Plumbing the Plenum
An Exploration of Virtual Physics, Cosmology & Consciousness
by Iona Miller, (c)2011
Reality Maps
Beginning long before the fad for the source field, over the years, I've written numerous articles on the plenum or vacuum potential, working with notables in that arena. This is a fertile area of research whose stock 'has risen' over the last decade or so. The Plenum can be modeled as a holographic realm, either with or without string theory, which may or may not be an accurate reflection of the true nature of Reality -- the total field of direct experience.
Continuous Creation
Theories must be examined for their phenomenological and metaphysical utility. Nature turns herself inside out in quantum zitterbewegung -- negative energy states -- resulting in our realm of Light, Energy, and Mass. It is the Source of our Being, of all Being. As electrons zip through the vacuum, the lightest known fundamental particle, they display a super-fast trembling motion, a perturbation of vacuum fluctuation. Seething behind a mask of emptiness, this force is greater than all of the energy composing the visible or manifest universe. Infinite luminosity literally radiates existence, a process which continues utterly irrespective of any Observer Effect required by the Standard Model.
Is the Copenhagen Interpretation a 'scientific' example of magical thinking that holds emotions and thoughts are always active in nature? Is such a belief supportable? Are all things in the cosmos, past, present, and future, actually or potentially interconnected, with connections are affected by people’s behavior, emotions, and intentions? Such controversies highlight the fact that there is no consensus in mainstream physics. Scientists may try to approach the field scientifically, yet their perceptual probing is subject to their conventional and unconventional beliefs about the nature of reality. People and atoms are not things.
ll contemporary models [Transactional (quantum handshake), Quantum Field Theory (QFT), Many-Worlds (decoherence), M-Theory (strings), Copenhagen (wave-function collapse), Holographic (frequency domain; resolution), Implicate (hidden information), etc] are essentially philosophical, or colored by the psyche and philosophy of their originators. Imagination has to cross the boundaries of disciplines to somehow find links between the observable and unknowable. Both matter and psyche are in a constant state of redefinition.
Source Mysticism
This Quantum Vacuum is more aptly named the unmanifest Plenum, whose vast energy density some consider the source of sentient Being. The dynamic discovered to be the very substance of the Plenum of space is light itself, the spectrum of fluctuating electromagnetism called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The "Quantum Vacuum" points to the fact that it is not a vacuum - an emptiness pure and simple, but rather is saturated with vibrant potential energy and is in fact a highly energetic medium, an absolute fullness of potential energy, the dynamic modification of which actually "emanates" what we call mass, matter or material form. Qabalistic creation stories say much the same, describing three Veils of Negative Existence.
This correlation between Source Mysticism and leading edge physics yields many interesting ideas for exploration that recontextualize science. The Secret of the Universe is that it is alive with energy, an endless space of pure potential and dynamism. The groundstate of nature is the heart of matter. Our nature is radiant scalar energy, the nonobservable yet roiling cosmic ocean of vacuum fluctuation, the disassembled roots of all being, the true primordial soup. The Heart Sutra claims that all form is nothing but Void and quantum physics agrees.
Beginning long before the fad for the source field, over the years, I've written numerous articles on the plenum or vacuum potential, working with notables in that arena. This is a fertile area of research whose stock 'has risen' over the last decade or so. The Plenum can be modeled as a holographic realm, either with or without string theory, which may or may not be an accurate reflection of the true nature of Reality -- the total field of direct experience.
Continuous Creation
Theories must be examined for their phenomenological and metaphysical utility. Nature turns herself inside out in quantum zitterbewegung -- negative energy states -- resulting in our realm of Light, Energy, and Mass. It is the Source of our Being, of all Being. As electrons zip through the vacuum, the lightest known fundamental particle, they display a super-fast trembling motion, a perturbation of vacuum fluctuation. Seething behind a mask of emptiness, this force is greater than all of the energy composing the visible or manifest universe. Infinite luminosity literally radiates existence, a process which continues utterly irrespective of any Observer Effect required by the Standard Model.
Is the Copenhagen Interpretation a 'scientific' example of magical thinking that holds emotions and thoughts are always active in nature? Is such a belief supportable? Are all things in the cosmos, past, present, and future, actually or potentially interconnected, with connections are affected by people’s behavior, emotions, and intentions? Such controversies highlight the fact that there is no consensus in mainstream physics. Scientists may try to approach the field scientifically, yet their perceptual probing is subject to their conventional and unconventional beliefs about the nature of reality. People and atoms are not things.
ll contemporary models [Transactional (quantum handshake), Quantum Field Theory (QFT), Many-Worlds (decoherence), M-Theory (strings), Copenhagen (wave-function collapse), Holographic (frequency domain; resolution), Implicate (hidden information), etc] are essentially philosophical, or colored by the psyche and philosophy of their originators. Imagination has to cross the boundaries of disciplines to somehow find links between the observable and unknowable. Both matter and psyche are in a constant state of redefinition.
Source Mysticism
This Quantum Vacuum is more aptly named the unmanifest Plenum, whose vast energy density some consider the source of sentient Being. The dynamic discovered to be the very substance of the Plenum of space is light itself, the spectrum of fluctuating electromagnetism called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE). The "Quantum Vacuum" points to the fact that it is not a vacuum - an emptiness pure and simple, but rather is saturated with vibrant potential energy and is in fact a highly energetic medium, an absolute fullness of potential energy, the dynamic modification of which actually "emanates" what we call mass, matter or material form. Qabalistic creation stories say much the same, describing three Veils of Negative Existence.
This correlation between Source Mysticism and leading edge physics yields many interesting ideas for exploration that recontextualize science. The Secret of the Universe is that it is alive with energy, an endless space of pure potential and dynamism. The groundstate of nature is the heart of matter. Our nature is radiant scalar energy, the nonobservable yet roiling cosmic ocean of vacuum fluctuation, the disassembled roots of all being, the true primordial soup. The Heart Sutra claims that all form is nothing but Void and quantum physics agrees.
Wonder of Birth, Randy Mack; Quantum Simulation
Cosmosis - Turning Empty Space Inside Out
"As Above; So Below". Your blood cells are a torus. DNA is a torus. Magnetic fields, galaxies.
Reality Probes
We can plumb the depths of space and of ourselves with our minds. We can explore finer and finer embedded fractal domains of reality down to the holographic blueprints of matter -- the dynamic nothingness of active infolded space. When we reach the lower limit of observability, we can still infer dynamics from their effects.
For the first time in 200,000 years we are able to contemplate the universe as a whole. Solving the riddles that perplexed our ancestors, we've created several models of real and imaginary universes. But beyond mathematical proofs, we also want to know if it is a "true" description of the universe in which we live. As ever, "Truth" remains elusive, in physics and metaphysics. Further, metaphysics is implicit in science. Despite all we think we know, both the cosmos and ourselves remain unfathomable yet explorable.
Is the plenum/void a wellspring of unconditioned consciousness, of creativity? Physics attempts to unify the laws of the universe and cosmology attempts to explain the origin of the universe. Cosmology attempts to describe the behavior of the entire universe using physical laws. Mostly it works backward from observations. There is no consensus on a theory of initial conditions. However, evidence shows the Universe is a self-creating, self-organizing, self-quantifying strictly determined and evolving process and cycle of the construction and de-construction of matter.
Does such an initial field exist, along with the governing information it must still contain? Scientists are finding evidence in the cosmic microwave background of events that predate the Big Bang shockwave of outward propagating energy. Did a collision of branes initialize the Big Bang? A theory formally called "eternal inflation" suggests that such universes are popping into and out of existence and colliding all the time, with the space between them rapidly expanding - meaning that they are forever out of reach of one another.
What if there are no "branes" or the Big Bang really didn't happen? Inflation may be an artifact of modeling. Other theories such as Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), combining Einstein’s theory of gravity with quantum mechanics, propose a Big Bounce as a recycling of earlier universes through death and rebirth, reminiscent of the mystical Ages and "grand dissolutions" -- the Great Cycle recounted in the perennial philosophy. Such questions arise from inconsistencies among models, which all fall short of the Theory of Everything, the elusive TOE.
Culture & Consciousness
Is consciousness a substructure or a superstructure? What is the function or activity which maintains the relation of psychic contents to the ego, distinguished conceptually from the psyche, which encompasses both consciousness and the unconscious? What distinguishes high emotional tension from contemplation? Does it well up from the very depths of being? The question only points out our naivete about the whole field of inner and outer experience. In alchemical terms, the shadow of reality is seen, but it is not physical, in the absence of the light of the Alchemical Sun. Matter and light share the same substance but at radically different vibratory rates.
Relevant issues include knowledge about the true nature of total metaphysical and physical (hyperspacetime and spacetime) reality, its electro-gravitational dynamics, holofractal geometries, the nature of information storage, transformation, transmission, and perception.The nature of consciousness is fundamental to our exploration. Still, functional models of natural cognition and structural coding remain elusive. Yet modulatory EM fields are clearly connected to cells. Still, all theories of brain function invoke electrical potentials, the electrical field. Are they making 'something' out of 'nothing'?
According to Francisco Di Biase, "the eletromagnetic theory of brain function is already very well developed in its holographic and quantum implications by Sir John Eccles, Karl Pribram, Walter Schempp and Marcer (these last have also developed all the Magnetic Resonance math, physics and medical applications). Also the EEG is a registration of the oscillating magnetic fields (and not action potentials) in the teledendritic-synaptic network that is the foundation of the quantum-holographic fields that are responsible for our consciousness and memory that are non-local distributed fields." (JCS-Online, 8/9/11)
But doesn't the issue remain: is the EM field 'delivering' data or "is" it the data? R. L. Gerl counters, "Without knowing what consciousness is, the claim that there is nothing else there, except space, is unsubstantiated. Space is filled with a number of different quantum fields even if their vacuum expectation values are zero in and around living organisms. Also, in many extensions of current physical theory, the quanta vibrate in several other spatial dimensions in addition to the three that people always observe. If this line of thought is true then all material objects have `projections' into these other dimensions. In that case, consciousness could be activity in and around those projections rather than something that resides in the usually observed 3-space."
All these pursuits are embedded in the context of culture which constrains and defines our view of human experience and reality. Because the evidence of our perceptions is open to interpretation, meanings and the environment fuse as a single socio-environmental configuration space. To be a human is to be a part of such a structure. Individuals tend to align with the culture's core meanings, purposes, and goals. However, in order to see through and rectify the flaws of social structures and meanings some of its members must be allowed to step outside its norms and assumptions to first speculate and then to create new contexts and models.
Who Are the Masters of Mysteries?
Referring to the subjective aspects of cognitive perception, in "The Anti-Physicalist Manifesto Part V," Christopher Holvenstot states in the Journal of Consciousness Studies (JCS-Online) forum:
Human cultures manufacture shared meanings, project them outwardly, and then invest in the projected meanings as if these were intrinsic to the external environment. Shared meanings function best for a culture when they are perceived by individuals as objective absolute truths (perceived as external objective truths rather than as subjective, self-manufactured participatory agreements). The culture's meanings are considered objectively true by virtue of being shared meanings formulated via the elimination of the individual subjective perspectives that are unique and/or inconsistent with the group's aspirations. Yet the culture itself is a subjective entity as well. The culture channels the making of meaning onto the objects and circumstances associated with the culture's own unique purposes and goals. The culture can be viewed as a living cognitive entity with its own self-model and its own self/world boundary (us and them), its own positive valuation of its continued existence, its own assumptions of volitional capabilities (the formation of governments and economies, exploration, expansion, colonization, war, etc). ...Without the liminal gap between culture and species we end up taking our species-wide assumptions about ourselves and the world as unquestioned absolute truths rather than as critique-able, arbitrary, contingent, and malleable assumptions. This can best be rectified by the acknowledgement of a valid liminal space between culture and species.
The limits of the human mind are far more finite than those of the cosmos. To the end of his life Ervin Schrodinger remained profoundly unsettled by the high strangeness revealed by his Uncertainty Principle. Einstein, too recoiled at the unsettling picture of quantum physics. It tells us the world is unlike anything our bodies know. So why should we expect subquantal theories to be any less weird? We don't even have an adequate metaphor for atoms from which we are made. Nature remains elementally wild.
Biologist Bruce Lipton claims energy is more effective than molecules at controlling biology. He describes how using the energy for moving away, for defense, gradually kills, and how our economy is having just that problem. Even cells perceive their environment through Em and chemical signals and nervous system. Yet beliefs, including those about the experiential nature of reality, directly control cell behavior. So, we need to learn more about the nature of that energy, energy's action within and on itself.
Thus, the most exciting frontiers remain in the gaps in our working knowledge. Arguably, they are most fruitfully explored from many points of view, from several disciplines. We have metaphysical theories about the physical nature of existence. Physics is not exempt from this cultural embedding, despite its quest for objectivity. Non-physics aspects of theory -- metaphysics -- have more of a psychological meaning than philosophical meaning. If metaphysics can make progress, physicists can also change their minds on metaphysical, psychological, and physics theory issues, widening the multidisciplinary dialogue.
Reality Probes
We can plumb the depths of space and of ourselves with our minds. We can explore finer and finer embedded fractal domains of reality down to the holographic blueprints of matter -- the dynamic nothingness of active infolded space. When we reach the lower limit of observability, we can still infer dynamics from their effects.
For the first time in 200,000 years we are able to contemplate the universe as a whole. Solving the riddles that perplexed our ancestors, we've created several models of real and imaginary universes. But beyond mathematical proofs, we also want to know if it is a "true" description of the universe in which we live. As ever, "Truth" remains elusive, in physics and metaphysics. Further, metaphysics is implicit in science. Despite all we think we know, both the cosmos and ourselves remain unfathomable yet explorable.
Is the plenum/void a wellspring of unconditioned consciousness, of creativity? Physics attempts to unify the laws of the universe and cosmology attempts to explain the origin of the universe. Cosmology attempts to describe the behavior of the entire universe using physical laws. Mostly it works backward from observations. There is no consensus on a theory of initial conditions. However, evidence shows the Universe is a self-creating, self-organizing, self-quantifying strictly determined and evolving process and cycle of the construction and de-construction of matter.
Does such an initial field exist, along with the governing information it must still contain? Scientists are finding evidence in the cosmic microwave background of events that predate the Big Bang shockwave of outward propagating energy. Did a collision of branes initialize the Big Bang? A theory formally called "eternal inflation" suggests that such universes are popping into and out of existence and colliding all the time, with the space between them rapidly expanding - meaning that they are forever out of reach of one another.
What if there are no "branes" or the Big Bang really didn't happen? Inflation may be an artifact of modeling. Other theories such as Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), combining Einstein’s theory of gravity with quantum mechanics, propose a Big Bounce as a recycling of earlier universes through death and rebirth, reminiscent of the mystical Ages and "grand dissolutions" -- the Great Cycle recounted in the perennial philosophy. Such questions arise from inconsistencies among models, which all fall short of the Theory of Everything, the elusive TOE.
Culture & Consciousness
Is consciousness a substructure or a superstructure? What is the function or activity which maintains the relation of psychic contents to the ego, distinguished conceptually from the psyche, which encompasses both consciousness and the unconscious? What distinguishes high emotional tension from contemplation? Does it well up from the very depths of being? The question only points out our naivete about the whole field of inner and outer experience. In alchemical terms, the shadow of reality is seen, but it is not physical, in the absence of the light of the Alchemical Sun. Matter and light share the same substance but at radically different vibratory rates.
Relevant issues include knowledge about the true nature of total metaphysical and physical (hyperspacetime and spacetime) reality, its electro-gravitational dynamics, holofractal geometries, the nature of information storage, transformation, transmission, and perception.The nature of consciousness is fundamental to our exploration. Still, functional models of natural cognition and structural coding remain elusive. Yet modulatory EM fields are clearly connected to cells. Still, all theories of brain function invoke electrical potentials, the electrical field. Are they making 'something' out of 'nothing'?
According to Francisco Di Biase, "the eletromagnetic theory of brain function is already very well developed in its holographic and quantum implications by Sir John Eccles, Karl Pribram, Walter Schempp and Marcer (these last have also developed all the Magnetic Resonance math, physics and medical applications). Also the EEG is a registration of the oscillating magnetic fields (and not action potentials) in the teledendritic-synaptic network that is the foundation of the quantum-holographic fields that are responsible for our consciousness and memory that are non-local distributed fields." (JCS-Online, 8/9/11)
But doesn't the issue remain: is the EM field 'delivering' data or "is" it the data? R. L. Gerl counters, "Without knowing what consciousness is, the claim that there is nothing else there, except space, is unsubstantiated. Space is filled with a number of different quantum fields even if their vacuum expectation values are zero in and around living organisms. Also, in many extensions of current physical theory, the quanta vibrate in several other spatial dimensions in addition to the three that people always observe. If this line of thought is true then all material objects have `projections' into these other dimensions. In that case, consciousness could be activity in and around those projections rather than something that resides in the usually observed 3-space."
All these pursuits are embedded in the context of culture which constrains and defines our view of human experience and reality. Because the evidence of our perceptions is open to interpretation, meanings and the environment fuse as a single socio-environmental configuration space. To be a human is to be a part of such a structure. Individuals tend to align with the culture's core meanings, purposes, and goals. However, in order to see through and rectify the flaws of social structures and meanings some of its members must be allowed to step outside its norms and assumptions to first speculate and then to create new contexts and models.
Who Are the Masters of Mysteries?
Referring to the subjective aspects of cognitive perception, in "The Anti-Physicalist Manifesto Part V," Christopher Holvenstot states in the Journal of Consciousness Studies (JCS-Online) forum:
Human cultures manufacture shared meanings, project them outwardly, and then invest in the projected meanings as if these were intrinsic to the external environment. Shared meanings function best for a culture when they are perceived by individuals as objective absolute truths (perceived as external objective truths rather than as subjective, self-manufactured participatory agreements). The culture's meanings are considered objectively true by virtue of being shared meanings formulated via the elimination of the individual subjective perspectives that are unique and/or inconsistent with the group's aspirations. Yet the culture itself is a subjective entity as well. The culture channels the making of meaning onto the objects and circumstances associated with the culture's own unique purposes and goals. The culture can be viewed as a living cognitive entity with its own self-model and its own self/world boundary (us and them), its own positive valuation of its continued existence, its own assumptions of volitional capabilities (the formation of governments and economies, exploration, expansion, colonization, war, etc). ...Without the liminal gap between culture and species we end up taking our species-wide assumptions about ourselves and the world as unquestioned absolute truths rather than as critique-able, arbitrary, contingent, and malleable assumptions. This can best be rectified by the acknowledgement of a valid liminal space between culture and species.
The limits of the human mind are far more finite than those of the cosmos. To the end of his life Ervin Schrodinger remained profoundly unsettled by the high strangeness revealed by his Uncertainty Principle. Einstein, too recoiled at the unsettling picture of quantum physics. It tells us the world is unlike anything our bodies know. So why should we expect subquantal theories to be any less weird? We don't even have an adequate metaphor for atoms from which we are made. Nature remains elementally wild.
Biologist Bruce Lipton claims energy is more effective than molecules at controlling biology. He describes how using the energy for moving away, for defense, gradually kills, and how our economy is having just that problem. Even cells perceive their environment through Em and chemical signals and nervous system. Yet beliefs, including those about the experiential nature of reality, directly control cell behavior. So, we need to learn more about the nature of that energy, energy's action within and on itself.
Thus, the most exciting frontiers remain in the gaps in our working knowledge. Arguably, they are most fruitfully explored from many points of view, from several disciplines. We have metaphysical theories about the physical nature of existence. Physics is not exempt from this cultural embedding, despite its quest for objectivity. Non-physics aspects of theory -- metaphysics -- have more of a psychological meaning than philosophical meaning. If metaphysics can make progress, physicists can also change their minds on metaphysical, psychological, and physics theory issues, widening the multidisciplinary dialogue.
David Deutsch is interested in neo-Darwinian accounts of the evolution of culture. Such accounts treat cultural items — languages, religions, values, ideas, traditions — in much the way that Darwinian theories of biological evolution treat genes. They are called “memes,” and are treated as evolving, just as genes do, by mutation and selection, with the most successful memes being those that are the most faithfully replicated. Deutsch writes with enormous clarity and insight about how the mechanisms of mutation and transmission and selection of memes are going to have to differ, in all sorts of ways, from those of genes.
He also provides an elegant analysis of two particular strategies for meme-replication, one he calls “rational” and the other he calls “anti-rational.” Rational memes — the sort that Deutsch imagines will replicate themselves well in post-Enlightenment societies — are simply good ideas: the kind that will survive rigorous scientific scrutiny, the kind that will somehow make life easier or safer or more rewarding because they tell us something useful about how the world actually works. Irrational memes — which are more interesting, and more diabolical, and which Deutsch thinks of as summing up the essential character of pre-Enlightenment societies — reproduce themselves by disabling the capacities of their hosts (by means of fear, or an anxiety to conform, or the appearance of naturalness and inevitability, or in any number of other ways) to evaluate or invent new ideas. And one particular subcategory of memes — about which Deutsch has very clever things to say — succeeds precisely by pretending not to tell the truth.
Another chapter is devoted entirely to the evolution of creativity. At first glance, the ability to come up with new and better ways of doing things would appear to confer an obvious survival advantage. But if that’s how it worked — or so Deutsch argues — then the archaeological record ought to contain evidence of the accumulation of such better ways of doing things that are contemporaneous with the time when the human brain was actually in the process of evolving. And it doesn’t, which would seem to amount to a puzzle. Deutsch has a cute proposal for solving it. The thought is that the business of merely passing on complicated memes, without any thought of innovation, requires considerable creativity on the part of their recipients. Learning a language, for instance, is a matter of inferring, from a small number of examples, a collection of general rules, each with a potentially infinite number of applications, governing the uses of the words involved. In Deutsch’s view, the work of keeping such complex memes in place, from generation to generation, is no less a creative business than the work of improving them.
Dark Matter Is an Illusion, New Antigravity Theory Says Boiling sea of particles in space may create repulsive gravity. Ker Than
for National Geographic News Published August 31, 2011
The mysterious substance known as dark matter may actually be an illusion created by gravitational interactions between short-lived particles of matter and antimatter, a new study says. Dark matter is thought to be an invisible substance that makes up almost a quarter of the mass in the universe. The concept was first proposed in 1933 to explain why the outer galaxies in galaxy clusters orbit faster than they should, based on the galaxies' visible mass.
(Related: "Dark-Matter Galaxy Detected: Hidden Dwarf Lurks Nearby?")
At the observed speeds, the outer galaxies should be flung out into space, since the clusters don't appear to have enough mass to keep the galaxies at their edges gravitationally bound. So physicists proposed that the galaxies are surrounded by halos of invisible matter. This dark matter provides the extra mass, which in turn creates gravitational fields strong enough to hold the clusters together. In the new study, physicist Dragan Hajdukovic at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland proposes an alternative explanation, based on something he calls the "gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum."
(Also see "Einstein's Gravity Confirmed on a Cosmic Scale.")
Empty Space Filled With "Virtual" Particles
The quantum vacuum is the name physicists give to what we see as empty space. According to quantum physics, empty space is not actually barren but is a boiling sea of so-called virtual particles and antiparticles constantly popping in and out of existence. Antimatter particles are mirror opposites of normal matter particles. For example, an antiproton is a negatively charged version of the positively charged proton, one of the basic constituents of the atom.
(See "Antimatter Found Orbiting Earth—A First.")
When matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate in a flash of energy. The virtual particles spontaneously created in the quantum vacuum appear and then disappear so quickly that they can't be directly observed. In his new mathematical model, Hajdukovic investigates what would happen if virtual matter and virtual antimatter were not only electrical opposites but also gravitational opposites—an idea some physicists previously proposed. "Mainstream physics assumes that there is only one gravitational charge, while I have assumed that there are two gravitational charges," Hajdukovic said.
According to his idea, outlined in the current issue of the journal Astrophysics and Space Science, matter has a positive gravitational charge and antimatter a negative one. That would mean matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, so that an object made of antimatter would "fall up" in the gravitational field of Earth, which is composed of normal matter. Particles and antiparticles could still collide, however, since gravitational repulsion is much weaker than electrical attraction.
(Related: "At Ten, Dark Energy 'Most Profound Problem' in Physics.")
How Galaxies Could Get Gravity Boost
While the idea of particle antigravity might seem exotic, Hajdukovic says his theory is based on well-established tenants in quantum physics. For example, it's long been known that particles can team up to create a so-called electric dipole, with positively charge particles at one end and negatively charged particles at the other. (See "Universe's Existence May Be Explained by New Material.") According to theory, there are countless electric dipoles created by virtual particles in any given volume of the quantum vacuum.
All of these electric dipoles are randomly oriented—like countless compass needles pointing every which way. But if the dipoles form in the presence of an existing electric field, they immediately align along the same direction as the field. According to quantum field theory, this sudden snapping to order of electric dipoles, called polarization, generates a secondary electric field that combines with and strengthens the first field.
Hajdukovic suggests that a similar phenomenon happens with gravity. If virtual matter and antimatter particles have different gravitational charges, then randomly oriented gravitational dipoles would be generated in space. If these gravitational dipoles form near a galaxy—a massive object that would have a strong gravitational field—the dipoles should become polarized. This polarization would generate a secondary gravitational field that would combine with and strengthen the galaxy's gravitational field. "My theory makes the gravitational field of a galaxy stronger—without dark matter," Hajdukovic said.
(Related: "New Proof Unknown 'Structures' Tug at Our Universe.")
Evidence for Dark Matter "Very Compelling"
Physicist David Evans called the new study a "very interesting theoretical exercise," but he said he isn't ready to abandon dark matter just yet."The evidence for dark matter is now very compelling," said Evans, of the University of Birmingham, who leads the U.K. team for the ALICE detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider.
For example, in 2006 astronomers unveiled a photo of two colliding galaxies known as the Bullet cluster that purportedly showed the separation of matter from dark matter.A similar effect was observed in the Pandora cluster earlier this summer, said Evans, who was not involved in the study.
(Related: "Dark Matter Proof Found Over Antarctica?")
Hajdukovic said he is currently expanding his theory to account for these observations. His preliminary calculations, he said, suggest that "what is observed in the Bullet cluster and more recently at the Pandora cluster may be understood in the framework of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum."
CERN physicist Michael Doser agreed that Hajdukovic's ideas are "unorthodox" but did not immediately dismiss the new theory."The mainstream view suffers from the lack of a detected dark matter particle, and so exploring a wide range of possibilities is at this moment perfectly legitimate, as long as they are compatible with all data," Doser said in an email.Doser is a member of CERN's AEgIS experiment, which aims to measure the gravitational charge of antihydrogen, the antimatter version of hydrogen, and thus would prove whether matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive."In a few years," Doser said, "we should definitely be in a position to confirm or refute [Hajdukovic's] hypothesis."
He also provides an elegant analysis of two particular strategies for meme-replication, one he calls “rational” and the other he calls “anti-rational.” Rational memes — the sort that Deutsch imagines will replicate themselves well in post-Enlightenment societies — are simply good ideas: the kind that will survive rigorous scientific scrutiny, the kind that will somehow make life easier or safer or more rewarding because they tell us something useful about how the world actually works. Irrational memes — which are more interesting, and more diabolical, and which Deutsch thinks of as summing up the essential character of pre-Enlightenment societies — reproduce themselves by disabling the capacities of their hosts (by means of fear, or an anxiety to conform, or the appearance of naturalness and inevitability, or in any number of other ways) to evaluate or invent new ideas. And one particular subcategory of memes — about which Deutsch has very clever things to say — succeeds precisely by pretending not to tell the truth.
Another chapter is devoted entirely to the evolution of creativity. At first glance, the ability to come up with new and better ways of doing things would appear to confer an obvious survival advantage. But if that’s how it worked — or so Deutsch argues — then the archaeological record ought to contain evidence of the accumulation of such better ways of doing things that are contemporaneous with the time when the human brain was actually in the process of evolving. And it doesn’t, which would seem to amount to a puzzle. Deutsch has a cute proposal for solving it. The thought is that the business of merely passing on complicated memes, without any thought of innovation, requires considerable creativity on the part of their recipients. Learning a language, for instance, is a matter of inferring, from a small number of examples, a collection of general rules, each with a potentially infinite number of applications, governing the uses of the words involved. In Deutsch’s view, the work of keeping such complex memes in place, from generation to generation, is no less a creative business than the work of improving them.
Dark Matter Is an Illusion, New Antigravity Theory Says Boiling sea of particles in space may create repulsive gravity. Ker Than
for National Geographic News Published August 31, 2011
The mysterious substance known as dark matter may actually be an illusion created by gravitational interactions between short-lived particles of matter and antimatter, a new study says. Dark matter is thought to be an invisible substance that makes up almost a quarter of the mass in the universe. The concept was first proposed in 1933 to explain why the outer galaxies in galaxy clusters orbit faster than they should, based on the galaxies' visible mass.
(Related: "Dark-Matter Galaxy Detected: Hidden Dwarf Lurks Nearby?")
At the observed speeds, the outer galaxies should be flung out into space, since the clusters don't appear to have enough mass to keep the galaxies at their edges gravitationally bound. So physicists proposed that the galaxies are surrounded by halos of invisible matter. This dark matter provides the extra mass, which in turn creates gravitational fields strong enough to hold the clusters together. In the new study, physicist Dragan Hajdukovic at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland proposes an alternative explanation, based on something he calls the "gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum."
(Also see "Einstein's Gravity Confirmed on a Cosmic Scale.")
Empty Space Filled With "Virtual" Particles
The quantum vacuum is the name physicists give to what we see as empty space. According to quantum physics, empty space is not actually barren but is a boiling sea of so-called virtual particles and antiparticles constantly popping in and out of existence. Antimatter particles are mirror opposites of normal matter particles. For example, an antiproton is a negatively charged version of the positively charged proton, one of the basic constituents of the atom.
(See "Antimatter Found Orbiting Earth—A First.")
When matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate in a flash of energy. The virtual particles spontaneously created in the quantum vacuum appear and then disappear so quickly that they can't be directly observed. In his new mathematical model, Hajdukovic investigates what would happen if virtual matter and virtual antimatter were not only electrical opposites but also gravitational opposites—an idea some physicists previously proposed. "Mainstream physics assumes that there is only one gravitational charge, while I have assumed that there are two gravitational charges," Hajdukovic said.
According to his idea, outlined in the current issue of the journal Astrophysics and Space Science, matter has a positive gravitational charge and antimatter a negative one. That would mean matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, so that an object made of antimatter would "fall up" in the gravitational field of Earth, which is composed of normal matter. Particles and antiparticles could still collide, however, since gravitational repulsion is much weaker than electrical attraction.
(Related: "At Ten, Dark Energy 'Most Profound Problem' in Physics.")
How Galaxies Could Get Gravity Boost
While the idea of particle antigravity might seem exotic, Hajdukovic says his theory is based on well-established tenants in quantum physics. For example, it's long been known that particles can team up to create a so-called electric dipole, with positively charge particles at one end and negatively charged particles at the other. (See "Universe's Existence May Be Explained by New Material.") According to theory, there are countless electric dipoles created by virtual particles in any given volume of the quantum vacuum.
All of these electric dipoles are randomly oriented—like countless compass needles pointing every which way. But if the dipoles form in the presence of an existing electric field, they immediately align along the same direction as the field. According to quantum field theory, this sudden snapping to order of electric dipoles, called polarization, generates a secondary electric field that combines with and strengthens the first field.
Hajdukovic suggests that a similar phenomenon happens with gravity. If virtual matter and antimatter particles have different gravitational charges, then randomly oriented gravitational dipoles would be generated in space. If these gravitational dipoles form near a galaxy—a massive object that would have a strong gravitational field—the dipoles should become polarized. This polarization would generate a secondary gravitational field that would combine with and strengthen the galaxy's gravitational field. "My theory makes the gravitational field of a galaxy stronger—without dark matter," Hajdukovic said.
(Related: "New Proof Unknown 'Structures' Tug at Our Universe.")
Evidence for Dark Matter "Very Compelling"
Physicist David Evans called the new study a "very interesting theoretical exercise," but he said he isn't ready to abandon dark matter just yet."The evidence for dark matter is now very compelling," said Evans, of the University of Birmingham, who leads the U.K. team for the ALICE detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider.
For example, in 2006 astronomers unveiled a photo of two colliding galaxies known as the Bullet cluster that purportedly showed the separation of matter from dark matter.A similar effect was observed in the Pandora cluster earlier this summer, said Evans, who was not involved in the study.
(Related: "Dark Matter Proof Found Over Antarctica?")
Hajdukovic said he is currently expanding his theory to account for these observations. His preliminary calculations, he said, suggest that "what is observed in the Bullet cluster and more recently at the Pandora cluster may be understood in the framework of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum."
CERN physicist Michael Doser agreed that Hajdukovic's ideas are "unorthodox" but did not immediately dismiss the new theory."The mainstream view suffers from the lack of a detected dark matter particle, and so exploring a wide range of possibilities is at this moment perfectly legitimate, as long as they are compatible with all data," Doser said in an email.Doser is a member of CERN's AEgIS experiment, which aims to measure the gravitational charge of antihydrogen, the antimatter version of hydrogen, and thus would prove whether matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive."In a few years," Doser said, "we should definitely be in a position to confirm or refute [Hajdukovic's] hypothesis."
Higgs Field or No Higgs Field?
Is the Higgs boson is a "scalar" field "particle" that may be the fundamental root of all scalar fields affecting our everyday reality? Is this the most fundamental component of scalar field technology?
Experimental solutions are pursued through the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The field itself, aside from being the explanation for why everything in the universe has mass, is also one of the final pieces of the Standard Model of physics which ties together elements of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.
The predicted Higgs particle is called the “God Particle,” because it would explain the difference between objects with mass and objects that have only energy — objects with form and objects without. If we do find it, we’ll know that we have the right idea about how particles acquire mass — as in, how photons, riding on beams of light, have no mass at all, while the W and Z bosons (two particles that govern the “weak force,” one of the fundamental forces that keep atoms together) have the masses that they do, and why other subatomic particles have the weights that they have.
English physicist Peter Higgs set out to understand how exactly energy in the universe became mass — how particles, with their wave-like characteristics, acquired mass and interacted with other particles around them. He theorized a field, one that made up the lattice of the entire universe, that’s responsible for the mass of objects, specifically particles. The Higgs boson would be a density of that field, or an observable indication that it exists. Yet, results remain open to analysis and interpretation.
The Standard Model is not the only model of the Field. Other physicists are working on theories to explain the same phenomenon without the need for the Higgs boson or the Higgs field at all — if it doesn’t exist, science will move to the next set of likely theories.
Experimental solutions are pursued through the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The field itself, aside from being the explanation for why everything in the universe has mass, is also one of the final pieces of the Standard Model of physics which ties together elements of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.
The predicted Higgs particle is called the “God Particle,” because it would explain the difference between objects with mass and objects that have only energy — objects with form and objects without. If we do find it, we’ll know that we have the right idea about how particles acquire mass — as in, how photons, riding on beams of light, have no mass at all, while the W and Z bosons (two particles that govern the “weak force,” one of the fundamental forces that keep atoms together) have the masses that they do, and why other subatomic particles have the weights that they have.
English physicist Peter Higgs set out to understand how exactly energy in the universe became mass — how particles, with their wave-like characteristics, acquired mass and interacted with other particles around them. He theorized a field, one that made up the lattice of the entire universe, that’s responsible for the mass of objects, specifically particles. The Higgs boson would be a density of that field, or an observable indication that it exists. Yet, results remain open to analysis and interpretation.
The Standard Model is not the only model of the Field. Other physicists are working on theories to explain the same phenomenon without the need for the Higgs boson or the Higgs field at all — if it doesn’t exist, science will move to the next set of likely theories.
Sep 05, 2011 The so-called "god particle" is most likely an illusion.
The idea of a Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was originally proposed early in the 1980s. Since the Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP) was at the end of its life, and a machine capable of generating more power was needed, a 20 nation consortium, all members of CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire), started design work in 1994.
The LHC straddles the border between Switzerland and France, occupying a 27 kilometer long, circular tunnel. Its electromagnets force protons into a narrow beam, split it in two, and then send the two streams of charged particles around the ring in opposite directions, causing the twin beams to collide head on.
Although the LHC was built to carry out a number of experiments, most particle physicists will admit that the $10 billion was spent to find the Higgs boson.
Physicists postulate that matter is built from twelve fundamental particles, six quarks and six leptons. Note that protons and neutrons are not considered "fundamental," since they are made of quarks. Quarks are defined as elementary particles with electric charges one-third or two-thirds that of the electron. Leptons are a group of elementary particles (and antiparticles), such as electrons, muons, or neutrinos that are affected by electromagnetic and weak interactions.
According to the standard theory of quantum mechanics, quarks are "colored" and "flavored," but a detailed explanation of those fields of influence is not germane to this account. The quark flavors are up, down, bottom, top, strange, and charm. Each of the six quark flavors can have three different colors, red, green, or blue. The lepton table includes the electron, electron-neutrino, muon, muon-neutrino, tau, and tau-neutrino. The muon and the tau leptons are not stable, however, and quickly decay.
While leptons are thought to participate in weak atomic interactions, other particles such as mesons, baryons, and hadrons are more massive and are affected by strong force influences. Quantum mechanics proposes that there are four forces at work in nature: the strong force, which holds atomic nuclei together; the electromagnetic force, which holds atoms and molecules together; the weak force, which governs radioactive decay; and the gravitational force, which attracts matter to itself in an inverse square relationship over infinite distance.
According to nuclear physicists, a "force" is more like an exchange. When the strong force binds an atomic nucleus together, for example, the particles exchange "carrier particles," called bosons. Each force requires its own boson. It is the photon that supposedly carries the electromagnetic force, and "gluons" carry the strong force. An ongoing problem for physicists is the detection of "gravitons" that supposedly carry the gravitational force.
In 1964, Peter Higgs speculated that space is permeated by a "field," similar to an electromagnetic field. When particles travel through space, they encounter this field, acquiring "mass." The concept can be illustrated by particles moving through a viscous fluid: the greater interaction of particles with the field, the greater their mass. The existence of the Higgs field is an essential component of his hypothesis.
As previously mentioned, quantum theory requires that fields be associated with carrier particles, so the expectation is that there must be a particle carrying the Higgs field: the Higgs boson. For the last few years, LHC's focus has been to "find" the Higgs boson and determine if this mass origin hypothesis is correct.
Recently, physicists announced that LHC had shown hints that the Higgs-Boson was "real." However, experiments in the 145 billion to 466 billion electron volt range have excluded the boson's existence. As Dmitri Denisov of Fermilab said: "We do not see the signal. If it existed, we would see it. But when we look at our data, we basically see nothing."
Electric Universe advocates propose that the entire quantum mechanical universe requires a new viewpoint. Since it is the electric force that governs the cosmos, the behavior, origin, and structure of matter needs to be revised. One of the most interesting aspects of this premise is the clues that exist within quantum mechanics, itself.
Plasma's electrical and physical properties are scalable over many orders of magnitude. Laboratory experiments can model what is observed in space. Gravity's force falls off with the square of the distance, while the attraction between electrified plasma filaments is linear and up to 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Looking at the four hypothetical quantum forces, it can be seen that the strong force is also 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Perhaps that relationship is better explained with the electric force.
Virtual models operating within computer algorithms have replaced direct observation in recent years: the natural philosophy of science has been abandoned. Computer models are used to build other models, which, in turn, are used to "confirm" further models. Physics used to mean investigating the nature and properties of matter and energy. Instead, it has become the handmaiden to mathematics.
Stephen Smith
Sep 05, 2011 The so-called "god particle" is most likely an illusion.
The idea of a Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was originally proposed early in the 1980s. Since the Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP) was at the end of its life, and a machine capable of generating more power was needed, a 20 nation consortium, all members of CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire), started design work in 1994.
The LHC straddles the border between Switzerland and France, occupying a 27 kilometer long, circular tunnel. Its electromagnets force protons into a narrow beam, split it in two, and then send the two streams of charged particles around the ring in opposite directions, causing the twin beams to collide head on.
Although the LHC was built to carry out a number of experiments, most particle physicists will admit that the $10 billion was spent to find the Higgs boson.
Physicists postulate that matter is built from twelve fundamental particles, six quarks and six leptons. Note that protons and neutrons are not considered "fundamental," since they are made of quarks. Quarks are defined as elementary particles with electric charges one-third or two-thirds that of the electron. Leptons are a group of elementary particles (and antiparticles), such as electrons, muons, or neutrinos that are affected by electromagnetic and weak interactions.
According to the standard theory of quantum mechanics, quarks are "colored" and "flavored," but a detailed explanation of those fields of influence is not germane to this account. The quark flavors are up, down, bottom, top, strange, and charm. Each of the six quark flavors can have three different colors, red, green, or blue. The lepton table includes the electron, electron-neutrino, muon, muon-neutrino, tau, and tau-neutrino. The muon and the tau leptons are not stable, however, and quickly decay.
While leptons are thought to participate in weak atomic interactions, other particles such as mesons, baryons, and hadrons are more massive and are affected by strong force influences. Quantum mechanics proposes that there are four forces at work in nature: the strong force, which holds atomic nuclei together; the electromagnetic force, which holds atoms and molecules together; the weak force, which governs radioactive decay; and the gravitational force, which attracts matter to itself in an inverse square relationship over infinite distance.
According to nuclear physicists, a "force" is more like an exchange. When the strong force binds an atomic nucleus together, for example, the particles exchange "carrier particles," called bosons. Each force requires its own boson. It is the photon that supposedly carries the electromagnetic force, and "gluons" carry the strong force. An ongoing problem for physicists is the detection of "gravitons" that supposedly carry the gravitational force.
In 1964, Peter Higgs speculated that space is permeated by a "field," similar to an electromagnetic field. When particles travel through space, they encounter this field, acquiring "mass." The concept can be illustrated by particles moving through a viscous fluid: the greater interaction of particles with the field, the greater their mass. The existence of the Higgs field is an essential component of his hypothesis.
As previously mentioned, quantum theory requires that fields be associated with carrier particles, so the expectation is that there must be a particle carrying the Higgs field: the Higgs boson. For the last few years, LHC's focus has been to "find" the Higgs boson and determine if this mass origin hypothesis is correct.
Recently, physicists announced that LHC had shown hints that the Higgs-Boson was "real." However, experiments in the 145 billion to 466 billion electron volt range have excluded the boson's existence. As Dmitri Denisov of Fermilab said: "We do not see the signal. If it existed, we would see it. But when we look at our data, we basically see nothing."
Electric Universe advocates propose that the entire quantum mechanical universe requires a new viewpoint. Since it is the electric force that governs the cosmos, the behavior, origin, and structure of matter needs to be revised. One of the most interesting aspects of this premise is the clues that exist within quantum mechanics, itself.
Plasma's electrical and physical properties are scalable over many orders of magnitude. Laboratory experiments can model what is observed in space. Gravity's force falls off with the square of the distance, while the attraction between electrified plasma filaments is linear and up to 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Looking at the four hypothetical quantum forces, it can be seen that the strong force is also 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Perhaps that relationship is better explained with the electric force.
Virtual models operating within computer algorithms have replaced direct observation in recent years: the natural philosophy of science has been abandoned. Computer models are used to build other models, which, in turn, are used to "confirm" further models. Physics used to mean investigating the nature and properties of matter and energy. Instead, it has become the handmaiden to mathematics.
Stephen Smith
Cosmos & Consciousness
Quantum cosmology is another theory of initial conditions. It puts a metaphorical microscope on the subquantal, nonmaterial cosmos that is everywhere, including inside us. We can imagine more complex spaces than we can mathematically describe. They are explored with multidisciplinary approaches from sciences and the arts.
The Origin of Cognition narrative belongs to anyone and everyone from any field of interest who can contribute to its formulation. No one knows. Questions of consciousness, mind, memory (qualia and composite structural information) and the source of the fundamental forces that drive the quantum wave motion have never been adequately explained.
Biophysics explores the electronic nature of organisms. Consciousness Studies attempts to apply biophysics to model the nature of consciousness with that consciousness of nature. Conventional quantum theories ignore pervasive (unconditioned) consciousness as a fundamental causative aspect of ubiquitous zero-point absolute (empty of form but full of potential energy) negentropic ground space. Beginning with the ancient Vedas, many idiosyncratic theories have been proposed which consider consciousness as fundamental, along with primal matter, whose field frequencies can range between zero and infinite — and can carry infinite holographically encoded structural information.
Emission Groundstate
The 'empty space' within and near particles such as electrons and quarks is far more active and complex than in the lower-energy 'empty space' within the boundaries of atoms. There is no such thing as 'empty space' anywhere in nature. There are only apparent 'voids' that seem not to contain matter or energy, but at the level of the quantum world, even 'empty' voids are teeming with activity as particles come and go, created out of quantum fluctuations in any of a variety of fields in nature. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle all but guarantees the existence of such a dynamic, physical vacuum.
Empty space is dimensionless, yet, contains the universe. In this realm, we need to think in terms of state, not in terms of process. The common substrate of all matter is the Primordial Groundstate. Process occurs as spacetime. Is consciousness a metaphysical entity that precedes matter or an intrinsic property of Nature? Unconditioned Consciousness may be more than the brain‘s neurons linking and resonating together in synesthetic-metaphoric patterns determined by materialist-mechanistic evolution, as described by Ramachandran in The Tell-Tale Brain.
The Origin of Cognition narrative belongs to anyone and everyone from any field of interest who can contribute to its formulation. No one knows. Questions of consciousness, mind, memory (qualia and composite structural information) and the source of the fundamental forces that drive the quantum wave motion have never been adequately explained.
Biophysics explores the electronic nature of organisms. Consciousness Studies attempts to apply biophysics to model the nature of consciousness with that consciousness of nature. Conventional quantum theories ignore pervasive (unconditioned) consciousness as a fundamental causative aspect of ubiquitous zero-point absolute (empty of form but full of potential energy) negentropic ground space. Beginning with the ancient Vedas, many idiosyncratic theories have been proposed which consider consciousness as fundamental, along with primal matter, whose field frequencies can range between zero and infinite — and can carry infinite holographically encoded structural information.
Emission Groundstate
The 'empty space' within and near particles such as electrons and quarks is far more active and complex than in the lower-energy 'empty space' within the boundaries of atoms. There is no such thing as 'empty space' anywhere in nature. There are only apparent 'voids' that seem not to contain matter or energy, but at the level of the quantum world, even 'empty' voids are teeming with activity as particles come and go, created out of quantum fluctuations in any of a variety of fields in nature. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle all but guarantees the existence of such a dynamic, physical vacuum.
Empty space is dimensionless, yet, contains the universe. In this realm, we need to think in terms of state, not in terms of process. The common substrate of all matter is the Primordial Groundstate. Process occurs as spacetime. Is consciousness a metaphysical entity that precedes matter or an intrinsic property of Nature? Unconditioned Consciousness may be more than the brain‘s neurons linking and resonating together in synesthetic-metaphoric patterns determined by materialist-mechanistic evolution, as described by Ramachandran in The Tell-Tale Brain.
Negative Existence
The historically pre-scientific qabalistic Tree of Life depicts 4 Worlds of Manifestation in three pillars. Overarching this glyph of manifestation, the active dynamic infolding of space is described as Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur-- the Three Veils of Negative Existence. They reside above the Tree of Llife and represent the outer limit of existence and the initial impulse of creation. Ain is the highest and first of the veils. It is literally translated as 'nothing', or simply 'no'; it is absolute emptiness, the opposite of existence, complete absence.
Ain Soph is the middle of the three veils, and it proceeds from Ain by necessity. It is literally translated as 'no limit'. If there is nothing then there are no boundaries or limitations; this is the limitless foundation - the eternal in its purest sense.
Ain Soph Aur is the lower veil, situated closest to the Tree of Life, and it proceeds from Ain Soph as a necessity. It means 'limitless or eternal light'. Light plays a very important role in the philosophy and symbolism of Qabalah, and the Ain Soph Aur is that light. Light means many things to a Qabalist - the light of wisdom, of life, of grace and so on, but these refer to our human experience of light, and the way an inner communion with the eternal light can heal and transform you, but not the simple nature of light in and of itself.
So what is the nature of this mysterious light? The light of Qabalah is the same as the light described in science and experienced in our every day life, experienced in a more direct (gnostic) manner, or in the manner that it experiences itself. As Einstein's theory of relativity explains, if you were to travel at the speed of light then strange things would happen to space and time, and you would experience yourself to be in all places and times at once. You would, in other words, be eternal. This is the experience of light from its own perspective. When the world was created and the first light came into being the entirety of space and time were created and held in a singular moment within the nature of light itself. This eternal moment was the Ain Soph Aur.
Within an atom, much of the activity is carried by 'virtual photons' that mediate the electromagnetic force, and by the occasional electron-positron pairs that appear and vanish. At very high energies, and correspondingly small length scales, the vacuum fills up with the comings and goings of even more high energy particles; quarks-antiquarks, gluons-antigluons, muons-antimuons, and a whole host of other particles and their anti-matter twins. Within the nucleus of an atom, gluons and their anti- particles are everywhere, going about their business to keep the quarks bound into the nuclear 'quark-gluon plasma', portions of which we see as protons and neutrons.
Ain Soph is the middle of the three veils, and it proceeds from Ain by necessity. It is literally translated as 'no limit'. If there is nothing then there are no boundaries or limitations; this is the limitless foundation - the eternal in its purest sense.
Ain Soph Aur is the lower veil, situated closest to the Tree of Life, and it proceeds from Ain Soph as a necessity. It means 'limitless or eternal light'. Light plays a very important role in the philosophy and symbolism of Qabalah, and the Ain Soph Aur is that light. Light means many things to a Qabalist - the light of wisdom, of life, of grace and so on, but these refer to our human experience of light, and the way an inner communion with the eternal light can heal and transform you, but not the simple nature of light in and of itself.
So what is the nature of this mysterious light? The light of Qabalah is the same as the light described in science and experienced in our every day life, experienced in a more direct (gnostic) manner, or in the manner that it experiences itself. As Einstein's theory of relativity explains, if you were to travel at the speed of light then strange things would happen to space and time, and you would experience yourself to be in all places and times at once. You would, in other words, be eternal. This is the experience of light from its own perspective. When the world was created and the first light came into being the entirety of space and time were created and held in a singular moment within the nature of light itself. This eternal moment was the Ain Soph Aur.
Within an atom, much of the activity is carried by 'virtual photons' that mediate the electromagnetic force, and by the occasional electron-positron pairs that appear and vanish. At very high energies, and correspondingly small length scales, the vacuum fills up with the comings and goings of even more high energy particles; quarks-antiquarks, gluons-antigluons, muons-antimuons, and a whole host of other particles and their anti-matter twins. Within the nucleus of an atom, gluons and their anti- particles are everywhere, going about their business to keep the quarks bound into the nuclear 'quark-gluon plasma', portions of which we see as protons and neutrons.
Radiant Fields
We’ve become accustomed to speculating on the nature of quantum mind -- nonlocal mind -- but we can drop down another domain to imagine an even more primordial awareness at Zero Point. This is the virtual still point of our recalibration – Cosmic Zero, everywhere now-here all the time forever, the well-spring of Creation.
The groundstate of nature is the heart of matter. Our nature is radiant scalar energy, the nonobservable yet roiling cosmic ocean of vacuum fluctuation, the disassembled roots of all being, the true primordial soup. The Heart Sutra claims that all form is nothing but Void and quantum physics agrees.
ZPE-originated fields are located everywhere (in the Planck false vacuum) and their ultimate radial extension is infinite — they interpenetrate each other in the vast sea of pulsating cosmic spacetime. Together they constitute the basis of our holographic universe. This entire cycle of cosmic radiation, inflation, expansion, involution, compression, starting from and ending at the zero-point singularity (fundamental spin momentum) of absolute (zero-point) space, is the fundamental root of the "holographic principle" which underlies all phenomenal reality.
All radiant electrodynamic fields, within any frequency spectrum phase order, must have a series of fractal harmonics extending throughout its entire spectral range, which also resonates with all other (higher and lower) phase order fields. All information is carried on such fields as modulated wave interference patterns — so that, once recorded, no information is ever lost.
All structural information is contained in the infinite spin-momentum (singularity) source of all (harmonic) fractal involved cosmic fields, along with all particle standing waves (as well as all their formative combination's and permutations) at different frequency phase orders. All information is transformed from field to field by phase conjugate adaptive resonance.
Arguably, all radiant fields in spacetime are vibrating at their individual natural frequencies (between zero and infinite) as spherical standing waves. Each time the cyclically outgoing and incoming wave form passes through its neutral Zero Point center it is crossing through the singularity. This appliers to all fields from the smallest particle field in the Planck volume (at near infinite mass-energy) up to the total spacetime field of the inflated universe after its big bang, as well as the initial field of cosmogenesis at near infinite frequency.
Therefore, the singularity is everywhere, since all fields originate from a ZP center. This is the fundamental nature of the absolute (0 degrees K) space, located everywhere in overall multidimensional spacetime, acting as a BEC [Bose-Einstein condensate].
This static absolute zero-point space, therefore, must be the source of pure unconditioned consciousness -- which is at the center of all radiant fields, including charges surrounding all particle-standing waves, all atoms and molecules, and all their composite forms of inorganic and organic matter.
Accordingly, the fundamental nature of all phenomenal reality is fractal involved harmonically resonant, coenergetic standing wave fields of Electro-Gravitation al spacetime vibrating at frequencies between zero and infinite. The zero point centers, lines of force, and the spherical surfaces of all of these fields are equivalent to the "singularities" , "micro black holes", "wormholes", "twistors"," strings", "superstrings' ', "branes", "quantum loops", etc. of the current variety of cosmological theories now competing with each other, as well as with the current standard big bang-inflationary theories.
All of these, in contrast to the above explained nature of fundamental reality, plus the assumption that the ZP center of all fields must be empowered by potential energy in the form of non-dimensional and timeless spin momentum -- are fundamentally wrong. Even so, they may all have many localized aspects of mutual agreement, e.g., multidimensionality, mass/energy properties, etc. According to Sisir Roy, extended formulations of electromagnetic theory in vacuo can be modeled on a nonzero electric field divergence and a nonzero electric conductivity.
Time itself is compressed energy. Time energy is transduced into dynamic spatial energy as cosmic jitter (ZPE; zitterbewegung), cosmic acceleration, and mass. The engine of the universe runs by consuming the negentropy of highly compressed spacetime. So do we. We don’t feed on energy, but on negentropy.
The flow of mass, and our own mass, through time is generated by the ubiquitous interaction of photons with the mass. This is so for both virtual and observable photons. Mass moves through time by integrating virtual photons, and absorption/emission of observable photons/biophotons. The internal dynamic flow of time has infolded sublevels and engines that pump up the quantum field effects to breech the mystic threshold of observability.
All living systems emit a weak but permanent photon flux in the visible and ultraviolet range. This biophoton emission is correlated with many, if not all, biological and physiological functions. This overlooked information channel of living systems will lead to the medicine of the future. Biophotons regulate biological rhythms, including chemical reactivity in cells, growth control, differentiation and intercellular communication. Biophotons are photonic light impulses, that are emitted and/or reflected by living cells. There are approximately 100 000 impulses per cell per second, which steer all the biochemical functions in our bodies. The speed of light is necessary to perform all the tasks that keep our bodies in good functioning order.
On one level, we know that cymatics, sound structures geometric form and the structure of matter. Topological geometry indicates a continuous analogous and corresponding repetition of the initial cosmic hyperspherical standing wave — beginning at the lowest possible near zero frequency and longest wave length, as it fractal harmonically steps down to the highest possible frequency and shortest wave length closest to the zero-point on the 4th lowest frequency phase order physical plane.
Thus, energy and time are co-determinate and interdependent. But, since frequency is a sinuous wave motion of ZPE space, and time is simply the measure of its duration or change in its moment to moment zero-point spatial position — they would have to be considered as categorically different aspects of total reality — one, dimensionally dynamic, and the other temporally durational (based on Patanjali's "ultimate division of time" — which is also scale-invariant).
The groundstate of nature is the heart of matter. Our nature is radiant scalar energy, the nonobservable yet roiling cosmic ocean of vacuum fluctuation, the disassembled roots of all being, the true primordial soup. The Heart Sutra claims that all form is nothing but Void and quantum physics agrees.
ZPE-originated fields are located everywhere (in the Planck false vacuum) and their ultimate radial extension is infinite — they interpenetrate each other in the vast sea of pulsating cosmic spacetime. Together they constitute the basis of our holographic universe. This entire cycle of cosmic radiation, inflation, expansion, involution, compression, starting from and ending at the zero-point singularity (fundamental spin momentum) of absolute (zero-point) space, is the fundamental root of the "holographic principle" which underlies all phenomenal reality.
All radiant electrodynamic fields, within any frequency spectrum phase order, must have a series of fractal harmonics extending throughout its entire spectral range, which also resonates with all other (higher and lower) phase order fields. All information is carried on such fields as modulated wave interference patterns — so that, once recorded, no information is ever lost.
All structural information is contained in the infinite spin-momentum (singularity) source of all (harmonic) fractal involved cosmic fields, along with all particle standing waves (as well as all their formative combination's and permutations) at different frequency phase orders. All information is transformed from field to field by phase conjugate adaptive resonance.
Arguably, all radiant fields in spacetime are vibrating at their individual natural frequencies (between zero and infinite) as spherical standing waves. Each time the cyclically outgoing and incoming wave form passes through its neutral Zero Point center it is crossing through the singularity. This appliers to all fields from the smallest particle field in the Planck volume (at near infinite mass-energy) up to the total spacetime field of the inflated universe after its big bang, as well as the initial field of cosmogenesis at near infinite frequency.
Therefore, the singularity is everywhere, since all fields originate from a ZP center. This is the fundamental nature of the absolute (0 degrees K) space, located everywhere in overall multidimensional spacetime, acting as a BEC [Bose-Einstein condensate].
This static absolute zero-point space, therefore, must be the source of pure unconditioned consciousness -- which is at the center of all radiant fields, including charges surrounding all particle-standing waves, all atoms and molecules, and all their composite forms of inorganic and organic matter.
Accordingly, the fundamental nature of all phenomenal reality is fractal involved harmonically resonant, coenergetic standing wave fields of Electro-Gravitation al spacetime vibrating at frequencies between zero and infinite. The zero point centers, lines of force, and the spherical surfaces of all of these fields are equivalent to the "singularities" , "micro black holes", "wormholes", "twistors"," strings", "superstrings' ', "branes", "quantum loops", etc. of the current variety of cosmological theories now competing with each other, as well as with the current standard big bang-inflationary theories.
All of these, in contrast to the above explained nature of fundamental reality, plus the assumption that the ZP center of all fields must be empowered by potential energy in the form of non-dimensional and timeless spin momentum -- are fundamentally wrong. Even so, they may all have many localized aspects of mutual agreement, e.g., multidimensionality, mass/energy properties, etc. According to Sisir Roy, extended formulations of electromagnetic theory in vacuo can be modeled on a nonzero electric field divergence and a nonzero electric conductivity.
Time itself is compressed energy. Time energy is transduced into dynamic spatial energy as cosmic jitter (ZPE; zitterbewegung), cosmic acceleration, and mass. The engine of the universe runs by consuming the negentropy of highly compressed spacetime. So do we. We don’t feed on energy, but on negentropy.
The flow of mass, and our own mass, through time is generated by the ubiquitous interaction of photons with the mass. This is so for both virtual and observable photons. Mass moves through time by integrating virtual photons, and absorption/emission of observable photons/biophotons. The internal dynamic flow of time has infolded sublevels and engines that pump up the quantum field effects to breech the mystic threshold of observability.
All living systems emit a weak but permanent photon flux in the visible and ultraviolet range. This biophoton emission is correlated with many, if not all, biological and physiological functions. This overlooked information channel of living systems will lead to the medicine of the future. Biophotons regulate biological rhythms, including chemical reactivity in cells, growth control, differentiation and intercellular communication. Biophotons are photonic light impulses, that are emitted and/or reflected by living cells. There are approximately 100 000 impulses per cell per second, which steer all the biochemical functions in our bodies. The speed of light is necessary to perform all the tasks that keep our bodies in good functioning order.
On one level, we know that cymatics, sound structures geometric form and the structure of matter. Topological geometry indicates a continuous analogous and corresponding repetition of the initial cosmic hyperspherical standing wave — beginning at the lowest possible near zero frequency and longest wave length, as it fractal harmonically steps down to the highest possible frequency and shortest wave length closest to the zero-point on the 4th lowest frequency phase order physical plane.
Thus, energy and time are co-determinate and interdependent. But, since frequency is a sinuous wave motion of ZPE space, and time is simply the measure of its duration or change in its moment to moment zero-point spatial position — they would have to be considered as categorically different aspects of total reality — one, dimensionally dynamic, and the other temporally durational (based on Patanjali's "ultimate division of time" — which is also scale-invariant).
Hyperspatial Virtual Photons
In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle says we can never be sure that an apparent vacuum is truly empty. Instead, space is fizzing with photons that are constantly popping into and out of existence before they can be measured directly. Even though these "matter phantoms" appear only fleetingly, these "virtual" photons exert the same electromagnetic forces on the objects they encounter as normal photons do.
Electrons flowing as electrical currents in the brain or anywhere else do not emit photons. Photons are only emitted from atoms that are heated to a high enough temperature, due to their resistance to electron flow -- such as the atoms of a tungsten wire in a light bulb.
It's not the electrons flowing in the wire that emits the photons, but the electrons in the outer orbits of the Tungsten atoms, which change their state and are driven off as photons at various frequencies, due to their high temperature somewhere below its melting point (3683 K) in the lower visible light range between 1500 K and 8000 K.
Since the brain functions as a low resistance conductor at relatively low body temperatures, it cannot emit photons.
The light we actually see in the mind are the photon/axions of the higher frequency order hyperspace fields whose high energy density particles are located in the Planck volume close to the Zero-Point of pure unconditioned awareness. For our visual consciousness, this point is at the exact center of the brain’s EM field and its higher frequency phase order harmonic mind-memory fields in hyperspace.
Since all the information perceived by consciousness is a hologram carried as interference patterns on such compacted hyperspace fields, which are harmonically resonant with the brain's EM field. The photons we see, when awake, in dreams, or in trance and meditative states, are those higher frequency order hyperphysical photons/axions. They are not the physical photons that are focussed in 2-D on the retinas after the reflected hologram [wave interference patterned holographic image] on the lens surface is refracted.
All you have to do to realize that, is look up at the stars, and see that all cosmic star-field information converges as a hologram in every zero-point it can be observed from. Thus, the entire visible universe must be a hologram... As is the holofractal neural network of the brain itself -- which transforms the 2D image on the retinas back to a hologram in its EM and mind fields we can perceive as full 3D virtual reality in our singular mind's eye.
Apparently, consciousness, to be able to differentiate between the highest light frequency modulations, must be that static part of primal unconditioned space closest to the near infinite frequencies of the higher order metaphysical fields in hyperspace -- whose virtual particle (micro photon) standing waves are located everywhere in the ZPE quantum foam of the Planck volume.
Thus, since the hologram information we see needs projection and reflection of coherent radiation in order to be perceived… Consciousness must be located at the ZP center of origin of that radiation.
Ergo, the images we see are originated in the higher order metaphysical fields of mind and memory… And, we initiate (consciously or unconsciously) the force of will, directly from the surrounding ZPE spin momentum of the Zero-Point of absolute unconditioned (empty) space containing our individual global (and entangled localized cellular) zero-points of consciousness. This is the only way we can experience light images in full color, no matter what altered state of consciousness we are capable of attaining.
Electrons flowing as electrical currents in the brain or anywhere else do not emit photons. Photons are only emitted from atoms that are heated to a high enough temperature, due to their resistance to electron flow -- such as the atoms of a tungsten wire in a light bulb.
It's not the electrons flowing in the wire that emits the photons, but the electrons in the outer orbits of the Tungsten atoms, which change their state and are driven off as photons at various frequencies, due to their high temperature somewhere below its melting point (3683 K) in the lower visible light range between 1500 K and 8000 K.
Since the brain functions as a low resistance conductor at relatively low body temperatures, it cannot emit photons.
The light we actually see in the mind are the photon/axions of the higher frequency order hyperspace fields whose high energy density particles are located in the Planck volume close to the Zero-Point of pure unconditioned awareness. For our visual consciousness, this point is at the exact center of the brain’s EM field and its higher frequency phase order harmonic mind-memory fields in hyperspace.
Since all the information perceived by consciousness is a hologram carried as interference patterns on such compacted hyperspace fields, which are harmonically resonant with the brain's EM field. The photons we see, when awake, in dreams, or in trance and meditative states, are those higher frequency order hyperphysical photons/axions. They are not the physical photons that are focussed in 2-D on the retinas after the reflected hologram [wave interference patterned holographic image] on the lens surface is refracted.
All you have to do to realize that, is look up at the stars, and see that all cosmic star-field information converges as a hologram in every zero-point it can be observed from. Thus, the entire visible universe must be a hologram... As is the holofractal neural network of the brain itself -- which transforms the 2D image on the retinas back to a hologram in its EM and mind fields we can perceive as full 3D virtual reality in our singular mind's eye.
Apparently, consciousness, to be able to differentiate between the highest light frequency modulations, must be that static part of primal unconditioned space closest to the near infinite frequencies of the higher order metaphysical fields in hyperspace -- whose virtual particle (micro photon) standing waves are located everywhere in the ZPE quantum foam of the Planck volume.
Thus, since the hologram information we see needs projection and reflection of coherent radiation in order to be perceived… Consciousness must be located at the ZP center of origin of that radiation.
Ergo, the images we see are originated in the higher order metaphysical fields of mind and memory… And, we initiate (consciously or unconsciously) the force of will, directly from the surrounding ZPE spin momentum of the Zero-Point of absolute unconditioned (empty) space containing our individual global (and entangled localized cellular) zero-points of consciousness. This is the only way we can experience light images in full color, no matter what altered state of consciousness we are capable of attaining.
Aether Or...the Root of the Arising of Phenomena
These concepts of the aether seems to agree substantially with Einstein's 1920 Leyden lecture and some theories of cosmogenesis and consciousness.
The aether (or absolute space) is the primal rootless root of (1) potential consciousness (pure awareness, will) -- as well as of (2) noumenal spacetime-matter- energy (fundamental zero-point spin momentum)... This static "spinergy" is located everywhere in the Planck vacuum. While dimensionless, insubstantial, and timeless it could be considered as the smallest physical "quanta". Some physicists call this the "axion" or the "tachyon", whose abstract motion or fundamental non linear spin velocity (on infinite potential spherical axes) would necessarily rotate (without inhibitory frictional forces) *infinitely* faster than the linear velocity of ordinary sidereal light.
It follows that, at the primal beginning, all spacetime electro-gravitational fields would have to emanate holographically and ubiquitously from a unique triple axis spin-momentum of the primal aether "singularity". This series of fractally involved spherical fields on each axis, spiral vortically woven (in a Mobius-klein topology, like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles) from a dual opposite 1-dimensional ray or positive and negative gravitational ray or "superstring" of primal zero-point G-force "spinergy" -- that descends, in three fractal iterations (1st, 2nd and 3rd logos), from near infinite frequency-energy spectrum phase order, to near zero electromagnetic frequency phase order (representing our metric material spacetime universe).
At the 3rd Logos, this initially supersymmetric spherical spacetime field on the fourth lowest frequency-energy phase order, breaks symmetry at each of its ubiquitous zero-points, to precipitate out all the fundamental quantum particles as standing waves -- each, at a different frequency-mass- energy -- that, ultimately, coalesces and combines into atoms, molecules and all the gross forms of light and dark matter-energy in the universe. Note that light matter-energy fields form on only one overall cosmic field axis (Z) -- while dark matter-energy fields form on the other two axes (X,Y) -- with consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, etc.) remaining the quality of the ubiquitous zero-point of pure absolute space at the center of every hyperspace and metric spacetime ZPE field (ZPF) that are holographically and coenergetically connected to each other.
This descending order fractal configuration of overall spacetime, would indicate that each corresponding fractally involved hyperspace field has its own individual light frequency spectrum, and that when sidereal light photons on the lower order ponderable material level reach their maximum velocity (e.g., at the edge of the event horizon of a black hole) they do not return to the aether, but transform into the next higher frequency energy phase order (Astral field) at a correspondingly higher maximum velocity, possibly c^2 (to c^6 *by the time its accumulated quantal energy, along with its informational modulations, arrives at the pure aether singularity of the black hole). It's there at its center of spinergy, acting like a BEC, that all cosmic, as well as each individual's non contradictory, conscious experience is more or less permanently stored. This accounts for species instinctive and individual long term memory storage.
Thus, the light we see, as reconstructed holographic images in our mind-memory fields, are within the frequency spectrum of those higher order astral-mental fields. It follows that all sensory information, after electrochemical processing (NCC) in the brain, is carried by, stored, and transmitted directly to zero-point consciousness --
through those higher order mind-memory fields -- by electrodynamic phase conjugate adaptive resonance processes.
The aether (or absolute space) is the primal rootless root of (1) potential consciousness (pure awareness, will) -- as well as of (2) noumenal spacetime-matter- energy (fundamental zero-point spin momentum)... This static "spinergy" is located everywhere in the Planck vacuum. While dimensionless, insubstantial, and timeless it could be considered as the smallest physical "quanta". Some physicists call this the "axion" or the "tachyon", whose abstract motion or fundamental non linear spin velocity (on infinite potential spherical axes) would necessarily rotate (without inhibitory frictional forces) *infinitely* faster than the linear velocity of ordinary sidereal light.
It follows that, at the primal beginning, all spacetime electro-gravitational fields would have to emanate holographically and ubiquitously from a unique triple axis spin-momentum of the primal aether "singularity". This series of fractally involved spherical fields on each axis, spiral vortically woven (in a Mobius-klein topology, like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles) from a dual opposite 1-dimensional ray or positive and negative gravitational ray or "superstring" of primal zero-point G-force "spinergy" -- that descends, in three fractal iterations (1st, 2nd and 3rd logos), from near infinite frequency-energy spectrum phase order, to near zero electromagnetic frequency phase order (representing our metric material spacetime universe).
At the 3rd Logos, this initially supersymmetric spherical spacetime field on the fourth lowest frequency-energy phase order, breaks symmetry at each of its ubiquitous zero-points, to precipitate out all the fundamental quantum particles as standing waves -- each, at a different frequency-mass- energy -- that, ultimately, coalesces and combines into atoms, molecules and all the gross forms of light and dark matter-energy in the universe. Note that light matter-energy fields form on only one overall cosmic field axis (Z) -- while dark matter-energy fields form on the other two axes (X,Y) -- with consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, etc.) remaining the quality of the ubiquitous zero-point of pure absolute space at the center of every hyperspace and metric spacetime ZPE field (ZPF) that are holographically and coenergetically connected to each other.
This descending order fractal configuration of overall spacetime, would indicate that each corresponding fractally involved hyperspace field has its own individual light frequency spectrum, and that when sidereal light photons on the lower order ponderable material level reach their maximum velocity (e.g., at the edge of the event horizon of a black hole) they do not return to the aether, but transform into the next higher frequency energy phase order (Astral field) at a correspondingly higher maximum velocity, possibly c^2 (to c^6 *by the time its accumulated quantal energy, along with its informational modulations, arrives at the pure aether singularity of the black hole). It's there at its center of spinergy, acting like a BEC, that all cosmic, as well as each individual's non contradictory, conscious experience is more or less permanently stored. This accounts for species instinctive and individual long term memory storage.
Thus, the light we see, as reconstructed holographic images in our mind-memory fields, are within the frequency spectrum of those higher order astral-mental fields. It follows that all sensory information, after electrochemical processing (NCC) in the brain, is carried by, stored, and transmitted directly to zero-point consciousness --
through those higher order mind-memory fields -- by electrodynamic phase conjugate adaptive resonance processes.
In constructing a valid and consistent, all inclusive theory of consciousness -- we must first ask and satisfactorily answer the following questions:.. Even if only as a theoretical hypothesis of a fundamental cosmogenetic reality that explains them all. 1. What is the necessary condition of individual consciousness (in terms of position, motion, location, etc) , that enables it to perceive, as an instantaneous gestalt, a 3-D composite image of the outer world -- which appears to be an orderly matrix of infinitesimal adjacent pixels (that are apparently detected by individual retinal cells) each transforming and transmitting different qualities of color, tone, shade, etc.? 2. If the visual image were a physical entity in our brain, with each pixel determined by a single neuron or group of neurons -- why does the overall image remain stationary when we turn our head? And, if the fixed image was a direct perception of the outer world, why is the observing consciousness, no matter where located in physical space, always at the exact center of the total space observed? 3. What is the nature of the *medium* that carries the visual information in the mind -- that is capable of being perceived (viewed) from a single point of observation in the center of the head -- as if it were projected on infinite inside surfaces of a spherical globe of apparently infinite radius -- which, with one eye only, appears as a single 2-d surface, and with both eyes open, is seen in full 3-d depth perception? IOW, how do we explain the mechanisms of stereo-binocular vision. 4. What is the form of that informational data, prior to its being perceived as an apparent holographic image in the visual field of the mind? 5. What are the characteristics of the final assembled image produced by the brain, and how is it transformed into an image inside the mind field as the appropriate data capable of being detected, reconstructed holographically, and perceived by the single point of view in the center of our head? 6. Since what we see is a true 3-D holographic image -- what is the structural nature (form) of the encoded visual information (hologram) in the mind field. 7. What must be the condition or state of the singular point of perception, so as to be able to detect and discriminate between the particular chroma, hue, tint, shade, etc. frequency value of each individual pixel, and convert that information into a subjective experience centered on that point? 8. How can all sentient organisms, equipped with functional optical transducer organs, perceive their surrounding world and intuitively know and control their exact bodily location and orientation in 3-D space -- with or without a complex brain structure or neural system?
9. Why do we feel the experience of consciousness at the point of sensory impression, and simultaneously at our global self consciousness -- while being able to know the exact 3-D geometric coordinate location point of such sensory impression, without any thought or explainable calculation? Until all those questions (among others too numerous to mention is this email) are answered, no logical scientific theory of consciousness -- which resolves all the hard problems of explaining the experience (qualia) of consciousness, brain-mind binding, non locality, entanglement of local and global awareness, intentional and autonomic/reflexive action of will, as well as all psi phenomena -- can ever be complete and all inclusive. Apparently, all the conventional approaches to these questions based on the reductive materialist assumptions of conventional physics and its "scientific method" -- which don't even understand the cause and mechanisms of entanglement, the way the DNA actually works, or how structural and memory information is encoded, stored, transmitted, materialized or perceived -- has failed to give us any logically consistent theory of consciousness, and its interconnection (i.e., mechanisms) linking it with mind, memory, brain, body, world, universe, etc.
This new paradigm would start with the reasonable fundamental propositions (some already presumed as aspects of advanced physics) that: (1) Unconditioned pre-cosmic space is the ground of all reality; (2) Such absolute (0°K) space is inherently potentially conscious as well as potentially infinitely energetic -- in the form of abstract cyclic motion or zero-point angular spin momentum; (3) Such zero-points of both consciousness and infinite potential mass-energy, located everywhere in total cosmic space-time, necessarily contains the infinite structural information of the entire cosmos -- which could, logically, only be the conserved memory of all previous cyclic manifestations and evolutions of the cosmos. Rather than continue with the logical conclusions based on these propositions, I refer to the holographic, Astro Biological Coenergetic (ABC) holographic, fractal involved field theory of cosmogenesis, mind and consciousness -- at the web sites below: http://knol. k/how-it- all-began# Consciousness exploration paper http://www.jcer. com/index. php/jcj/article/ view/85 (PDF) http://leonmaurer. (web reprint) Best wishes Leon Maurer
Is Consciousness more than Awareness that is involved in a relation with Itself? The same fundamental existential substance undergirds experience regardless of whether or not it is involved in a relation with Itself, and regardless of how many expressions of it arise and decay. Does that mean uncaused existence is intrinsically self-aware, an inseparable part of created relative existence? Does death give life its mortal meaning?
Evidence is mounting that consciousness and matter have a primal relationship. There is only one quality of fundamental reality that is unpredictable and indeterminate. And that is phenomenally subjective consciousness itself. Our whole problem in understanding consciousness, is the separation of our human consciousness from that cosmic consciousness – which stands alone, independent of ALL phenomenal matter-energy – while its individual rays (our selves) link up with the physical matter-energy form that each of us temporarily lives in.
But, a photon particle, (which has been demonstrated to be a standing wave of pure energy or space in vibratory motion) remains a photon no matter what direction or velocity it is moving in. It's only indeterminacy is when an outside conscious entity attempts to observe its velocity and momentum simultaneously. However, if it was unpredictable as it exists in itself, we could never observe and discriminate a particular color frequency transmitted by it. And there would be no way that we could each observe a photograph or a visual scene identically. Imagine if everyone saw a motion picture, where each light or sound pixel was indeterminate as to its frequency governing chroma, hue, tone, shade, amplitude, modulation, etc. If light or sound energies, or the wave patterned modulated information they carry, were unpredictable in themselves – how could we communicate with each other, think, imagine, enjoy music, appreciate art and nature, survive, etc.?
Therefore, its only our conscious choices, based on our individual knowledge or different ideas, emotions, etc. that are unpredictable by others (and most times, even ourselves;-) . It follows that it's only the future of any complex living system that is unpredictable – due solely to the unpredictability of the individual centers of consciousness in each of its parts... While the individual energies of their forms, at their fundamental energy levels, are entirely predictable – since they unconsciously (without freewill) can only do their thing, governed by the fundamental laws of physics. If we understand all that, there can be no such thing as "conscious energy".
There can only be individual consciousness itself that, as the aware observer of subjective experience and willful responder, can guide the energetic actions of the form it inhabits. But, the energies themselves, while transformable from one phase to another is forever determinable in accord with the fundamental laws of nature that govern them. This was the basis of the argument that Einstein had with Bohr and Heisenberg, when he disagreed with indeterminacy theory and the standard Copenhagen quantum "probability" model by saying that "God doesn't play dice". By God, I'm sure he meant the cosmic consciousness coupled with its infinite intelligence and the fundamental laws that govern ALL energies and their dynamics in any relative frame of reference.
Where those laws come from and how they function in holonomically (word coined by Karl Pribram) linking consciousness with mind, memory, brain, body senses, etc., is fully explained in my ABC model of fundamental reality – beginning with cosmogenesis and its initial involutional fractal geometry. Incidentally, this theoretical model was personally confirmed by direct experience using an advanced form of inner observation of my own conscious mind, and ultimately cosmic mind itself, coupled with experiments related to observation of the universal hologram from various zero-points of view in 3-space. Proving that all universal structural information converges in and is radiated from every zero-point center of unconditioned consciousness located everywhere and everywhen in total space and time. Leon Maurer http://leonmaurer. http://knol. k/how-it- all-began# http://tinyurl. com/ABC-prelim- notes
9. Why do we feel the experience of consciousness at the point of sensory impression, and simultaneously at our global self consciousness -- while being able to know the exact 3-D geometric coordinate location point of such sensory impression, without any thought or explainable calculation? Until all those questions (among others too numerous to mention is this email) are answered, no logical scientific theory of consciousness -- which resolves all the hard problems of explaining the experience (qualia) of consciousness, brain-mind binding, non locality, entanglement of local and global awareness, intentional and autonomic/reflexive action of will, as well as all psi phenomena -- can ever be complete and all inclusive. Apparently, all the conventional approaches to these questions based on the reductive materialist assumptions of conventional physics and its "scientific method" -- which don't even understand the cause and mechanisms of entanglement, the way the DNA actually works, or how structural and memory information is encoded, stored, transmitted, materialized or perceived -- has failed to give us any logically consistent theory of consciousness, and its interconnection (i.e., mechanisms) linking it with mind, memory, brain, body, world, universe, etc.
This new paradigm would start with the reasonable fundamental propositions (some already presumed as aspects of advanced physics) that: (1) Unconditioned pre-cosmic space is the ground of all reality; (2) Such absolute (0°K) space is inherently potentially conscious as well as potentially infinitely energetic -- in the form of abstract cyclic motion or zero-point angular spin momentum; (3) Such zero-points of both consciousness and infinite potential mass-energy, located everywhere in total cosmic space-time, necessarily contains the infinite structural information of the entire cosmos -- which could, logically, only be the conserved memory of all previous cyclic manifestations and evolutions of the cosmos. Rather than continue with the logical conclusions based on these propositions, I refer to the holographic, Astro Biological Coenergetic (ABC) holographic, fractal involved field theory of cosmogenesis, mind and consciousness -- at the web sites below: http://knol. k/how-it- all-began# Consciousness exploration paper http://www.jcer. com/index. php/jcj/article/ view/85 (PDF) http://leonmaurer. (web reprint) Best wishes Leon Maurer
Is Consciousness more than Awareness that is involved in a relation with Itself? The same fundamental existential substance undergirds experience regardless of whether or not it is involved in a relation with Itself, and regardless of how many expressions of it arise and decay. Does that mean uncaused existence is intrinsically self-aware, an inseparable part of created relative existence? Does death give life its mortal meaning?
Evidence is mounting that consciousness and matter have a primal relationship. There is only one quality of fundamental reality that is unpredictable and indeterminate. And that is phenomenally subjective consciousness itself. Our whole problem in understanding consciousness, is the separation of our human consciousness from that cosmic consciousness – which stands alone, independent of ALL phenomenal matter-energy – while its individual rays (our selves) link up with the physical matter-energy form that each of us temporarily lives in.
But, a photon particle, (which has been demonstrated to be a standing wave of pure energy or space in vibratory motion) remains a photon no matter what direction or velocity it is moving in. It's only indeterminacy is when an outside conscious entity attempts to observe its velocity and momentum simultaneously. However, if it was unpredictable as it exists in itself, we could never observe and discriminate a particular color frequency transmitted by it. And there would be no way that we could each observe a photograph or a visual scene identically. Imagine if everyone saw a motion picture, where each light or sound pixel was indeterminate as to its frequency governing chroma, hue, tone, shade, amplitude, modulation, etc. If light or sound energies, or the wave patterned modulated information they carry, were unpredictable in themselves – how could we communicate with each other, think, imagine, enjoy music, appreciate art and nature, survive, etc.?
Therefore, its only our conscious choices, based on our individual knowledge or different ideas, emotions, etc. that are unpredictable by others (and most times, even ourselves;-) . It follows that it's only the future of any complex living system that is unpredictable – due solely to the unpredictability of the individual centers of consciousness in each of its parts... While the individual energies of their forms, at their fundamental energy levels, are entirely predictable – since they unconsciously (without freewill) can only do their thing, governed by the fundamental laws of physics. If we understand all that, there can be no such thing as "conscious energy".
There can only be individual consciousness itself that, as the aware observer of subjective experience and willful responder, can guide the energetic actions of the form it inhabits. But, the energies themselves, while transformable from one phase to another is forever determinable in accord with the fundamental laws of nature that govern them. This was the basis of the argument that Einstein had with Bohr and Heisenberg, when he disagreed with indeterminacy theory and the standard Copenhagen quantum "probability" model by saying that "God doesn't play dice". By God, I'm sure he meant the cosmic consciousness coupled with its infinite intelligence and the fundamental laws that govern ALL energies and their dynamics in any relative frame of reference.
Where those laws come from and how they function in holonomically (word coined by Karl Pribram) linking consciousness with mind, memory, brain, body senses, etc., is fully explained in my ABC model of fundamental reality – beginning with cosmogenesis and its initial involutional fractal geometry. Incidentally, this theoretical model was personally confirmed by direct experience using an advanced form of inner observation of my own conscious mind, and ultimately cosmic mind itself, coupled with experiments related to observation of the universal hologram from various zero-points of view in 3-space. Proving that all universal structural information converges in and is radiated from every zero-point center of unconditioned consciousness located everywhere and everywhen in total space and time. Leon Maurer http://leonmaurer. http://knol. k/how-it- all-began# http://tinyurl. com/ABC-prelim- notes
The initial, all encompassing spacetime field inflates to infinite diameter at near infinite frequency at the first moment of cosmogenesis. It is the source of all subsequent electromagnetic and gravitational fields and forms of mass-energy in our universe. Naturally, this initial field is triune, like two bubbles within a surrounding bubble -- since the first 1-d ray of energy emanated from the spin momentum (or what I call "spinergy" or G-force) of the singularity, must follow a continuously repeating three cycle mobius-Klein, spiral vortex, triple loop path, like a figure eight inside a circle. Obviously, no circular energy field matrix can exist without its lines or rays (strings) of force being directly connected to its initial spin momentum center of origin or ZPE. Vide, the magnetic field of the Earth, the Sun, and that surrounding any magnetized object or particle.
Therefore, this cyclic 2-d triple loop path, as it rotates laterally around its zero-point of origin, forms the first fractal involved hyperspherical spacetime field that carries all the structural and experiential information (retained from its previous cycle of phenomenal existence) as holographic wave interference patterns on its outer surface... Which information is resonant with its twin harmonic inner fields and with all their subsequent harmonic fractal involutions -- as their inner fields, analogously, cyclicly radiates outward and inward around their own zero-pont centers, ad infinitum. Picture this in symbolic cross section diagram at:
http://leonmaurer. info/ABCimages/ Cyclic-paths- cosmogenesis. jpg
Since, the frequencies of this initial and all subsequent inner fractal harmonic spherical standing waves is determined by the cyclic rate of the outward or positive wave form coupled with the inward or negative wave form -- which, in continued repetition in each 3 cycle moment to moment of relative time at each descending frequency phase level, and since there can be only one energy source throughout total spacetime... Therefore, it seems obvious that the outward or expanding wave form is the source of the electrodynamic fields, and the inward compressive wave form is the source of the gravitational field... And, that the entire cycle of inward outward change of the total field from positive to negative, is the basis of relative time as well as relative velocity at each frequency phase level... While also determining the linear dimension or radius of each spherical standing wave... Beginning with the initial cosmic spacetime field down to the smallest particle next to the absolute zero point's abstract nonlinear motion or infinite angular spin momentum itself.
Note that each spherical particle-wave, at its fundamental frequency, including its spin momentum source, would have a finite metric mass-energy relative to the infinite potential mass-energy at its ZP center.
Since this fractal harmonic involution of the initial cosmic standing wave continues reaching down to the most fundamental particle-standing wave field surrounding the zero-point in the center of the Planck volume... And, continues on down through their inner harmonics until the zero-point spin momentum itself -- still carrying the interference patterned information of the total cosmos on their resonant surfaces... Therefore, since all cosmic information is contained in each absolute zero-point, our 4th lowest frequency phase order physical universe would appear to be an infinitely composite hologram -- with resolutions stepping down, fractally, between zero and infinite in in each successive analogous and corresponding frequency phase order (i.e., spiritual, mental, astral, physical).
However, the amount and resolution of information carried by each descending field is determined by the natural frequency of the field itself -- which varies in descending phase orders. Therefore, the information carried by the initial cosmic field is infinite... While the information of its fractal involved fields are relatively finite on each descending frequency phase order. Thus, each particle-standing wave's physical harmonic carries only the information pertaining to its own particular structure and properties. Also, it's apparent that the information carried by such field's outer spherical surface is equivalent to the event barrier of the supposed black holes on the cosmological level -- which are also "things" -- like the possible "dark matter-energy fields" spinning on the two axes of the overall cosmos that are perpendicular to the spin axis of the seven fold light matter-energy fields we are made out of and experience.. . But, even then, if we consider only our physical/material brain, body, senses, etc., we materially exist only on a small, lower frequency phase order part of the 4th lower physical phase order of the total cosmos... Yet our highest order spiritual field reaches its furthest boundary.
That said, the only thing in the cosmos that is "no thing" (in physical terms) is the pure unconditioned consciousness of the zero-point of the thing I call (zero-point absolute space's) "spin momentum" -- that Einstein called the "singularity" and current physics calls, "ZPE" -- which is located everywhere in metric spacetime.
Apparently, the only place that consciousness can be -- considering that, in order to detect, distinguish and discriminate between the finest frequency modulations on any of the surrounding fields of mind, memory-etc. it must be absolutely stationary relative to the vibrating field -- is in the eternally non moving zero-point center of the "singularity" of absolute space itself.
Also, where else could it be located in order to serve as a perfectly static visual reference point (relative to the entire body) -- which can enable us to coordinate the location of any part of our body with the holographic brain field image controlling the body movements and positions, relative to the image of the outer world seen in our mind field from a singular point in the center of our head?
Obviously, then, the processes used by the mind and brain to control and coordinate such instantaneous motional positions in conjunction with thought and intention, is entirely analog, based on phase conjugate adaptive resonance between interpenetrating fractally harmonic electromagnetic fields... All, originating from the same entangled zero-point sources.
Apparently, that process of spherical geometric location using triangulation relative to a fixed point of reference, is almost similar to the GPS system. The only difference is the relative instantaneousness of resonance between coadunate but not consubstantial EM fields directly linked to conscious awareness, vs. long distance projection, reflection, and digital processing of radio transmissions of information, that still has to be indirectly relayed and interpreted before we can consciously make use of it. Thus, showing us that nature, obeying Occam's razor to the letter, is far simpler and more efficient than any of our man-made technological systems can ever be.
ALL it takes is intuitive imagination and thought experiments, to put all these apparent mysteries into a comprehensive order that the awakened mind can grasp... Proving to each of us who can comprehend the total reality as a holographic gestalt, that there are more things in Heaven and Earth than (most reductive scientists, physicalists, or other eliminative materialists) can dream of in their philosophies. ;-)
After doing that intuitive trip for so many years -- every time I look at any material object in the universe, along with the reflection from their surfaces, I can also see the infinite conscious zero-points at the origin of all their particle standing wave fields -- and realize that I am seeing it all from the zero-point of my visual awareness in the center of my overall brain field, through its harmonic higher order physical mind-memory fields... And that this point is entangled with my true individual self consciousness located in the center of my overall body field or aura. This assures me that I am not my brain-body, or even my mind and soul -- but am truly that absolute zero-point of cosmic consciousness itself.
So, now I know that when I had an NDE and OBE some forty odd years ago, I was seeing my own body from that zero point center of the higher mind field of my spiritual soul -- which was only temporarily detached from all the still assembled living body cellular fields -- by sub conscious willful intent, much the same as when in deep mediation or when astral traveling (as I and some others I know of, have experienced) .
Therefore, this cyclic 2-d triple loop path, as it rotates laterally around its zero-point of origin, forms the first fractal involved hyperspherical spacetime field that carries all the structural and experiential information (retained from its previous cycle of phenomenal existence) as holographic wave interference patterns on its outer surface... Which information is resonant with its twin harmonic inner fields and with all their subsequent harmonic fractal involutions -- as their inner fields, analogously, cyclicly radiates outward and inward around their own zero-pont centers, ad infinitum. Picture this in symbolic cross section diagram at:
http://leonmaurer. info/ABCimages/ Cyclic-paths- cosmogenesis. jpg
Since, the frequencies of this initial and all subsequent inner fractal harmonic spherical standing waves is determined by the cyclic rate of the outward or positive wave form coupled with the inward or negative wave form -- which, in continued repetition in each 3 cycle moment to moment of relative time at each descending frequency phase level, and since there can be only one energy source throughout total spacetime... Therefore, it seems obvious that the outward or expanding wave form is the source of the electrodynamic fields, and the inward compressive wave form is the source of the gravitational field... And, that the entire cycle of inward outward change of the total field from positive to negative, is the basis of relative time as well as relative velocity at each frequency phase level... While also determining the linear dimension or radius of each spherical standing wave... Beginning with the initial cosmic spacetime field down to the smallest particle next to the absolute zero point's abstract nonlinear motion or infinite angular spin momentum itself.
Note that each spherical particle-wave, at its fundamental frequency, including its spin momentum source, would have a finite metric mass-energy relative to the infinite potential mass-energy at its ZP center.
Since this fractal harmonic involution of the initial cosmic standing wave continues reaching down to the most fundamental particle-standing wave field surrounding the zero-point in the center of the Planck volume... And, continues on down through their inner harmonics until the zero-point spin momentum itself -- still carrying the interference patterned information of the total cosmos on their resonant surfaces... Therefore, since all cosmic information is contained in each absolute zero-point, our 4th lowest frequency phase order physical universe would appear to be an infinitely composite hologram -- with resolutions stepping down, fractally, between zero and infinite in in each successive analogous and corresponding frequency phase order (i.e., spiritual, mental, astral, physical).
However, the amount and resolution of information carried by each descending field is determined by the natural frequency of the field itself -- which varies in descending phase orders. Therefore, the information carried by the initial cosmic field is infinite... While the information of its fractal involved fields are relatively finite on each descending frequency phase order. Thus, each particle-standing wave's physical harmonic carries only the information pertaining to its own particular structure and properties. Also, it's apparent that the information carried by such field's outer spherical surface is equivalent to the event barrier of the supposed black holes on the cosmological level -- which are also "things" -- like the possible "dark matter-energy fields" spinning on the two axes of the overall cosmos that are perpendicular to the spin axis of the seven fold light matter-energy fields we are made out of and experience.. . But, even then, if we consider only our physical/material brain, body, senses, etc., we materially exist only on a small, lower frequency phase order part of the 4th lower physical phase order of the total cosmos... Yet our highest order spiritual field reaches its furthest boundary.
That said, the only thing in the cosmos that is "no thing" (in physical terms) is the pure unconditioned consciousness of the zero-point of the thing I call (zero-point absolute space's) "spin momentum" -- that Einstein called the "singularity" and current physics calls, "ZPE" -- which is located everywhere in metric spacetime.
Apparently, the only place that consciousness can be -- considering that, in order to detect, distinguish and discriminate between the finest frequency modulations on any of the surrounding fields of mind, memory-etc. it must be absolutely stationary relative to the vibrating field -- is in the eternally non moving zero-point center of the "singularity" of absolute space itself.
Also, where else could it be located in order to serve as a perfectly static visual reference point (relative to the entire body) -- which can enable us to coordinate the location of any part of our body with the holographic brain field image controlling the body movements and positions, relative to the image of the outer world seen in our mind field from a singular point in the center of our head?
Obviously, then, the processes used by the mind and brain to control and coordinate such instantaneous motional positions in conjunction with thought and intention, is entirely analog, based on phase conjugate adaptive resonance between interpenetrating fractally harmonic electromagnetic fields... All, originating from the same entangled zero-point sources.
Apparently, that process of spherical geometric location using triangulation relative to a fixed point of reference, is almost similar to the GPS system. The only difference is the relative instantaneousness of resonance between coadunate but not consubstantial EM fields directly linked to conscious awareness, vs. long distance projection, reflection, and digital processing of radio transmissions of information, that still has to be indirectly relayed and interpreted before we can consciously make use of it. Thus, showing us that nature, obeying Occam's razor to the letter, is far simpler and more efficient than any of our man-made technological systems can ever be.
ALL it takes is intuitive imagination and thought experiments, to put all these apparent mysteries into a comprehensive order that the awakened mind can grasp... Proving to each of us who can comprehend the total reality as a holographic gestalt, that there are more things in Heaven and Earth than (most reductive scientists, physicalists, or other eliminative materialists) can dream of in their philosophies. ;-)
After doing that intuitive trip for so many years -- every time I look at any material object in the universe, along with the reflection from their surfaces, I can also see the infinite conscious zero-points at the origin of all their particle standing wave fields -- and realize that I am seeing it all from the zero-point of my visual awareness in the center of my overall brain field, through its harmonic higher order physical mind-memory fields... And that this point is entangled with my true individual self consciousness located in the center of my overall body field or aura. This assures me that I am not my brain-body, or even my mind and soul -- but am truly that absolute zero-point of cosmic consciousness itself.
So, now I know that when I had an NDE and OBE some forty odd years ago, I was seeing my own body from that zero point center of the higher mind field of my spiritual soul -- which was only temporarily detached from all the still assembled living body cellular fields -- by sub conscious willful intent, much the same as when in deep mediation or when astral traveling (as I and some others I know of, have experienced) .
> I would start with a collision between branes as the initialization to the Big Bang.
LM: What's a "brane" made of? Where did it come from? Where is it located? How did it get there? What (who) put them in motion?
> Such a universe as I understand would be string based and string vibrations would be the basis for the particle zoo.
LM: What's a "string" made of? Where did it come from? What started its vibrations? What's a "particle" made of? How do string vibrations make them? What are their shapes? How does that explain the particle-wave duality and the double slit paradox?
> The Dirac Sea from which half life particles arise would be represented as ranging from the tinest wavlet to the stormy ocean at which point a series of Fourier transforms take place.
LM: What's a "Dirac Sea" made of? What's a "wavelet"? What are they made of? How do they"Transform" ? Is a "Fourier transform" something real? If so--what kind of stuff is it made of?
Check this out:
http://blogs. mathworks. com/steve/ 2009/12/18/ a-very-different -take-on- the-fourier- transform/
> First from stormy ocean transforms into a geography of rolling hills which was a transform from rolling waves of the ocean. The transforms continues same as the tiny wave became a stormy ocean the rolling hills can become mountains.
LM: How do "tiny waves" (of what?)' transform into oceans (of what?) and then into "rolling hills" (of what?) -- that finally become "mountains" (of what?)????
> Both the stormy ocean tsunami and the mountain top represent limits to the Fourier transform but another transform is then possible, the Fourier transform squared.
LM: Are you talking about something real, or just describing a computer simulation of a mathematical equation? Or is this simply the raving of a hallucinating psychotic in a self or drug induced trance state?
All your above vagaries and scientific jargon do not explain the real nature of anything -- let alone the actual observable universe. So, I'm still waiting to find out how a universe gets structured?
> After that, I dunno, maybe triangles.
LM: Why not rectangles, or even rubber duckies of varying sizes and shapes? How about, Schrödinger's cats?
In any event, how did the universe we actually live in evolve out of all that gibberish?
Scientific mathematical equations and their numbers or labels can only metaphorically describe physical properties and their dynamics, but they cannot EXPLAIN any actual realities or their causes and effects.
> I do not see consciousness anywhere around until biologicals start to form so I think consciousness is a biproduct of the biologicals.
LM: Since consciousness is what you are seeing with, how could it see itself?
And, how do "biologicals" start to form (out of what?)?
And by what process does consciousness supposedly become a byproduct of them?
IOW, how does objective forms create subjective awareness or will?
Frankly, I don't think you can answer any of the above questions, nor can I imagine that you have the faintest understanding of the true nature of actual reality... And, I now know why you can't comprehend what either Rybo, Liz or Leon are talking about -- either from a metaphysical, physical, scientifically philosophical, or philosophically scientific point of view... Since, all you can see is the preconceived illusions of your own mind, and all you can know is its confusing of the metaphorical (mathematical) map with the territory (actual reality we live in).
The universe either has its origin in something real and explainable in ordinary language, or it has no real existence at all--except in each of our imaginations.
I, for one, however, see it as as having a real eternal existence (both consciously and materially) in absolute space, and manifesting periodically in accordance with the fundamental LAW of cycles governing electricity and its dynamics, fractal harmonic fields, particle standing wave forms, atoms, molecules, black holes, galaxies, stars, etc.-- and all their involutions, evolutions, combinations, permutations -- and correlated multidimensional solid geometry's. (BTW, if you have any doubts about this, ask Rybo.)
This immutable LAW is inherent in infinite spin or angular momentum of the absolute zero-point of total space -- whether such space is manifest (expanded hyperspherically) or unmanifest (condensed, dormant, inert)... With no loss of total mass-energy or information at any level.
With the "physical" universe being part of the final involution (third fractal iteration) of the initial cosmic fields radiating from its primal zero-point spin momentum -- having its initial appearance at the fourth lowest frequency phase order -- at tlight speeds between c^8 and c -- with only the "c" light visible to us (since we are made of the same stuff)....
This "appearance" being the apparent "big bang" of the standard model of conventional physics. Although, actually, its full inflation and expansion would have actually occurred in the initial instant of cosmogenesis. that set its fixed boundaries (or "event horizon" in scientific jargon) -- as well as that of all fractal involved fields within it, down to the smallest sub quantum level black hole and its inner fractal field involutions spiraling vortically inward toward its infinitely massive zero-point singularity. [The inward compressive spiraling force rays (strings?) being the gravitational aspect of the ONE primal force, and its simultaneous outward expansion force rays being its electromagnetic aspect. This is simple stuff -- since (as Einstein said) "God doesn't play dice".
This entire cycle of cosmic radiation, inflation, expansion, involution, compression, starting from and ending at the zero-point singularity (fundamental spin momentum) of absolute (zero-point) space, is the fundamental root of the "holographic principle" which underlies all phenomenal reality... And, is the basis of all consolidated relativity, quantum, string, superstring, and M-brane theories... Which, along with consciousness, as a fundamental qualitative property of Absolute or total Space, could be called the "Grand Unified Field Theory of Everything -- that neither Einstein, nor any other scientist (using the mathematics of conventional physics) could solve.
All of this is explained in my ABC theory -- when carefully studied, intuitively envisioned, and mentally grasped (without being biased by preconceived images based on narrow scientific mathematical descriptions or their computer simulations. )... See; How it all began, and how the universe works in conjunction with consciousness (awareness, will), mind, memory, brain, body, senses, etc.:
http://dzyanmaster. wordpress. com
HOW IT ALL BEGANTHE WAY THE CONSCIOUS COSMOS COMES INTO BEING AND HOW IT WORKS Astro Biological Coenergetics (ABC) - is a scientifically philosophical holographic, fractal involved field theory of cosmogenesis, mind, memory, information and consciousness—based on the fundamental propositions that subjective consciousness (awareness, will) is an a priori quality of the underlying, unconditioned ABSOLUTE space—located everywhere in RELATIVE space-time... And that the entire cosmos is a hologram—with all structural information contained in every absolute zero-point "singularity" (infinite ABSOLUTE space) at the origtn of all fields and forms in finite RELATIVE spacetime... Where all such fields' fractal harmonics steps down octavally in frequency phase orders ranging between zero and infinite.
This theory further postulates that total relative gravitational/electrodynamic spacetime, including the higher orders of fractal involved cosmic hyperspacetime fields and all their mass/energy fields (em & gravitational radiation) and forms (particle-standing waves)—both in sub-quantum hyperspacetime and in our lowest frequency phase order physical/material quantum spacetime—are generated from the spin momentum (ZPE) of the “singularity” surrounding each proto-conscious zero-point of primal or absolute SPACE located everywhere throughout total hyperspherical spacetime…Contents
- THE INITIAL FIELDS OF COSMOGENESISThese initial fields appear as a fractal involved series of harmonic radiant energy fields, like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles, that descend from near infinite to near zero frequency spectrum phase order to our lowest order physical/material spacetime (which total physical spacetime is analogous and corresponding to the fractal involved highest order fields of overall cosmic spacetime).
See how all these physical (sub quantum, quantum, and classical) fields are analogous with the initial fields of cosmogenesis — extending down through the spiritual, mental, astral and physical planes (or frequency phase orders), IOW, The microcosm is the mirror of the macrocosm, As above, so below:
Since these ZPE-originated fields are located everywhere (in the Planck false vacuum) and their ultimate radial extension is infinite — they interpenetrate each other in the vast sea of pulsating cosmic spacetime… And, together, constitute the basis of our holographic universe...
Note that all radiant electrodynamic fields, within any frequency spectrum phase order, must have a series of fractal harmonics extending throughout its entire spectral range, which also resonates with all other (higher and lower) phase order fields — and that all information is carried on such fields as modulated wave interference patterns — so that, once recorded, no information is ever lost.
Since all structural information is contained in the infinite spin-momentum (singularity) source of all (harmonic) fractal involved cosmic fields, along with all particle standing waves (as well as all their formative combination's and permutations) at different frequency phase orders... And since all information is transformed from field to field by phase conjugate adaptive resonance... The entire physical universe we experience (at the fourth lowest phase order of the third fractal involution of the cosmos) — is a hologram.
On our physical/material level or plane — this fundamental octave enfolded hyperspherical (toroidal) harmonic structure of all hyperspace and metric space/energy field/forms in total physical/material spacetime (originating from its own “singularity”--ref: General Relativity) — is the basis of all generation of ZPE fields radiating from the center of origin of all physical forms — beginning with the smallest sub-quantum particle and extending to the largest galaxy, as well as each human being (see illustrations referenced below)
All such fields are also electrodynamic in nature (Ref: Maxwell, Coulomb, Faraday, Ampere equations), Consequently, all structural, memory and mental information is carried as holographically encoded wave interference patterns on the surface of such fields… And transmitted, through descending hyperspace field phase orders to their common zero-point center of consciousness, by phase conjugate adaptive resonance processes.
Thus, Mind itself (in the case of human thought) is one of those hyperspace fields linked coenergetically (resonantly) with the brain’s radiant EM fields… With long term, archetypal, and species memory stored in adjacent higher order coenergetic hyperspace fields (ref: string theory).
At the first moment of cosmogenesis (“big bang” as science sees it) — the initial highest frequency/energy phase order (spiritual) triune fields of spacetime, fractally involve, and descend in orderly frequency-energy phase orders, stepping down from near infinite frequency spectrum’s to near zero — after emanating from the *singularity* of general relativity… Whose dual inherent qualities, at its zero-point center of origin (absolute space) — are both, *potential* subjective consciousness and *potential* objective *matter*.
(Note that only this eternal, unconditioned “absolute space” is forever ineffable — but once manifest or emanated and radiated in time, everything, thereafter, is subject to logical scientific-philosophical investigation and explanation)
The following diagrams symbolize this initial fractal involution and expansion of cosmos.
This source of everything in our physical-phenomenal hyperspace and metric space-time is the timeless and dimensionless zero-point center and surrounding infinite spin momentum, (G-force or “spinergy*) of unconditioned and eternal Absolute SPACE. This primal space remains, ubiquitously, in our lower order physical/material spacetime, as the zero-point center of “spinergy” at the origin (singularity) of every radiant field, fundamental particle and physical form — up to the largest galaxy, quasar, black hole, etc. Einstein labeled this ubiquitous source of ZPE, “aether” or ” total space.”
It is this Absolute SPACE that is both the creative force (conscious will) and the receptive womb (infinite spin momentum on triple perpendicular sets of infinite spherical axes) that constitutes the “cosmic eggs” out of which all subsequent universes, with their metaphysical hyperspace and physical metric space fields, fractal involve… And, after descending to the lowest order physical space (at the third fractal iteration) — subsequently evolve, simply and directly (by natural selection, possibly guided by morphogenetic fields (ref: Sheldrake) linked to fundamental consciousness along with stored memory of previous life forms)… With our cosmos being only one of those infinite “parallel” universes… With the same fundamental cyclic and electrodynamic laws, rooted in primal spin momentum, governing each of them.
Thus, everything (including all multidimensional space-time fields and all matter-energy forms) throughout all spherically manifest SPACE-TIME universes, are cyclic in nature, appear and disappear periodically, and their harmonic field involutions are essentially analogous and corresponding — in accord with holographic principles and the universal laws of electrodynamics… All, based on the ubiquitous fractal topological geometry and the fundamental spin momentum of every-zero-point “singularity” throughout “total space” (including “hyperspace” of string theory and metric spacetime of general relativity [GRT])…
Therefore, since consciousness is the fundamental quality of the zero-point center of spin momentum in absolute space — each such “singularity” is potentially conscious as is every zero-point center of all fractal involved information/energy fields radiating from it, ad infinitum.
To comprehend the origin of this endless and beginningless fundamental nature of all harmonic polar hyperspherical (toroidal) fields, at any phase order of overall involved spacetime, see:
Note that the central spiral vortex crossover point (analogous to all adjoining toroidal fractal involved fields) is what modern string and quantum physicists might call a “twistor” or a “wormhole” in our total physical spacetime.
The following is a cross-section diagram of how all energy fields (starting with cosmogenesis) radiate analogously as a fractal harmonic series of linearly woven hyper-spheres (double helix spiral vortex toroid) — one inside the other, like interpenetrating bubbles, within bubbles, within bubbles — ad infinitum:
Note: Not shown here, are the lines of force emanated in the opposite direction from the initial singularity… Nor are shown the fractal involutions of all spherical fields within each toroid’s outer circles (as they generate their own inner fractal involved hyperspheres due to lateral rotation on their zero-point centers). That infinite divisibility of absolute space is the basis of the holographic nature of all reality.
This fundamental structure of spacetime includes all non local zero-point fields, radiated from the ZPE at the Planck level, that generate and empower, all the black hole centers of every galaxy, star, planet, organism, organ, cell, virus, down to each fundamental quantum and sub quantum particle (standing-wave) — along with all the electrodynamic radiant fields of metric space and hyperspace in our physical spacetime realm.
Thus, all consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, detection, perception, discernment, discrimination, decision, etc.) is located at the ubiquitous source of all ZPE fields… And all information of consciousness is carried, transformed and transmitted as holographic wave interference patterns on the surfaces of such hyperspace fields… With the entire universe and all the structures within it, essentially a hologram… And with all information of consciousness (both efferent and afferent, or willful and perceptible) carried as AM/FM modulated wave interference patterns on the surface of the higher order coenergetic fields. Such information can be transmitted from one harmonic fractal involved field to the other, by phase conjugate adaptive resonance… (Note the analogy to musical sound and color spectrum’s on the physical level.)
All such information is also reflected in the EM fields of the brain whose malleable neural network serves as the material/physical/chemical link between the senses, neuromuscular system, and the mind and memory fields. The brain also is the CPU and controller of all the autonomic life support systems within the corporeal body. In itself, the brain is entirely unconscious — except for the subliminal cellular awareness each neuron has of their own individual conditions.
All such information of consciousness (either as neurologically transformed sensory or as stored memory field images) can be holographically reconstructed, detected and perceived as qualia by the zero-point of awareness at the image carrier field’s center of origin — solely by reflection of appropriate higher order coherent radiation, projected willfully from the spin-momentum (spinergy) surrounding each point of sensory perception. This willful projection also is linked to the control of attention — which in the case of vision, automatically directs the saccades, binocular convergence, and focus of the eyes — in conjunction with the neural processing, hard wire-linked everywhere throughout the body, along with the learned control of all intricate and subtle muscle movements at the level of “cell memory”. In addition, the malleable neurology, through repetitive training, reinforces the will directed neuromuscular energy channels. This cellular memory and neural channeling easily explains how a musician can play a practiced musical piece, once thoroughly learned, without any conscious thought or perceptive attention to the body or the instrument. Note that our appreciation of music and our emotional and physical response to it is also based on cellular memory, that may even go as deep as our DNA memory… As evidenced by our body’s pleasurable responses to tonal music (harmonics, resonance, etc.) and rhythm — which (as massage, acupuncture, acupressure, tapping, etc.) can also be used as a medium of healing.
Thus, we see and hear from a point in the center of our head, feel pain at the point of trauma, experience taste on the tongue, smell in the nose, touch on the skin, etc, — with all such zero-points pf awareness entangled with the central zero-point of our individual self or “I AM” consciousness — located in the primal neural plexus at the naval chakra center of the overall, highest frequency phase order (spiritual) field that surrounds and permeates all inner organ and cellular physical fields, along with their harmonic hyperspace fields. See:
This highest order field center is also linked to the respiratory system, and at another frequency-energy phase order, controls the heart beat. And, the overall series of higher order fields are equivalent to the undetectable “prana” or “chi” energy fields used in Chinese tai chi chuan and chi gong/acupuncture, as well as aryavedic medicine and vipassana yoga healing techniques. Thus, everything is interconnected at the level of zero-point consciousness, as well as (on the level of information) through inter-field resonance.
Therefore, right from the primal beginning, everything (including spacetime itself) is electrodynamic in fundamental nature, and all the laws of electricity, harmony, resonance, capacitance, resistance, inductance, etc, as well as thermodynamics (on the metric physical material levels) universally underlie all the laws of nature.
That is the true meaning of the phrase “mind over matter”, and explains all placebo effects, blind sight, phantom limb, near death experience (NDE), out of body experiences (OOBE), déjà vu, and many other observed psychic powers and phenomena’s — that are unsatisfactorily explained, or entirely unexplained by conventional reductive science.
As I see it — which incidentally, doesn’t contradict any valid or *proven* physics… It’s these fundamental laws of cycles, rooted in original spin (pun intended;-) that are also the basis of all mathematically described quantum dynamics, and the origin of all cosmic matter-energy fields and their forms and effects, that are postulated in superstring/M theories, and other, as yet unfalsifiable multidimensional hyperspace (ether) field, plasma field, quantum field, holographic paradigm, micro-particle theories, etc.
As presented here, the ABC model apparently synthesizes all these scientific theories along with all philosophies (that are proven to be true) with “religion” or the re-tying, re-joining or yoking of our individual consciousness with the all wise, all knowing, all present God, deific principle, or cosmic consciousness — that initiates each cycle of cosmic life.
The cosmos and God are one relatively eternal being… And we each, as a microcosm, are the mirrors of the macrocosm, and destined (as it is) to be reborn again and again — until the lesson is learned, and we return to the source.
Thus, our conscious souls (the surrounding triune monadic fields constituting our higher self) or who/what we are — remain forever an analogous and corresponding image of the cosmic primal fields of consciousness — as consciously and unconsciously experienced periodically by each of us during this cycle of a day in its year of life on Earth in this Solar System … With all existences at any level of reality, conforming to the fundamental laws of cycles and periodicity (rooted in ubiquitous primal spin momentum)… Such that, spirit tends to materialize, and material tends to spiritualize — periodically.
For the background notes on the development of the theory of Astro Biological Coenergetics see:
Vacuum has friction after all, 11 February 2011 by David Harris New Scientist Magazine issue 2799
Leon Maurer
http://www.jcer. com/index. php/jcj/article/ view/85 (PDF)
http://leonmaurer. (web reprint)
Miller, Iona, Embedded Holograms,
'Multiverse' theory suggested by microwave background By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Cosmos may show echoes of events before Big Bang, By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Vacuum has friction after all, 11 February 2011 by David Harris New Scientist Magazine issue 2799
Leon Maurer
http://www.jcer. com/index. php/jcj/article/ view/85 (PDF)
http://leonmaurer. (web reprint)
Miller, Iona, Embedded Holograms,
'Multiverse' theory suggested by microwave background By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Cosmos may show echoes of events before Big Bang, By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Back in 1993 Frank Tipler wrote an interesting book called "The Physics of Immortality" . In 2007 the poor man went a little funny in the head, you know, just a little funny, and he went and did a silly thing; he wrote another book saying we should look for divine DNA on the Shroud of Turin and check for radiation around the tomb of the Blessed Virgin Marry that was caused by an intense beam of neutrinos that must have shot out of the bottom of her feet thrusting her upward into heaven. Anyway, in 1993 he still had all his marbles and he gave a fairly plausible rough outline of how the universe might be able to perform an infinite (not just very large) number of calculations; to do that you'd need an infinite (not just very large) amount of energy but he thought the laws of physics and of cosmology were so constituted as to allow for that. If you could perform an infinite number of calculations then infinite subjective time is possible even if objectively
time comes to an end.
From the assumption that immortality was physically possible Tipler worked backward and made a number of predictions about what he thought the laws of the universe must be for immortality to happen. Tipler's predictions turned out to be wrong, some spectacularly wrong; he predicted the expansion of the universe would slow down, then it would stop, then it would change direction and collapse in on itself; from the heat of that imploding fireball he
thought a hyper-advanced civilization could theoretically extract an infinite amount of energy. But we now know that due to Dark Energy the expansion of the cosmos is accelerating not decelerating so that fireball will never happen. It's clear we don't live in the sort of universe that Tipler thought we did, but could we still extract an infinite amount of
energy from the real universe and thus perform an infinite number of calculations? Perhaps. --John K. Clark, Fabric of Reality list
time comes to an end.
From the assumption that immortality was physically possible Tipler worked backward and made a number of predictions about what he thought the laws of the universe must be for immortality to happen. Tipler's predictions turned out to be wrong, some spectacularly wrong; he predicted the expansion of the universe would slow down, then it would stop, then it would change direction and collapse in on itself; from the heat of that imploding fireball he
thought a hyper-advanced civilization could theoretically extract an infinite amount of energy. But we now know that due to Dark Energy the expansion of the cosmos is accelerating not decelerating so that fireball will never happen. It's clear we don't live in the sort of universe that Tipler thought we did, but could we still extract an infinite amount of
energy from the real universe and thus perform an infinite number of calculations? Perhaps. --John K. Clark, Fabric of Reality list
Plenum Paradigm
PLENUM PARADIGM: Flux is the Language of the Cosmos, by Iona Miller
In the quantum world, everything is in self-organizing flux, including the subquantal virtual photons popping in and out of existence. The foamy Zero Point fluctuation of subspace perturbs and determines the behavior of quantum systems theoretically through radiant EM fields. Radiation is absorbed from the zero-point background. The stability of matter itself is mediated by the zero point fluctuation phenomena.
This hidden energy pool is invoked by new age physicists and healers as plenum physics (Comings; Miller). And EM fields that correlate with matter are claimed to act as morphogenetic fields, guiding the form, interaction and evolution of species (Sheldrake). Quantum and EM field interactions affect the health of the mindbody.
The gist of the holographic paradigm is that there is a fundamental reality that is an invisible flux not comprised of parts, but an inseparable interconnectedness. The holographic paradigm is one of reciprocal enfolding and unfolding of patterns of information. All potential information about the universe is holographically encoded in the spectrum of frequency patterns constantly bombarding us.
As Above; So Below
Mystics suggest even more subtle connections of soul and spirit through time and space, evolutionary intelligence. Even without a mystical approach, we can rest and refresh ourselves by aligning our intentionality with the very fabric of spacetime. Consciously participating in this universal process helps heal and integrate our mindbodies, psyche and matter. We can learn to self-soothe cumulative daily irritations by practicing self-regulation.
Cosmos resonates within each of us, but we have lost touch with that due to electromagnetic pollution and the distracting demands of modern life. But we can rediscover this integral context in which we are embedded as a field of timeless, radiant abundance. It is plausible that spacetime is a plenum rather than an empty vacuum. It abides not just outside us in the depths of space but within the fabric of our being.
We are pulsating dynamos of cells, organs, and dynamic systems. We can learn to wrap our minds experientially around this quantum reality that we are not separate from the ongoing process of creation, even if an energetic field of information defies detection. The source of creation always flows through rhythmic pulsation or waves of energy/matter, perhaps even dark matter.
Fields Within Fields of Light and Sound
In this dynamic model there are no “things”, just energetic events. Light and sound (acoustic cymatics) modulate all matter. This “holoflux” includes the ultimately flowing nature of what is, and all possible forms. All the objects of our world are three-dimensional images formed of standing and moving waves by electromagnetic and nuclear processes. This is the guiding matrix for self-assembly, and manipulating and organizing physical reality. It is how our DNA creates and projects our psychophysical structure.
Our brains mathematically construct ‘concrete’ reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension. This information realm of meaningful, patterned primary reality transcends time and space. Thus, the brain is an embedded hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.
All existence consists of embedded holograms within holograms and their interrelatedness somehow gives rise to our existence and sensory images. When we embody this intimate wisdom, our bodies become temples of the living spirit.
Interference patterns of waves can be visualized interacting like ripples on a pond. At the quantum level they create matter and energy as we perceive them as lifelike 3-dimenional effects. Consciousness and matter share the same essence, differing by degrees of subtlety or density. There is a strong correlation between modulations of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger,1987; McFadden, 2002). The universe is a continuously evolving, interactively dynamic hologram.
“The interaction of our mind and consciousness with the quantum vacuum links us with other minds around us, as well as with the biosphere of the planet. It "opens" our mind to society, nature, and the universe. This openness has been known to mystics and sensitives, prophets and meta-physicians through the ages. But it has been denied by modern scientists and by those who took modern science to be the only way of comprehending reality.” -Ervin Laszlo
New physics, chaos theory, synergetics, and information theory describe our existence as complex dynamical systems. Entropy can only occur in a system that is absolutely closed so no energy from outside can be fed into it. But the mindbody is an open system, which exchanges energy and information with its environment and can be negentropic.
We can also have a negentropic influence on one another (Gladwell), perturbing, enlarging, creating new pathways and possibilities. Theoretically, behavior can ripple outward until a critical mass or "tipping point" is reached, changing the world. Gladwell's thesis that ideas, products, messages and behaviors "spread just like viruses do" remains a metaphor. Yet, highly sociable or connective people often become revolutionary leaders, bringing others together with a new perspective, a broadened worldview.
Life includes chaos and order, good and bad experiences, even catastrophes that require us to adapt or die. The important thing is how we meet and react to chaos, finding ways to replenish our depletion. Observation of the subquantal domain reveals an inexhaustible realm of negentropy from which we can draw our psychophysical sustenance. When healthy, our entire system is designed to reduce entropy, in different scales and domains.
We live in a persistent delusion of separateness. However, we are all nonlocally connected in an ill-defined yet tangible way at the subatomic, individual, group and global level, connecting and diverging. Psychic energy or libido is a psychosomatic phenomenon analogous to the paradoxical nature of energy/matter or wave/particle. The human body is not an object in space, but seamlessly welded to spacetime. We are not merely a phenomenal body of flesh, but one of awareness, of consciousness, a living interface of inner and outer field phenomena.
We all experience visceral or gut reactions and know instinctively how our mental states affect our physical vitality, and vice versa. But often we loose the intimate relationship with our mindbody, with the source of our being, our aliveness, our passions, our self-expression and self-image. If we experience this flow at all, it ebbs and flows away. Our individual and collective creative potential remains largely unrealized.
How often do we pay attention to those vital signs, the innate wisdom of the body, inhabiting our minds rather than our flesh? We are increasingly not instinctual, but cultural, and we choose many of our behaviors for good or ill. Most of us are, indeed, "sick and tired" of the way things are, but what do we do to change them and ourselves?
We can learn simple techniques for self-care and self-regulation, such as biofeedback, yoga, and meditation. Creativity, as an activity in several fields, brings many intrinsic health-promoting rewards. We can create new habits to help us cope with technocratic society that tone or recalibrate our systems and change our physical state. We all have to learn how to deal with personal and/or global catastrophe whether we want to or not.
This dance is a harmonic continuum from the smallest to the largest scales, permeating all domains of assembly and observation: subquantum, quantum, molecular, chemical, even cultural, global, and cosmological. The evolution of our dynamic system obeys universal laws. Likewise our behaviors flow into manifestation from our beliefs, thoughts and emotions, including our self-image.
By opening to system dynamics we can reorganize away from the entropic, reductionistic, destructive habit patterns that plague our species. We can make stress-reducing negentropic choices for structural and psychological adjustment, which improve our quality of life. Integration is a synergistic process rooted in primordial bodymind consciousness.
The brain is not confined to our skull, but permeates our whole being through the intracellular matrix and sensory system, as well as the strong EM fields generated by the beating heart. Research suggests activities in the brain may be pre-conditioned by the DC field of the organism (Oschmann; Becker). Our molecular system extends beyond the nervous system and is the bedrock of intuitive, subconscious and unconscious processes.
SOMA SOPHIA: Body Wisdom and Golden Flesh
"The borders of our minds are ever shifting and many minds can flow into one another ... and create or reveal a single mind, a single energy" ~ William Butler Yeats
Do we actively value our psychic well being, our totality, psyche and substance? Are we living soulful, artful lives? Do we nourish our whole selves with self-love? Do we take the time to care for our body or deny it, drive it relentlessly like our servant, or treat it like a machine? Do we attend to our inner world of waking images and dreams? Can we come to our senses, deepening the quality and intensity of embodied experience?
Our felt-sense is our wise intuitive response if we but listen. It brings meaning and value to life. What is your body trying to tell you? The body has a mind of its own and speaks that mind in gut reactions, body language, psychosomatics, and literal symptoms.
Both the alternative health fields and mindbody psychologies such as the humanistic, Jungian and transpersonal psychologies have sought the triple union of body, soul, and spirit much like the medieval alchemists. But only a fusion of those approaches can manifest the union of opposites in the golden flesh. We can learn to care for our mindbodies in new ways from the inside out, conceptually and experientially.
To truly nourish ourselves holistically we have to address the manifest needs of mental and physical well-being. Consciousness may have a direct effect on the subatomic particles of the body, especially those within the brain. A tiny change within the open system of the brain, for example, can result in a vast change to the overall health of the body because of amplification through feedback loops. Nonlinearity exists at many scales.
A dynamic combination of focus, concentration and flow undergirds our conscious existence and how we relate to others and the world. In meditation and holistic mindbody therapies, such as biofeedback, Tai Chi or Top-Down Yoga, we intentionally create dynamic changes in our psychophysiology. We temporarily drop our identification with the body only to reinhabit it with even more awareness or mindfulness. This is the artful life; creative fulfillment of our collective destiny.
We can use the wisdom of the bodymind to face stress, pain, loss, illness, even catastrophe. Creative transformation of our instinctive reactions produces the alchemical "gold", whether we call that essence health, creativity, art, flow, inspiration or wisdom. Lifeforce is found within; psychic sustenance is found within. Once the mindbody connects with Source, all of our self-expression becomes soulful. We truly embody spirit.
We can return to Nature and our own nature, collectively preparing a paradigm shift for a new shared reality and trajectory that integrates physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual coherence. The silent frictionless flow of living intelligence is beyond words and conceptual constructs. We are a process of recursive self-generation. This continuum, which is our groundstate or creative Source, is directly discoverable in the immediacy of the emergent embodied moment.
We are each a temple of living light.
In the quantum world, everything is in self-organizing flux, including the subquantal virtual photons popping in and out of existence. The foamy Zero Point fluctuation of subspace perturbs and determines the behavior of quantum systems theoretically through radiant EM fields. Radiation is absorbed from the zero-point background. The stability of matter itself is mediated by the zero point fluctuation phenomena.
This hidden energy pool is invoked by new age physicists and healers as plenum physics (Comings; Miller). And EM fields that correlate with matter are claimed to act as morphogenetic fields, guiding the form, interaction and evolution of species (Sheldrake). Quantum and EM field interactions affect the health of the mindbody.
The gist of the holographic paradigm is that there is a fundamental reality that is an invisible flux not comprised of parts, but an inseparable interconnectedness. The holographic paradigm is one of reciprocal enfolding and unfolding of patterns of information. All potential information about the universe is holographically encoded in the spectrum of frequency patterns constantly bombarding us.
As Above; So Below
Mystics suggest even more subtle connections of soul and spirit through time and space, evolutionary intelligence. Even without a mystical approach, we can rest and refresh ourselves by aligning our intentionality with the very fabric of spacetime. Consciously participating in this universal process helps heal and integrate our mindbodies, psyche and matter. We can learn to self-soothe cumulative daily irritations by practicing self-regulation.
Cosmos resonates within each of us, but we have lost touch with that due to electromagnetic pollution and the distracting demands of modern life. But we can rediscover this integral context in which we are embedded as a field of timeless, radiant abundance. It is plausible that spacetime is a plenum rather than an empty vacuum. It abides not just outside us in the depths of space but within the fabric of our being.
We are pulsating dynamos of cells, organs, and dynamic systems. We can learn to wrap our minds experientially around this quantum reality that we are not separate from the ongoing process of creation, even if an energetic field of information defies detection. The source of creation always flows through rhythmic pulsation or waves of energy/matter, perhaps even dark matter.
Fields Within Fields of Light and Sound
In this dynamic model there are no “things”, just energetic events. Light and sound (acoustic cymatics) modulate all matter. This “holoflux” includes the ultimately flowing nature of what is, and all possible forms. All the objects of our world are three-dimensional images formed of standing and moving waves by electromagnetic and nuclear processes. This is the guiding matrix for self-assembly, and manipulating and organizing physical reality. It is how our DNA creates and projects our psychophysical structure.
Our brains mathematically construct ‘concrete’ reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension. This information realm of meaningful, patterned primary reality transcends time and space. Thus, the brain is an embedded hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.
All existence consists of embedded holograms within holograms and their interrelatedness somehow gives rise to our existence and sensory images. When we embody this intimate wisdom, our bodies become temples of the living spirit.
Interference patterns of waves can be visualized interacting like ripples on a pond. At the quantum level they create matter and energy as we perceive them as lifelike 3-dimenional effects. Consciousness and matter share the same essence, differing by degrees of subtlety or density. There is a strong correlation between modulations of the brain’s EM field and consciousness (Persinger,1987; McFadden, 2002). The universe is a continuously evolving, interactively dynamic hologram.
“The interaction of our mind and consciousness with the quantum vacuum links us with other minds around us, as well as with the biosphere of the planet. It "opens" our mind to society, nature, and the universe. This openness has been known to mystics and sensitives, prophets and meta-physicians through the ages. But it has been denied by modern scientists and by those who took modern science to be the only way of comprehending reality.” -Ervin Laszlo
New physics, chaos theory, synergetics, and information theory describe our existence as complex dynamical systems. Entropy can only occur in a system that is absolutely closed so no energy from outside can be fed into it. But the mindbody is an open system, which exchanges energy and information with its environment and can be negentropic.
We can also have a negentropic influence on one another (Gladwell), perturbing, enlarging, creating new pathways and possibilities. Theoretically, behavior can ripple outward until a critical mass or "tipping point" is reached, changing the world. Gladwell's thesis that ideas, products, messages and behaviors "spread just like viruses do" remains a metaphor. Yet, highly sociable or connective people often become revolutionary leaders, bringing others together with a new perspective, a broadened worldview.
Life includes chaos and order, good and bad experiences, even catastrophes that require us to adapt or die. The important thing is how we meet and react to chaos, finding ways to replenish our depletion. Observation of the subquantal domain reveals an inexhaustible realm of negentropy from which we can draw our psychophysical sustenance. When healthy, our entire system is designed to reduce entropy, in different scales and domains.
We live in a persistent delusion of separateness. However, we are all nonlocally connected in an ill-defined yet tangible way at the subatomic, individual, group and global level, connecting and diverging. Psychic energy or libido is a psychosomatic phenomenon analogous to the paradoxical nature of energy/matter or wave/particle. The human body is not an object in space, but seamlessly welded to spacetime. We are not merely a phenomenal body of flesh, but one of awareness, of consciousness, a living interface of inner and outer field phenomena.
We all experience visceral or gut reactions and know instinctively how our mental states affect our physical vitality, and vice versa. But often we loose the intimate relationship with our mindbody, with the source of our being, our aliveness, our passions, our self-expression and self-image. If we experience this flow at all, it ebbs and flows away. Our individual and collective creative potential remains largely unrealized.
How often do we pay attention to those vital signs, the innate wisdom of the body, inhabiting our minds rather than our flesh? We are increasingly not instinctual, but cultural, and we choose many of our behaviors for good or ill. Most of us are, indeed, "sick and tired" of the way things are, but what do we do to change them and ourselves?
We can learn simple techniques for self-care and self-regulation, such as biofeedback, yoga, and meditation. Creativity, as an activity in several fields, brings many intrinsic health-promoting rewards. We can create new habits to help us cope with technocratic society that tone or recalibrate our systems and change our physical state. We all have to learn how to deal with personal and/or global catastrophe whether we want to or not.
This dance is a harmonic continuum from the smallest to the largest scales, permeating all domains of assembly and observation: subquantum, quantum, molecular, chemical, even cultural, global, and cosmological. The evolution of our dynamic system obeys universal laws. Likewise our behaviors flow into manifestation from our beliefs, thoughts and emotions, including our self-image.
By opening to system dynamics we can reorganize away from the entropic, reductionistic, destructive habit patterns that plague our species. We can make stress-reducing negentropic choices for structural and psychological adjustment, which improve our quality of life. Integration is a synergistic process rooted in primordial bodymind consciousness.
The brain is not confined to our skull, but permeates our whole being through the intracellular matrix and sensory system, as well as the strong EM fields generated by the beating heart. Research suggests activities in the brain may be pre-conditioned by the DC field of the organism (Oschmann; Becker). Our molecular system extends beyond the nervous system and is the bedrock of intuitive, subconscious and unconscious processes.
SOMA SOPHIA: Body Wisdom and Golden Flesh
"The borders of our minds are ever shifting and many minds can flow into one another ... and create or reveal a single mind, a single energy" ~ William Butler Yeats
Do we actively value our psychic well being, our totality, psyche and substance? Are we living soulful, artful lives? Do we nourish our whole selves with self-love? Do we take the time to care for our body or deny it, drive it relentlessly like our servant, or treat it like a machine? Do we attend to our inner world of waking images and dreams? Can we come to our senses, deepening the quality and intensity of embodied experience?
Our felt-sense is our wise intuitive response if we but listen. It brings meaning and value to life. What is your body trying to tell you? The body has a mind of its own and speaks that mind in gut reactions, body language, psychosomatics, and literal symptoms.
Both the alternative health fields and mindbody psychologies such as the humanistic, Jungian and transpersonal psychologies have sought the triple union of body, soul, and spirit much like the medieval alchemists. But only a fusion of those approaches can manifest the union of opposites in the golden flesh. We can learn to care for our mindbodies in new ways from the inside out, conceptually and experientially.
To truly nourish ourselves holistically we have to address the manifest needs of mental and physical well-being. Consciousness may have a direct effect on the subatomic particles of the body, especially those within the brain. A tiny change within the open system of the brain, for example, can result in a vast change to the overall health of the body because of amplification through feedback loops. Nonlinearity exists at many scales.
A dynamic combination of focus, concentration and flow undergirds our conscious existence and how we relate to others and the world. In meditation and holistic mindbody therapies, such as biofeedback, Tai Chi or Top-Down Yoga, we intentionally create dynamic changes in our psychophysiology. We temporarily drop our identification with the body only to reinhabit it with even more awareness or mindfulness. This is the artful life; creative fulfillment of our collective destiny.
We can use the wisdom of the bodymind to face stress, pain, loss, illness, even catastrophe. Creative transformation of our instinctive reactions produces the alchemical "gold", whether we call that essence health, creativity, art, flow, inspiration or wisdom. Lifeforce is found within; psychic sustenance is found within. Once the mindbody connects with Source, all of our self-expression becomes soulful. We truly embody spirit.
We can return to Nature and our own nature, collectively preparing a paradigm shift for a new shared reality and trajectory that integrates physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual coherence. The silent frictionless flow of living intelligence is beyond words and conceptual constructs. We are a process of recursive self-generation. This continuum, which is our groundstate or creative Source, is directly discoverable in the immediacy of the emergent embodied moment.
We are each a temple of living light.
Randy mack, Floral Mind