I am the Hermetic King resurrected from the sepulcher of the Nigredo. My fire has been drawn out of the darkness; purified and exalted. My expansive fire is Solar by nature and I am called the Son of the Sun.
I am the purified and exalted fire of your soul. I am the solar radiance of your consciousness and the true Gold of the philosophers. Blessed are they who have assimilated the innermost nature of this most adorable Fire!
Dorn said "Become a Living Philosopher's Stone".
This inner fire is then projected outside into the world,
as we see it outside and around the vessel. It is in this way that
we transmute the world and whatever we project the Stone upon. For our stone is "Our Fire".
Once one extracts the Philosopher's Stone one eventually becomes "A Stone of the Philosophers".
Inner fire is a God-given gift and can persist in male and female lines indefinitely.
I am the Hermetic King resurrected from the sepulcher of the Nigredo. My fire has been drawn out of the darkness; purified and exalted. My expansive fire is Solar by nature and I am called the Son of the Sun.
I am the purified and exalted fire of your soul. I am the solar radiance of your consciousness and the true Gold of the philosophers. Blessed are they who have assimilated the innermost nature of this most adorable Fire!
Dorn said "Become a Living Philosopher's Stone".
This inner fire is then projected outside into the world,
as we see it outside and around the vessel. It is in this way that
we transmute the world and whatever we project the Stone upon. For our stone is "Our Fire".
Once one extracts the Philosopher's Stone one eventually becomes "A Stone of the Philosophers".
Inner fire is a God-given gift and can persist in male and female lines indefinitely.
KINdling Effect
by Iona Miller, 2011
A self aware Dragon is waking up in the old Dragon Lines
by KINdling, Sympathetic Resonance & Entanglement.
KINdling causes permanent changes in dragon kin neural circuitry.
Kindling effects result from neuroplasticity, the ability of groupings of neurons
to change and realign themselves in response to repeated exposure to stimuli.
Soul Retrieval
"KINdling" is a possible mechanism for 'soul retrieval' in the dragon lines and an alternative mechanism for the mutual stimulation of gene expression in psychosocial genomics. Soul Retrieval is part of our Journey to Wholeness and quest for self-knowledge. It refers to shamanic practices that reintegrate various interpretations of the soul that might have become disconnected, trapped or lost through trauma -- loss of vitality and connection to life. KINdling is renewal of life force.
Soul Retrieval opens the door to self realization as Soul. From a shamanic point of view, part of the soul may split off, or dissociate, when we experience trauma or abuse. Soul loss is a spiritual illness that causes emotional and physical disease. We need to be re-tuned, recalibrated from the deepest level of our being - from the Source Field where our patterns remain intact, undisturbed and self-organizing. The lost soul has been found, retrieved, and revitalized. Many report that even nonlocal contact with dragon kin spontaneously reawakens a new energy or level of vitality in themselves. Such spontaneous phenomena can be called "KINdling."
Souls seek their spiritual connection with self -- gnosis -- higher consciousness. We seek to return to our primordial roots and our celestial heights. But what does that mean? Return to do what? Save the wounded souls from what? Lead them where? The wounds of the 3-D experience give way to balance and movement to higher levels of consciousness. It is about letting go of the ties that bind you to the emotions of the physical realms and the rebirth of your soul/consciousness in higher being and light - higher frequencies of thought and understanding.
We are aware of our dysfunctions and need healing to create balance. Our emotions range from love to the pain inflicted by the wounds we and those around us create. It is in truth all about growth and experience which is why we often feel abandoned by our god-figure who allows us to suffer. We spend much of our time healing our wounds. We come to metaphysics or drugs for answers we cannot find in the world - for our souls know the physical is not the whole truth.
Those healed become the healers...but it is a continuous process of healing, in which consciousness is being awakened. The 'wounds' of many lifetimes need to heal. This is the spiritual pulse.
According to many indigenous cultures, imbalance or illness is caused by 'soul loss'. Recurring dreams of childhood locales and dream encounters with younger versions of ourselves may indicate time is ripe for a soul retrieval. Such soul retrieval refers to a psychological healing process that begins at the spiritual level. The Greek word for soul is "psyche," the root of our word "psychology." The Greeks say that soul is not the same as spirit; their word for spirit is "pneuma."
We need to 're-vision' soul retrieval by viewing it not only as a reintegration of the personality, but also as an affirmation of polytheistic soul that is at the heart of the "I-Thou" of human and Cosmic life. If soul is both one and many, then the centripetal re-connection to multiple soul compensates the centrifugal re-collection of an original unity of soul. Just as shamans, through initiation death-rebirth must heal themselves, so we transcend the "dis-ease" of imbalance and conflict by becoming consciously centred in the Self rather than in the one-sided ego. This action frees up our genetic predisposition for transcendence.
Shamans describe the soul as the essential self that is unique and can't be replaced by anyone else's soul nor by spiritual energy. But dragons do have a latent capacity to kindle spontaneous healing and genetic memory in one another. Shamanic practitioners journey to retrieve lost soul parts, bringing back their essence. Shamans look at the spiritual form of illness which might manifest on an emotional or physical level, preventing remembrance of one's essential nature. Healing is a form of creativity.
True healing also means reconnecting the the World Soul -- Anima Mundi. Individuation does not shut one out from the world but gathers the world to oneself. So, soul-making gathers the individual to all-pervasive soul, anima mundi expanding into the even more inclusive sphere of unus mundus. In this interweaving waltz, through the Dionysian explosion of the isolated ego, soul's diffusive movement outward meets soul's infusive movement from outer to inner. The two merge in an imaginal Cosmos, whose Centre, as all shamans know (through imaginal 'gnosis'), is everywhere.
If "soul" refers also to an anima mundi, a world soul, then as alchemists such as Paracelsus stated, the soul in one sense lies beyond the individual and belongs to a mode of reality beyond our control. In the Neoplatonic Fourth Ennead, Plotinus discusses whether all individuals are one soul, while the merging of individual and universal Tao is, as the alchemist Gerhard Dorn noted, the third degree of the alchemical coniunctio, the most mature phase of individuation as the realization of one's communion with an original unitary reality, what Jung describes as 'the eternal Ground of all empirical being'. As a mode of consciousness, such re-collection is grounded in the intuition of a centred sphere of soul, a microcosm which through the alchemical dictum "As Above, so Below", mirrors the outer macrocosm of Cosmos.
In variants of soul retrieval such as Carlos Castaneda's recapitulation technique, fragments of soul are sought solely within the memories of the retriever, making them largely psychoanalytical in nature; in others, the scope extends to rehabilitation of lost souls of the deceased, paralleling the Roman Catholic practice of offering prayer for the dead to assist their progress through purgatory. Robert Monroe explored the concept of retrieval extensively through use of out-of-body and astral projection techniques, sometimes finding the personalities perceived suggestive of prior incarnations of oneself as well as ancestral and phylogenetic memories.
KINdling Bioenergy
KINdling takes place in the infolded (negative) time dimension of virtual photon flux (hyperspace), or zero-point. The effect of coherent time collection is 'kindling', and orthorotation of one type of field into another. The collection of de Broglie waves is moving much faster than light (supraliminal). And for very slow-moving objects, the collected and projected bioenergy on their deBroglie waves is moving at essentially infinite velocity. Thought energy can be turned into electromagnetic energy by 'kindling' and can even be materialized if 'kindling' is of sufficient intensity.
Actually the mechanism is simple. In the minute electrical currents that run through the nervous system, across the cell membranes, through the fibrous content of the cells, and through the cell water structures, virtual state thought energy is continually 'kindled' into weak electrical patterns which modulate, shape, and affect all the vital processes of the body. Almost all this 'kindled' thought energy is from the content of the unconscious mind. Thus the locked-in contents of our un-conscious minds eventually directly affect and change our bodies for either good or bad, depending on the particular content being kindled. The entire body-mind is our Memory.
Even the best Faraday cages cannot shield out bioenergy communication, because every mass communicates with every other mass in the total Universe with hyperspatial/virtual cross-talk between all parts and all masses. Each photon contains all possibilities and virtual states modulated upon itself. As time passes, the virtual photons are more-and-more psychotronically modulated by the 'kindling' effect. Eventually the collection breaches orthoframe thresholds and reaches the electromagnetic field frame, changing the electromagnetic field.
The virtual state can be collated and collected to sufficient magnitude to breach the quantum threshold and induce ordinary observable physical change. Moreover, the entire record of the Earth is still in the earth in all its detail. As indeed is the record of each star and its planets, riding on the light that reaches us from that star, and on the deBroglie waves from it. With operational biodetectors, we could easily read the records of the Universe. It is in the virtual state riding in each photon. To a psychic who can see the human aura easily, the condition and much of the record of the person is in that aura, because the auric pattern is changed by all experience of the body, mind, and personality.
These modulations are simply coherently collected to breach the threshold of the virtual (3rd) orthoframe, passing into the 2nd orthoframe, then breaching the threshold of that frame, and passing into the 1st orthoframe, which is the frame of the electromagnetic field. The electric field is coupled by the dual closure mechanism to the gravitational field and also to the mass. The entire mechanism constitutes the coupling of the virtual state reality to observable state reality, and the electromagnetic field plays a prominent part in this coupling. Psychotronics is nothing but the extrapolation of this mechanism and the formulation of a theory to allow the construction of practical devices based upon it. Put simply, psychotronics is virtual state engineering.
Internal dynamic collector mechanisms of the chosen object perform collection and 'kindling' of the virtual state. Thus each mechanism is slowly changed by the influence of other objects in the universe. This is very like the diffusion of heat. The chosen object also communicates part of the influx away, normally reaching an equilibrium with its surroundings when these surroundings are stable. As the surroundings change, appropriate changes are communicated into the internal collector mechanisms of the chosen object, and appropriately diffused away to other parts of the Universe until equilibrium is again reached that occur. It is thus a very exact record of its surrounding events.
The deBroglie wave carrier alone will simply take the bioenergy right through any known substance. More precisely, it will take the bioenergy around the 3-space in which the barrier substance exists, since deBroglie waves are actually superluminal particles in a 3-space more than one orthogonal turn away from the observer's 3-space. (Bearden)
Brain Kindling
In 1969, G.V. Goddard and his associates reported a peculiar kindling effect generated by repeated, periodic, low-intensity stimulation of the limbic region of mammalian brains. A sustained periodic signal input to the brain and central nervous system eventually sets up a cumulative resonance which increases in magnitude until the entire organism is in sympathetic resonance.
Whether in a positive or negative drection, kindling is a relatively permanent state of heightened susceptibility (Gilbert, 1994). Kindling effects result from neuroplasticity, the ability of groupings of neurons to change and realign themselves in response to repeated exposure to stimuli.
A laboratory rat at first continues to explore its environment in a normal manner when it is subjected to kindling. But after repeated stimulation at the same intensity, the rat will begin to rear up and its forelimbs will convulse. Eventually these bursts of electrical activity induce similar patterns in nearby brain regions, and the threshold becomes progressively lowered. Stimulation progresses to the amygdala, to the amygdala on the other side of the brain, to the hippocampus, to the occipital cortex, and finally to the frontal cortex. Kindling can start only in the limbic structures.
While KINdling was originally thought to be a model of epilepsy, John Gaito of York University has reported that a different mechanism is apparently involved since the amino acid, taurine, which suppresses epileptic seizures in laboratory animals, does not prevent phenomena caused by kindling. Also, kindling apparently causes permanent changes in the neural circuitry. Pulsed repetitions of telepathic senders have also been shown to increase the reception of telepathic messages. Thus the kindling effect apparently applies to the paranormal channel as well as to more orthodox transmission channels. (For further details, see "Kindling, once epilepsy model, may relate to kundalini," Brain/ Mind Bulletin, Vol. 2, No.7, February 21, 1977; pp. 1-2.)
The KINdling mechanism is a far more general mechanism than epilepsy researchers have realized. Coherent time collection of bioenergy in one bioframe "kindles" toward the threshold of the next bioframe, which has a fixed threshold. When sufficient kindling occurs to reach the threshold, automatic orthogonal rotation of the kindled bioenergy occurs into the next frame. There it simply constitutes the kindling or superposition of the imperceivable subquantum state into the perceivable quantum state. This is the mechanism whereby one kind of field can be turned into another. E.g., thought energy (third biofield) can be kindled into second biofield (flux), which can be kindled into first biofield (electromagnetic energy), which can be kindled into zeroth biofield (matter). (Tom Bearden, Excalibur Briefing)
Kundalini KINdling
Some of the conditions for the initiation or KINdling of kundalini appear to be:
Hyperactivation of the thyroid and parathyroids.
Hyperactivation of estrogen and testosterone (plus metabolities of T. eg: Estradiol).
Hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system (adrenaline, norepinephrine).
Hyperactivation of the stress hormones (corticosteroids eg: cortisol, DHEA) Hyperactivation of opiate systems (endorphins, enkephalins, anandamide, phenylethylamine).
Repetitive or overwhelming circumstances and conditions create cumulative resonance that increases in magnitude until the entire organism is in sympathetic resonance. The barriers to unity are penetrated so to speak. The increased charge and particular frequency of neural firing opens up unique neural thresholds in crucial parts of the brain. As the contagion of kundalini builds it pulls all bodymind systems into its service. Kundalini awakenings are likely if hyper-arousal of the nervous system is kept going for several years and conditions of perpetual irritation to the brain neurons occurs. The particular blend of hormones and neurotransmitters reduces the threshold by which kundalini passes through the body. Like a river of fire, kundalini forges its own effluent cascade through the nerve tributaries and sustains itself through the changes it induces. In recent years there has been some attempt to correlate the phenomena of kindling with kundalini.
Kindling in epilepsy was first discovered accidentally by researcher Graham Goddard in 1967. He found that a sustained, periodic, low-intensity stimulation of the limbic region of mammalian brains eventually sets up a cumulative resonance which increases in magnitude until the entire organism is in sympathetic resonance. Eventually these bursts of electrical activity induce similar patterns in nearby brain regions, and the seizure threshold progressively lowered. While normally the electrical stimulation he used was too low to cause any type of convulsing, he discovered that repeated exposure of brain areas to small electric shocks seem to make subsequent episodes of spontaneous seizure-like electrical events more likely to occur. After repeated stimulation at the same intensity, their brains had become sensitized to electricity, and even months later the subject would convulse when stimulated.
The name KINdling was chosen because the process was likened to a log fire. While the log itself is very hard to set afire in the first place, when surrounded by smaller, pieces of wood, kindling, soon the log itself will catch fire. There is evidence that the more mood episodes a person has, the harder it is to treat each subsequent episode..." thus taking the kindling analogy one step further: that a fire which has spread is harder to put out.
The kindling sensitization hypothesis suggests that initial seizure episodes make it more likely that future seizure and depressive episodes will occur. Spontaneous kindling is more likely if there has been early damage to the brain through chemical exposure, childhood sexual or emotional abuse, or if one has inherited a sensitive nervous system. If reared in an abnormal, deprived, stressful and socially isolated environment, the limbic system neurons will atrophy and the septal nuclei, amygdala and hippocampus may develop seizure-like activity, referred to as kindling.
Trauma affects our capacity for cortical control over the limbic system to regulate bodily homeostatsis. This includes unusual patterns of cortisol, norepinepherine, and dopamine metabolite excretion; the role of serotonergic and opioid systems (arousal and numbing); receptor modification by processes such as kindling; and involvement of central pathways involved in the integration of perception, memory and arousal.
Kindling can start only in the limbic brain where it progresses from the amygdala, then to the amygdala on the other side of the brain, to the hippocampus, to the occipital cortex, and finally to the frontal cortex. In fetal brain development the limbic or emotional brain predates the development of the cortex or "seat of intelligence". The brain's limbic system modulates emotions and memory organization systems, balance, gastrointestinal motility, the autonomic nervous system, and the auditory and visual integration of stimuli.
While kindling was originally thought to be a model of epilepsy, John Gaito of York University has reported that a different mechanism is apparently involved since the amino acid, taurine, which suppresses epileptic seizures in laboratory animals, does not prevent phenomena caused by kindling. Also, kindling apparently causes permanent changes in the neural circuitry.
Kundalini has elements similar to the kindling phenomena, and yet runs through a very complicated sequence of "events." The article: "Kindling, once epilepsy model, may relate to kundalini," Brain/ Mind Bulletin, Vol. 2, No.7, February 21, 1977; pp. 1-2.) reports on the convulsion-like phenomenon called kundalini. At the Max Planck Institute in Germany, subjects reported "electrical sensations, tingling, inner lights, even convulsions usually followed over a period of time by a moderation of 'symptoms' and apparent alterations in the central nervous system." This article says that the kundalini phenomena typically occurs after a period of meditation in a setting that is non-threatening. This report suggests that while meditating, the individual tries to arrest all thought or cortical activity, thus allowing the evolutionary more primitive areas of the brain to assert itself. The Kindling Model is one of the current interpretations of PTSD. The scientists concluded that those who experienced the kundalini phenomenon were actually reexperiencing primal pain laid down before the brain has completely developed (Toxic Mind Theory).