preceded by shamanism, prophecy, Mesmer, divination, Theosophy, martial arts, spiritualism (Journal of the Society for Psychical Research), faith healers and mediums, Freud and Jung, Edgar Cayce, Reich, Tesla, 1950's mind control experiments both by the US (MK Ultra) and Soviets, the ESP work of J.B. Rhine, the 1960s psychedelic revolution, the occult revival and the experiential therapies of the human potential movement. All tried to find the science behind the Mystery and applications of spiritual technology. This radical fusion of esoterics and science produced a hybrid practitioner that often drew more from art and intuition than objective rationality, even in the pursuit of pure science. It gave new meaning to the rapidly transforming notion of Reality.
Technical Mystics: Are psychic powers mental energies? Who hasn't had hunches, premonitions, instincts or intuitions that affect behavior? The mystic arts combined with scientific protocols gave an edge to SpecOps supersoldiers in the field for heightened performance and decision-making and acquiring information. Self-regulation techniques from meditation, yoga and martial arts have tangible effects on performance. The psi warrior was born. The technical esoteric nature of many of MRU's investigations necessarily meant they became explorations in the nature and effects of meta-beliefs in relation to the unbound self. Still, sexy science and good science are not necessarily synonymous.
Meta-Beliefs: The entire enterprise, which mainstreamed as the New Age movement, can be examined for its psychological valence. Self-limiting ideas may indeed be constricting, truncating awareness and perception of subtle dynamics, which though unseen can be enormously influential. Stanley R. Dean, M.D. worked with MRU in the biophysical aspects of wholism, metapsychiatry, social psychiatry, the ultraconscious, self-help groups, schizophrenia and the interface of psychiatry and mysticism.
Fuzzy Thinking: Without scientific exploration we cannot draw the line between an anomalous phenomenon and self-delusion. Power lies in beliefs, emotional intelligence and empathy. The power within is activated by belief and acceptance. Failed premonitions and predictions are a natural part of psi research, as are faulty hypotheses. Failed predictions are part of the process and have to be embraced if psi predictions are to occur at all. We cannot second guess and doubt our predictions if we want our future ones to be of any use to us. Self censoring can kill psi ability in a very short time.
Delimitation: We have to apply a sort of binocular vision as both scientist and mystic to penetrate the ultimate ground of nature and our nature. Quantum physics has become more mystical in its expression of universal truths. Naturally, there were many blind alleys and tunnel visions among the legitimate discoveries. Scientists are not exempt from exotic beliefs, especially ones rooted in personal experiences which become framed esoterically and reinforced by the biased beliefs of colleagues. Both inner and outer work are necessarily characterized by clarifying experimentation.
Thinktank: Applications of those discoveries and techniques are another layer of experimentation, often intensely personalistic, if not idiosyncratic. Does immersion in such an open-minded worldview lead to enhanced perception or merely the perception of such an arc? That the niche remains fascinating is evidenced by increasing public interest in the paranormal. Many people experience synchronistic events or felt-sense or anomalous cognition under certain conditions, but such phenomena are difficult to reproduce in the lab.. In this sense, MRU was a pathfinding research group, an intimation of things to come. But demonstrations of conscious thoughts changing physical time and space remain elusive.
Dark Matters: Depending on our inclinations, we view such frames as 'intentionality' as mind over matter manipulation of reality or merely a postmodern form of wishful thinking. If mind and matter share the more fundamental primordial Consciousness, the notion becomes more plausible as a false dichotomy like wave/particle. But is consciousness a quality of the absolute Zero-point Aether or absolute space that underlies all spacetime dimensions, and is the total cosmos is a hologram (including the fields of mind and memory)? We don't know because there is still no consensus in physics. But the theory of intentionality suggests the stronger the image implanted in the mind, the stronger the presumed positive effects. Can Zero-Point consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, etc.) connect with the holograms carried by the higher order mind-memory fields in hyperspace? This corresponds to the implicate order and holonomic brain-mind theories of Bohm, Miller et al and Pribram, and is also consistent with some advanced string and quantum gravity theories.
Altered States: Breaking the universal laws of physics is quite another matter, as are as-yet-unseen, undiscovered mechanisms. But as yet we have no Hubble telescope for our inner worlds. You have to search for an invisble point by observing its effects, as we do for hyperdimensional black holes at the centers of a vast parades of light. Most of the universe is directly non-observable, including virtual vacuum fluctuation. Science has shown we operate on inner light; we are biophotonic beings. Do we also contain some kind of internal gravity or dark matter? Such notions echo the alchemical notion of "As Above, So Below." We sense there are missing dimensions, in both our inner and outer environments. Is death our personal singularity, a metaphysical gravity?
Chapel Perilous: In the early half of the 20th Century, "our universe" was no bigger than the Milky Way. There was a time, not so long ago, when science seemed to understand how the universe worked. Everything – us, the Earth, the stars and even exotic-sounding supernova – was made of atoms which were all created at time-zero: the Big Bang. In between the atoms was nothing, a void: quite literally, ‘space’. But recently things have started to unravel. The void is not devoid. There is, it seems, a lot more to the universe than meets the eye. According to the best estimates, we only really know what about 4% of it is made of. But if only 4% is made of atoms, what about the rest? The rest is made of mysterious entities about which very little is understood, with equally mysterious names: virtual photons, black holes, dark matter and dark energy. We instinctively use every means at our disposal as we grope in the dark.
Light Matters: The principle of UNIVERSAL ENERGY, the primordial field, or, as some prefer to refer to it, God is described as a model where God is the unmanifested, unformed, substance or energy of matter and consciousness. From the Heart of Nature springs the Light, and we are That. Virtual Photon Fluctuation is the Source of the photons that form and sustain our Being. We are truly Light Beings: Homo Lumen. We literally inhabit and embody a Temple of Living Light, which is interconnected with the deepest level of Cosmos. We are shiny Diamonds of Rainbow Light. We are made in the Images of its Brilliance.
Psychoenergetics: Non-luminous photons are upstream from luminous photons. Virtual photons compose the Zero-Point field and mark the boundary where nothing becomes something. The deep nature of the Photonic Body, the energy body, is this same Light. We all have a light-filled body and are coming to realize our truly fundamental nature. That nature is pure potential. It is our nature to express it. Its optimal state is flow.
Medicine Light: We can embody the evidence of that Brilliance. We are nothing but Brilliance; "Nothing," but Brilliance. Transformation is real-I-zation at ever-deeper levels of hyperdimensional existence. Yet psychological resistance is as real as electrical resistance. Absolute space is the womb of creation and the physics of virtual photon fluctuation reflects not only Nature, but our bioelectronic nature. Since the dawn of human history, spiritual traditions have spoken about Illumination and emanation as a creative flow of light. There are four worlds or levels of emanation (virtual photon flux/radiant energy), creation (holofield, holoflux), formation (geometrical template) and matter (electromagnetic, photonic).
Resonance: Photons are light quanta. There is an information transfer between matter and light. Photons transduce from virtual (nonordered) to normal (ordered) photon energy through photon/antiphoton pairs. Matter is different frequencies of "frozen light," codified in the EM spectrum. Matter resonates with sound and forms patterns. All matter is a complex field phenomena. The basis of wave theory is a complex form of energetic matter. Living forms of energy are standing waves rather than "solid objects." Mass/particles are actually dynamic processes. Mass attracts photon flux from the vacuum.
Energy Body: Our biophysics is bioelectronic and electrochemical as well as quantum. Our DNA expresses and directs matter through quantum bioholography, using sound and light. We are composed of, feed on and emit light. Our body uses light to coordinate its processes. We are a flow of light...a dielectric virtual photon geyser.Only now are we learning just how literal this experience of Light is, engaging interactive mechanisms in our holistic psychophysical Being. The very core of ourselves deep within is our Photonic Body. Inner Light is the Effulgence of its Brilliance, and we are That. Our subatOMic nature is Pure Radiant Light with no separation from Cosmos. Come lift the electromagnetic Veil of Isis and gaze on that radiant Face. Show me the photons.
Mything Link: Myth is any story created to explain a phenomena. Science differs little from usual 'myth'. Postulates, theories and models are hypothetical explanations. With science the story is more complicated - there are more symbols, words, and concepts to learn just to be able to interpret the scientific stories/myths. The practices of the shamanic/priest castes of ancient societies harbored secret truths - truths told as story/myth. Truths that only the initiated could understand those truths and used them to control peoples opinions. These practices are identical with the activities of the scientist/priest caste of today - example: Stephen Hawking.
Radical Innovation: How do we apply powerful new spiritual and scientific tools to our well-being and the survival of our species? Now - The “now” is described as a reiterative process that marks the boundary between past actuality and future, quantum potentiality. This “now” is the universal conscious moment, based on the lawful properties of consciousness, and is a process that localizes time in a discontinuous manner that leads sequentially toward the future. With respect to the human brain, this localization is the end product of a process that is temporally non-local, involving the reiteration of previous nows and the anticipation of the potentiality of subsequent nows.
Precursor Technologies: MRU explored many precursor technologies which had not yet come into their own as the support tech to actualize usable results was not yet in place. First attempts at creating radical technologies are naturally intuitive and experimental and may require many revisions and upgrades before usable methods for new technologies are formulated and codified. Ideas and technology "convolve" toward their realization. Process philosophy (or ontology of becoming) identifies metaphysical reality with change and dynamism. We can call this Process Metaphysics.
Process Metaphysics: The philosophy of process is a venture in metaphysics, the general theory of reality. Its concern is with what exists in the world and with the terms of reference in which this reality is to be understood and explained. The task of metaphysics is, after all, to provide a cogent and plausible account of the nature of reality at the broadest, most synoptic and comprehensive level. And it is to this mission of enabling us to characterize, describe, clarify and explain the most general features of the real that process philosophy addresses itself in its own characteristic way. The guiding idea of its approach is that natural existence consists in and is best understood in terms of processes rather than things — of modes of change rather than fixed stabilities. For processists, change of every sort — physical, organic, psychological — is the pervasive and predominant feature of the real. A sequentially structured sequence of successive stages or phases has three factors:
- A process is a complex — a unity of distinct stages or phases. A process is always a matter of now this, now that.
- This complex has a certain temporal coherence and unity, and that processes accordingly have an ineliminably temporal dimension.
- A process has a structure, a formal generic format in virtue of which every concrete process is equipped with a shape or format.
Conceptual Insight: Even befuddled attempts to find protocols or solutions can eventually lead to nonlinear dynamic results. Irresolution at any point in development does not mean that avenue should be rejected. Phenomenological investigation by its very nature must proceed in the dark or at least in the twilight of consciousness to formulate conceptual insight. But there is a vast difference between transcendental idealism and a scientific Theory of Everything.
Intuitive and Counterintuitive Realities: Many new physics and/or esoterically-based theories and propositions seem counterintuitive, contrary to an intuitive belief or to common-sense expectations, when assessed using intuition or gut feelings.Scientifically discovered, objective truths are often called counterintuitive when intuition, emotions and other cognitive processes outside of deductive rationality interpret them to be wrong. However, the subjective nature of intuition limits the objectivity of what to call counterintuitive because what is counter-intuitive for one may be intuitive for another. Flawed understanding of a problem may lead to counter-productive behavior with undesirable outcomes. In some such cases, counterintuitive policies may then produce a more desirable outcome. Many scientific ideas that are generally accepted by people today were formerly considered to be contrary to intuition and common sense.
Creative Dynamics: The creative process moves forward in increments as well as quantum leaps of powerful imaginations. Emotionally-charged themes drive the scientific process, de-limiting old models leading to new paradigms. As humans we can only strive for perfection, completeness and correctness in our comprehensions
and writings because we ourselves are limited and imperfect. MRU was among the first organizations to de-limit scientific conceptualization and consider the active, intentional role of the self, consciousness and extraordinary human potential in the scientific process. Unobservable cognitive states gives rise to intuitive-type states and perceptions. In the 21st Century, we are moving toward hyper-realities of full immersion, which re-define the experiential nature of reality.
Complexity: There is another critical aspect to the nature of consciousness which is akin to the difficulty of discovering the theory of everything for the universe, and is so precisely because the conscious brain is the ultimate expression of the four forces of nature derived from the symmetry-breaking of the theory of everything. It requires all the forces acting in order of their symmetry-breaking energies to develop molecular matter, and their most complete complex interactive expression we know of is in the human brain.
Entanglement: If the brain uses exotic properties of physics, embracing quantum entanglement in brain states in generating subjective consciousness as part of anticipating future risks to survival, these would be the ultimate interactive structures generated by the symmetry-breaking of the forces of nature in the universe. Understanding consciousness would then place it as the hard problem complementing the theory of everything, which would require at least as much ingenuity to resolve and therefore cannot be underestimated in the surprises we may find within it.
Consciousness: Critical to the investigation of consciousness is that it is existentially completely different from the
objective physical world description, being experienced directly only by the subject, and not being subject to the same criteria of replicability a physical world experiment has. Also the observer cannot control their consciousness objectively in the same manner a physical experimentalist can their equipment, because any attempt to change consciousness carries the observer into a new conscious situation as well. In this respect the exploration of consciousness has similarities to quantum measurement. This renders all forms of introspection made as if we are looking at consciousness objectively, completely, or partially invalid. (King, 2010)
ScienceArtists: MRU did not emerge from a cultural vacuum. The inexplicable is always in vogue. MRU was preceded by shamanism, prophecy, Mesmer, divination, Theosophy, martial arts, spiritualism (Journal of the Society for Psychical Research), faith healers and mediums, Freud and Jung, Edgar Cayce, Reich, Tesla, 1950's mind control experiments both by the US (MK Ultra) and Soviets, the ESP work of J.B. Rhine, the 1960s psychedelic revolution, the occult revival and the experiential therapies of the human potential movement. All tried to find the science behind the Mystery and applications of spiritual technology. This radical fusion of esoterics and science produced a hybrid practitioner that often drew more from art and intuition than objective rationality, even in the pursuit of pure science. It gave new meaning to the rapidly transforming notion of Reality.
Technical Mystics: Are psychic powers mental energies? Who hasn't had hunches, premonitions, instincts or intuitions that affect behavior? The mystic arts combined with scientific protocols gave an edge to SpecOps supersoldiers in the field for heightened performance and decision-making and acquiring information. Self-regulation techniques from meditation, yoga and martial arts have tangible effects on performance. The psi warrior was born. The technical esoteric nature of many of MRU's investigations necessarily meant they became explorations in the nature and effects of meta-beliefs in relation to the unbound self. Still, sexy science and good science are not necessarily synonymous.
Meta-Beliefs: The entire enterprise, which mainstreamed as the New Age movement, can be examined for its psychological valence. Self-limiting ideas may indeed be constricting, truncating awareness and perception of subtle dynamics, which though unseen can be enormously influential. Stanley R. Dean, M.D. worked with MRU in the biophysical aspects of wholism, metapsychiatry, social psychiatry, the ultraconscious, self-help groups, schizophrenia and the interface of psychiatry and mysticism.
Fuzzy Thinking: Without scientific exploration we cannot draw the line between an anomalous phenomenon and self-delusion. Power lies in beliefs, emotional intelligence and empathy. The power within is activated by belief and acceptance. Failed premonitions and predictions are a natural part of psi research, as are faulty hypotheses. Failed predictions are part of the process and have to be embraced if psi predictions are to occur at all. We cannot second guess and doubt our predictions if we want our future ones to be of any use to us. Self censoring can kill psi ability in a very short time.
Delimitation: We have to apply a sort of binocular vision as both scientist and mystic to penetrate the ultimate ground of nature and our nature. Quantum physics has become more mystical in its expression of universal truths. Naturally, there were many blind alleys and tunnel visions among the legitimate discoveries. Scientists are not exempt from exotic beliefs, especially ones rooted in personal experiences which become framed esoterically and reinforced by the biased beliefs of colleagues. Both inner and outer work are necessarily characterized by clarifying experimentation.
Thinktank: Applications of those discoveries and techniques are another layer of experimentation, often intensely personalistic, if not idiosyncratic. Does immersion in such an open-minded worldview lead to enhanced perception or merely the perception of such an arc? That the niche remains fascinating is evidenced by increasing public interest in the paranormal. Many people experience synchronistic events or felt-sense or anomalous cognition under certain conditions, but such phenomena are difficult to reproduce in the lab.. In this sense, MRU was a pathfinding research group, an intimation of things to come. But demonstrations of conscious thoughts changing physical time and space remain elusive.
Dark Matters: Depending on our inclinations, we view such frames as 'intentionality' as mind over matter manipulation of reality or merely a postmodern form of wishful thinking. If mind and matter share the more fundamental primordial Consciousness, the notion becomes more plausible as a false dichotomy like wave/particle. But is consciousness a quality of the absolute Zero-point Aether or absolute space that underlies all spacetime dimensions, and is the total cosmos is a hologram (including the fields of mind and memory)? We don't know because there is still no consensus in physics. But the theory of intentionality suggests the stronger the image implanted in the mind, the stronger the presumed positive effects. Can Zero-Point consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, etc.) connect with the holograms carried by the higher order mind-memory fields in hyperspace? This corresponds to the implicate order and holonomic brain-mind theories of Bohm, Miller et al and Pribram, and is also consistent with some advanced string and quantum gravity theories.
Altered States: Breaking the universal laws of physics is quite another matter, as are as-yet-unseen, undiscovered mechanisms. But as yet we have no Hubble telescope for our inner worlds. You have to search for an invisble point by observing its effects, as we do for hyperdimensional black holes at the centers of a vast parades of light. Most of the universe is directly non-observable, including virtual vacuum fluctuation. Science has shown we operate on inner light; we are biophotonic beings. Do we also contain some kind of internal gravity or dark matter? Such notions echo the alchemical notion of "As Above, So Below." We sense there are missing dimensions, in both our inner and outer environments. Is death our personal singularity, a metaphysical gravity?
Chapel Perilous: In the early half of the 20th Century, "our universe" was no bigger than the Milky Way. There was a time, not so long ago, when science seemed to understand how the universe worked. Everything – us, the Earth, the stars and even exotic-sounding supernova – was made of atoms which were all created at time-zero: the Big Bang. In between the atoms was nothing, a void: quite literally, ‘space’. But recently things have started to unravel. The void is not devoid. There is, it seems, a lot more to the universe than meets the eye. According to the best estimates, we only really know what about 4% of it is made of. But if only 4% is made of atoms, what about the rest? The rest is made of mysterious entities about which very little is understood, with equally mysterious names: virtual photons, black holes, dark matter and dark energy. We instinctively use every means at our disposal as we grope in the dark.
Light Matters: The principle of UNIVERSAL ENERGY, the primordial field, or, as some prefer to refer to it, God is described as a model where God is the unmanifested, unformed, substance or energy of matter and consciousness. From the Heart of Nature springs the Light, and we are That. Virtual Photon Fluctuation is the Source of the photons that form and sustain our Being. We are truly Light Beings: Homo Lumen. We literally inhabit and embody a Temple of Living Light, which is interconnected with the deepest level of Cosmos. We are shiny Diamonds of Rainbow Light. We are made in the Images of its Brilliance.
Psychoenergetics: Non-luminous photons are upstream from luminous photons. Virtual photons compose the Zero-Point field and mark the boundary where nothing becomes something. The deep nature of the Photonic Body, the energy body, is this same Light. We all have a light-filled body and are coming to realize our truly fundamental nature. That nature is pure potential. It is our nature to express it. Its optimal state is flow.
Medicine Light: We can embody the evidence of that Brilliance. We are nothing but Brilliance; "Nothing," but Brilliance. Transformation is real-I-zation at ever-deeper levels of hyperdimensional existence. Yet psychological resistance is as real as electrical resistance. Absolute space is the womb of creation and the physics of virtual photon fluctuation reflects not only Nature, but our bioelectronic nature. Since the dawn of human history, spiritual traditions have spoken about Illumination and emanation as a creative flow of light. There are four worlds or levels of emanation (virtual photon flux/radiant energy), creation (holofield, holoflux), formation (geometrical template) and matter (electromagnetic, photonic).
Resonance: Photons are light quanta. There is an information transfer between matter and light. Photons transduce from virtual (nonordered) to normal (ordered) photon energy through photon/antiphoton pairs. Matter is different frequencies of "frozen light," codified in the EM spectrum. Matter resonates with sound and forms patterns. All matter is a complex field phenomena. The basis of wave theory is a complex form of energetic matter. Living forms of energy are standing waves rather than "solid objects." Mass/particles are actually dynamic processes. Mass attracts photon flux from the vacuum.
Energy Body: Our biophysics is bioelectronic and electrochemical as well as quantum. Our DNA expresses and directs matter through quantum bioholography, using sound and light. We are composed of, feed on and emit light. Our body uses light to coordinate its processes. We are a flow of light...a dielectric virtual photon geyser.Only now are we learning just how literal this experience of Light is, engaging interactive mechanisms in our holistic psychophysical Being. The very core of ourselves deep within is our Photonic Body. Inner Light is the Effulgence of its Brilliance, and we are That. Our subatOMic nature is Pure Radiant Light with no separation from Cosmos. Come lift the electromagnetic Veil of Isis and gaze on that radiant Face. Show me the photons.
Mything Link: Myth is any story created to explain a phenomena. Science differs little from usual 'myth'. Postulates, theories and models are hypothetical explanations. With science the story is more complicated - there are more symbols, words, and concepts to learn just to be able to interpret the scientific stories/myths. The practices of the shamanic/priest castes of ancient societies harbored secret truths - truths told as story/myth. Truths that only the initiated could understand those truths and used them to control peoples opinions. These practices are identical with the activities of the scientist/priest caste of today - example: Stephen Hawking.
Radical Innovation: How do we apply powerful new spiritual and scientific tools to our well-being and the survival of our species? Now - The “now” is described as a reiterative process that marks the boundary between past actuality and future, quantum potentiality. This “now” is the universal conscious moment, based on the lawful properties of consciousness, and is a process that localizes time in a discontinuous manner that leads sequentially toward the future. With respect to the human brain, this localization is the end product of a process that is temporally non-local, involving the reiteration of previous nows and the anticipation of the potentiality of subsequent nows.