Mankind Research Unlimited
Frontier Science, 1970s - 1990's and Beyond
Makes Me Want to Psi

Frontier Science: In over 30 years of explorations many unique individuals came through the doors of MRU to share their knowledge, gifts, and experiments in the pioneering days of parapsychology, consciousness studies and complementary medicine. This fusion of esoterics and science produced a hybrid that often drew more from art and intuition than objective rationality. It gave new meaning to the rapidly transforming notion of Reality. It gave an edge to SpecOps supersoldiers in the field for heightened performance and decision-making. The psi warrior was born.
ESOTERICS - SCIENCE - INTELLIGENCE: The science of mind-body-environment relationships, psychotronics is an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness.
From the early 1970's through the 1990's, Washington DC-based MRU research was one coherent force behind the paradigm shift that led to the holism revolution, the holographic paradigm, and human potential movement. MRU explored and pioneered New Technologies, Alternative Health Modalities, Consciousness Studies, Radionics and Subtle Energies.
Subjects included psychotronics, quantum mind, bioholography, biophotonics, mindbody, medical meditation, nonlocal healing, futuring, EVP, radionics, stress management, resonance, psychic & paranormal phenomena, scalar physics, psychism, channeling, Kirlian photography, dreamwork, rapid scan medical diagnostics, biofeedback, ESP & hypnosis, hypnotherapy, remote viewing, plasma physics, biomedical engineering, earth energies, mind control, entanglement, UFOs and a variety of other subjects that now captivate the public imagination.
PSYCHOTRONICS: Czech term for “parapsychology” (excluding the study of survival), but embracing certain phenomena that are not now generally accepted as parapsychological. According to (the late) Larissa Vilenskaya (1983, p. 107), the term was first proposed with the analogy of “bionics” in mind, to refer to “the field dealing with the construction of devices capable of enhancing and/or reproducing certain psi phenomena (such as psychokinesis in the case of ‘psychotronic generators’ developed by Robert Pavlita) and later embraced some other phenomena.” [Dale & White, 1977] The science and discipline of how life functions; includes the study of how technology interacts with the human mind, spirit, and body; science, mathematics, philosophy, metaphysics, and esoteric studies are united through the study of psychotronics; it would also include other realities and how we interface with other dimensions of existence; psychotronic devices use radionic tuning to transmit brain waves and are used as mind amplifiers. The first Psychotronic Conference was held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in June of 1973.
MRU was among the vanguard that led to a revisioning of forbidden science as well as a holistic worldview, including self-care and self-regulatory practices. The collision of spiritual science with intelligence applications led to a revisioning of the nature of reality and our own reality in terms of extraordinary human potential. It remains for us to implement what was learned for good or evil.
MRU sought to move humanity forward toward a better, sustainable future in which each individual could optimize their own potential in a healthy society. We are in an era when the death of the outworn societal system is leading toward chaos, but a new healthier system can emerge from the chaos of transformation, much like it does in individual therapy when we face our shortcomings, challenges and need for radical change. How well we learn and apply spiritual technologies and compassion may well be key in the global transformative process. At this juncture, where we are merging with our technology we must be proud to be flesh and learn to become more fully human even while we enhance our abilities and performance with hi tech innovations that make us cyborgs (h+) or immerse us in the virtualities of electronic worlds.
ESOTERICS - SCIENCE - INTELLIGENCE: The science of mind-body-environment relationships, psychotronics is an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy, and consciousness.
From the early 1970's through the 1990's, Washington DC-based MRU research was one coherent force behind the paradigm shift that led to the holism revolution, the holographic paradigm, and human potential movement. MRU explored and pioneered New Technologies, Alternative Health Modalities, Consciousness Studies, Radionics and Subtle Energies.
Subjects included psychotronics, quantum mind, bioholography, biophotonics, mindbody, medical meditation, nonlocal healing, futuring, EVP, radionics, stress management, resonance, psychic & paranormal phenomena, scalar physics, psychism, channeling, Kirlian photography, dreamwork, rapid scan medical diagnostics, biofeedback, ESP & hypnosis, hypnotherapy, remote viewing, plasma physics, biomedical engineering, earth energies, mind control, entanglement, UFOs and a variety of other subjects that now captivate the public imagination.
PSYCHOTRONICS: Czech term for “parapsychology” (excluding the study of survival), but embracing certain phenomena that are not now generally accepted as parapsychological. According to (the late) Larissa Vilenskaya (1983, p. 107), the term was first proposed with the analogy of “bionics” in mind, to refer to “the field dealing with the construction of devices capable of enhancing and/or reproducing certain psi phenomena (such as psychokinesis in the case of ‘psychotronic generators’ developed by Robert Pavlita) and later embraced some other phenomena.” [Dale & White, 1977] The science and discipline of how life functions; includes the study of how technology interacts with the human mind, spirit, and body; science, mathematics, philosophy, metaphysics, and esoteric studies are united through the study of psychotronics; it would also include other realities and how we interface with other dimensions of existence; psychotronic devices use radionic tuning to transmit brain waves and are used as mind amplifiers. The first Psychotronic Conference was held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in June of 1973.
MRU was among the vanguard that led to a revisioning of forbidden science as well as a holistic worldview, including self-care and self-regulatory practices. The collision of spiritual science with intelligence applications led to a revisioning of the nature of reality and our own reality in terms of extraordinary human potential. It remains for us to implement what was learned for good or evil.
MRU sought to move humanity forward toward a better, sustainable future in which each individual could optimize their own potential in a healthy society. We are in an era when the death of the outworn societal system is leading toward chaos, but a new healthier system can emerge from the chaos of transformation, much like it does in individual therapy when we face our shortcomings, challenges and need for radical change. How well we learn and apply spiritual technologies and compassion may well be key in the global transformative process. At this juncture, where we are merging with our technology we must be proud to be flesh and learn to become more fully human even while we enhance our abilities and performance with hi tech innovations that make us cyborgs (h+) or immerse us in the virtualities of electronic worlds.
The Paranormal Power

The Paranormal Power
In 1973, the underground blockbuster PSYCHIC DISCOVERIES BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN came out and former Naval Intelligence Officer, Dr. Carl Schleicher actively wondered why the US had no comparable program in psychotronics, where esoterics meets science. He resolved to create one, recruited authors Ostrander & Schroeder, and began collecting researchers and creating experimental protocols. Thus, Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) in Washington D.C. was born in 1973 as a private company, seeking government and corporate contracts.
The irony of this Cold War era, is that the Soviets thought we were using psychic spies, so they began their program, which in turn sparked actual US interest, based on their claims of success. Blue Sky research became of interest to both the government and private sector. It spread from R&D thinktanks into the open-minded counterculture then to the mainstream. Blue sky projects that begin as implausible can produce incremental advances that eventually result in applied technologies. It is bottom-up versus top-down research.
In the 1970's, programs were conducted at Standford Research Institute (SRI) in Remote Viewing and in the 1980s the Army applied it militarily in the New Earth Battalion, ("Be all that you can be"), subject of the 2009 movie, "Men Who Stare At Goats." Astronaut Edgard Mitchell founded the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) in 1973. It explores different ways of "knowing," including spiritual practices and exploration of transformative relationships. Its prominent role in Dan Brown's 2009 book, THE LOST SYMBOL, is fixing the meaning of 'noetic science' in the public imagination.The Esalan Physics Consciousness Group was founded by fellow scientists Jack Sarfatti, Nick Herbert, Saul-Paul Sirag, and Fred Alan Wolf, to investigate The Fringe by studying frontier subjects such as time travel, consciousness after death, and ESP.
MRU alumni, Uri Geller and his spoonbending captured the public imagination and led to crazes in firewalking and other demonstrations of extraordinary human potential. Few in the public understood the spectrum of psychotronics or noetics, but the old mechanical model of the mindbody relationship died and a new model based in psi, mind-body healing and subtle energies emerged aimed at developing innate human potentials and creative capacity. Boundaries between inner and outer experience collapsed.
The new consciousness paradigm opened our culture to the holistic world of complementary medicine, the human potential movement and the idea that we, too, could participate directly in the mysteries of nature. The premise was that the strangest phenomena have the most to teach us about science and ourselves. New interdisciplinary specialties in parapsychology, biophysics, accelerated learning and alternative medicine emerged. MRU was at the forefront of this cultural revolution, which promised transformational breakthroughs in personal and collective consciousness, integral healing and a new worldview.
Over the years, I've been fortunate to interview and work with many of the former associates of Dr. Carl Schleicher's thinktank and foundation:
Rumors about this notorious organization run rife, but we are here to set the record as straight as it can be from the insiders' points of view. All agree that Dr. Schleicher was a weirdly eccentric but basically well-meaning individual who sought to help humanity with innovative programs, theories, discoveries, treatments, and products. Many accusations have been made about him in print, but not all can be proven beyond reasonable doubt.
What is known by his most familiar colleagues is included here, so you can make up your own mind. Grey areas remain in his biography, proving this man was neither entirely black nor white. He was, indeed, a shadowy individual, but his contribution was tremendous and his wide-ranging reach may never be fully revealed nor well-understood. What is clear is, based on all he knew about the world for good or ill, MRU and MRF were the culmination of whatever vision he enjoyed.
MRU: A thinktank and research organization that aims: "to combine the efforts of leading researchers and experimenters in the multi-disciplinary and interacting fields of human development and humanistic psychology which include research involving the body, mind and those forces and phenomena acting upon the health, education and welfare of mankind. Areas of study include biocommunication, biocybernetics, biophysics, psycho-physiology, educational development, cancer research and mind-body developments."
Some have linked MRU to CIA's MK ULTRA Project but it was likely closer to less sinister SRI-type paranormal and medical research though there is some overlap in project areas.
Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics, psychotronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short rangeFrequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg" mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.
It was not until the middle or late 1970's that the American public became aware of a series of hitherto secret programs that had been conducted over the preceding two decades by the military and intelligence community. These extensive secret programs bore the project titles MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH (MK being understood to stand for Mind Kontrol), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MONARCH and CHATTER. The principle aim of these and associated programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin. Secondary aims were the development of a method of citizen control.
MRU conducted client-sponsored research and development for government agencies, commercial businesses, foundations and other organizations. Carl said he wanted to further and develop the works of suppressed, maligned or unappreciated researchers on the "frontiers of science". These researchers and pioneers, included: Harold S. Burr, Ph.D.; F.S.C. Northrop, Ph.D.; Leonard J. Ravitz, M.D.; Wilhelm Reich, Ph.D.;R. B. Amber, D.C.; Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Ph.D.; Oscar Brunler, Ph.D.; Galen Hieronymus; Gen. Henry M. Gross; Verne Cameron; John Shelley; Ambrose and Olga Woorrall, Ph.D.; Harold Sherman; Townsend Brows; R. Abrams, M. D;.Ruth Drone; Carey Reams, D.N.; Buckminster Fuller; Nikola Tesla, D.Sc.; Yogi Bhajan; Henry and John Foray; K. Raudive, Ph.D.; Ingo Swann; S. W.Tromp, Ph.D.; L. L. Vasiliev, Ph.D.; Karl von Reichenbach, Ph.D.; Walter Russell, Ph.D.; Gopi Krishna; Gustaf Stromberg; Jose Silva; Edgar Cayce; Cleve Backster.
DEEP COVER: As a valued member of the United States Psychotronics Assn., Schleicher had access to a wide range of the most innovative minds imaginable. As a former intelligence agent, he had access to classified materials and experts. Associates included Dr. Eldon A. Byrd, Dr. Stanley Krippner, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, Dr. Emanuel Revici, Christopher Bird, Stefan Possony, physicist Richard Alan Miller, various intelligence and counterintelligence operatives for NSA and Naval and Air Force Intelligence who shall remain nameless, MRF Deputy Director and microbiologist Charles Stone, plus a variety of regional and program directors of different projects in science, education, and alternative health. Several of them were more than colleagues and became friends while others remained personally aloof and occasionally adversarial. He claimed to have a few opponents and even enemies.
There are doubtless many more contacts who's records, correspondence and reports were lost with Schleicher's passing. Some materials were never centralized, analyzed or compiled to begin with. Large boxes of experimental data were turned over to regional personnel. The colleagues and contacts of MRU principles cover the whole field of psychotronics, parapsychology, complementary healing, intelligentsia, psychism, the underground and more. Conferences were hotbeds of exchange, as were many Washington D.C. area installations. Each of the players has their own network of associates that stretched through every area of human culture, building an incredible webwork of influence that now permeates the national and global agenda.
Many of the vanguard connected with this unique thinktank are still in operation, both publicly and privately. They continue to permeate the intelligence landscape, illuminate with revelations about the now-unclassified past and make startling predictions about the future of science and humanity. In this sense, those who live on the cutting-edge are truly the 'time-travelers' of their generations. They not only saw the future - they lived it.
In 1973, the underground blockbuster PSYCHIC DISCOVERIES BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN came out and former Naval Intelligence Officer, Dr. Carl Schleicher actively wondered why the US had no comparable program in psychotronics, where esoterics meets science. He resolved to create one, recruited authors Ostrander & Schroeder, and began collecting researchers and creating experimental protocols. Thus, Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) in Washington D.C. was born in 1973 as a private company, seeking government and corporate contracts.
The irony of this Cold War era, is that the Soviets thought we were using psychic spies, so they began their program, which in turn sparked actual US interest, based on their claims of success. Blue Sky research became of interest to both the government and private sector. It spread from R&D thinktanks into the open-minded counterculture then to the mainstream. Blue sky projects that begin as implausible can produce incremental advances that eventually result in applied technologies. It is bottom-up versus top-down research.
In the 1970's, programs were conducted at Standford Research Institute (SRI) in Remote Viewing and in the 1980s the Army applied it militarily in the New Earth Battalion, ("Be all that you can be"), subject of the 2009 movie, "Men Who Stare At Goats." Astronaut Edgard Mitchell founded the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) in 1973. It explores different ways of "knowing," including spiritual practices and exploration of transformative relationships. Its prominent role in Dan Brown's 2009 book, THE LOST SYMBOL, is fixing the meaning of 'noetic science' in the public imagination.The Esalan Physics Consciousness Group was founded by fellow scientists Jack Sarfatti, Nick Herbert, Saul-Paul Sirag, and Fred Alan Wolf, to investigate The Fringe by studying frontier subjects such as time travel, consciousness after death, and ESP.
MRU alumni, Uri Geller and his spoonbending captured the public imagination and led to crazes in firewalking and other demonstrations of extraordinary human potential. Few in the public understood the spectrum of psychotronics or noetics, but the old mechanical model of the mindbody relationship died and a new model based in psi, mind-body healing and subtle energies emerged aimed at developing innate human potentials and creative capacity. Boundaries between inner and outer experience collapsed.
The new consciousness paradigm opened our culture to the holistic world of complementary medicine, the human potential movement and the idea that we, too, could participate directly in the mysteries of nature. The premise was that the strangest phenomena have the most to teach us about science and ourselves. New interdisciplinary specialties in parapsychology, biophysics, accelerated learning and alternative medicine emerged. MRU was at the forefront of this cultural revolution, which promised transformational breakthroughs in personal and collective consciousness, integral healing and a new worldview.
Over the years, I've been fortunate to interview and work with many of the former associates of Dr. Carl Schleicher's thinktank and foundation:
Rumors about this notorious organization run rife, but we are here to set the record as straight as it can be from the insiders' points of view. All agree that Dr. Schleicher was a weirdly eccentric but basically well-meaning individual who sought to help humanity with innovative programs, theories, discoveries, treatments, and products. Many accusations have been made about him in print, but not all can be proven beyond reasonable doubt.
What is known by his most familiar colleagues is included here, so you can make up your own mind. Grey areas remain in his biography, proving this man was neither entirely black nor white. He was, indeed, a shadowy individual, but his contribution was tremendous and his wide-ranging reach may never be fully revealed nor well-understood. What is clear is, based on all he knew about the world for good or ill, MRU and MRF were the culmination of whatever vision he enjoyed.
MRU: A thinktank and research organization that aims: "to combine the efforts of leading researchers and experimenters in the multi-disciplinary and interacting fields of human development and humanistic psychology which include research involving the body, mind and those forces and phenomena acting upon the health, education and welfare of mankind. Areas of study include biocommunication, biocybernetics, biophysics, psycho-physiology, educational development, cancer research and mind-body developments."
Some have linked MRU to CIA's MK ULTRA Project but it was likely closer to less sinister SRI-type paranormal and medical research though there is some overlap in project areas.
Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics, psychotronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short rangeFrequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of "cyborg" mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.
It was not until the middle or late 1970's that the American public became aware of a series of hitherto secret programs that had been conducted over the preceding two decades by the military and intelligence community. These extensive secret programs bore the project titles MKULTRA, MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, MKSEARCH (MK being understood to stand for Mind Kontrol), BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MONARCH and CHATTER. The principle aim of these and associated programs was the development of a reliable "programmable" assassin. Secondary aims were the development of a method of citizen control.
MRU conducted client-sponsored research and development for government agencies, commercial businesses, foundations and other organizations. Carl said he wanted to further and develop the works of suppressed, maligned or unappreciated researchers on the "frontiers of science". These researchers and pioneers, included: Harold S. Burr, Ph.D.; F.S.C. Northrop, Ph.D.; Leonard J. Ravitz, M.D.; Wilhelm Reich, Ph.D.;R. B. Amber, D.C.; Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Ph.D.; Oscar Brunler, Ph.D.; Galen Hieronymus; Gen. Henry M. Gross; Verne Cameron; John Shelley; Ambrose and Olga Woorrall, Ph.D.; Harold Sherman; Townsend Brows; R. Abrams, M. D;.Ruth Drone; Carey Reams, D.N.; Buckminster Fuller; Nikola Tesla, D.Sc.; Yogi Bhajan; Henry and John Foray; K. Raudive, Ph.D.; Ingo Swann; S. W.Tromp, Ph.D.; L. L. Vasiliev, Ph.D.; Karl von Reichenbach, Ph.D.; Walter Russell, Ph.D.; Gopi Krishna; Gustaf Stromberg; Jose Silva; Edgar Cayce; Cleve Backster.
DEEP COVER: As a valued member of the United States Psychotronics Assn., Schleicher had access to a wide range of the most innovative minds imaginable. As a former intelligence agent, he had access to classified materials and experts. Associates included Dr. Eldon A. Byrd, Dr. Stanley Krippner, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, Dr. Emanuel Revici, Christopher Bird, Stefan Possony, physicist Richard Alan Miller, various intelligence and counterintelligence operatives for NSA and Naval and Air Force Intelligence who shall remain nameless, MRF Deputy Director and microbiologist Charles Stone, plus a variety of regional and program directors of different projects in science, education, and alternative health. Several of them were more than colleagues and became friends while others remained personally aloof and occasionally adversarial. He claimed to have a few opponents and even enemies.
There are doubtless many more contacts who's records, correspondence and reports were lost with Schleicher's passing. Some materials were never centralized, analyzed or compiled to begin with. Large boxes of experimental data were turned over to regional personnel. The colleagues and contacts of MRU principles cover the whole field of psychotronics, parapsychology, complementary healing, intelligentsia, psychism, the underground and more. Conferences were hotbeds of exchange, as were many Washington D.C. area installations. Each of the players has their own network of associates that stretched through every area of human culture, building an incredible webwork of influence that now permeates the national and global agenda.
Many of the vanguard connected with this unique thinktank are still in operation, both publicly and privately. They continue to permeate the intelligence landscape, illuminate with revelations about the now-unclassified past and make startling predictions about the future of science and humanity. In this sense, those who live on the cutting-edge are truly the 'time-travelers' of their generations. They not only saw the future - they lived it.
More at

DEEP COVER: Each Moment is a Singularity
Iona Miller on Mankind Research Foundation;
MRU Spy-entists, Spooks, Kooks & Flukes
Frontier Science: In over 30 years of explorations many unique individuals came through the doors of MRU to share their knowledge, gifts, and experiments in the pioneering days of parapsychology, consciousness studies and complementary medicine. And it didn't stop there. MRU alumni continue exploring their respective research subjects. Perhaps the best is yet to come.
ScienceArtists: MRU did not emerge from a cultural vaccum. It was preceded by 1950s mind control experiments both by the US and Soviets and the ESP work of J.B. Rhine, the 1960s psychedelic revolution, the occult revival and the experiential therapies of the human potential movement. This fusion of esoterics and science produced a hybrid practitioner that often drew more from art and intuition than objective rationality, even in the pursuit of pure science. It gave new meaning to the rapidly transforming notion of Reality.
Into the Mystic: The mystic arts combined with scientific protocols gave an edge to SpecOps supersoldiers in the field for heightened performance and decision-making and acquiring information. Self-regulation techniques from meditation, yoga and martial arts have tangible effects on performance. The psi warrior was born. The esoteric nature of many of MRU's investigations necessarily meant they became explorations in the nature and effects of meta-beliefs in relation to the unbound self. Still, sexy science and good science are not necessarily synonymous.
Meta-Beliefs: The entire enterprise, which mainstreamed as the New Age movement, can be examined for its psychological valence. Self-limiting ideas may indeed be constricting, truncating awareness and perception of subtle dynamics, which though unseen can be enormously influential. Without scientific exploration we cannot draw the line between an anomalous phenomenon and self-delusion. Power lies in beliefs, emotional intelligence and empathy. The power within is activated by belief and acceptance.
Delimitation: We have to apply a sort of binocular vision as both scientist and mystic to penetrate the ultimate ground of nature and our nature. Quantum physics has become more mystical in its expression of universal truths. Naturally, there were many blind alleys and tunnel visions among the legitimate discoveries. Scientists are not exempt from exotic beliefs, especially ones rooted in personal experiences which become framed esoterically and reinforced by the biased beliefs of colleagues. Both inner and outer work are necessarily characterized by clarifying experimentation.
Thinktank: Applications of those discoveries and techniques are another layer of experimentation, often intensely personalistic, if not idiosyncratic. Does immersion in such an open-minded worldview lead to enhanced perception or merely the perception of such an arc? That the niche remains fascinating is evidenced by increasing public interest in the paranormal. Many people experience synchronistic events or felt-sense or anomalous cognition under certain conditions, but such phenomena are difficult to reproduce in the lab.. In this sense, MRU was a pathfinding research group, an intimation of things to come. But demonstrations of conscious thoughts changing physical time and space remain elusive.
Dark Matters: Depending on our inclinations, we view such frames as 'intentionality' as mind over matter manipulation of reality or merely a postmodern form of wishful thinking. If mind and matter share the more fundamental primordial Consciousness, the notion becomes more plausible as a false dichotomy like wave/particle. But is consciousness a quality of the absolute Zero-point Aether or absolute space that underlies all spacetime dimensions, and is the total cosmos is a hologram (including the fields of mind and memory)? We don't know because there is still no consensus in physics. But the theory of intentionality suggests the stronger the image implanted in the mind, the stronger the presumed postive effects. Can ZP consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, etc.) connect with the holograms carried by the higher order mind-memory fields in hyperspace? This corresponds to the implicate order and holonomic brain-mind theories of Bohm, Miller et al and Pribram, and is also consistent with some advanced string and quantum gravity theories.
Altered States: Breaking the universal laws of physics is quite another matter, as are as-yet-unseen, undiscovered mechanisms. But as yet we have no Hubble telescope for our inner worlds. You have to search for an invisble point by observing its effects, as we do for hyperdimensional black holes at the centers of a vast parades of light. Most of the universe is directly non-observable, including virtual vacuum fluctuation. Science has shown we operate on inner light; we are biophotonic beings. Do we also contain some kind of internal gravity or dark matter? Such notions echo the alchemical notion of "As Above, So Below." We sense there are missing dimensions, in both our inner and outer environments. Is death our personal singularity, a metaphysical gravity?
There was a time, not so long ago, when science seemed to understand how the universe worked. Everything – us, the Earth, the stars and even exotic-sounding supernova – was made of atoms which were all created at time-zero: the Big Bang. In between the atoms was nothing, a void: quite literally, ‘space’. But recently things have started to unravel. There is, it seems, a lot more to the universe than meets the eye. According to the best estimates, we only really know what about 4% of it is made of. But if only 4% is made of atoms, what about the rest? The rest is made of mysterious entities about which very little is understood, with equally mysterious names: virtual photons, black holes, dark matter and dark energy. We instinctively use every means at our disposal as we grope in the dark.
How do we apply powerful new spiritual and scientific tools to our well-being and the survival of our species?
Iona Miller on Mankind Research Foundation;
MRU Spy-entists, Spooks, Kooks & Flukes
Frontier Science: In over 30 years of explorations many unique individuals came through the doors of MRU to share their knowledge, gifts, and experiments in the pioneering days of parapsychology, consciousness studies and complementary medicine. And it didn't stop there. MRU alumni continue exploring their respective research subjects. Perhaps the best is yet to come.
ScienceArtists: MRU did not emerge from a cultural vaccum. It was preceded by 1950s mind control experiments both by the US and Soviets and the ESP work of J.B. Rhine, the 1960s psychedelic revolution, the occult revival and the experiential therapies of the human potential movement. This fusion of esoterics and science produced a hybrid practitioner that often drew more from art and intuition than objective rationality, even in the pursuit of pure science. It gave new meaning to the rapidly transforming notion of Reality.
Into the Mystic: The mystic arts combined with scientific protocols gave an edge to SpecOps supersoldiers in the field for heightened performance and decision-making and acquiring information. Self-regulation techniques from meditation, yoga and martial arts have tangible effects on performance. The psi warrior was born. The esoteric nature of many of MRU's investigations necessarily meant they became explorations in the nature and effects of meta-beliefs in relation to the unbound self. Still, sexy science and good science are not necessarily synonymous.
Meta-Beliefs: The entire enterprise, which mainstreamed as the New Age movement, can be examined for its psychological valence. Self-limiting ideas may indeed be constricting, truncating awareness and perception of subtle dynamics, which though unseen can be enormously influential. Without scientific exploration we cannot draw the line between an anomalous phenomenon and self-delusion. Power lies in beliefs, emotional intelligence and empathy. The power within is activated by belief and acceptance.
Delimitation: We have to apply a sort of binocular vision as both scientist and mystic to penetrate the ultimate ground of nature and our nature. Quantum physics has become more mystical in its expression of universal truths. Naturally, there were many blind alleys and tunnel visions among the legitimate discoveries. Scientists are not exempt from exotic beliefs, especially ones rooted in personal experiences which become framed esoterically and reinforced by the biased beliefs of colleagues. Both inner and outer work are necessarily characterized by clarifying experimentation.
Thinktank: Applications of those discoveries and techniques are another layer of experimentation, often intensely personalistic, if not idiosyncratic. Does immersion in such an open-minded worldview lead to enhanced perception or merely the perception of such an arc? That the niche remains fascinating is evidenced by increasing public interest in the paranormal. Many people experience synchronistic events or felt-sense or anomalous cognition under certain conditions, but such phenomena are difficult to reproduce in the lab.. In this sense, MRU was a pathfinding research group, an intimation of things to come. But demonstrations of conscious thoughts changing physical time and space remain elusive.
Dark Matters: Depending on our inclinations, we view such frames as 'intentionality' as mind over matter manipulation of reality or merely a postmodern form of wishful thinking. If mind and matter share the more fundamental primordial Consciousness, the notion becomes more plausible as a false dichotomy like wave/particle. But is consciousness a quality of the absolute Zero-point Aether or absolute space that underlies all spacetime dimensions, and is the total cosmos is a hologram (including the fields of mind and memory)? We don't know because there is still no consensus in physics. But the theory of intentionality suggests the stronger the image implanted in the mind, the stronger the presumed postive effects. Can ZP consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, etc.) connect with the holograms carried by the higher order mind-memory fields in hyperspace? This corresponds to the implicate order and holonomic brain-mind theories of Bohm, Miller et al and Pribram, and is also consistent with some advanced string and quantum gravity theories.
Altered States: Breaking the universal laws of physics is quite another matter, as are as-yet-unseen, undiscovered mechanisms. But as yet we have no Hubble telescope for our inner worlds. You have to search for an invisble point by observing its effects, as we do for hyperdimensional black holes at the centers of a vast parades of light. Most of the universe is directly non-observable, including virtual vacuum fluctuation. Science has shown we operate on inner light; we are biophotonic beings. Do we also contain some kind of internal gravity or dark matter? Such notions echo the alchemical notion of "As Above, So Below." We sense there are missing dimensions, in both our inner and outer environments. Is death our personal singularity, a metaphysical gravity?
There was a time, not so long ago, when science seemed to understand how the universe worked. Everything – us, the Earth, the stars and even exotic-sounding supernova – was made of atoms which were all created at time-zero: the Big Bang. In between the atoms was nothing, a void: quite literally, ‘space’. But recently things have started to unravel. There is, it seems, a lot more to the universe than meets the eye. According to the best estimates, we only really know what about 4% of it is made of. But if only 4% is made of atoms, what about the rest? The rest is made of mysterious entities about which very little is understood, with equally mysterious names: virtual photons, black holes, dark matter and dark energy. We instinctively use every means at our disposal as we grope in the dark.
How do we apply powerful new spiritual and scientific tools to our well-being and the survival of our species?